Friday, December 29, 2017



Genesis 1:21

"And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good."
A small boy was asked in class “What family does the whale belong to?” Nervously, he replied”I don’t know sir. No family on our street has one!”

 What the teacher was getting at was the evolutionary idea that whales have evolved from land mammals. In London’s Natural History Museum, one display cabinet shows a mesonychid, thought to be a land dwelling ancestor, on the left, a fossil of a modern-type dolphin on the right, and, in the middle there is a supposed intermediate form—an ambulocetus.

 The display is clearly meant to show the evolution of the whale from the wolf-like mesonychid, through the ambulocetus, to the modern whale. One would confidently expect, therefore, that the oldest fossil on display would be the mesonychid. And one would be wrong!

 The oldest of the three fossils is actually the ambulocetus. This is a huge problem, because the NHM has to justify why it has arranged these three fossils that way. Their justification is this; the ambulocetus is one of the first of its kind, so they draw an error bar accordingly. On the other hand, they have decided that the mesonychid is one of the last of its kind, so its error bar shows that the fossil displayed in the NHM is from just before the species became extinct. The reason for producing such asymmetric error bars? Well, the fossils must be in that order, because that is the order in which they have evolved. In other words, they have been arranged, according to an evolutionary worldview, then the arrangement is offered as a proof for that worldview. This is circular reasoning.

In Your word, Lord, You were clear about how everything happened. Thank You for your great wisdom, displayed throughout creation. Amen.

Psalm 8:3-4

"When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?"
Do you feel sorry for Pluto? It isn’t a planet anymore.

 Of course, you might want to point out to me that this is old news. Pluto was reclassified in 2006, being downgraded to the new category of dwarf planet. Thus, the Solar System went back to being a collection of eight planets, just as it had been before the discovery of Pluto in 1930.

 Many people my age were brought up being taught that there were nine planets. Those of us who enjoyed astronomy as children sometimes feel that the International Astronomical Union (IAU) has taken away a good chunk of our childhood.

 Because of the discovery of other large Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNO), the IAU devised a new set of criteria to determine whether or not a body was a planet. Pluto (and, indeed, that other well-known TNO, Eris) fulfill all the criteria for planethood except one. It is this:

 It must have cleared the neighborhood around its orbit.

 When did Pluto fail, and Neptune succeed, in clearing their orbits of debris? Surely this process has not been observed. If the IAU’s criteria suggested merely that the body’s orbit had to be clear of debris to be described as a planet is one thing. To be able to show that the planet has actually done this is a bigger problem which requires one to know what has actually happened in the past. But no one has seen this process occur. It is a supposition, based on an old-earth framework. To be a planet or a dwarf planet requires knowledge of an evolutionary process that never actually happened.

Along with the hymnwriter, when we consider all the works Your hand has made, Lord God, we declare “How Great Thou Art!” Amen.

Psalm 8:3-4

"When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?"
When I was a boy, there were nine planets. I remember reports in 1982 about the discovery of a tenth planet. Nobody actually saw the alleged tenth planet through a telescope. However, measurements were made of the orbits of other planets, and perturbations from where they thought the orbits should be were noted. It was assumed that these perturbations were caused by a large planet beyond the orbit of Pluto. Of course, the discovery of Pluto, being such a small planet, did not fully explain the motion of Neptune and Uranus, so further calculations in 1982 suggested the existence of Planet Ten.

 Pluto was demoted from planetary status in 2006, but this did not stop speculation that there might be a ninth planet similar to the newly defined eight. In 2016, scientists once again thought that the discovery of Planet Nine was inevitable. They now had the evidence of orbits of other Pluto-size objects beyond the orbit of Neptune � the so-called Trans-Neptunian Objects, or TNOs. In 2017, all these ideas are on hold again as other scientists think that the perturbations of the orbits of Pluto, Eris and other TNOs can be explained by other TNOs.

 As Bible-believing Christians, we are encouraged to stand in awe at the universe because it declares the glory of God. That so much interesting speculation can be made about small movements in the orbits of bodies within this Solar System reminds us again of the greatness of God, who made this entire universe.

Lord, You have said that the making of objects in the universe was just the work of Your fingers. Thank You, our Great God and Creator, for being mindful of such a one as me. Amen.

Genesis 8:22

"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."
Think of the Arctic and you probably think about polar bears. Those magnificent, big, white carnivores are probably pictured in your mind standing on snow and ice, where they can be difficult to see. The Arctic is the realm of the bear, and this is reflected in its name. The word �Arctic� is derived from the Greek word arktos, meaning bear. There are layers of meaning here. Certainly, the Arctic is home to the polar bear, but also the constellation Ursa Minor, the Little Bear, contains the star Polaris, which is the Pole Star, being directly above the North Pole, so if you were traveling �towards the Bear�, or Bearwards, you would be traveling North.

 Perhaps the most iconic pictures of polar bears published have been those showing one or two bears clinging precariously to tiny icebergs barely able to support them. The implication of such images is that the habitat of the bears is disappearing. What would be the culprit that is melting the ice? Presumably, it would be our old friend Climate Change.

 So what would a bear do if the ice under its feet melted away? I guess it would have to swim! Fortunately, polar bears are strong swimmers. Some bears have been tracked swimming up to ten days.

 Contrary to popular opinion, recent research has shown that many polar bear populations increased during times of receding ice. In the last couple of years, ice sheets have expanded again. Climate Change Alarmists notwithstanding, conditions continue to underline that �while the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.�

Father God, we thank You that You have populated this planet with interesting animals, and You have given human beings the responsibility and privilege of stewarding this world. Help us to fulfill these obligations in places that we live. Amen.

Ref: Crockford, S. (2015), The Arctic Fallacy, (London: Global Warming Policy Foundation). Image: Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 Unported.

Ephesians 5:6

"Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience."
In my book Where Birds Eat Horses, I talk about the way that evolutionists use, or rather misuse, language in order to make their case. One type of language much loved by evolutionists is what we call �fuzzy words�.

 Recently, I discovered a subset of fuzzy words known as weasel words � an idea that seems to have been invented on Wikipedia! Weasel words are designed to convey an element of authority which does not really exist. One such phrase, quoted and criticized on the Wikipedia site, is �a growing body of evidence.� Wikipedia�s weasel word page editor suggests that the phrase should make us ask for the raw data for this growing body of evidence. The implication is that the �growing body of evidence� does not exist and an author using this phrase is trying to shut down discussion.

 One popular science website containing a lot of evolutionary articles has an abundant supply of pages using this phrase. Consider these:

 Growing body of evidence supports use of mind-body therapies in breast cancer treatment.

 A growing body of evidence has hinted at this connection [between global cooling and the evolution of homo sapiens].

 Although there is a growing body of evidence that there was once water on Mars, it does not rain there today.

 Biblical creationists should not be intimidated by such comments. It would appear that there is a growing body of evidence that many evolutionists are leaving logic behind! The Bible, in contrast, uses phrases which are full of meaning and truth.

Thank You, Lord God, that Your words are always true and always reliable. Amen.

Friday, December 22, 2017



Psalms 104:8

The mountains rose, the valleys sank down to the place that you appointed for them
“There can’t possibly have been a worldwide Flood. Where would all the water have gone after the Flood?” This is a common objection to belief in the biblical account of the Flood of Noah’s time. Did the water drain away, or evaporate?

 This misconception is because our society is very Western-centered. As a child, growing up in Britain, all pictures of the Earth would have London at their center. This is, after all, where the 0ยบ longitude line is! In America, most similar images would show the United States at the center. But what if we center our image on the Pacific Ocean? Then we will see a hemisphere almost entirely made up of ocean. This reminds us that nearly three quarters of the Earth’s surface is water. What if all the existing water on the Earth could be spread out? French diver and filmmaker Jacques Cousteau used to say:

 Were the crust of earth to be leveled—with great mountain ranges like the Himalayas and ocean abysses like the Mariana Trench evened out—no land at all would show above the surface of the sea. Earth would be covered by a uniform sheet of water—more than 10,000 feet deep!

