Friday, November 27, 2015



Isaiah 45:12

"I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded."
Scientists who reject the Bible believe that man's ability to see light from distant stars and galaxies can be likened to a deadly torpedo that sinks the ship of young earth creationism. But they are not taking into consideration that there are many possible solutions to how light from distant stars could reach the Earth very quickly.

One such theory is explained by Creation Moments Board Member Dr. Donald Clark, who holds a Ph.D. in physical biochemistry. He cites both Isaiah 42:5 and Isaiah 45:12 as evidence that the heavens are not uniform but have been "stretched out" by God.

Now if the very fabric of space is stretched in parts, he explains, then light would travel much faster through these "stretchy" parts than through the non-stretched parts. He uses a guitar string as an analogy. Tightening a string produces a higher-pitched sound when plucked because it causes the sound wave to travel faster through the string. In a similar way, stretched space would cause light to travel faster through it.

In his article, "Making Sense of Light from Distant Stars," Dr. Clark writes: "Using Einstein's General Relativity equations, Mark Amunrud at the August 2013 International Conference on Creation suggested that light from the most distant galaxies � would reach Earth in just about one week."

So while Scripture doesn�t directly say that light travels much faster between the galaxies to arrive on Earth quickly, it does give us enough clues to piece together one solution to the distant-starlight dilemma.

Heavenly Father, thank You for creating the universe in such a way that Adam and Eve didn't have to wait around for billions of years before they could gaze upon the stars You created! Amen.

Revelation 22:18

"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:"
As we all know, there are 66 books in the Bible � no more, no less. And yet, from the way that many people interpret the first chapter of Genesis, it appears that they have added a sixty-seventh book to the Bible � a special "book" they use to interpret the other 66 books of the Bible.

The name of that sixty-seventh book is "science". Many pastors � and even entire denominations � now interpret Bible texts in a way to make them compatible with this sixty-seventh book. For example, since this "book" contends that the Earth is billions of years old, Genesis must be reinterpreted to make it "fit" into an old universe. One way they try to do this is the "day-age theory."

This theory holds that each "day" in Genesis 1 (in Hebrew yom) is a long period of time rather than 24 hours. It is important to note, however, that whenever yom appears in the Old Testament with a number attached to it, it always means a literal 24-hour day. In addition, whenever yom is modified with "evening and morning" � as it does 38 times outside of Genesis 1 � it always means a 24-hour day.

God's people must get back to the careful handling of God's Word. This means that we throw out the sixty-seventh book and that we start taking the Bible for what it says � not reinterpreting it in light of the latest pronouncements of so-called "science."

Heavenly Father, I know that the words of fallible men must never be used to interpret the words of an infallible God. Rather, let me interpret the world around me through the light of Your holy Word! Amen.

Old earth creationist Hugh Ross, founder of Reasons to Believe, teaches the day-age theory and has likened nature to the sixty-seventh book of the Bible. Courtesy of Brandon Medeiros/Reasons to Believe. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

1 John 4:6

"We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error."
Many people � especially those who believe in creation � avoid watching science shows on TV because these programs are usually saturated with unscientific claims favoring evolution. However, even Darwinian soapboxes like Nova can be worth watching, just as long as you do so with a discerning eye.

You especially need to pay close attention to the unwarranted assumptions and faulty logic you'll often encounter. For instance, there's "Kings of Camouflage" � a Nova program about the cuttlefish's amazing ability to instantaneously change the color and texture of its skin. The program did a good job of describing the color disks that expand or shrink in size.

But then the scientist added: "My guess is that their skin evolved for camouflage, because as soon as they got rid of the big shell, they had to hide from predators." Well, Mr. Scientist, why did the cuttlefish discard its shell in the first place if it was beneficial to its survival? And why didn't the cuttlefish just evolve its old shell back? Instead, evolutionists guess that the cuttlefish evolved the most complex skin of any creature on the planet as well as an amazingly complex eye and nervous system that allows it all to work.

