Friday, October 31, 2014



Job 38:4

"Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding."
A new revolutionary design in metal-cutting blades has been added to the metal-working industry. In use, the new blade is fixed in one position while the metal to be shaped spins on a lathe. This new blade stays sharp six times longer than the old blade design. When cutting titanium, the old-style cutting blades become dull almost the second they are used, but the new blades last up to 30 minutes. This wonderful new blade was developed by two engineers who got the original idea from a rat.

You see, rats' teeth always have a sharp edge. Engineers learned that this is because the teeth are hard on one side and soft on the other. So as they wear, they always keep a sharp edge. Applied to metal-cutting technology, this principle has lowered costs and increased productivity because cutting blades don't have to be changed as often.

Beginning in Job 38, God humbles Job with several chapters of questions about the wise designs found in the animal kingdom. God's message is, "Job, if you think you're so smart, who created all this with such wisdom?"

Even the teeth of the rat are created with such wisdom, and once we learned the principle, our technology was improved. In light of this, how can the claim be made that there is no Creator?

Dear Father, help me not to think that I am wiser or smarter than I really am. Help me to seek Your wisdom and knowledge in Your Word, which is as high as heaven and as real as the creation. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: Common brown rat.

Job 36:5

"Behold, God is mighty, and despiseth not any: he is mighty in strength and wisdom."
The shark seems to have been designed for one purpose and one purpose only - to eat!

Up to two-thirds of the shark's brain is devoted to its excellent sense of smell that enables it to find food. In its mouth are many rows of sharp teeth, and when one set wears out, another set behind it moves forward as if on a conveyor belt. And speaking of teeth, did you know that sharks are literally covered with thousands, if not millions, of teeth? That's right - sharks don't have scales or a leathery hide. Called dermal denticles, these are true teeth that are covered with dentine and have a central pulp canal. Meshed closely together as they are, they provide the shark with a strong armor.

The shark's stomach is very large and has an unusual spiral valve so that more nutrients can be absorbed in less space. But more remarkable is that they seem to be able to eat anything. The contents of one large shark's stomach included three overcoats, a raincoat, a driver's license, one cow's hoof, deer antlers, twelve lobsters, and a chicken coop with feathers and bones inside!

The awesome shark stands as another example of God's limitless creativity. Nevertheless, it is certainly a fearsome creature, and I, for one, am glad that God did not create us to live in the same environment.

Dear Father, there are indeed many dangers to us in the creation; they often distract me from seeing that You are in charge and can do anything. Renew my vision and my faith. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: Teeth of tiger sharks are serrated to saw through flesh. Courtesy of Stefan Kühn. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Daniel 2:22

"He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him."
Fungus grows in the dirt virtually all over the world. After millions of dollars of research on the fungus, looking for a usable drug, medical researchers were ordered to stop their research. But one scientist disobeyed orders. And the result is the most important miracle drug since the discovery of antibiotics!

When Jean-Francois Borel, who describes himself as a "mouse doctor," refused to give up research on a white fungus first identified in soil samples from above the Arctic Circle, organ transplant surgery had virtually stopped. Organs could be transplanted, but the body's rejection of the organ killed over half of all transplant patients within a year of the transplant. Dr. Borel's continuing research led to the discovery of cyclosporine, a chemical which prevents the immune system from rejecting transplanted organs. There are now over 150,000 people living with transplants because of Dr. Borel's discovery. Yet, scientists are still not sure how the cyclosporine works.

Fungus might seem like an odd place to look for wonder drugs. But drug companies have learned that microorganisms in soil produce a wide range of medically interesting chemicals. Each year they test some 30,000 samples to see whether a miracle drug might be hidden in one of them.

So although many scientists say they believe there is no purpose or mind behind nature, they regularly look for purpose in the creation.

Dear Lord, as man searches out the benefits offered by the things You have created, do not allow us to lose sight of our greatest need - a relationship with You. This cannot be found in nature, but only in Your Son, Jesus Christ. In His Name. Amen.

Photo: Bracket fungi on a tree stump. Courtesy of André Lage Freitas. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Psalm 19:9-10

"The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb."
A recent study involved sticking little numbered tags on the backs of seven thousand living honeybees. The purpose was the age-old question of what determines our behavior: nature or nurture? genes or environment? The honeybees were used to see if their occupation in the hive was based upon what their father did. That is, was it genetic inheritance? Typically, the queen bee mates with over a dozen males before settling down to a year or two of continuous egg-laying. In one study, the queen was allowed to mate only with a "guard bee" and an "undertaker bee," whose job is to dispose of dead bees in the hive.

It was found that the young bee is likely to take up its father's occupation 80 percent of the time. This means that much of the complex social structure of the beehive is passed on in the genes. But the study also left evolutionary scientists with a mystery. There is a wide genetic variation within the normal beehive, so if the whole arrangement evolved, the very cooperative and complex society actually found would not be expected.

The answer is, of course, that when something is clearly so intricately designed there must be a Designer. Some have even admitted that their main objection to believing in creation is that they would have to accept the fact that there is a Creator.

Dear Lord, I pray that I shall never desire to evade You, either by denying my need for Your forgiveness, by denying my sin, or by denying Your work of creation. For Jesus' sake. Amen.

Photo: Honeybee. Courtesy of Muhammad Mahdi Karim. Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2.

Matthew 6:28

"And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:"
When a flower lives in harmony with and is dependent upon, say, an insect for fertilization, this is known as symbiosis. Creation Moments programs have given many examples of this, and each one defies the notion that these relationships could have developed by chance over very long times. We have another example today.

Chicory spaces out the opening of its flowers through the summer on a precisely timed schedule that is in perfect harmony with its pollinators. Early in the season, chicory flowers nearest the bottom of the flower stalk open first and, as they are pollinated, they close, and the next flower up the stem opens and so on. There is a remarkable efficiency to this, but there is more: The flowers usually open only in the cool morning hours, not only to protect the delicate flower from the heat of the sun but also because this is the time the pollinating insects are about. Other flowering plants open their flowers only at night and tend to have white flowers so that they are easily seen in the dark. These are the flowers that are pollinated by night-flying moths.

Such coordinated inter-relationships between the plant and the animal kingdoms could not have developed through accidental situations. They provide more evidence that the wise Creator designed these and all creatures within their relationships from the very beginning!