 This agrees with what the Bible says in Psalm 104:8.

 The mountains rose, the valleys [or deeps] sank down to the place that you appointed for them.

 The rising of the mountains and the lowering of the ocean deeps, at the end of the Flood, easily explains where all the floodwater went. It didn’t go anywhere. It is all still on planet Earth.

We worship You, Lord, the King enthroned above the Flood; enthroned as King forever. May You give strength to Your people, and may You bless Your people with peace. Amen.

Genesis 2:10

A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers
Popular science information websites sometimes reveal fascinating facts. The Science Daily website recently published an articled suggesting that water is not one, but two liquids.

 One would have thought that we knew everything that there was to know about water. It covers 70% of the Earth�s surface. Up to 60% of the human body is made up of water. It is essential for life, and we are familiar with it in our everyday life, in ponds, streams, rivers, lakes, and so many different bodies of water worldwide.

 However, we are also familiar with the fact that water has many anomalous properties, which set it apart from other liquids. A team of researchers at Sweden�s Stockholm University have discovered, using X-Ray analysis, that there are two different arrangements for water molecules in liquid water, especially at low temperatures, just above the melting point of ice. We know that if water had a melting point, consistent with the small size of its molecule alone, its melting point would be very low. However, water molecules associate together, in different formations, because of the so-called hydrogen-bonding between molecules. Apparently, at low temperatures, this can cause such a high association between molecules, that the liquid, or at least portions of it, can become a thick, viscous liquid, just as it freezes into ice.

 That such a seemingly simple material can still have properties for us to research shows something of the creativity of God. At once simple and highly complex, molecular and inter-molecular arrangements in water cause this common, yet mysterious liquid, to do so many things for us, that we tend to take for granted.

Thank You, Father, for Your gift of water to us. You word describes cold water as something that refreshes a thirsty or weary soul. Thank You that You made this unusual material so well. Amen.

Genesis 4:3-5

In the course of time Cain brought to the LORD an offering of the fruit of the ground, and Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat portions. And the LORD had regard for Abel and his offering, but for Cain and his offering he had no regard.
As a child, attending Sunday School, and listening to so many disconnected Bible stories, I was confused by the account of Cain and Abel. In particular, I found it strange that God accepted Abel�s offering, but not Cain�s. There didn�t seem to be a reason. I remember asking my Sunday School teacher, who didn�t know either. �Maybe Cain wasn�t very nice in the way that he gave his offering,� she suggested.

 But that can�t be the case. Cain offered the fruit of the ground, when it was harvested. This was probably the first and best of the crops. Surely God would be pleased with the best. How can we possibly know whether Cain offered the crop with bad grace?

 Part of the problem was that my Sunday School teacher did not believe that the account of Cain and Abel was genuinely historical. It was more of a legend to her. But, years later, when I had accepted that Genesis was literally true, I realized that the answer was there in the text. Cain brought the best that he could offer, but the best that we can offer is not good enough, because we are sinners. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins.

 Abel brought a blood sacrifice. He did not raise sheep for food, because meat was forbidden us, until after the Flood. Abel�s offering recognized his sin, and the need for atonement. Cain�s offering was given insufficient, because we cannot earn our way to God. We need the atoning blood of Jesus Christ.

We know, Lord God, that the best that we can offer is not good enough. Thank You, therefore, for the perfect sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Ref: Taylor, P.F. (2009), Cain and Abel: Worship and Sacrifice, (Toutle, WA: J6D Publications), pp17-20
Image: Ben Peter Scotton, commissioned by the author for his use

Luke 11:49-51

�Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute: that the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation; from the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of this generation."
Jesus described Abel as a prophet. He referred to all the prophets who had been killed, �from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah� (Luke 11:51). Prophecy refers to that forthtelling, which comes from the Holy Spirit. The words of the prophet are the words of God. Prophecy can sometimes, though not always, be predictive.

However, although Cain had a few things to say in conversation with God, there is no recording of any words of Abel at all, let alone any words of prophecy. So what was the prophecy of Abel?

 Abel was the world�s first murder victim. If you accept the early chapters of Genesis to be historically true � which you should � then there had been no previous human death. If evolution were true, then there would have been previous deaths, so Abel�s death was nothing significant. In a word, the death of Abel is only significant if it really was the very first human death.

God said to Cain, �The voice of your brother�s blood is crying to me from the ground.� The prophecy of Abel was his shed blood. His blood poured out onto the ground points to the much more important blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to be poured out on the ground for our sins. In Hebrews 12:24, we read, �You have come� to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.�

Thank You for the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross to atone for our sins�and not just to cover them, but to wash them away completely. Amen.

Ref: Taylor, P.F. (2009), Cain and Abel: Worship and Sacrifice, (Toutle, WA: J6D Publications), pp32-35
Image: Ben Peter Scotton, commissioned by author for his use

Sunday, December 17, 2017



Genesis 8:22

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
David Bowie sang:

 Oh man, wonder if he'll ever know
 He's in the best selling show
 Is there life on Mars?

 Elon Musk, the founder of commercial spacecraft company SpaceX, has expressed a wish to put a city on Mars of at least a million citizens. Though the technological challenges involved in such an undertaking would be immense, it is not beyond the realm of possibility. I remember a short story by Isaac Asimov, in which colonists were able to meet their water supply needs, by finding a large icy asteroid, and towing to the Red Planet, storing it at the planet’s North Pole. Musk envisages a “self-sustaining city on Mars” and suggests that a million inhabitants within 100 years is the minimum that would be required to achieve this goal.

 He is serious about the endeavor, even to the extent of deliberately saving up his own money to finance such a trip. His reason for so doing is that he expects the Earth to become uninhabitable very soon, because of man-made disasters, such as his belief in Climate Change.

 I see nothing wrong with attempting to set up self-sustaining colonies on Mars, but I do not expect the Earth to be destroyed by human activities. It is only God, who can (and will) bring this world to an end. Musk’s dystopian vision is understandable, given the current spiritual opinions of Western countries. As the Christian songwriter, Graham Kendrick, sang:

 Choices crowd his heavy senses
 Keeping up the old defenses
 Oh but he knows how it feels to be dying inside
 Is there life on Earth?

Thank You, Lord, for the ingenuity and talents of men and women, who push back the frontiers of engineering ability. Though they may not acknowledge it, their talents come from You, and we praise You for them. Amen.

Luke 11:11-12

If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?
“The evolution of the amniotic egg was key to vertebrates leaving the oceans and colonizing the land and air.” So claimed a recent article on the evolution of the egg. The article noted that there are different shaped eggs among birds. Researchers conducted a statistical study of the eggs produced by 1,400 species of bird. It was assumed that the shape of the egg was determined by the behavior of the bird, how fast it flies, what it eats etc.

 However, there are some anomalies. For example, the albatross and the humming bird have very similar shaped eggs, yet their life cycles are entirely different, and their genetics will be different, too. So how could these birds produce eggs that are almost exactly similar? To be fair, the study suggested a similarity between the birds; that they are both very powerful fliers. Yet, merely commenting that they are powerful fliers does not begin to recognize the difference between the way that these birds use their power in flight, or how the eggs of other very powerful fliers, such as hawks, have completely different shaped eggs.

 The general evolutionary assumption is that creatures producing shelled eggs—such as reptiles and birds—evolved from creatures with non-shelled eggs, such as amphibia. Yet the hatching of a salamander, for example, is dependent on the softness of the egg membrane. How would a salamander tadpole hatch from a partially shelled egg? Or how would the first reptile have survived, when its partially enabled shells were broken by amphibian predators?

 Shelled eggs are a wonder, not of evolutionary processes, but of God’s design.