So when you watch science shows on television, learn what you can from the true science. Enjoy the breathtaking photography as you marvel at the wondrous creatures that God has designed. And teach your children how to spot the atheistic philosophy that's camouflaged to look like true science.

Heavenly Father, help me learn how to distinguish truth from error in a culture that knows how to make lies look so very appealing. Then help me to share the truth with others. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Jeremiah 9:5

"And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity."
It is common for evolutionists to dismiss a lot of great work by creationists, saying that their papers do not appear in their own peer-reviewed journals. But now, editors of the two most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals have gone on record as saying that the peer-review process doesn't mean much anymore.

Several years ago, Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime editor of one of the most trusted medical journals in the world, wrote this: "It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine."

More recently, Dr. Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, wrote the following in his own magazine: "The case against science is straightforward. Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue." He added that "science has taken a turn towards darkness" and said that this is caused by "flagrant conflicts of interest." He also said something we've been saying for years: "In their quest for telling a compelling story, scientists too often sculpt data to fit their preferred theory of the world."

So never let an evolutionist throw the peer-review process in your face as a mark of the superiority of evolution over biblical creation. Unlike peer-reviewed publications, the Bible is never wrong.

Heavenly Father, rather than putting my trust in the fallible words of man, I put my trust in both Your written and living Word � the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.

Proverbs 29:20

"Seest thou a man that is hasty in his words? there is more hope of a fool than of him."
Though they are less than a half inch in length, recent studies have shown that Habronattus jumping spiders have eyesight that, in some ways, rivals our own. In fact, they can do something even your family pooch can't do � see colors.

According to Nathan Morehouse of the University of Pittsburgh, "The eyes of jumping spiders could not be more different from those of butterflies or birds, and yet all three tune the color sensitivities using pigments that filter light." Scientists call this "spectral filtering," and until now, nobody suspected that a spider would be capable of it.

ScienceDaily, of course, jumps to the conclusion that the jumping spider's ability to see colors "is a remarkable example of evolutionary convergence." According to evolutionists, convergent evolution is the independent evolution of similar features in species that aren't closely related. For example, evolutionists tell us that flying insects, birds and bats evolved the ability to fly independently of one another. They are said to have "converged" on this useful trait.

This term, however, explains absolutely nothing. Evolutionists are unable to demonstrate how even one kind of creature evolved the ability to fly. Their problem is compounded when they have to explain how flight evolved three times in unrelated creatures.

The real reason why these jumping spiders see color is the same reason why bats, butterflies and birds are able to fly. Because their Designer made them that way. This isn't jumping to conclusions. It is simply taking God at His word.

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving every creature what they need to survive, and thank You most of all for what You have given to me � salvation through the shed blood of my Savior. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

"Jumping spiders are masters of miniature color vision," ScienceDaily, 5/18/15. Daniel B. Zurek, Thomas W. Cronin, Lisa A. Taylor, Kevin Byrne, Mara L.G. Sullivan, Nathan I. Morehouse. "Spectral filtering enables trichromatic vision in colorful jumping spiders," Current Biology, 2015; 25 (10): R403 DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2015.03.033. Photo: Habronattus jumping spider. Courtesy of Kaldari. (CCO-1.0 UNIVERSAL PD)

Friday, November 20, 2015



Titus 1:2

"In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;"
A scientific paper called "DDT: A Case Study in Scientific Fraud" was published a few years ago in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. Though the author deals with scientific fraud related to the banning of DDT, he also gives insights into how some scientists are committing fraud to support other matters, like global warming and evolution.

The paper's author provides several examples of scientific fraud, but today we have time to deal with only one. Environmentalists wanted to portray DDT as a hazardous substance that was endangering birds. One scientist was able to show that the shells of bird eggs were thinner and more fragile after being exposed to the pesticide.

But here is the rest of the story. The scientist behind the thinning egg shell claim had changed the birds' diet, reducing their calcium levels from the normal 2.5 percent to just 0.56 percent. It was this radical reduction in calcium from their diet that caused the egg shells to get thinner – not the DDT! When this fact was presented to Science magazine, the editor refused to publish it, saying that "they would never publish anything that was not antagonistic toward DDT."