Dear Lord, in Your design of the creation, You have seen to the needs of all living things. Take from me a mind that thinks that I must do for myself what You will do for me, and replace it with faith in Your promises. Amen.

Photo: Common chicory. Courtesy of Alvesgaspar. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
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Saturday, October 25, 2014



Psalm 139:14

"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."
One of the greatest questions in biology asks how a single fertilized cell divides into many different cells - some become liver cells, skin cells, brain cells, and bone cells. This is the ultimate way of asking the question, "Where do babies come from?"

Human growth factor - a chemical produced by our body - is being studied to see if it is responsible for the development of all those different cells from a single cell. However, this is only one of thirty known chemicals that influence the development of new cells. Another powerful chemical - called GM-CSF for short - has now been synthesized as a drug and stimulates the development of white blood cells in the bone marrow. This drug has saved otherwise doomed patients who have lost virtually all of their bone marrow by exposure to radiation. Nerve growth factor is another being studied as a possible treatment for Alzheimer's disease and for use in re-attaching limbs.

Do you notice where all of these incredible chemicals come from? They don't come from laboratories staffed with the best brains in science. They are produced by our bodies. Science should stand in awe at the evident wisdom behind those chemical structures and the way they work. And that's one of the best arguments that we were created by a wise and powerful Creator, not by mindless chemical accidents!

Dear Lord, I am truly fearfully and wonderfully made. I ask that You would guide medical researchers so that they may learn how to use the substances You have created for the earthly betterment of our condition and that You would be glorified through this. Amen.

Photo: Human Nerve Growth Factor. Courtesy of A2-33. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Genesis 6:19

"And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."
One of our Creation Moments listeners has written to ask how evolutionists explain the development of male and female. The problem is, if a mutation produced the first male, it isn't likely that another mutation would have produced the first female at the same time and in the same neighborhood. The writer further pointed out that studies now show that with the current genetic errors we all carry within us, one male and one female would not be enough to establish a new population of male and female creatures.

The question is important. Evolutionists have admitted that their theory does not have a satisfactory explanation for how male and female could have developed. One evolutionist even noted that because evolutionists have no credible explanation, most textbooks simply ignore the question as obvious as it is.

But evolutionists also point out that the problems in explaining the origins of male and female are even greater than those already mentioned. They now admit that their studies show that if creatures progress by evolution, creatures who reproduce sexually would be at a disadvantage. Even worse, sexual reproduction is, as one evolutionist put it, designed to weed out the very genetic variations that supposedly cause evolution!

It is difficult to understand, then, how anyone could say that evolution offers a better explanation of life than the Bible's creation account.

Dear Father, I thank You that in Your wisdom You have made us male and female and that You have done so in a way which confounds man's rebellious wisdom. Help this fact be a witness to Your glory. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: Yeast cells reproduce asexually. Courtesy of Rainis Venta. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Psalm 148:7

"Praise the LORD from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps:"
Sharks have larger and more complex brains than fish. In fact, in learning tests they score about as well as rabbits. That won't get them into college, but it does show that they are not some prehistoric left-over of evolution.

While most of the shark's brain is devoted to the sense of smell, the shark has sensors just beneath its skin to detect low-frequency vibrations. They also have pits near their head that detect the electrical fields given off by other living things and may help them navigate.

Perhaps the most amazing feature of shark intelligence is that they are socially complex creatures that communicate with each other through a language of body signals. So far, researchers have learned what seven of these signals mean. For example, as sharks circle in a school, the larger and more dominant sharks move toward the center one by one, using a number of body signals to direct other less dominant sharks to move to the outside of the circle. Male hammerheads show submission to other hammerheads by shaking their heads.

Because intelligence and ability are gifts of the Creator, they are often found in abundance in creatures that evolution says are simple or less-evolved creatures. This contrary fact tells us that the Bible's description of the creation in which we live is more accurate than speculations by man.

Dear Lord, You are truly Lord of all the creation, having made nothing of which You are ashamed. Help me to have this same attitude toward all of Your creation. Amen.

Photo: Hammerhead shark. Courtesy of Suneko. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Proverbs 3:11-12

"My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth."
It sounds like science fiction to suggest that if someone typed your name into a computer and misspelled it, the computer would find and correct it. This would need a very sophisticated software program.

But did you know there is an even more sophisticated information storage and transmission system in each of your cells - your genetic code? Not only does your genetic code store far more information in a microscopic space than can our largest computers, it also has a built-in error correction system. Scientists have discovered a number of key enzymes within the cell that have just one job: find and correct errors in the genetic code. Those errors can creep into the code because of radiation, certain chemicals, or other outside forces. The enzymes faithfully correct any errors, preventing mutations - the same mutations that scientists thought could cause evolution. One expert on enzymes has stated that science has no explanation for how such sophistication could have evolved. Neither is there any explanation for how life could have continued without this genetic proof-reading and correction capability.

Only our Creator could have been wise enough to design an information system that can correct its own errors. Even we human beings have not figured out how to do this with our much simpler computers. Certainly, blind chance could never do what the best of human intelligence can do!

Dear Father, just as You have designed a chemical system to remedy errors in our genetics, Your plan of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ's atoning work gives the full remedy for sin, including a new life. Grant me Your Holy Spirit so that I may be enabled to better live that new life You give me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: Chart showing the relationship between codons and amino acids. Courtesy of Seth Miller.

Psalm 147:5

"Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite."
Just imagine a scientist going to the supermarket where he picks up a banana, an antenna from a blue crab, and a whisker from a catfish. He takes these back to his lab, hooks them together and connects the whole thing to his computer. He calls it a "bananatrode" and uses it to detect chemicals from the human body called dopamine.

While scientists don't actually do that, the scene is not so far-fetched. The crab antenna can detect tiny traces of amino acids in salt water. You see, crabs find their lunch by sensing and tracing down amino acids in the water. The catfish whisker can detect equally small amounts of amino acids in fresh water, and they both can do so extremely quickly. Scientists know that these natural sensors work much faster and are more sensitive than man's rather cumbersome methods of laboratory analysis. For that reason, they are being seriously studied for human medical use. One such application is a glucose sensor for an artificial pancreas. Oh, and the banana? That was for the scientist's lunch.