Each example we see of Your creation, Lord, reminds us of how great You are, and how insignificant we are. Therefore, we praise You again, that You consider us. Amen

Psalm 104:32

Who looks on the earth and it trembles, who touches the mountains and they smoke!
It was, they say, the �Great Dying� supposedly 250 million years ago. 57% of all land-dwelling vertebrates became extinct. Yet amidst the death and destruction of this event, a new group of animals arose. We call them the dinosaurs.

 One interesting evolutionary study suggests that this so-called Permian-Triassic Extinction was initially triggered by large scale volcanic activity. An article on the Science Daily website explains it thus:

 Following the discovery of volcanic rocks of the same age as the extinction, volcanic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions had previously been suggested as an important contributor to this extinction event.

 How could they possibly know that these rocks are the same age? Volcanic rocks would be dated by radiometric methods; fossil-bearing rocks, by comparison with nearby other rocks, and estimating the ages by examining the fossils contained within.

 The article is also implying a massive climate change, caused by volcanic CO2 emissions. In short, there is little or no evidence for the climate change, the CO2 emissions, or any correlation between the two.

 The Bible gives a very much shorter timescale than millions of years; a timescale of only just over 6,000 years. Also giving the lie to the evolutionary myth is the fact that death could not have occurred before Adam sinned. Instead, dinosaurs were magnificent land animals, created by God on Day Six of creation.

We are amazed, Lord, at the folly of sophisticated analysis, based on faulty ground rules. Help us to consider Your way first, in all that we undertake for You. Amen.

Genesis 1:16-18

And God made the two great lights�the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night�and the stars. And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.
If you fire a beam of laser light at the Moon, how long will it take to get there?

 At first, some might suggest that this is a relatively easy problem. Speed equals distance divided by time, so surely we can calculate how long the light will take. But do we really know how fast the light travels from Earth to Moon? Creationist astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle suggests that we don�t.

 What we know is the average speed of light. To measure the speed one-way, we would need a clock at either end. These clocks would need to be synchronized, presumably by sending a radio signal. But that signal itself travels at the speed of light�the very value we are trying to measure. Alternatively, we could synchronize both clocks on Earth, then take one of them to the Moon. But time operates at different rates at different speeds. Therefore, the journey that the Lunar clock makes from Earth to Moon actually desynchronizes it from the Terrestrial clock.

 All we can do is measure the average speed, by bouncing the laser off the Moon, and receiving it back on Earth, where the same clock that registered the start of the laser�s journey can register its return. The speed one-way might, in fact, be very different from the speed the opposite way. This is one possible explanation for how light could travel over millions of light years, while only taking a day to reach the Earth, because the speed from distant star to Earth might, in practice, be much faster than the known average. Other creationists have other models, but all rightly depend on Genesis 1 being literal history.

We stand in awe at Your universe, O Lord. So much is out there that blows our minds! Yet, You made it all, and declared it to be good, so we praise Your wonderful Name. Amen.

Genesis 11:8-9

So the LORD dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth. And from there the LORD dispersed them over the face of all the earth.
One of the most persistent rumors of popular evolutionary mythology is the concept of a primitive Stone Age. While serious evolutionists do not view such a time in the same way as the popular thinking, particularly in the media, the idea that there were early human societies that had no technology, save the ability to use rocks, is deeply ingrained. For example, in Douglas Adam�s brilliant comic SciFi novel, The Hitchhiker�s Guide to the Galaxy, a sub-ether talk show host greets his listeners thus:

 We'll be saying a big hello to all intelligent lifeforms everywhere and to everyone else out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys.

 In Langdale, in England�s Lake District, stone tools have been found, along with evidence of product control and management. There also seems to have been a widespread market in these products, throughout the British Isles; Langdale axes have been found in many archaeological sites throughout the islands. Such capitalism is not consistent with the popular evolutionary view of human development, but is entirely consistent with a biblical approach to history. The Tower of Babel incident led to people groups being scattered over the face of the Earth. Refugees arriving in far-flung places, like the British Isles, would have had all the civilization and sophistication of where they had come from, but would not immediately have set up all the required technology. At first, they would have used easier materials, until they were more settled, so the idea of simple tools being used in a sophisticated market economy makes sense, in a biblical framework.

Thank You, Lord, that You have given human beings the abilities for intelligence, wisdom, and knowledge. Help Your people to use these gifts wisely, for Your Glory. Amen.

Friday, December 1, 2017



Genesis 7:19-20

“And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered. Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.”
“You can’t possibly believe that there was a worldwide Flood. If the Ark was floating above Mount Everest, the air would be so thin that they would not be able to breathe.”

 This objection to the Flood is a very common one that I hear frequently. It is also one that is most easily disproved. In fact, I am always very surprised that so many people think this must be a valid argument.

 The statement contains two incorrect presuppositions. Let’s deal with the easiest false presupposition first. This is the idea that an Ark floating above Mount Everest would suffer from thin air. But if the Earth’s oceans were all combined and at that height, they would have displaced the atmosphere. Therefore, the surface of the Flood would be the new sea level and the air would not be thin; the surface would be the new sea level, and the air would be as dense as at the coast.

 The second incorrect presupposition is that Mount Everest existed before the Flood. Psalm 104 shows us that the mountains were raised and the valleys, or rather ocean deeps, were lowered at the end of the Flood. Therefore, pre-Flood mountains would have been quite a lot lower than post-Flood mountains.

 It is always interesting to notice that questions designed to ridicule our belief in the literal truth of Genesis are often based on faulty presuppositions. It is not a surprise to us that genuine science is consistent with God’s word.

We love Your word, Lord, and we love that it always speaks truth. We pray that You will guide us as we seek to witness to the truth of Your word to the world around us. Amen.

Psalm 119:103

"How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!"
When I was in my twenties, I had a friend whose father, Peter, kept bees. One day, he invited me to help collect honey. I was fascinated by the paraphernalia that goes with this activity – the costume, the hood, the smoker, and the hives. Peter had ten hives. His bees were very distinctive. They had a deep brown abdomen with a single yellow stripe across the middle of it. After collecting the combs and spinning out the honey, we went for a walk. We walked a couple of miles across meadows filled with willowherb – a flowering plant which is known in the US as fireweed. Bees were collecting nectar. Many of the bees looked like those in Peter’s hives. They were, indeed, his bees.

 Peter explained that when the bees return to the hive, they will do a little dance. These dances are quite sophisticated and give information to others in the hive about the distance and direction of the nectar flowers. For example, the bee imparting the information will include a part of its dance at an angle to the vertical. The angle of the bee to the vertical is exactly the same as the angle between the nectar flowers and the sun. Information like this is then used by the worker bees so that more of them can find their way to the food source.

 Such complex behavior could not have arisen by evolutionary chance. It is far more logical to suppose that this was a feature deliberately designed by the Creator.

Your word, Lord, is sweeter than honey Thank You for providing us with Your word which gives us everything we need for life, learning, and salvation. Amen.

Isaiah 43:26

“Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified.”
Logic can sometimes be a little difficult to follow without seeing pictures. But if we take this carefully, it should make sense. There is a type of logical sequence called a syllogism, where two premises are made, followed by a conclusion. The conclusion should be based on those premises. For example:

 Premise 1: If it is raining, the streets are wet.

 Premise 2: It is raining.

 Conclusion: Therefore the streets are wet.

 This is logically sound. But suppose we swapped the second premise and conclusion.

Premise 1: If it is raining, the streets are wet.

Premise 2: The streets are wet.

 Conclusion: Therefore it is raining.

 This is logically unsound. This is because there are other possible reasons why the streets might be wet, such as a burst hydrant. Now, here is a typical evolutionary syllogism, using comments about similar animal structures.

 Premise 1: If evolution were true, we would expect to see similar skeletal structures in mammals.

 Premise 2: We do find similar skeletal structures in mammals.

 Conclusion: Therefore evolution is true.

 The idea behind this syllogism is that many animals have five bone systems in their hands or front feet.

