Saturday, June 17, 2017



Genesis 2:19

And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
Did you know that a spiral staircase is not really a spiral? The width of the loops in a spiral staircase does not change, but the structure winds upwards or downwards. The correct name for this shape is a helix.

You might be familiar with the word helix, as the word that describes the shape of a molecule of DNA. In fact, a DNA molecule is a double helix. The two helices, made of sugars and phosphates, are joined by bases. There are four bases that can be used, often referred to by their initial letters: A, G, C and T. Between the helices, A always bonds with T, and C with G. The order of these four bases determines what that portion of the DNA molecule is for. In fact, these bases act as if they were a 4-letter alphabet. The information spelled out by these letters can be “photocopied”. In order to replicate, the two strands of the DNA molecule separate. So, where there was an A joined to a T, these will now be separate. As new strands are formed to join these original 2 strands, the unbonded A can only join with another T, and the unbonded T with another A. The same happens with a C-G bond. Thus, the new double-helices formed have exactly the same information as the old.

Much more can and will be said about this information. However, it defies logic that such a system could arise from simple molecules by chance, in a manner which we know is thermodynamically impossible. The Bible makes clear that God is the source and the sustainer of such systems.

Thank you, Father, that we see Your hand, even in the information held in our cells, at molecular level. You have done all things well, and we praise Your name. Amen.

Proverbs 9:10

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
In the year 2000, a German scientist called Dr. Werner Gitt, wrote a book called In the Beginning Was Information. In this book, Gitt introduced the reader to the sophistication of Information Science. Gitt says that information consists of five levels, of increasing complexity. Evolutionary biologists assume that information can arise by itself from statistical accumulation. This leads to the popular notion that, if enough letters were randomly generated, one could eventually get a sequence which included Hamlet�s Soliloquy. But these Statistics, says Gitt, are simply the lowest level of information. Writers of blogs used to like to produce word-clouds for their blogs. A word cloud lists the words they have used, and the size of the font of each word gave an indication of how frequently the word had been used. I once produced a word cloud of one of my books. It yielded interesting information, but it could not replace the book as a source of all the information contained therein. In addition to the low level statistics, we find: 2. Syntax (why is c-a-t a word, but not x-m-w?) 3. Semantics � the possible meanings of each word 4. Pragmatics � how the information is received by the sender and 5. Apobetics � the purpose behind the information. Gitt shows that DNA contains all five levels, and he concludes that it is simply not possible for the information in DNA to have arisen by chance.

The Bible says that �the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom�. This is not merely a pious sounding phrase. The source of all wisdom and knowledge can only be God.

How great are Your words, O Lord! Thank You for the depth of knowledge and information that we see, even in these amazing DNA molecules. As the psalmist prayed, truly Your ways are deep. Amen.

Gitt, W. (2006, 2nd Edition), In the Beginning Was Information, (Green Forest, AR: Master Books)
Image: Word cloud generated from the author�s book �Only Believe�, copyright to author

Romans 1:22

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools�
Michael Ruse famously told Ben Stein that complex lifeforms could have begun as �molecules on the backs of crystals�. The reason for his comments was that Stein was questioning Ruse on how the information in life could have arisen by chance. The conceit offered is that crystals show a remarkable regularity, which can be reproduced. New crystals will have molecules in the same arrangement as a previous crystal. Therefore, it is said, the regularity of information in a DNA crystal could have arisen in the same way.

However, this is not a comparison of like with like. The shape of a crystal is determined by the arrangement of the atoms or molecules within the solid structure. DNA is not like this. The four bases, which link the strands of DNA, act in a manner similar to letters. Their arrangement can be considerably different, causing different information to be carried. The information thus carried is not dependent on the necessary and inevitable arrangement of molecules within the DNA structure. The idea of the regularity of crystals giving rise to the information in DNA is a popular misconception, fostered by scientists, who do not want to face up to the inevitability of the application of information science to DNA; that the information in DNA could not have arisen by chance, but had to have been put there by a higher intelligence.

That intelligent designer is not just any designer. The information in DNA was put there by God, who is the true designer, and whose attributes are revealed in the Bible.

Father God, thank You that You are the source of all life and breath. Thank You that this creation is sustained by Your wisdom and power. Amen.

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (DVD: 2008), Ben Stein


Ephesians 5:6a

Let no man deceive you with vain words�
In Shakespeare�s Hamlet, there is a famous scene where Hamlet is talking to Polonius. Hamlet � for various reasons too complicated to go into now � is feigning madness. Polonius finds him reading a book, and asks �What do you read, my Lord?� Hamlet answers �Words, words, words.�

One can immediately see that Hamlet�s reply was technically correct. Of course, Hamlet was reading words. It is the words that we read that carry the information. But Hamlet knew this, and his answer is deliberately obscure. Polonius could hardly have supposed that Hamlet might have been reading something other than words. So Polonius follows up with another question. �What is the matter, my Lord?�

Now, at this point we might miss the humor of the reply. In Elizabethan English, Polonius�s question was intended to mean, �What is the subject matter of the book?� Hamlet deliberately misunderstands, and says �Between who?�, as if Polonius had been asking about an argument.

This form of deliberately understanding one use of a word, but choosing to interpret it as another, is called equivocation. Evolutionists use this form all the time. Even when they claim that small scale evolution is something that can be observed in the laboratory, they use equivocation. When asking for evidence of evolution, we are really asking to see how new genetic information has been created. But the evolutionist, knowing this is required, deliberately uses the word evolution in its alternative sense of mere change.

This creation ministry has evolved! But it has not created new genetic information. That is what the matter actually is.

Thank You, Lord, that Your word is eternal; that it stands firm in the Heavens. Amen.

Wm. Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 2 Scene 2
Image: First page, First folio of Shakespeare�s Hamlet, 1623, Folger�s Shakespeare Library, License: Creative Commons Share Alike 4.0 International

Proverbs 8:19

My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver.
Gold is a chemical element, with the symbol Au. It has an atomic mass of 197 and an atomic number of 79. It is a yellow-colored metal, highly malleable, ductile and lustrous. It is rare, and this makes it valuable. Throughout history, it has been used to represent wealth. There was a time when many of the world�s currencies were basically backed by an equivalent amount of gold. Chemically, gold is quite boring. It is difficult to corrode or react gold with anything. For that reason, gold exists in nature as a native metal, rather than being combined with other elements in an ore. Many of us probably have an image in our heads of prospectors panning for gold in mountain streams, looking for the tiny, tell-tale nuggets of the pure, shiny metal. Gold is so unreactive that most common mineral acids will not touch it. However, gold will react with hydrofluoric acid, dissolving away in the process.

In the Bible, gold represents wealth, as well as incorruptibility. Gold is first mentioned in Genesis 2, where the land downstream from Eden, along the Pishon River, was said to contain gold that was good. Gold also existed in Eden itself, as recorded in Ezekiel 28:13.

Yet, the Bible makes clear that even gold is perishable, and that our salvation is worth far more than even gold. Peter writes: �Know that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.� (1 Peter 1:18-19)

We know, Lord God, that our salvation is the most precious thing to us. Indeed, it is more precious than gold or silver. Nothing that we have compares with You. Amen.

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