It is amazing to consider that while the crab and the catfish are pretty low on the evolutionary ladder, they have these wonderful abilities not even matched by twenty-first century technology. Surely, this is more reasonably evidence of superb design in the beginning by our Creator.

Dear Father in heaven, You have filled Your creation with wonderful miracles of design so that men would seek You Who made them all. Preserve me from the pagan sin of putting the creation over You, the Creator. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: Crab. Courtesy of Hans Hillewaert. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
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Saturday, October 18, 2014

creation moments: 10.17.14


Genesis 1:21

"And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good."
Beautiful feathers worn by birds are a gift of the Creator, but it takes a lot of work on the part of the birds to keep their feathers beautiful. Nevertheless, the Lord has provided birds with ways to keep their feathers healthy and beautiful.

We have all seen birds preening and, while this may look a bit vain, they are really going about a very serious business. For example, birds of the heron family accumulate a coating of pond-slime on their feathers. To clean this, they have three patches of special feathers that break down into a kind of powder. These birds apply the powder to their feathers and, after the slime has been absorbed, they comb it out, using a special toe shaped like a comb. Many birds have an oil gland near their tail and oil their feathers after cleaning to waterproof them.

Most birds pick up parasites, and they work at getting rid of them. For example, some will sit near an ant nest to let the ants release their formic acid that drives off mites and other pests.

God has not only provided birds with beautiful feathers, He has also given them everything they require to keep their feathers beautiful and healthy. Doesn't it seem reasonable that He will also provide for us when we sincerely lay our concerns before Him?

Dear Father in heaven, help me to know that You have provided for all my needs. Help me to trust You more completely for everything. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: Tricolored heron. Courtesy of Chris Harshaw. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Job 12:7-8

"But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee: Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee."
There are over 350 species of shark. These remarkable creatures range from about the size of a shrimp to the whale shark that can be over 60 feet long. Most people view sharks as an ancient form of primitive fish, often because they are popularly presented to the public as a so-called "living fossil."

The truth is, sharks are not primitive or simple. In fact, scientists who classify living things are uncomfortable classifying sharks as fish, preferring instead to call them "fish-like vertebrates." Unlike all other fish, the shark has no skeleton. In fact, the shark's skin serves as the anchor for its muscles just as bones serve for anchors in other animals. Unlike fish, sharks have no gill coverings and even have a placenta very much like mammals!

Sharks are also much more complex than fish. They have sophisticated sense organs, their brains are much larger compared to body weight than fish, and they can learn a route through a maze as well as laboratory rabbits. Sharks are also socially complex, and they communicate with each other in a variety of ways.

Among the many kinds of creatures God has created using His unlimited imagination, it appears that He followed some similar themes in each kind. This offers us a better principle than does evolution for classifying living things, which arranges them from simple to complex.

Dear Father, I stand in awe at the ways in which Your unbridled creative imagination is expressed in the living world. Help me to be a better witness of this fact to the world around me, which is taken with the imaginations of its own heart. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: Grey reef shark. Courtesy of Fbattail. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Psalm 104:27-28

"These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season. That thou givest them they gather: thou openest thine hand, they are filled with good."
Popular science magazines and school textbooks have, for more than a century now, repeated the theme that mankind evolved from the animal kingdom. Have you ever stopped to think what this means?

Those of us who live where the winters are very cold know fully well that human beings could not survive outside as the animals do. We need the protection of clothes and shelter, but the Creator has provided for the winter needs of the animal kingdom. Dogs for example, if living outside, develop a thicker coat in winter. Does human body hair become thicker under cold conditions? Not at all.

Many animals store fat to carry them through the winter, and their metabolic rate slows down so that they require less food. The fat they store and their metabolism are carefully coordinated and are often very different even between males and females of the same species. The bottom line is that the animals survive the winter and finish up in the springtime looking sleek and trim. Just the reverse usually happens in the case of man. We tend to eat more in winter, and in springtime often have the waistline to show for it!

If human beings had evolved from the animals, we would expect a much greater similarity between how animals and humans cope with winter. No, human beings never have been part of the animal kingdom.

Dear Father, You care and provide for all Your creatures. Grant seasonable weather this winter for the good of the Earth and all living things as well as for the productivity of the soil next growing season. Amen.

Photo: Polar bear. Courtesy of Christopher Holden. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

Genesis 1:28

"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."
Intelligence - as much as is needed and no more - is widely found throughout God's creation. So intelligence alone is not what makes man special.

Consider the weaverbird. The nest of the weaverbird is woven of strips of fiber and grass. Using beak and feet, the male uses loops and knots to weave its hanging nest. Then, the nest is inspected by a prospective mate. If she doesn't like the nest's construction, she turns down the hopeful male. The male then rebuilds the entire nest. Some males have been seen re-building their nest two dozen times before being accepted by a prospective mate. Certain weaverbirds actually build cities of nests protected by a woven roof. One roof was 15 feet across! Now, all this requires a certain level of intelligence.

So it is not intelligence that sets man apart from the animal kingdom. No, it is the fact that our Creator made us to have a special relationship with Him. Even though we are a pretty bad lot, God loved mankind so much that He chose to die as Jesus on the cross that we may be forgiven. Anyone who has accepted Christ in faith has the promise of being made a new creation, beginning right here in this life and into eternal life in the next! That's the wide gulf between man and animal!

Dear Father, I thank You that You have given me being and life, and that when I was lost in sin, You still sought me out with Your gospel. Help me to truly live as Your new creation in Christ. For His sake. Amen.

Photo: Weaverbird and its nest in northern India. Courtesy of Ashish Aitian. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Genesis 1:29

"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."
It has been written against, outlawed, and is the original "food of the gods." Modern science is finding that chocolate seems to offer some positive health benefits.

When Cortéz and his soldiers came to the New World, Montezuma offered them his people's favorite hot chocolate. But Montezuma's people didn't add sugar to the chocolate. Instead, they added ground-up hot peppers. This was real hot chocolate! The Spanish thought it was terrible stuff. Luckily for chocolate lovers, they did take some of the beans back to Europe. There it dawned on someone to leave out the peppers and add sugar instead. By the eighteenth-century, chocolate houses had become so popular that brewers of alcoholic beverages demanded legal restrictions against chocolate because it was ruining their business.