 The syllogism is logically unsound because there are other reasons why there might be similar structures, the most obvious being that these similar structures were created by the same designer – God.

Thank You, Lord, for giving us Logic, whereby we can discern good from evil. Thank You also for providing for us during these difficult times. Amen.

Genesis 1:25

�And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.�
I am a long-time fan of the BBC science fiction show Doctor Who, having watched it since the mid-1960s when the show was in black and white with no computer graphics and Daleks were upturned trash cans with sink plungers attached. One of my favorite episodes of the modern era was entitled Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. The title said it all.

 A lost craft was traveling through space with a cargo of untethered dinosaurs. But not everyone enjoyed the episode. Some well-known evolutionary biologists in Britain complained about one scene which featured a couple of tyrannosauruses. Their complaint was that the T. Rexes should have been covered in feathers.

 In practice, the idea of feathered dinosaurs still does not have solid fossil evidence to back it up. Most of the fossils found with evidence of feathers are clearly birds. A small number of others are doubtful but could easily be assumed to be birds.

 In 2016, it was announced that a dinosaur feather had been found entrapped in amber. However, the feather was not attached to an animal. Later the same year, other amber-clad feathers were discovered that were definitely attached to a bird. Some have claimed that there are fossil T. Rexes that show signs of feather follicles.

 Again, these patterns are open to interpretation. Now, it is possible, perhaps, that some dinosaurs could have had feathers, but this does not provide proof that birds evolved from dinosaurs. What we actually find in the fossil record is evidence of kinds of animals, just as the Bible states. It does not make sense to impose an evolutionary worldview on any of these findings.

When You finished creating, Lord God, You looked at all You had made and declared it to be �very good�. Thank You that all we understand about dinosaurs and other animals is consistent with Your word. Amen.

Genesis 1:24

�And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.�
Evolutionists often use a language all of their own. Frequently that language involves reification. Reification is a logical fallacy whereby an abstract concept is treated as if it were something real or concrete. Evolutionists frequently refer to selection of genetic information by nature � the so-called Natural Selection. Nature is an abstract concept. Too often, values, actions, or even moral choices are ascribed to this abstract nature.

 When evolutionists refer to natural selection, they are implying that this is the mechanism by which evolution occurs. Of course, they refer to natural selection with modification, but we have talked about modification before and will do so again. As for the natural selection part, what is being selected? The answer is that genetic information is being selected. It is selected by means of the environment making alternative selections less likely. For example, long-haired dogs living in hot climates are not going to survive as easily as short-haired dogs. Therefore, the short-hairs are more likely to breed and pass on their short-hair genes to the next generation. In future generations, it is possible that the long-hair genes could be eliminated. But we should notice that this natural selection has only selected from what is already there. The dogs may develop into dogs with shorter hair, but they do not turn into cats or anything else. No new genetic information is created by this selection process, so Darwinian evolution has not occurred. Dogs give rise to dogs, and cats give rise to cats because this is how their biblical kinds work.

Once again, Lord, we see that Your word is true. Thank You that we can always rely on Your word. Amen

Friday, November 24, 2017



Psalm 78:15

“He clave the rocks in the wilderness, and gave them drink as out of the great depths.”

I was on an open-topped tour bus, seeing the sights of downtown Edinburgh—the capital city of Scotland. From this vantage point, our guide stopped frequently, to tell us about John Knox’s grave and house, the Royal Mile, and beautiful Edinburgh Castle. At one stop, there were three things to see. To our left was Britain’s ugliest building—the Scottish Parliament. Straight ahead was Holyrood House—where the Queen lives when she is in Edinburgh. And to the right was a cliff face, called Salisbury Crag. This rocky outcrop consists of a lower level of greywacke, topped by several layers of sedimentary rock.

 The guide pointed the crag out to us, and said that in 1787, the crag was studied by James Hutton. In fact, the guide said that in 1787, it was by studying these rocks that James Hutton proved the Bible to be wrong.

 Why would this guide think that Hutton had disproved the Bible? Hutton invented the concept of deep time; of millions of years. He supposed the unconformity separating the two rock sections must have been formed by erosion, millions of years ago. In fact, this smooth erosion is evidence consistent with a much shorter age. The lower rock would have been laid down early in the Flood, and turned over while still plastic. Powerful underwater currents would have caused the erosion that we see. Finally, the layers of rock would have been laid down on top. This model is fully consistent with the truthful account in God’s word.

Your word stands forever, O Lord. Nothing can take away from Your word. We pray that we might submit completely to Your word, that we might not sin against you. Amen.

Psalm 83:14

“As the fire burneth a wood, and as the flame setteth the mountains on fire;”
Many people know about the devastating and explosive eruption of Mount St Helens in 1980. Not so many people know that the volcano has erupted since then, but in less spectacular fashion.

 Throughout the late 1980s and into the 1990s, lava continued to appear in the crater, with a dome of lava growing in the middle of the crater. On October 11th 2004, magma once again erupted from the volcano, causing a new lava dome to grow rapidly south of the existing dome. Many unusual but temporary shapes were formed, such as a large lava formation called the “whaleback”. On July 2nd 2005, the pressure of the magma resulted in an eruption, which broke the whaleback, and sent ash into the air, visible from Seattle. A number of other eruptions occurred during the period from 2004 through 2008. On July 10th 2008, there had been no activity for six months, so the US Geological Survey officially concluded that this eruptive period was over. There has been no significant eruptive activity since then.

 The lava dome is now quite big. The summit of the lava dome is currently about 7,500 feet above sea level, so it is still below the 8,300 foot high crater walls. However, if the dome grows any larger, it could grow above the crater rim. Basically, the lava dome is a new volcano growing inside the ruins of the old one. It already takes up 6% of the space lost by the big 1980 eruption.

 One thing is clear. Once again, even in less spectacular fashion, Mount St Helens has proved that the surface of the Earth can change rapidly at times, and that changes do not require millions of years.

Father God, You continue to witness to the truth of Your word, through natural occurrences worldwide, and especially at Mount St Helens. We pray that we might be faithful in pointing people, therefore, to the truth of Your word. Amen.

Isaiah 55:12

“For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”

Forestry organizations have a major problem with beetles. The Mountain Pine beetle infests many coniferous trees in the Western United States. Apparently 40 million acres of forest have been damaged by these critters. A fungus can get into the tree with the beetle, and this fungus prevents transportation of water and nutrients. The beetle lays its eggs in the bark, and beetle larvae can also cause the tree to die.

 If this were not bad enough, forestry companies then have the difficulty of disposing of these trees, before they cause further damage from fire. The timber from the trees, however, is likely to be cracked and damaged, and is often stained by the presence of the beetles and fungus.

 University of Washington scientists have come up with an ingenious solution. The damaged timber can still be used as a fuel. So the UW School of Environmental and Forest Sciences have come up with a way of heating this wood, and other organic materials, at very high temperatures, in the absence of oxygen. This treatment creates a type of fuel oil, which is a dark brown liquid. This fuel has been used in some countries for heating buildings, such as hospitals.

 Different kinds of oil will have different compositions. While there is not necessarily a close similarity between this wood oil, and petroleum oil, the process at least demonstrates that fuel oils do not take millions of years to form. Similarly, petroleum oils need not have taken millions of years, but could have formed in conditions at the time of the Flood.

Thank You Lord, for the wisdom and ingenuity that You have given human beings, even when they do not acknowledge You as Lord.  Amen.

Genesis 4:20-22

“And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle. And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah.”
I was talking to a group of young children, perhaps 10 or 11 years old, and they were looking at a partly mud-covered house. This house had got covered in mud at the time of the 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens. Meanwhile, close by was a fridge, which had been washed out of the house, at the time of the mudflow. One boy was incredulous. “Did they really have fridges in 1980?”, he asked, genuinely shocked.

 We all had a laugh at this. Yes, I confirmed, there were indeed fridges in 1980. However, our lives were hard, because we couldn’t report to the world on the details of our lives, using Facebook or Twitter. We were not carrying smartphones around with us in the 80s, so we were not permanently connected to the Internet. How did we get by without such technologies? Did we not experience deprivation?