Scientific fraud – like all lies – comes from the father of lies. How different is our God. He cannot lie. And that means you can believe the Bible when it tells you that you can have eternal life when you repent of your sin and put your trust in what Jesus did for you on the cross.

Heavenly Father, I pray that scientific fraud will backfire on such deceivers. Let the lies committed in darkness get exposed to the light so they will become widely known! Amen.

J. Gordon Edwards, Ph.D , "DDT: A Case Study in Scientific Fraud," Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Volume 9, Number 3, Fall 2004, pp. 83-88. Photo: Commercial product from the 1960s. (CC CC0-1 PD)

Deuteronomy 14:12, 18

"But these are they of which ye shall not eat: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray … And the stork, and the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat."
Don't mess with the hoopoe – especially the female! Their Creator blessed this bird with an oil gland that produces a really foul-smelling liquid. When rubbed into their plumage, it smells like rotting meat and deters not only predators but parasites as well. In fact, it also acts as an antibacterial agent.

Thanks to this nasty-smelling liquid, most predators stay far away from the hoopoe's nest. But even when a predator ignores the stench and comes looking for a meal while mama hoopoe is away, the nestlings are not defenseless. Even when they are just six days old, they can produce the same liquid and shoot it accurately into the face of predators.

With such an awful smell, perhaps it was a great blessing that God placed the hoopoe on His list of animals that were not to be eaten by His people. By the way, the King James version of the Bible refers to the hoopoe as the lapwing but we're still talking about the hoopoe. Since this bird is listed in Deuteronomy as an unclean animal, isn't it rather odd that the modern state of Israel would choose the hoopoe as their national bird?

Like the hoopoe, every person ever born is unclean in God's sight. This is why Jesus Christ, the sinless lamb of God, submitted Himself to die on the cross as our substitute. He will make you clean in God's sight when you repent of your sins and put your trust in Jesus!

Heavenly Father, I know that there's nothing I can do to make myself clean and righteous. Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross to make me acceptable in Your sight. Amen. Photo: Courtesy of Arturo Nikolai. (CC-BY-SA 2.0 GENERIC)

2 Corinthians 10:5

"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;"
On today's Creation Moments broadcast, we're going to give you a little quiz, so put on your thinking cap!

Picture in your mind that our planet is as smooth as a billiard ball and is exactly 25,000 miles around at the equator. Now picture a 25,000-mile-long circle of rope lying on the ground that completely encircles the planet. Here's the puzzle: If you wanted to lift this unstretchable rope to a height of one foot all around the Earth, how much rope would you need to add?

What's the right answer? Would you need to add more than ten miles of new rope? Would just a mile be enough? Less than a mile?

Most people say they would need to add more than ten miles of rope or only a mile. But hardly anyone ever gives the correct answer that less than a mile of rope is required. Even more surprising is that only six point two feet of new rope is required to lift the whole rope one foot high! Though this may be hard to believe, to arrive at the correct answer, use the mathematical formula for determining the circumference of a circle – 2 Pi R.

So why does nearly everyone get it wrong? Because people are prone to say what seems right without thinking it through. That's why Christians, especially students, need to approach such topics as evolution with a thinking mind that chooses the right answer over the popular answer.

Heavenly Father, I pray that You will give us all sharp minds and bold hearts to stand strong against evolution and other myths that undermine biblical truth. Amen.

Image: Eratosthenes (276 BC), the Greek mathematician and astronomer who was the first to calculate the circumference of the Earth.

Proverbs 4:14

"Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men."
When he was just a little boy, people could tell that Charlie was a problem child. By his own admission later in life, the boy was a sadist who experienced a great deal of pleasure from torturing and killing animals. One of his favorite things to do was killing birds by pounding on their heads with a hammer.

As a teenager, Charlie continued behaving like a twisted individual. When he was 17, he dedicated his summer and autumns to killing animals, not for the meat but for the sheer joy of killing. When he started making plans for an ocean voyage that would take him to many exotic lands, he decided to bring along several guns, hoping to find cannibals so he could kill them.

