Tuesday, December 23, 2014

How December 25 Became Christmas

How December 25 Became Christmas

Read Andrew McGowan's article "How December 25 Became Christmas" as it originally appeared in Bible Review, December 2002. The article was first republished in Bible History Daily in December 2012.-Ed.

A blanket of snow covers the little town of Bethlehem, in Pieter Bruegel's oil painting from 1566. Although Jesus' birth is celebrated every year on December 25, Luke and the other gospel writers offer no hint about the specific time of year he was born. Scala/Art Resource, NY
On December 25, Christians around the world will gather to celebrate Jesus' birth. Joyful carols, special liturgies, brightly wrapped gifts, festive foods-these all characterize the feast today, at least in the northern hemisphere. But just how did the Christmas festival originate? How did December 25 come to be associated with Jesus' birthday?
The Bible offers few clues: Celebrations of Jesus' Nativity are not mentioned in the Gospels or Acts; the date is not given, not even the time of year. The biblical reference to shepherds tending their flocks at night when they hear the news of Jesus' birth (Luke 2:8) might suggest the spring lambing season; in the cold month of December, on the other hand, sheep might well have been corralled. Yet most scholars would urge caution about extracting such a precise but incidental detail from a narrative whose focus is theological rather than calendrical.
The extrabiblical evidence from the first and second century is equally spare: There is no mention of birth celebrations in the writings of early Christian writers such as Irenaeus (c. 130-200) or Tertullian (c. 160-225). Origen of Alexandria (c. 165-264) goes so far as to mock Roman celebrations of birth anniversaries, dismissing them as "pagan" practices-a strong indication that Jesus' birth was not marked with similar festivities at that place and time.1 As far as we can tell, Christmas was not celebrated at all at this point.
This stands in sharp contrast to the very early traditions surrounding Jesus' last days. Each of the Four Gospels provides detailed information about the time of Jesus' death. According to John, Jesus is crucified just as the Passover lambs are being sacrificed. This would have occurred on the 14th of the Hebrew month of Nisan, just before the Jewish holiday began at sundown (considered the beginning of the 15th day because in the Hebrew calendar, days begin at sundown). In Matthew, Mark and Luke, however, the Last Supper is held after sundown, on the beginning of the 15th. Jesus is crucified the next morning-still, the 15th.a
Interested in learning about the birth of Jesus? Learn more about the history of Christmas and the date of Jesus' birth in the free eBook The First Christmas: The Story of Jesus' Birth in History and Tradition.