 Of course we did not, because we had no notion that such things would come about. So, technologically speaking, the world is getting better and better, while we see the world sinking downhill fast in terms of its moral standard.

 Technological progress has always been available to us. Even before the Flood, we read about people like the sons of Lamech, who were pushing forward the boundaries of technology in husbandry, metallurgy and music. This is a part of the way God has made us, and we should thank Him for it.

Thank You, Father, for all the technology that we have. We are aware that we can use it for Your glory, or we can misuse it. Help us to glorify Your name, through our use of technology. Amen.

Image: Adobe Stock images, licensed to author. 

Job 38:4-7

�Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.  Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?  Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;  when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?�
Have angels always existed from eternity? The Bible says �No�. Only God, the One God in Three Persons, has existed for all eternity. So the angels and any other spirit beings that there might be must have been created by God.

 If the angels were created, then when were they created? Were they, perhaps, created before the creation week? Perhaps God made them a long time before He made the world. Again, the Bible is very clear that this is not the case. We read in Exodus 20:11 that everything was made in the six days of the Creation Week.

 So, we can definitely say that the Bible teaches that angels were created by God, they have not existed for all eternity, and that they must have been made during the creation week. However, we cannot be anywhere near as dogmatic about what day of the creation week God created them.

 If we look in the book of Job, we read this: �Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth� when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?� It seems likely that these words refer to angels. If they were singing for joy at the foundation of the Earth, then they possibly saw most of creation happen. It is also my opinion that angels were created early on Day One of the Creation Week. At the end of the Creation Week, everything was �very good�. So all the angels were still good at the end of that week. No angel had yet fallen, though that would happen soon, before the events of Genesis 3.

Lord, we know that all things were made for You, through You, and by You. All of creation brings glory to Your Name. We thank You and praise You for Your creative power. Amen.

Ref: Hodge, B. (2010), What about Satan and the Origin of Evil?, in Ham, K. (ed. 2010), The New Answers Book 2, (Master Books). Image: Adobe Stock photo, licensed to author.

Friday, November 17, 2017



Ecclesiastes 1:10

“Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.”
Evolutionary geologists find ages for rocks, using a method known as radiometric dating. For example, uranium-lead dating relies on the change of uranium into lead. The rate at which uranium changes into lead is not linear, but can nevertheless be measured. This value is called the half-life. If we know the half-life of uranium, and the amount of lead that there was in the rock, when it was formed, then we can calculate the age of the rock, assuming that no lead has been added to or taken out of the rock.

 Imagine an hourglass. Sand is flowing from the top to the bottom. You could measure how much sand was in the top of the hourglass, and also how much in the lower part. Finally, you would measure the rate at which sand flows from top to bottom. You might think you could use these values to calculate how long the hourglass had been going, but you would be wrong. This is because you do not know if all the sand started in the top, or if the glass was shaken at some time, making the sand go through faster. In the same way, geologists assume that an igneous rock was formed without any lead in it, but it is impossible to know this. They also assume that the half-life of uranium has never changed. But we now have considerable evidence to suggest that the half-life changed rapidly in the past.

 There is, however, a fully reliable method of dating the Earth. This involves using the dates found in the Bible, yielding an age of just over 6,000 years.

Help us, Lord, to weigh everything we know against the truth of Scripture. Thank You for Your word, Lord. We pray that it might guide us into truth. Amen.

Ref: Humphreys, R. (et al), Radioactivity and the Age of the Earth, (ICR). Image: Adobe Stock image, licensed to author.

Genesis 1:16b

“…he made the stars also.”
Today, I want to talk about aging stars. But I am not referring to your favorite movie icon of yesteryear. Instead, I am talking about stars in the universe.

 How old is a star? And how can we tell?

Big Bang cosmologists refer to the ages of stars in billions of years. One recent science article talked about a star, which they said was so old that it was formed just after the Big Bang itself. The article, published in 2014, gives the age of the universe as 13.7 billion years old. I used to teach physics and chemistry in public high schools in Britain, until 1999. In the textbook, which I used at that time, the age of the universe was given as 12.3 billion years. This age was repeated in a subsequent edition of the book, in 2001. So, in the 13 years from 2001 to 2014, the universe got 1.4 billion years older, which is an increase of 11.3%. How could such a large margin of error be introduced, with so little comment? Could it be that the star to which I referred could be measured more accurately, pushing back the age of the universe?

It turns out that the age of the star is actually measured relative to the dating of the Big Bang. In the case of this particular star, they examine its chemistry (by studying its spectrum), and fit its age with whatever chemistry they think may have been available at the time. Such guesswork is not needed, when we realize that God has already given us reliable and intelligible dates for when creation events happened, in His word.

we thank You and praise You that Your word is true. Help us to submit to what You say, rather than following blindly after the will of the world. Amen.

Ecclesiastes 1:10

�Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.�
In two previous Creation Moments, I have described how radiometric dating works, and how uranium changes into lead. We found that, for every atom of uranium that decays, eight atoms of helium are made. If a rock contained no lead when it was formed, then all the lead must have been made from uranium, and there would be 8 times as many helium atoms as lead atoms.

 Mica crystals, containing uranium and lead, were examined. The amount of helium in the crystal was measured. Then the amount of helium that there should be was found. The difference between the mass of helium calculated, and the mass of helium at the end of the experiment, shows how much helium has escaped. If the age of the crystal were known, we could calculate the escape age.

 Unfortunately, we do not know the age of the crystals. However, the crystals have two possible ages�an evolutionary age of 1.5 billion years, and a creationist age. The amount of helium that has escaped, or diffused, is divided first by 1.5 billion, then by 6,000 years�the creationist age. Both ages are plotted on a graph, along with other plots from other crystals. Finally, some independent experimental results were obtained for helium diffusion by deliberately heating other crystals.

 The results of these experiments, when plotted on to a graph, fit with the creationist long-age rates, and not with the evolutionary model.

Thank You, Lord, for scientists, carrying out real science experiments. Thank You that we can expect scientific observations to be consistent with biblical truth. Thank You for pointing us to the truth of Your world. Amen.

Ref: Humphreys, R. (et al), Radioactivity and the Age of the Earth, (ICR). Image: Adobe Stock Photos, licensed to author.

Micah 5:2

�But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.�

The half-life is a value which gives an indication of the rate of decay of radioactive isotopes. Radioactive decay occurs in an exponential, rather than linear way. Suppose an isotope, which we will call X, has a half-life of 1 year. If we have 32lb of X today, then in a year, we will have just 16lb � half of 32. In another year, however, we will lose only 8lb more�half of 16. The year after that, there will be 4lb left, and so on.

 The term half-life is misleading. Half-life is a notional number, showing how long it would take for half a given radioactive material to decay. When we say that uranium-238 has a half-life of 4,500 million years, this figure is not a problem for creationists. We simply mean that uranium is decaying at a rate, whereby half of it would not decay until 1,500 million years had passed.

 Uranium-238 decays into stable lead-206 by a 14 step process. Eight of these steps involves the release of an alpha particle, which is the nucleus of a helium atom. So, every atom of uranium that turns into lead will also yield 8 atoms of helium. An igneous rock should, therefore, contain 8 helium atoms for every one lead atom. Of course, it doesn�t. Helium can escape into the atmosphere. But this means that we can calculate the speed at which helium can leave radioactive rocks. Measuring this speed reveals that uranium must actually have decayed very much faster in the past than it does today.

We thank You, Lord, that You know all things. You are not taken in by human technology today. No true science can or will oppose Your word�though for a season, people sometimes think that they have disproved Your word. Help us to stand strong for You, and to believe all that You have told us. Amen.