Today, Americans eat an average of 10 pounds of chocolate per person per year. Chocolate also contains a mild anti-depressant as well as theobromine, a unique substance that perks you up and calms you down at the same time. And contrary to popular thought, chocolate is not addicting.

While chocolate may seem a trivial subject, it has given those who like it a lot of enjoyment. It is one of those gifts God has given us that makes life a little more enjoyable - but is totally unnecessary. And this offers us a lesson about His gracious thoughts toward man.

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, You made all that is. I thank You that You have made some things which we don't require, but which cause us to rejoice in Your generosity. Help me never to misuse Your good gifts. Amen.

Photo: A Mayan chief forbids a person to touch a jar of chocolate.
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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Did "Life on Earth" Ever "Favour Evolution Over Creationism"?

Did "Life on Earth" Ever "Favour Evolution Over Creationism"?

by Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell on October 6, 2014
    The Conversation recently proclaimed "Life on Earth still favours evolution over creationism." Despite worldwide "attack by creationists," the essay claims modern discoveries in "comparative genomics, homeobox genes, and transitional fossils" demonstrate Darwin had it right all along.
Before getting to specifics, let's consider how much unbiased, irrefutable information about the unobservable past we can glean from each of these areas of research. Here is the list:

This box contains a list of all the unbiased, irrefutable information about our unobservable, untestable origins that we can learn from "comparative genomics, homeobox genes, and transitional fossils." The box is empty because scientific examination of genes and fossils can only describe what is actually there, what is observable. It does not reveal any organism acquiring the information to evolve into another kind of more complex organism. The fossil record reveals the anatomy of many animals and plants but does not show them changing into new kinds of more complex ones. Only evolutionary imagination provides the "transitional" connections between the fossils.

Common Ancestor or Common Designer?

Through comparative genomics, we learn that living things-designed as they are to live in the same world dependent on the same basic resources-have many similar genes. Our wise common Designer, the Creator God, naturally has used many of the same anatomical structures, physiological processes, and biochemical pathways to meet the needs of various kinds of living things.
Genomes are only records of what exists or what has existed, not of how any organism evolved into another.
When evolutionists see similar genes in organisms they believe to not be closely related, they admire the wonders of convergent evolution. When evolutionists see similar genes in organisms they believe are closely related-like chimpanzees and humans-they claim evidence of common ancestry. They dub the differences "mutations," believing they are evolutionary footprints from their hypothetical common ancestor. Yet genomes are only records of what exists or what has existed, not of how any organism evolved into another.
The Conversation says, "Humans share 98.8% of their genes with chimpanzees." DNA similarities are what we expect from a Common Creator. However, this number is not only out of date but also deceptive. Since the original estimates of similarity, subsequent estimates have gotten notably smaller. Additionally, many differences are not quantifiable. Read more about the deceptive nature of these numbers and the enormity of the actual differences in Dr. David Dewitt's article "What about the Similarity Between Human and Chimp DNA?
Comparative genomics does reveal how much biodiversity can develop within each kind of living thing. Consider the varieties within the horse family, as we discussed in "Truth from Telegraph, the World's Newest Zonkey." The recently sequenced coffee genome may, as the various genes are linked to phenotypic traits, make it possible to engineer coffee plants with desired characteristics. Genomic analysis of Darwin's finches has shown that speciation and even un-speciation can occur rapidly. Scientific observation shows that animals and plants and people all reproduce and vary within their created kinds, as we infer from Genesis chapter one God created them to do.

Do Fossils or Even Genomes Climb the Evolutionary Tree?

The fossil record . . . does not demonstrate that any extinct apes evolved into humans.
This fossil record of "human evolution" contains a lot of fragments from extinct apes and a lot of fragments from extinct varieties of humans. But it does not demonstrate that any extinct apes evolved into humans. Neither does it demonstrate that ancient humans were less evolved than modern humans. Neither variation within an animal kind nor variation between humans is evidence of evolutionary "apes-to-us" transitions.
The effort to prove various extinct apes walked upright-fraught with difficulty since fossils are notoriously reluctant to walk-is strongly affected by observer bias. And even if an ape spent time walking around awkwardly on two legs, it would not thereby be able to acquire the genetic information to evolve into a new, more human-like creature.
Feel free to explore this website for more about some of the fossil evidence in the human evolutionary hall of fame. We have many articles about apes such as Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis), Karabo (Australopithecus sediba), Nutcracker man (Paranthropus boisei), and Taung Child (Australopithecus africanus). And we have many articles about humans such as Homo erectus, Neanderthals, Denisovans, Homo floresiensis, Homo heidelbergensis, and Homo antecessor. We even have articles about the difficulties of figuring out from extremely jumbled, diseased, and fragmentary bits of fossils just what or who bits of stony bones belonged to. There are, however, no articles on actual "ape-men" because not even a cute name can change an extinct ape into a human ancestor.
Apes-extinct and extant-are all variations descended from the kinds of apes God created about 6,000 years ago, the same day He created Adam and Eve, the parents of all human beings. And what about the genetics of those various humans? Well, of those for whom DNA has been recovered, it is clear these extinct varieties of humans like Neanderthals and Denisovans and fossilized people entombed in a Spanish cave are fully human.

Looking Back to Your Inner Whatever

Evolutionists believe they can trace all life backward by comparing fossils of living and extinct animals and even the genomes of living relatives of extinct animals. The essayist cites the genome of the lobe-finned coelacanth as evidence that terrestrial vertebrates evolved from its lobe-finned ancestors. But similar genes only illustrate that all vertebrates share a common Designer who provided them with certain common designs to meet some common needs. That's not proof of evolution. (You can read more about the coelacanth's genome in "Coelacanths: Evolutionists Still Fishing in Shallow Water.")
Furthermore, the essayist asserts that the fossil record backs up the evolutionary conclusions about our shared past with the coelacanth's ancestors. This is circular reasoning, for even the fossils do not show the transitions he claims, just various fish designed to function in their ecosystems. Learn more about this evolutionary rise from pool to school in Your Inner Fish, Your Inner Reptile, and Your Inner Monkey, Even the anatomy of fish raised on land remains altogether fishy in "Fish out of Water Said to Rise, Lift Up Their Heads, and Walk."