If you haven't already guessed, I am talking about Charles Darwin. Not only was he a problem child obsessed with torturing and killing animals, he grew up to unleash a philosophy that would leave the whole world in ruins after the publication of his book On the Origin of Species.

As Kevin Swanson points out in his book Apostate: The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West, Darwin came from a long line of apostates. This included his father, Robert, and his grandfather, Erasmus, who was a pioneering humanist and enlightenment thinker. But it was the apostate Charles who turned his back on his Creator and reaches out from the grave with a philosophy that continues to destroy countless millions of lives.

Heavenly Father, I pray that You will bless pastors, Bible teachers and biblical-creation ministries that are proclaiming the truth about Darwin and his godless philosophy. Show me how to be a blessing to them! Amen.

Kevin Swanson, Apostate: The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West, p. 128 (Generations with Vision, 2013).

1 Thessalonians 5:5

"Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness."
The best fishermen not only know where the fish are biting, but exactly what type of bait or lure is needed to catch the big ones. That's why I say that the best fisherman of all is not a man but a bird.

The black heron knows exactly where and when the fish are biting. He goes fishing for his food by wading into shallow lakes and ponds. But there's a problem. Fish avoid the water's surface to avoid the bright rays of the sun. Even if a fish does come close to the surface, the black heron is unable to see it because he is blinded by the sun's reflection.

But like I said, this bird is a master fisherman. What he does is shape his wings into a large black umbrella. He then crouches down until his wings are almost touching the water, effectively turning daylight into darkness, and attracting fish to the shade. Under cover of his umbrella, the black heron pokes his head into the water and comes out with a squirming fish in his beak.

This kind of fishing is known as canopy feeding. How did the black heron learn to fish like this? Creationists know, but evolutionists have no reasonable answer. They only have a term. Yes, evolutionists are good at coming up with terms like "canopy feeding", but when it comes to explaining how such a thing originated in the first place, they are still very much in the dark.

Heavenly Father, I ask You to make me a good fisherman – not of fish but of men. Use me to share the gospel so that my friends and family will turn to You for salvation. Amen. Photo: Black heron comes out of its feathered canopy after catching a fish. Courtesy of Steve Garvie. (CC-BY-SA 2.0 GENERIC)

Friday, November 13, 2015



Genesis 11:7

"Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech."
We have mentioned a number of New World sites at which ancient Old World writing has been found. These examples, of which there are many, serve to show that before the Dark Ages, knowledge of the New World was fairly common and that man has always been curious and resourceful.

One of the most unusual examples of ancient Old World inscriptions in the New World is found in northwestern Oklahoma. The inscriptions are located on the walls of Anubis cave. If you think that name is Egyptian, you are correct. Inside the cave are a number of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. These include a human figure standing on a three-dimensional cube. Rays extend from the figure's head. Anubis, the Egyptian god that was said to conduct the souls of the dead to judgment, also appears. The oddest element among the figures, however, is the presence of Celtic ogam inscriptions. These inscriptions indicate that the cave was used for Celtic ceremonies. Were the Celts familiar with Egyptian hieroglyphs? Or was this North American cave visited in ancient times by both Egyptians and Celts?

It was not until God confused man's language at the Tower of Babel that man took seriously God's command to spread out and fill the Earth. With their new languages, people were more motivated to use their abilities to explore the entire world. Ancient Old World inscriptions in the New World illustrate that these God given abilities have always been considerable.

Lord, thank You for the beauty of the world You have given us to explore. Amen.

Science Frontiers, p. 33, "Did the Ancient Egyptians Explore Oklahoma?" Photo: Rock carving of bison inside Anubis Cave #2, Cimarron County, Oklahoma. Courtesy of Peter Faris.

Ephesians 4:29

"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers."
Several recent Creation Moments programs have featured the sounds some ants make, called stridulation. Not only do some caterpillars also make such sounds, but also they appear to communicate with some types of ants.