Isaiah 45:18

�For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.�
Like many people of my generation, I was fascinated by the Apollo Moon landings from 1969 through 1972. As a small boy, I keenly watched all the special programs that I could on BBC TV. I clearly remember one of the BBC experts, signing off the Apollo 17 broadcast, by telling us that NASA would certainly have people on Mars before 1990. I waited eagerly, but it never happened.

 Perhaps the development of the Mars Rovers has helped somewhat. I love the photographs from the surface of Mars. And I love the idea of discovery, purely for the sake of discovery. I don�t think there needs to be any political justification for finding out as much as we can about the Red Planet.

 Of course, that position is slightly na�ve. There is no question that NASA is not carrying out voyages of discovery for the sake of pure discovery. There is an agenda. And that agenda is to emulate David Bowie, by finding life on Mars.

 One rover, called Curiosity, has recently reported pictures of sedimentary rocks, with halos of silica. One possible, and likely, mechanism for the production of these halos is the action of water. It is interesting to think that water may have shaped large parts of the surface of Mars. However, matters being what they are, the inference is being made, as it has been made so many times before, that the existence of water on Mars is possible evidence for life. This is not the case. Life requires water, of that there is no doubt. But water does not imply life. It is the Earth that God has caused to be inhabited.

We praise You, our Heavenly Father, that You have made everything well, and have made this planet a suitable home for us, in Your purposes. We pray for Godly discoveries and discoverers, who will bring honor and glory to Your Name. Amen.


Friday, November 10, 2017



Romans 1:21-22

“. . . because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”
Every so often, we need to return to the topic of peppered moths, which we have featured a number of times before. Previous Creation Moments have explained why Peppered Moths are not an example of evolution, and how, in the 1980s, it was found that the famous photos showing light and dark moths on light and dark tree trunks had, in fact, been staged. The moths do not normally settle on the trunks, so the photos were taken by gluing dead moths on to the trees.

 What we want to note at the moment is that teachers continue to perpetuate the peppered moth myth. One evolutionist has stated that this is because the concept of what happened to these moths is easy to understand, and more recent studies have suggested that the population of dark moths is indeed higher in urban areas than that of light moths.

 As creationists have often pointed out, this is not really the point, because, even if the accounts were correct, this is not an example of Darwinian evolution, as no new genetic information has been made. It is, however, an example of bad experimental technique, led by a desire to prove a particular outcome, rather than genuine investigation.

 It is disturbing, therefore, to look at that portion of the BBC’s website, where they publish notes for high school students. An up to date science review page for students, with the heading “Evidence for Evolution”, once again publishes the faked moth photos. For us, this constant re-publication of error aptly illustrates the paucity of evolutionary science.

Your word, O Lord, is always true. We thank You that Your word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We pray that we might constantly follow You, in all that we do, seeking to glorify Your Name. Amen.

Genesis 1:25

“ And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”
There is a story about a man, who had a dog. A friend asked him what kind of dog it was. The man replied “He is a Heinz dog”. “I have never heard of a Heinz dog”, said the other. “Sure you have”, said the first. “He has 57 varieties”.

 Man’s best friend comes in a bewildering number of varieties, or breeds. Imagine if a future paleontologist found the fossil skulls of a bulldog and a greyhound. Such a paleontologist might suppose these to be entirely different animals. Yet they are not. They are not just part of the same dog family, along with wolves and foxes, they are actually part of the same species, Canis familiari. Over the millennia, the domestic dog has been selectively bred into a wide variety of forms, sizes, hair lengths etc. Almost any characteristic that can be thought of has been manipulated through such selective breeding.

 Pedigree dogs will have certificates from the American Kennel Club, or similar bodies in other countries. An AKC certificate proves that up to four previous generations were of the same breed. The reason for this is that the different breeds obviously interbreed easily—they are the same species. So, this artificial selection of genes is not evolution. In fact, many breeds suffer from genetic diseases, because they are genetically inferior to mongrel dogs, containing much less genetic variety.

 Natural selection is not entirely the same as artificial breeding, but it has sufficient similarities for this point to be made; natural selection is not evolution, as no new genetic information is created.

I thank You, Lord, for my dogs, and for the fun they bring into our lives. Thank You that You designed dogs to be as they are. Thank You for Your wisdom in creating all these animals, to reproduce according to their kind. Amen.

Psalms 19:1

�The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.�
I often think that all Christians should be interested in astronomy. That does not mean that I think you should be experts in how stars work, or how light travels. But the Psalmist says that �the heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork�. So it is good to look upwards at night, and notice what God has made out there in the heavens, because this causes to stop and consider what God has done.

 We are charged in Scripture never to worship anything in the heavens, because these are things that God has created, but it is right and proper to consider stars, planets, galaxies and so on, and to stand in awe at all that God has made.

 In Genesis 1:14, God tells us that one of the purposes of the night sky is to mark signs and seasons for us. When night falls, it will be different stars that appear on the horizon at different times of year, because of the position of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun, so we keep track of the seasons. But also, by measuring the angles of certain starts above the horizon, and above the equator, we can work out what latitude we are at. Coupled with the longitude, calculated using accurate time, we can pinpoint our position on the Earth.

 With our modern technology of smartphones and satellites, we take such matters for granted today. But God provided us with time-keeping and positioning software in the sky, right from the beginning of creation. That is certainly a cause to praise His Name!

As we gaze into the heavens, Lord, we see that they declare your handiwork. We are amazed by the beauty of the sky, and our amazement increases, as we learn more about it. We praise You, for You are great and holy. Amen.

Image: Galaxy M8, license: Public Domain (NASA)

Psalm 8:3-4

�When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?�
The Solar System has seen many impacts. On so many bodies of the Solar System, these impacts have produced craters. It is well known that the surface of the Moon contains many craters, which are thought to have been formed when a meteorite hit the Lunar surface. However, the Moon is not alone. I have often shown my audiences a photograph of the surface of Mercury, and asked them what it is, because I know that most people will think it is the Moon, because of its cratered surface. In recent years, exploratory, unmanned missions to bodies in the further reaches of the Solar System have revealed surfaces pockmarked with craters.

 We cannot give a definitive answer for how or when the craters were formed. Some creationists believe that this cratering was actually a part of God�s creative process, so that the cratering took place within the Creation Week. Others believe that the cratering was part of the process that initiated the Flood.

 One creation researcher has suggested that a massive Flood-time bombardment of other planets and moons would also have led to massive impacts on the Earth. Some of these impacts would have been of sufficient energy to cause large vertical faulting, and to help split the Earth�s crust into the Tectonic Plates we see today.

 Whatever cratering mechanism turns out to be the best one, we can be sure that these impacts were not random accidents, not merely freaks of nature. They had a purpose in God�s plan, whether they were at the formation of the Solar System, or at the initiation of the Flood.

Nothing has happened by chance, Lord God. Everything has taken place for a reason, even though we may not have that reason revealed to us. Thank You for doing all things well. Amen.

Ref: Oard, M, What do impacts accomplish in the first hour?, Journal of Creation 27(1):90�98 April 2013. Image: Adobe Stock Photos, licensed to author.

Proverbs 20:12

�The hearing ear, and the seeing eye,  the LORD hath made even both of them...�
Richard Dawkins believes he has found an organ system, which is badly designed, and so proves that no god could have designed it. He has popularized this accusation so widely that atheistic websites and forums simply quote the example, as if it were proven. He refers to the color receptors on the retina of the vertebrate eye. These are the wrong way round, he says, with the receptor pointing towards the retina, instead of out to the lens. He says:

 �Any engineer would naturally assume that the photocells would point towards the light, with their wires leading backwards towards the brain. He would laugh at any suggestion that the photocells might point away, from the light, with their wires departing on the side nearest the light.�

 The wiring, to which he refers, is that of the nerves. He supposes that the nerves should be behind the retina, so that the receptors point outwards. However, the nerves cannot be behind the eye, as this is the space required for the cooling blood system. If this cooling system were not there, then the receptors would overheat. The receptors could also locally overheat, if they were pointed outward, and so could detect light directly. It would appear that it is better, safer, and more efficient for the receptors to receive light indirectly. Moreover, the nervous system is actually transparent, so light can get through the system just lensward of the receptors.