Common Complex Genetic Code

God has designed all living things with genetic information coded using the same genetic code. DNA is so complex that many of its secrets are only beginning to be discovered. Much of what used to be considered "junk DNA"-useless evolutionary leftovers-has actually, as biblical creationists have always suspected, been found to have a function. In fact, scientists have recently discovered that another so-called degenerate footprint of evolution in the genetic code is actually Genetic "Degeneracy" Goes the Way of "Junk" DNA.

Homeobox Hype

The essayist makes much of homeobox (hox) genes-the genes that regulate development of structures like limbs, fins, and wings. These are genetic switches. They regulate when and where other genes become active. God, the common Designer of all, has used similar and even identical switches in many living things to govern formation of embryonic legs, wings, or fins. Geneticists can even use hox genes of one species to switch on genes in another species with some interesting results. See, for instance, "Jurassic Spark? Hatching Dinosaurs from Chicken Eggs?," "Scientists Rewind Evolution With Unique Chicken Embryo," and "Developments in Fish Said to Show How Limbs Evolved."
Evolutionists suppose that these genetic switches helped evolution along by turning on the genetic information for one animal to evolve into another. (Consider, for instance, "Fish Fins Are Not Fingers That Failed.") However, switches can only switch on the information that is already there. Switches cannot produce the genetic information to become a new, more complex kind of animal.
These experiments do not demonstrate evolution, just the consistency of the genetic language used by God in the life He created. The switches themselves, and the way they interact with the properly orchestrated embryonic development of each kind of embryo, are an integral part of each kind of genome. The genome of an animal is not cobbled together like a Mister Potato Head toy.

Transitional Tales Take Flight

The essayist spends a great deal of virtual ink on the supposed transitions between dinosaurs and birds. Debate on this subject is always made murkier by the fact that we have no living dinosaurs or living birds like Archaeopteryx to study. Therefore, many assumptions must be made. If a scientist already believes there must be a trail of transitions, then fossils with similar features are lined up with their differences as evidence of the prescribed transition. If a scientist does not assume molecules-to-man evolution happened, the same fossils simply reveal biodiversity.
Even the definitions become muddled in the face of evolutionary biases. Thus, some fossilized extinct birds with mature flight feathers are called dinosaurs on the basis of subtle bony traits, when in reality if such a creature were sitting alive in front of us we would doubtless exclaim, "Look at the bird!"
Some evolutionary scientists really think outside the box, blazing new ground by putting feathers on dino-anything!
At the same time, the essayist claims, "There are now some eight families of theropod dinosaurs known to have possessed feathers of all kinds." Any fossil with fuzz or fibrils are called feathered, at least if evolutionary observers think it should have some. Some evolutionary scientists really think outside the box, blazing new ground by putting feathers on dino-anything! (See "Did All Dinosaurs Have Feathers?") But dinosaurs and birds are very different kinds of animals. Trying to make chickens walk like T. rex or pretend that alligators breathe like birds doesn't bridge the transitional chasm between these completely different sorts of creatures.

Going Terrestrial

The classic transitional tale of terrestrial vertebrates hinges on Tiktaalik, an extinct lobe-finned fish about which we have recently written much to dispel imaginative evolutionary musings. (Have a look at "Did Tiktaalik's Pelvis Prepare Fish to Walk on Land?")
Acanthostega joins the transitional parade because it had digits, but Acanthostega is simply an extinct amphibian with a mosaic of traits. Living animal mosaics are not considered transitional forms, but extinct ones conveniently are. Evolutionists do not generally consider Acanthostega to be an amphibian because its place in the fossil record violates their presupposition about when amphibians evolved. (It seems to be too early, which simply means it is too deep.) Furthermore, living amphibians routinely transition between water and land, but they remain the same kind of animal. These living transitions do not recapitulate evolutionary transitional history.
Evolutionists nevertheless look to the water not only to see how animals supposedly learned to walk on land but also to see how the face and jaw evolved. Whether trying to make the evolutionary leap to arthropods or vertebrates, none of the evolutionary missing links actually demonstrates any sort of evolutionary transition, just varieties of functional anatomical designs suited for the animals in question.

Cambrian Explosion

Cambrian and Ediacaran fossils are enigmatic for evolutionists because they represent the sudden appearance of countless complex life forms in the fossil record without the simpler older ancestral forms needed to explain their existence. Nevertheless, with evolutionary confidence the essayist writes, "Finding a mammal in the Cambrian Period or a dinosaur in the Devonian Period would instantly disprove evolution." But when we consider the Cambrian Explosion in light of the history of the Earth documented in God's Word, this statement sounds quite silly.
The fossil record testifies to the truth of the Genesis record.
The fossil layers above Pre-Cambrian rock are easily understood as sediment that was deposited in the early upheavals of the global Flood.1 As the "fountains of the great deep" (Genesis 7:11-24) opened, the first habitats to be destroyed would have been those undersea realms wherein the creatures we see entombed in Ediacaran and Cambrian rock were living. Subsequently, additional marine habitats were destroyed, and as destruction spread, sediment-bearing tsunami-like waves raked the land, water levels rose, and habitats into which land dwelling animals like dinosaurs would have been trying to escape were destroyed. The amazing preservation of soft tissue details and the tracks of animals deep in the fossil record attest to such rapid burial. The fossil record testifies to the truth of the Genesis record.

"Irrefutable" Message of Fossil Fuels

Finally, the essayist closes "The Conversation" by citing "irrefutable evidence for the reliability of evolution" in fossil fuel deposits. Yet coal, natural gas, and petroleum deposits are not testimonials to evolution. On the contrary, the presence of carbon-14 with its short 5,730-year half-life in coal, diamonds, and "ancient" fossils supposedly spanning over 500 million years is strong evidence against the supposed enormous timescale upon which evolutionists depend!
The Conversation claims "life on Earth still favours evolution" but in reality it never did, and it still doesn't. The observations of science continue to be consistent with the true history of life on Earth as recorded in the Word of God, the Creator of all that exists.