Many species of caterpillars of two butterfly groups secrete a sweet liquid that ants like. In return, the ants protect the caterpillar from its enemies while they collect their sweet treat. These caterpillars actually call the ants when the liquid is ready, using a variety of sounds. These calls range from a simple "bub�bub" to more complex sounds, such as, "beep ah ah ah beep."

Another type of caterpillar calls ants when it needs help. This species does a remarkable job of mimicking the ants' sounds. Very young members of this caterpillar species frequently fall off the leaves on which they are grazing. When they do, they make ant noises until found by foraging ants. The caterpillar's "ant talk" apparently convinces the ants it is one of them. So they return it to their nest and place it in their nursery. There the caterpillar eats some of the young ants. Two ant species eventually figure out their mistake and kill the caterpillar, while a third species never seems to realize its mistake.

Communication is a gift that God has given to many of His creatures. However, as beings made to have a relationship with God, our communication should be like His � never deceitful and always building others up.

Dear Father, teach me how to use words to build others up. Amen.

Science News, 2/5/00, pp. 92-94, "Ants Squeak." Photo: Male katydids are also known to use stridulation. Courtesy of DiverDave. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

I Corinthians 2:13

"Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual."
The males of a fish called the three-spined stickleback turn blue-green on the tops of their bodies and red on their bellies when breeding. That is, unless they are male three-spined sticklebacks in the Chehalis river of Washington. These fish turn black when breeding. Evolutionists have long tied this behavior to the fact that the mudminnows in the Chehalis turn black as a threat display. Evolutionary textbooks have long used this difference from other sticklebacks as an example of the evolutionary principle that when two species share a home, they will either become more or less like each other. Now the textbooks will have to be rewritten.

Researchers placed large cages around populations of sticklebacks and mudminnows in the Chehalis river. As they studied the populations, they learned that while sticklebacks will fight with one another, they hardly ever fight with mudminnows. Then, scientists added red and blue-green sticklebacks. Though they showed no black, they had as much success staking out territory as the black sticklebacks. Researchers also found that the black sticklebacks don't turn black until after they stake out their territory. Researchers have had to admit that the differences between the two types of sticklebacks illustrates nothing about how they evolve among different populations.

Unlike Scripture, man's knowledge is always subject to correction. That's why it cannot be used to discredit the Bible, which is knowledge from God.

Thank You, Lord, for Your truth. Help me grow in Your Word. Amen.

Science News, 4/1/00, p. 219, "Fading to black doesn't empower fish." Photo: Three-spined stickleback. Courtesy of Visviva. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

II Corinthians 11:3

"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."
We have all heard evolutionists claim certain rocks and fossils to be millions of years old. They claim to arrive at these long ages using index fossils. Index fossils are creatures that supposedly lived during specific ages. We are told that these ages are independently verified using radiometric dating methods. But is all of this as neat and certain as evolutionists say it is?

Recently, a rock formation in England yielded more than just rocks. This rock layer is said to be 189 million years old, based on its index fossils. The index fossils, ammonites and belemnites, were bottom living deep sea creatures. Along with these deep sea creatures, however, partially petrified wood was also found. One piece was found immediately adjacent to a deep sea fossil. Scientists who believe in young Earth creationism sent samples of the wood to three different radiocarbon dating laboratories. If the index fossil was really as old as evolutionists say, it is almost 4,000 times too old to give a radiocarbon date. Yet all the samples dated at the three laboratories showed consistent young dates. Adjusted by biblical considerations, they date to the time of Noah's Flood.

We would expect to find land-based life mixed in with deep sea creatures in any rocks that are a result of the violence of the Flood. This find illustrates and supports the biblical account of a worldwide Flood.

Lord, the Earth witnesses Your Truth. Help me to do the same. Amen.

Creation, 3-5/00, pp. 44-47, "Geological Conflict." Photo: A common index fossil � a Jurassic ammonite. Courtesy of Maksim. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Psalm 104:24a

"O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all:"
Those who believe that the universe, the Earth and everything on it are the result of mindless evolution are hard-pressed to explain the origin of intelligence. Some even try to argue that there is no such thing as intelligence, saying that we only think that certain things reflect intelligence. As we learn more about the world, it takes an ever greater faith to believe in evolution.