 Far from being bad design, the structure of the vertebrate eye is an example of masterful design. That, of course, is what we expect from the creativity of the God of the Bible.

As we consider that our eyes were perfectly designed by You, Lord, we also remember that You say that the eyes are the windows of the soul. Help us not to look on things that pollute, but to consider what is worthy. For Your glory�s sake. Amen.

Ref: Sarfati, J.D. (2008), Fibre optics in eye demolish atheistic �bad design� argument, Creation 31(1):45�47, December 2008
Image: Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 Unported

Saturday, November 4, 2017



Matthew 6:31-32

“Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.”
One highly qualified British creationist scientist related to an audience how another scientist has approached him, to help with a course he thought their university should run, about the problems associated with evolution. My friend said he would be happy to help. A few days later, the other scientist returned sheepishly to my friend. He would not, after all, be able to run the course. It had been put to him that, if he were to do so, he would lose his career.

 Some creationist scientists, working in secular universities, have estimated that many of their colleagues do not really accept evolution, but are afraid for their careers, their future, and their ability to provide for their families. Fear is a very real phenomenon. While not many Christians lose their lives for their faith in Western countries, like the United States, even peer-pressure can cause an element of fear.

 There may be a case for intelligent circumspection, and there is certainly no biblical mandate for deliberately seeking out persecution. Nevertheless, we must remember that Jesus counseled us against fear and against worry. “Do not be anxious, saying ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’” Jesus wants us to face issues with confidence, knowing that we are doing His will. It is not everyone’s calling to stand up for the creation account, in an academic setting. But we all have our situations, where the rubber hits the road, where we are called to trust in Him, rather than in the agencies of the world.

Prayer: I pray, Lord, that You will take away our anxieties, and give us boldness instead; boldness to carry out Your will in every situation. Amen

Ref: Matthew 6:31-32 Image: Adobe stock photos, licensed to author

Genesis 1:21

“So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.”
London’s famous Natural History Museum features an enormous gallery, where, among other large creatures, you can see a life-size blue whale hanging from the ceiling.

 On a mezzanine, overlooking this gallery, a display can be seen, which purports to provide evidence for the evolution of the whale from a group of land animals, called mesonychids. One display contains three skulls. The first is a mesonychid skull. The second is of ambulocetus—a supposed intermediate form. This word comes from the Latin, and means “walking whale”. The third fossil skull on display is that of a dolphin. The implication is that these skulls illustrate a linear evolution of the whale. One would expect, therefore, that the first fossil would be the oldest.

 It is actually the ambulocetus that has the greatest evolutionary age. So the display shows asymmetric error bars for these ages. The ambulocetus is shown to be one of the first of its kind, while the mesonychid is assumed to be one of the last. Thus, the colored error bars show the bulk of the mesonychid timeline as being before that of the ambulocetus, with some overlap. Their justification for this arrangement is that this is the order of evolution. So evolution is assumed, in order to justify the order of display of the fossils, and the display is then offered as evidence of evolution. This is circular reasoning.

 The Bible gives us a much clearer, unambiguous account, relating that whales were created on Day Five of the creation week—a day before land animals.

We are amazed, once again, when we consider a creature like the whale. We know that You made these beautiful, enormous creatures, Lord, and we stand in awe at Your handiwork. Amen
 Born of God
�If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him.� (1 John 2:29)
This is the first of seven occurrences of the phrase �born of God,� or �born of him,� in the little epistle of 1 John. If anyone wishes to know how to recognize one who has truly been �born again,� these seven descriptors are available for that purpose.
The first such test, in our text, is that such a person is one �that doeth righteousness.� The second and third are found in 1 John 3:9: �Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.� That is, he will not practice sin because God�s own nature has been implanted in him.
Another evidence is genuine love. �Love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God� (John 4:7). Still another is genuine faith in Christ, which in turn produces genuine love. �Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him� (1 John 5:1).
Those who are truly born again will not be permanently defeated by the world. �For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?� (1 John 5:4-5).
Finally, �we know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not� (1 John 5:18).
The term �born again� is being used very loosely these days, and we need to realize that true regeneration is a permanent, life-transforming miracle accomplished by God Himself in a believer�s life. HMM

Psalms 103:15-16

�As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.  For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.�
When I was a science teacher, in government schools in England, I used to like to show a particular video to my classes. This video featured some unusual plants that had strange reproductive methods. The most unusual of all was the bucket orchid.

 This orchid grows in Central and South America. The flower forms a bucket, which fills with a sticky secretion from the plant. The flower then has to sit and wait for a bee. But it is not just any bee that can pollinate this plant. It has to be the special, beautiful, green orchid bee. The bee is attracted by the sweet liquid, but slips and falls into it. The exhausted bee eventually climbs out, through a passage way of Goldilocks proportions�not to big, not too small, just right.

 As the bee tries to escape through this passage, the flower holds it tight, and glues two pollen sacks on its back. After holding the bee long enough for the glue to dry, the flower releases the bee.

 If a bee arrives at the orchid, with pollen sacks already on its back, the flower lets it quickly through the system, and takes away the pollen sacks, before the bee can finally escape.

 Evolutionists maintain that this is an example of co-evolution�two organisms evolving so that they cannot do without each other. Which evolved first? It is difficult to see how one could have evolved before the other. It is far more sensible to take the biblical presupposition, that both were the work of our Creator.

Father, like the bucket orchid and orchid bee, you have designed us to work together in teams, families and churches. We pray that, as we do so, we will realize that we are part of the same body, all valuable, and will work for You accordingly. Amen.

Psalms 95:4

�In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also.�
The devastating blast from the eruption of Mount St Helens, on May 19th 1980, tore down huge, mature trees. Old growth forest was flattened north of the volcano in an area covering 230 square miles. Trees were demolished up to 17 miles away.

 Spirit Lake is just 4 miles from the volcano, so all the trees on the hillsides around the lake were snapped like matchsticks. As the landslide rushed into the lake, a huge wave of water was pushed 800 feet up the hillside opposite. As the water washed back, to settle on top of the landslide, 300 feet above where it had been previously, it brought a million logs with it. Even today, 300,000 of these logs are still floating on the lake surface.

 In time, the root ball end of these logs would take in water and get heavier, causing the log to float vertically. Eventually, it would sink vertically. There are many such logs at the bottom of Spirit Lake, without bark (which fell off), and without roots, yet standing upright, buried through several layers of sediment.

 This formation looks like the fossil �forests� seen in such places as Specimen Ridge in the Yellowstone National Park. At Specimen Ridge, it can be seen that the fossil trees, lodged through many layers of sediment, do not, in fact, have roots. This is because these trees did not grow there. They were deposited there, sinking vertically through water, probably during the Flood.

 The area around Mount St Helens is a wonderful laboratory, helping us to understand more about the mechanism and aftermath of the Flood.

Thank You, Lord, for the area around Mount St Helens. Thank You for enabling us to show people how rapid Your work can sometimes be. Help us to be able to show people that what You said in Your word was and is all true. Amen.

Ref: Taylor, P. (2016), Mount St Helens: A Message for Today, (Toutle, WA: J6D Publications) Image: taken by author

Genesis 11:7-8

�Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.�
It often surprises visitors to England, to see how close it is to the main road. Perhaps they imagine it should be remote, miles from civilization. However, when Stonehenge was built, whatever purpose it was built for, it was clearly at the center of civilization at the time.

 Many people have pointed out that Stonehenge, and other similar ancient stone circle monuments, are observatories. Various stones match up with sunrise or sunset on particular days, or with certain stars at certain times of year. Much has been made of the reasons for such alignments, and all such monuments are associated with large numbers of books and videos, each with a different take on the reasons for the monuments� construction. Perhaps they were built by refugees from an advanced civilization. Some have even suggested links of alien or occult origin.