  1. The Bible records that the global Flood originated not just from rain but also from the opening of the "fountains of the great deep" (Genesis 7:11), an apparent reference to violent undersea activity. As the floodwaters rose catastrophically, habitats and ecosystems would have been engulfed. The first to be destroyed, churned, and dumped atop the "Precambrian" rock of the pre-Flood world would have been the seabeds, where upheavals would have suddenly buried countless undersea organisms. This sudden burial made the preservation of details on soft-bodied Ediacaran creatures like this one, and also the soft tissues in countless Cambrian creatures, possible. These fossils do not represent an explosion of evolutionary complexity but instead are a testimony to the fact that God created many kinds of complex animals in the beginning. Later, the global Flood catastrophically buried billions of organisms.
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Job 15:8

"Hast thou heard the secret of God? and dost thou restrain wisdom to thyself?"
Hydraulics are part of our everyday lives. Fluids - such as the brake fluid used in your car - cannot be compressed, so when you step on the brake pedal that fluid can be forced from a cylinder into the braking mechanisms attached to your wheels. All hydraulic machines work in a similar way because the fluid used will flow easily to areas where there is less pressure.

Our Creator made great use of hydraulic principles in many of His creations. We have rigid bones and use fluid to expand and contract our muscles to bend and then stretch our legs. But the spider, for example, does not have a rigid skeleton, so it uses muscles to bend its legs, then pumps fluid into its leg to straighten it out.

The North American Dwarf mistletoe builds up hydraulic pressure equal to that found in a truck tire in order to catapult its seeds out to a distance of almost 50 feet at a speed close to 60 miles per hour. The squirting cucumber found in the Mediterranean area uses the same principle to propel its seeds up to forty feet.

Unless you think that the brake system in your car came together by chance and natural forces, it doesn't make any sense to believe that spiders and other plants and animals came about without a Designer and Creator.

Dear Lord, I am constantly amazed at the technical excellence of Your creation. I ask that more scientists would also be amazed and draw the natural conclusion that You are God. From this realization, help them to be open to hearing what You have done for them and all of us through Your Son, Jesus Christ. In His Name. Amen.

Photo: American dwarf mistletoe. Courtesy of J Schmidt.

Joshua 10:10

"And the LORD discomfited them before Israel, and slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way that goeth up to Bethhoron, and smote them to Azekah, and unto Makkedah."
Modern criticism of the Bible began in the late 1700s and has continued to this day. The usual claim, often from Bible scholars, has been that the Bible is nothing more than error-filled human writings. Before serious excavation work had begun in the mid-1800s, scholars felt free to consider lack of evidence as proof that people, cities, and even whole nations mentioned in the Bible never existed. It didn't seem to matter to them that they had never even bothered to look for the evidence.

Soon, biblical archaeology started finding the evidences. And with each discovery, the critics' pronouncements about errors in the Bible began to crumble. One example is the biblical record of Joshua's leadership of Israel in occupying the promised land. Joshua 10:10-11 reports how Joshua defeated Hazor, burning the city to the ground. All this had been dismissed by the doubters, but then archaeologists found the ruins of Hazor. The ruins clearly showed destruction by an intense fire. The fire had been so hot that adobe had been baked lobster red, stones had been changed by the heat of the fire, and the ashes of the city were five feet deep!

Every claim that there is error in the Bible has been based upon lack of knowledge. Let's face it, no matter what the subject, including history, God has more knowledge than we do!

Dear heavenly Father, I thank You for Your Word which has been preserved for our instruction today. Guide me by Your Holy Spirit to make good use of Your Word in my daily life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: House of Pillars at Tel Hazor. Courtesy of ???? ????????. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

Genesis 9:4

"But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat."

While most would agree that our circulatory system is vital to life, many of us don't fully appreciate the almost miraculous workings of that system.

Your heart pumps about one-hundred thousand times every day. That means that your heart pumps the equivalent of 10 tons of blood every day or 80 million gallons in a lifetime. Your circulatory system brings that blood to every cell in your body through a capillary network that is so large that the combined capillaries of only four people, stretched end to end, would reach from the Earth to the moon!

But your circulatory system involves quality as well as quantity. The chemistry of your blood is monitored and adjusted to within incredibly fine limits to keep it in precise balance second by second, day by day, year in, year out. For example, the acidity of your blood is adjusted constantly to within one part in a hundred million.

Our circulation system cannot be simply "good enough"; it has to work perfectly. So if mindless evolution created us, it had to make the whole system perfect the first time. There is no room for millions of years or for a poorer circulation system to be improved by mutations. Here, the facts clearly support Scripture, strongly indicating that we were created in finished form - not developed slowly by trial and error.

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, You Who created blood and everything else took our human form and nature and shed Your blood on the cross for my salvation. Take my life and let it be one of continuous thanks to You. Amen.

Photo: Transmission electron microscope image of a capillary with a red blood cell within the pancreas. Courtesy of Louisa Howard.

Genesis 6:14-15

"Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits."
One of the common arguments used by skeptics against the biblical account of the Flood claims that Noah's Ark could not possibly have accommodated all the millions of species of animals.

The first problem with this argument lies in the word "species." Species is a modern human classification. Genesis says that Noah was sent "kinds." The biblical "kind" includes many species. For example, the dog kind includes: foxes, fennecs, wolves, jackals, colishé, and coyote as well as the domestic dog. All these can interbreed and have fertile offspring, meaning that they were originally one mating pair. This applies to all species and drastically reduces the number of animals on the Ark to a more reasonable figure. That figure is further reduced when we realize that one-third of all animal species live in the sea and had no need to be taken on the Ark.

But let's not forget that the Ark was the largest ship ever built until the 1860s. It had a capacity of one and a third million cubic feet - about equal to a train made up of 522 railroad stock cars!

So when the facts are all considered, even a generous estimation of the space needed on the Ark tells us that there was room not only for Noah and his family and all the animals, but also for plenty of food.