The incredible structure of DNA and how it works is one example. Scientists have now demonstrated, though they did not intend to do so, that DNA is itself infused with intelligence. In 1994 it was discovered that DNA could be used as a computer. Since then, much has been learned about the computing power of DNA. How can DNA be used to solve the problem of, for example, finding a flight path between seven cities so that each city is visited only once? To solve the problem, researchers assign a numerical value to individual strands of DNA. Through a series of steps, they allow the strands of DNA to interact with each other, saving the results after each step. An electronic computer can solve a math problem with 30 clauses and 50 variables in 1.6 million steps. A DNA computer can solve the same problem in only 91 steps!

DNA computers would not be possible unless intelligence was built into the very fabric of the creation. Only our all-wise Creator could have been responsible for this.

Dear Father, help me use the intelligence You have given me. Amen.

Nature, 1/13/00, pp. 143-144, 175-179, "DNA computing on surfaces." Photo: Sculpture of DNA made of shopping carts. Courtesy of Magnus Manske. (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Friday, November 6, 2015



Job 8:13-14

"So are the paths of all that forget God; and the hypocrite's hope shall perish: whose hope shall be cut off, and whose trust shall be a spider's web."
For over a century, scientists have wondered about the embellishments that at least 78 species of spiders weave into their webs. The extra bars and Xs seem to have no obvious purpose. Some have suggested that they might be hiding spots, sun shields, bird warnings or insect lures. Now a researcher at the University of Kyoto may have discovered the purpose of these designs. If he is right, evolutionary theory may be the victim of these spiders' webs.

The Asian spider the researcher studied builds two different types of webs. When it is well fed, this spider adds silk bands along the web spokes. However, when this spider is hungry, it arranges these bands so that they spiral toward the center of the web. After testing the tension in both web types, he discovered that the webs with the spiral bands are much more sensitive to even the smallest insect than the banded webs.

In other words, the hungry spider is looking for any insect it might eat. Spiders that are not hungry are interested only in larger insects. The question is: How could mindless evolution give these spiders the knowledge of structural engineering needed to create these designs? In addition, according to the evolutionary tree for spiders, this knowledge would have to have evolved at least nine times! A much more logical and straightforward explanation is that the Creator gave spiders this knowledge when He made them.

Help me, Lord, to do all things excellently, as You have done. Amen.

Science News, 3/25/00, p. 198, "Hungry spiders tune up web jiggliness." Photo: Underside of yellow garden spider. Courtesy of Spazoto. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Proverbs 12:20

"Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the counsellors of peace is joy."
A few years ago, a news release revealed the result of a poll on what Americans prefer to have taught in public schools about origins. The poll was done for an organization that favors a dogmatic teaching of evolution. The news release stated only that a huge majority of Americans, 83 percent, favor the teaching of evolution in the public schools. We at Creation Moments were led to investigate this poll more closely since this poll result runs contrary to other recent polls.

The professional polling organization polled 1,500 people about whether creation or evolution should be taught in the public schools. Indeed, 83 percent said they believe that the theory of evolution should be taught in the public schools. However, what was not included in the popular reporting of the poll was that 79 percent of those polled said that creation should also be taught in the schools. Only 20 percent of those polled felt that evolution only should be taught. Clearly, Americans prefer both creation and evolution presented to the students so that they can make up their own minds. Equally notable is that almost half of those polled agreed with the statement that evolution is "far from being proven to be scientific."

While the statement that 83 percent of those polled favor evolution being taught is true, it leaves out the most important part of the poll's findings. Clearly, ordinary people want to hear about God's creation.

Dear Father, help us never to be deceived by the forces of darkness. Amen.

Christian News, 4/3/00, p. 2. Photo: Typical classroom. Courtesy of © Malate269.

Genesis 3:19

"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."
When God finished the creation on the sixth day, He declared all that He made to be "very good." There was no death, no decay, no pain and no sickness. When Adam and Eve committed the first sin, their actions resulted in sickness, decay and death. How could a finished, perfect creation have the ability to become this way?