 After the Flood, God commanded people to scatter over the face of the Earth. People were disobedient, and this disobedience found its focus at Babel, when a city and a tower was built �with its top in the heavens�. It seems that this was an attempt to reach the heavens without reference to God, and it prompted God to divide people�s languages, so that they were forced to scatter over the face of the Earth.

 It is possible that monuments like Stonehenge were built by refugees from Babel. Although neolithic monuments vary enormously from each other, their astronomical uses suggest that they too were attempts to get to the heavens without God. Many of the tribal migrations from Babel produced such magnificent monuments to man�s folly.

Thank You, Lord, for enabling us to see and visit so many monuments from history. Help us to learn the lessons of history, rather than to repeat the mistakes, and, in all things, to give the glory and honor to You. Amen.

Friday, October 27, 2017



Ecclesiastes 3:20-21

"All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?"
Frequent excursions into the Mount St Helens National Volcanic Monument bring me regularly into areas populated by beavers. Many of the ponds around the Hummocks show signs of beaver activity. One notable dam, which I often see on the trail, is over four feet high, and is easily over 50 feet long. When I show this to people on the excursions, I sometimes joke that the accompanying lodge might be inhabited by Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy! These were the four heroes of C.S. Lewis’s masterpiece, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and there is a familiar scene, recognized by most of my guests, where the four children are entertained, on entering Narnia, by Mr. and Mrs. Beaver.

 Lewis was right to allude to the marvelous construction abilities of these animals. A previous Creation Moment described their building techniques, and reported that dams even bigger than the one that I know about are possible. As one approaches the beaver pond, we often see trails of flattened grass running down the slope to the banks of the pond. Beavers do not drag the logs that they cut straight to the dam. They drag them the shortest distance possible to the pond—hence the little trails—then float them to their construction site.

 God has made these creatures. But in His word, He emphasizes that He considers us so much higher than these charming and intelligent creatures. It is only mankind, who has been made in the image of God.

Thank You, Father, for making animals, like beavers. But thank You that You count us as so much higher, made in Your image. Help us to remember the ways, in which we differ from the animals, and help us to praise You as we ought. Amen.

Genesis 1:27-28

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”
When I was a high school science teacher, I taught both Physics and Chemistry. However, Chemistry was my main subject. Because of my background in education, I really enjoy taking groups of families and young people on the excursions to Mount St Helens, which I lead two or three times a week during the Summer. One of the questions I ask of the young people is about the color of some of the rocks that can be seen in the National Volcanic Monument Area. The rocks that I am particularly talking about are sort of blue-green color.

 Last week, as I write this, I asked one group of teenagers why the rock was blue-green.

 One boy answered “Because the rock absorbs red light, but reflects blue and green”.

 Of course, the way I had phrased the question meant that he had given a correct answer. So I said “That is a correct Physics answer. But what is the Chemistry answer?”

 One of the girls correctly answered that the rock looked as if it contained malachite, which is hydrated copper carbonate. Hence, the rock is an ore for the metal copper.

 It is interesting that I got a correct Physics answer and a correct Chemistry answer to my question. God has provided humanity with resources in the world, for which we are responsible, and over which we have dominion. He has also made the physical laws, which govern why colors appear the way they do. We apply our Physics and Chemistry knowledge for the extraction of such resources, and to understand their properties.

Thank You, Lord, that You have provided the resources that we need in this planet, on which You have placed us. We marvel at the grace of Your provision for us. Help us collectively, and individually, to be good stewards of what you have given to us. Amen.

Image: Jonathan Zander, released under Creative Commons Attribution, 3.0.

Psalms 119:89-9

"Forever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth."
There are those that claim that Evolution is a scientific theory. Scientific theories can be subject to the scientific method. If the same test or experiment is carried out under the same conditions, on different days or locations, the results should still be the same.

 The existence of scientific methodology suggests that ideas, referred to as science, actually divide under two headings. The first of these would be the testable, repeatable scientific ideas, which refer to situations here and now. These can be referred to as Observable or Operational Science. This is, in fact, the real science. Not only is there nothing unbiblical about Operational Science, we can insist that such science would not be possible without a rational, biblical worldview.

 The other scientific heading would be Historical Science. This is the type of science that refers to one-time, single events that allegedly happened in the past. Because these events are one-time events, they are not repeatable, nor are they falsifiable, because we do not have a time machine to go back and test things. Evolution must fall into this second category. Therefore, the alleged event, when non-living molecules got together to form a living cell, cannot be repeated. Evolution is not testable, and is therefore not Operational Science.

 Some might point out that biblical creation is similarly untestable, and must be Historical Science. Although this is true, it merely serves to remind us that science is not the ultimate test of truth. The revelation of God�s word in the Bible is that ultimate truth.

Father God, we thank You that You have created this universe in an understandable way. We thank You for the talents of scientific men and women, who push forward the boundaries of research�they are thinking Your thoughts after them. Amen.

1 Thessalonians 5:21

"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good."
Science has an elevated position in Western society. There are those who would try to put Christians down, by saying �You have faith, but I have science�. Science, in the abstract, is therefore assumed to be the ultimate truth, and the universal standard, against which everything must be tested.

 This, it is suggested, is because science is tested. As a high school science teacher, I would suggest to my students that scientific processes could develop as follows: The problem to be investigated is stated. A hypothesis is then developed, which seems to explain this problem, and accompanying observations. After this, an investigation�often by experiment�is designed to test the hypothesis. For this to occur, the hypothesis must be testable, and, indeed, falsifiable. To say that a hypothesis is falsifiable does not imply that it is, or even could be, false. It simply means that it is theoretically possible that an investigative result might disprove the hypothesis. For example, our hypothesis that hot water hurts is falsifiable, given that you could plunge your hand into boiling water, to see if it feels comfortable. In practice, we know that this would indeed hurt, supporting your hypothesis. Finally, you would carry out your investigation or experiment, record the results, and from them draw a conclusion, that your investigation either supports or disproves your hypothesis.

 This important concept of scientific methodology is only possible, because we expect a rational universe, with scientific laws that make sense, and that do not change. Such a rational universe is only possible within a biblical worldview, where random chance events do not take place.

We know, Lord God, that we can only make sense of this universe, because You made it. Thank You that You gave us reasoning and wisdom, sufficient to practice science, to understand the universe better. Amen.

Psalm 113:3

"From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD's name is to be praised."
Since starting these broadcasts, I have received a number of surprising emails, from people who claim to believe that the Earth is flat, instead of spherical. Is the idea of a spherical earth a lie fed to us as if it were true, along with evolution and deep time? No. Evolution and deep time can be shown to be within the realm of historical science, referring to alleged one-time unrepeatable events. The flat earth concept, however, has a number of consequences which ought to have an effect in the here and now. Therefore, current hypotheses can be developed from the flat earth model, which are testable and falsifiable. We have also seen that the scientific method, which we will now apply, is only realistically possible in a biblical worldview.

 The creationist astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner has shown that, in a flat earth model, the apparent angular diameter of the sun should get smaller, as the sun gets lower in the sky, because it would be further away. He shows that the increase in angular diameter of the sun is proportional to the ratio of sines of the angle of altitude. Real numbers can be used in this formula, he shows that the sun at 1:45 pm should have a diameter 6.4 times bigger than at 7:30 am. In fact, Faulkner shows that there is no change at all in the size of the sun, given legitimate experimental error.

 In fact, there is no reason from Scripture to believe in a flat earth. But then the flat earth idea did not originate with biblical Christians. It originated as a modern myth, to give something for evolutionists to lampoon creationists with.

Thank You, Lord, for making everything according to You plan. Nothing took You by surprise, Lord, and every word You gave us in the Bible is true. Amen.

Ref: Faulkner, D (2016), A Flat-Earth Prediction Falls Flat, accessed 05/26/2017. Image: Orlando Ferguson, Public Domain.