Dear Father, I ask that You would put to confusion all attempts to deny Your truth. Make Your people well-armed with Your Word and how it applies to all parts of life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: Black-backed jackal, one of the dog "kind". Courtesy of Raoulduke47. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Triassic Mammals and the Story Fossils Tell

Triassic Mammals and the Story Fossils Tell - Amy Joy Hess - 

A boatload of fisherman recently bumped into what appears to be the skull of mesosaur along the Ruta-Ru River in Siberia's Yamal Peninsula. They photographed the skull and sent it to the Zoological Museum of the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology in Yekaterinburg, Russia where paleontologists tried to identify the creature. There are a variety of questions about the toothy skull; how it could have been so well-preserved sticking out of the cobbles at the bottom of the river; how it could exist in Yamal, dated to 150 million years, when mesosaurs have been placed at 299-270 million years in age. Whatever this particular specimen turns out to be, fossils are not always as predictable as paleontologists would like.
Triassic Squirrels
Three new species of squirrel-like mammals found in China are causing paleontologists to rewrite their history of when mammals came into the geologic record. The picture we often get is that mammals evolved after the dinosaurs died out at the end of the Cretaceous, but in recent years it's been recognized that many mammals existed during the age of the dinosaurs. These three new squirrel-like creatures from China are said to have lived between 235 and 201 million years ago, during the Triassic, when crocodiles and giant salamanders reigned.
"What we're showing here is very convincing that these animals [the three new species] are mammals, and that we need to turn back the clock for mammal divergence," paleontology museum curator Jin Meng said. "But even more importantly, these new fossils present a new suite of characters that might help us tell many more stories about ancient mammals."
Mite Backpack
Even creatures that aren't found at an unexpected "time" can amaze us. A study published recently in the journal Biology Letters describes a mite hooked onto the head of an ant. The two creatures were enveloped in tree sap which fossilized into amber, preserving for us an ancient battle between a blind little arachnid and a social insect. Mites are rare in the fossil record because they generally get eaten quickly when they die, but they apparently haven't changed much over earth's history. Nor has their tendency to parasitize ants. The amber-encased mite was determined to belong to a family whose existing species still sponge off ants to this day.
Dolphins and Sharks
Paleontology is a field of puzzle-piecing, and every fossil found offers another clue about earth's history and the creatures that have lived on the planet. Remarkably, the multitudes of creatures that lived long ago often exist today in varied forms. A desert in southern Peru has recently offered paleontologists the bones of a toothy freshwater dolphin species considered 16 million years old. It has been linked to the river dolphins of the Indus and Ganges rivers. A shark egg case has been discovered in Yorkshire Main Colliery in Edington, an old mine, along with plant remnants and horseshoe crabs. Horseshoe crabs are known for their consistency since ancient times; they've hardly changed a lick over the years. Sharks have allegedly been around for 350 million years, yet they exist today. Creatures change over time, but not as much as we'd think.
Even famous missing links are losing their status. Archaeopteryx was a bird-like dinosaur with feathers found in the Solnhofn Limestone of Bavaria more than 150 years ago. For many years it has been considered the evolutionary ancestor of birds, because it contains a variety of dinosaur-like and bird-like characteristics. Within the past few years, however, suggestions have been published that Archaeopteryx was not a bird ancestor at all. A variety of small, feathery dinosaurs have been found over the years, demonstrating that Archaeopteryx was not so special after all. Paleontologist Xing Xu has made the case that this famous creature is more closely related to the Velociraptor and other Deinonychosauria than with birds.
"Archaeopteryx was a bird because it had feathers and nothing else had them. But then other animals started being found that had wishbones, three-fingered hands and feathers. Heck, even T. rex had a wishbone. So one by one we've learned Archaeopteryx 's uniquely avian traits weren't so unique. The writing was really on the wall," says Lawrence Witmer, a paleontologist at Ohio University in Athens.
Paleontology is a constantly developing science, yet missing links are rare and hardly unquestionable. As paleontologists continue to unearth the remains of ancient creatures, we find squirrels and dolphins, crabs and dinosaurs. Many creatures have gone extinct, but those alive today can find similar cousins in the fossil record, whether we find them in expected layers or in unexpected layers. We find multitudes of horse species and multitudes of rhinoceros species, but no ancestor that linked the two together. Even transition fossil hopefuls like Archaeopteryx do not hold their position forever.
Telling the story of earth's history is no easy trick. There are multitudes of animals buried under the top layer of Earth's skin, and paleontologists will continue to sort through them and develop ideas based on new information. Yet, we believe that in the Beginning, God created the animals, the birds and fish, and then told them to reproduce - each after its own kind (Gen 1:22-25). We don't have to ignore the fossil record to believe Moses' account; it's what we continue to see every time new bones are found.
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Psalm 22:6

"But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people."
The lowly earthworm is one of the most under-appreciated little creatures on Earth. People probably don't appreciate the earthworm because it's not very pretty. Biology textbooks say that the earthworms were among the first simple land creatures to evolve. Well, clearly there hasn't been much evolution since, and they are not that simple. The earthworm has a well-developed nervous system, a brain and ten hearts!

Earthworms tunnel through the soil by literally eating the soil itself. As the worm draws nutrition from organic matter in the soil, its digestive system processes these chemicals to produce excellent natural fertilizers. In one recent test, soil scientists compared earthworms and the best fertilizers you can buy. The earthworms easily won the contest. The ground they fertilized had five times more nitrogen, twice as much calcium, two-and-a-half times more magnesium, and seven times more phosphorus than the best that modern science could produce.

Since earthworms like lots of organic material in the soil, you can encourage earthworms in your garden by digging lawn clippings and most types of tree leaves into your soil this fall rather than throwing them away. One caution, however. Some leaves like red oak are acid and best left out of the soil.

So, while earthworms are not pretty, our Creator has provided them to enrich the soil and help to feed us all.

Dear Lord, some of Your best gifts to us come in humble and lowly form. Indeed, the world's wisdom leads it to scorn the Savior of the world and Your plan of salvation. Protect me from such false wisdom. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: Mating earthworms. Courtesy of Jackhynes.

Genesis 2:7

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."
The air we breathe has always been filled with dust particles. And whether it is dust blown off the ground, smoke particles, or tiny particles of fabric or even paper in the house, these particles find their way deep into our lungs.

In His wisdom, our Creator has provided us with tiny, but effective "vacuum cleaners" in our lungs that collect and remove the particles that enter the lungs. These "vacuum cleaner" cells are actually a specific type of macrophage. They work in the deepest part of the lung, reaching out with tubular extensions to engulf any particle in much the same way that an amoeba eats. This "vacuum cleaner" essentially eats the particles it finds, and every one of these "vacuum cleaner" cells can clean an area forty times its own size.