New research on a strategy to eliminate tooth decay may illustrate an answer to this question. The bacteria most responsible for tooth decay produce lactic acid. Lactic acid eats away at tooth enamel, resulting in tooth decay. Scientists genetically engineered a natural form of this bacterium that produces a chemical that kills the form of the bacterium in our mouths. They then disabled the ability of this bacterium to produce lactic acid. They also had to double another gene to replace the function originally carried out by the lactic acid. This gene produces nothing harmful. Scientists believe they have developed a harmless bacteria that will remove and replace the harmful bacteria that cause tooth decay. This research raises an interesting question: Is it possible that in the beginning the bacteria in our mouth was harmless, but after Adam's fall only a minor modification made it harmful?

However, genetic engineering, indeed all of modern science, cannot reverse the ultimate consequences of sin. Only God's Son, Jesus Christ, can take away the guilt of our sin and give us eternal life.

Help me, dear Lord, to keep my eyes on heaven where all is perfect. Amen.

Science News, 3/18/00, p. 190, "Wash that mouth out with bacteria!" Photo: Tooth decay in a bottle. DL-Lactic acid. Courtesy of LHcheM. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Isaiah 57:19

"I create the fruit of the lips; Peace, peace to him that is far off, and to him that is near, saith the LORD; and I will heal him."
A healthy person with a minor injury heals without any thought required for the healing process. More severe injuries may require medical attention, but no amount of thought concentration on the healing process will speed healing along. This automatic healing process could not have evolved because without the power to heal in the first place, any injury to any creature would be ultimately fatal.

IBM is working on a super supercomputer that would run 500 times faster than any computer known today. It will be used to produce three-dimensional models showing how proteins fold as they do their work. It is hoped that the models will help medical researchers design more effective medicines. The computer system working on this task will have over one million processors linked to adjacent processors. The adjacent processors will monitor the main processors. If one of the main processors becomes faulty, the adjacent processor will remove it from the computing system electronically. If it works, the entire system will be known as a self-healing computer. While the computer may be able to heal itself, it will have to "think" about healing constantly. And despite its speed, its healing and computing abilities are still slower than ours.

God has given us great powers of healing. But we can do nothing to heal ourselves spiritually. For that we must rely on Jesus Christ and the salvation He brings.

I thank You, Lord, for the healing of my soul through forgiveness. Amen.

New Scientist, 12/11/99, p. 8, "IBM plans its latest smash hit." Photo: IBM Blue Gene P supercomputer at Argonne National Laboratory, in Lemont, Illinois. Courtesy of Odie5533. (CC BY-SA 2.0)

I Corinthians 15:41

"There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory."
According to evolutionary naturalism, the solar system began as a disk of hot, rotating gas. The sun began to form first. At the same time, the planets began to form as they collected material out of the gaseous disk. This process generated more heat, with the largest planets collecting more of the heat than smaller planets. The amount of heat collected by the large, heavy planets like Jupiter compared with a planet like the Earth accounts for the different elemental composition of the planets.

When scientists began studying Jupiter, they expected it to have certain lighter elements in the same proportion as the sun. Large planets like Jupiter would have been too hot at formation for lighter elements to condense. However, researchers using the Galileo space probe have discovered that Jupiter has more than twice as many gases as the sun. It has nearly three times as much krypton and xenon gas as the sun. Jupiter has over three-and-a-half times as much ammonia as was expected. Scientists are trying to figure out where these gases came from. However, evolutionary scientists admit that they cannot find a satisfactory naturalistic explanation for the chemical composition of Jupiter. They have even speculated that they might find the same problems with the other outer planets.

That the planets differ in composition is exactly as stated in the Bible "…for one star differeth from another star in glory"(I Cor. 15:41). That these differences don't fit evolutionary theory further witnesses to God's glory as Creator.

Dear Father, help me glorify You along with the heavens. Amen.

Nature, 11/18/99, pp. 269-270, "A low temperature origin for the planetessimals that formed Jupiter." Photo: Jupiter as seen by the New Horizons spacecraft in 1997. (PD)