Scientists say that they still do not fully understand whether certain particles, like poisonous heavy metals, affect the working of these cells. They suspect that certain particles may prevent these "vacuum cleaners" from effectively doing their work.

Though science has known about macrophages for over a century, scientists are only just beginning to learn how these cells actually clean the lungs. We can be very thankful that we have a Creator Who is not only clever enough to think of our need, but wise enough to know how to design a solution.

Dear Father, I thank You that You have created so many mechanisms to help keep my body healthy. Help me to be as concerned about my health as You are so that I may enjoy the life You have given me and be in better condition to serve You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Illustration: The human lungs flank the heart and great vessels in the chest cavity. Gray's Anatomy.

1 Corinthians 15:21-22

"For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive."
Many of the leaders of the creationist movement today were once evolutionists. Most of them believed that God created but that He used evolution to do it; this is called "theistic evolution."

Theistic evolutionists who have come to accept biblical creation point out that there are some very serious objections to evolution. For example, the fossil record offers no evidence of the development of living things from simple to complex. Theistic evolutionists might object, but check it out: Representatives of every major phylum of animals living today are found in the very deepest layers of rocks containing multi-celled fossils. They appear suddenly without any evolutionary ancestors.

Further, the fossil record offers not one undisputed "missing link" between the various kinds of creatures. Dr. Colin Patterson, formerly head of paleontology for the British Museum, who was not a creationist, admitted in a well-publicized letter that there is not a single transitional form to link any kind of animal with another. Even the most famous of the so-called transitional forms have not stood the test of scientific scrutiny.

Evolution claims that there was death as indicated by the fossils long before the emergence of mankind, but the Bible clearly tells us that there was no death before Adam sinned. So whether you look at science or at the Bible, there is no reason for Christians to adopt evolutionary beliefs and every reason to believe the Bible's account of creation!

Dear Father, the belief in evolution, even the belief that there was death before Adam, has done great damage. Show me how I can help to proclaim Your truth. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: The BioLogos Foundation is a leading proponent of theistic evolution. It was founded by Francis Collins in 2007.

Job 10:10-12

"Hast thou not poured me out as milk, and curdled me like cheese? Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced me with bones and sinews. Thou hast granted me life and favour, and thy visitation hath preserved my spirit."
For thousands of years, man has applied a huge variety of things to his skin to help injuries heal. By trial and error he has come up with ointments that keep injured skin moist to assist the natural healing process. Antibiotics were eventually added to these ointments. But until recently no one has been able to actually increase the rate at which skin naturally heals.

That has now changed. Epidermal growth factor is one of the chemicals that God created to help keep the body in working order. Research has learned how to copy the chemical responsible, and tests have shown that application of the man-made epidermal growth factor can speed the rate at which wounds heal. Studies show that wounds on which epidermal growth factor is used heal about a day-and-a-half faster than normal. That might not seem like much, but when burn victims need many skin grafts, epidermal growth factor could mean the difference between life and death.

With all his knowledge of the chemistry of biology, one would naturally assume that man should be able to develop better healing agents than mindless evolutionary processes. But, of course, man is not emulating mindless evolutionary processes but the work of the Creator God Himself. The Creator of natural epidermal growth factor had the original wisdom to design it and include it in our physiology.

Dear Lord, as I look around Your creation, I see so many ways in which Your knowledge and wisdom is so obviously practical. Help me to understand that all of Your wisdom, including what You tell me in Scripture, is really practical and useful for life. Amen.

Photo: Mouse epidermal growth factor.

Job 38:36

"Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts? or who hath given understanding to the heart?"
Whether you know it or not, you are the proud owner of the most complex arrangement of matter in the universe. I am speaking of your brain. Even though it weighs only three pounds, the brain's structure is so complex that it defies all explanation except to admit that a higher intelligence created it.

The average brain has ten billion neurons and multiple billions of connections. It has been estimated that the brain is able to hold one million times more information than anyone could possibly learn in a lifetime. If true, this suggests that man was smarter in the past or meant to live much longer. Thanks to the brain, you can listen to someone talk and begin to put your reply together for him while your brain is also directing a number of other projects - like your heart beat, breathing, and blood chemistry - without your conscious attention. Your brain, through its extended sensory system, allows your finger to feel a vibration of less than eight-one-thousandths of an inch and lets you see 10 million different colors.

The brain is so marvelously complex that even scientists who deny the soul and believe that the material stuff is all that exists have admitted that the brain leads them to wonder if there is not more to reality. Some are now even willing to talk about a spiritual reality.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for the gift of my brain and all of the abilities it gives me. Help me to use my mind and all its powers to do Your will and, in this way, love You and serve You with all my being. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: A pyramidal neuron from the hippocampus, stained for green fluorescent protein. PLoS Biology Vol. 4, No. 2, e29. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license.

Job 10:8

"Thine hands have made me and fashioned me together round about; yet thou dost destroy me."
Dr. David Menton is a biologist who believes that God created the heavens and the Earth in six days only some six thousand years ago. As he likes to point out, he is a biologist who evolutionists say cannot exist - a biologist who rejects evolution.

But Dr. Menton's accomplishments make it hard for evolutionists to deny his right to be considered a top-notch scientist. Before completing his doctorate, David Menton worked as a dermatology researcher at the Mayo Clinic. After earning his doctorate, he worked as a research scientist at the University of Iowa, where he made a major discovery acknowledged by fellow scientists. Dr. Menton discovered that skin cells are 14-sided polygons called tetra-kai-deca-he-drons - sort of fun to say when you get the hang of it. He also discovered that these flat tetrakaidecahedrons are stacked and interlocked like poker chips, one exactly on top of another. From this he learned that when skin cells reproduce too rapidly they do not stack as they should, resulting in skin problems like psoriasis. No, there can be no question that Dr. Menton is a qualified biologist.

We wouldn't want you to think that Dr. Menton is the only scientist, or even the only biologist, who believes in creation as taught in the Bible. Thousands of qualified scientists believe in creation, despite what some evolutionists say.

Dear Father, I give thanks to You for all of the Bible-believing scientists who are working today. Protect them and give them boldness to witness Your truth. I also ask that You would give more of our Bible-believing young people the desire and strength to go into science professions. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: Dr. David Menton.
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