Easter, a much earlier development than Christmas, was simply the gradual Christian reinterpretation of Passover in terms of Jesus' Passion. Its observance could even be implied in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 5:7-8: "Our paschal lamb, Christ, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us celebrate the festival."); it was certainly a distinctively Christian feast by the mid-second century C.E., when the apocryphal text known as the Epistle to the Apostles has Jesus instruct his disciples to "make commemoration of [his] death, that is, the Passover."
Jesus' ministry, miracles, Passion and Resurrection were often of most interest to first- and early-second-century C.E. Christian writers. But over time, Jesus' origins would become of increasing concern. We can begin to see this shift already in the New Testament. The earliest writings-Paul and Mark-make no mention of Jesus' birth. The Gospels of Matthew and Luke provide well-known but quite different accounts of the event-although neither specifies a date. In the second century C.E., further details of Jesus' birth and childhood are related in apocryphal writings such as the Infancy Gospel of Thomas and the Proto-Gospel of James.b These texts provide everything from the names of Jesus' grandparents to the details of his education-but not the date of his birth.
Finally, in about 200 C.E., a Christian teacher in Egypt makes reference to the date Jesus was born. According to Clement of Alexandria, several different days had been proposed by various Christian groups. Surprising as it may seem, Clement doesn't mention December 25 at all. Clement writes: "There are those who have determined not only the year of our Lord's birth, but also the day; and they say that it took place in the 28th year of Augustus, and in the 25th day of [the Egyptian month] Pachon [May 20 in our calendar] . And treating of His Passion, with very great accuracy, some say that it took place in the 16th year of Tiberius, on the 25th of Phamenoth [March 21]; and others on the 25th of Pharmuthi [April 21] and others say that on the 19th of Pharmuthi [April 15] the Savior suffered. Further, others say that He was born on the 24th or 25th of Pharmuthi [April 20 or 21]."2
Clearly there was great uncertainty, but also a considerable amount of interest, in dating Jesus' birth in the late second century. By the fourth century, however, we find references to two dates that were widely recognized-and now also celebrated-as Jesus' birthday: December 25 in the western Roman Empire and January 6 in the East (especially in Egypt and Asia Minor). The modern Armenian church continues to celebrate Christmas on January 6; for most Christians, however, December 25 would prevail, while January 6 eventually came to be known as the Feast of the Epiphany, commemorating the arrival of the magi in Bethlehem. The period between became the holiday season later known as the 12 days of Christmas.
The earliest mention of December 25 as Jesus' birthday comes from a mid-fourth-century Roman almanac that lists the death dates of various Christian bishops and martyrs. The first date listed, December 25, is marked: natus Christus in Betleem Judeae: "Christ was born in Bethlehem of Judea."3 In about 400 C.E., Augustine of Hippo mentions a local dissident Christian group, the Donatists, who apparently kept Christmas festivals on December 25, but refused to celebrate the Epiphany on January 6, regarding it as an innovation. Since the Donatist group only emerged during the persecution under Diocletian in 312 C.E. and then remained stubbornly attached to the practices of that moment in time, they seem to represent an older North African Christian tradition.
In the East, January 6 was at first not associated with the magi alone, but with the Christmas story as a whole.
So, almost 300 years after Jesus was born, we finally find people observing his birth in mid-winter. But how had they settled on the dates December 25 and January 6?
There are two theories today: one extremely popular, the other less often heard outside scholarly circles (though far more ancient).4
The most loudly touted theory about the origins of the Christmas date(s) is that it was borrowed from pagan celebrations. The Romans had their mid-winter Saturnalia festival in late December; barbarian peoples of northern and western Europe kept holidays at similar times. To top it off, in 274 C.E., the Roman emperor Aurelian established a feast of the birth of Sol Invictus (the Unconquered Sun), on December 25. Christmas, the argument goes, is really a spin-off from these pagan solar festivals. According to this theory, early Christians deliberately chose these dates to encourage the spread of Christmas and Christianity throughout the Roman world: If Christmas looked like a pagan holiday, more pagans would be open to both the holiday and the God whose birth it celebrated.

In the five-part documentary An Archaeological Search for Jesus, Hershel Shanks travels from Galilee to Jerusalem in search of the first century world in which Jesus lived. Visit Nazareth, Sepphoris, Capernaum, Bethsaida, Qumran and other landmarks as Shanks interviews eminent archaeologists and New Testament scholars about the sites associated with Jesus and other gospel figures.

Despite its popularity today, this theory of Christmas's origins has its problems. It is not found in any ancient Christian writings, for one thing. Christian authors of the time do note a connection between the solstice and Jesus' birth: The church father Ambrose (c. 339-397), for example, described Christ as the true sun, who outshone the fallen gods of the old order. But early Christian writers never hint at any recent calendrical engineering; they clearly don't think the date was chosen by the church. Rather they see the coincidence as a providential sign, as natural proof that God had selected Jesus over the false pagan gods.
It's not until the 12th century that we find the first suggestion that Jesus' birth celebration was deliberately set at the time of pagan feasts. A marginal note on a manuscript of the writings of the Syriac biblical commentator Dionysius bar-Salibi states that in ancient times the Christmas holiday was actually shifted from January 6 to December 25 so that it fell on the same date as the pagan Sol Invictus holiday.5 In the 18th and 19th centuries, Bible scholars spurred on by the new study of comparative religions latched on to this idea.6 They claimed that because the early Christians didn't know when Jesus was born, they simply assimilated the pagan solstice festival for their own purposes, claiming it as the time of the Messiah's birth and celebrating it accordingly.
More recent studies have shown that many of the holiday's modern trappings do reflect pagan customs borrowed much later, as Christianity expanded into northern and western Europe. The Christmas tree, for example, has been linked with late medieval druidic practices. This has only encouraged modern audiences to assume that the date, too, must be pagan.
There are problems with this popular theory, however, as many scholars recognize. Most significantly, the first mention of a date for Christmas (c. 200) and the earliest celebrations that we know about (c. 250-300) come in a period when Christians were not borrowing heavily from pagan traditions of such an obvious character.
Granted, Christian belief and practice were not formed in isolation. Many early elements of Christian worship-including eucharistic meals, meals honoring martyrs and much early Christian funerary art-would have been quite comprehensible to pagan observers. Yet, in the first few centuries C.E., the persecuted Christian minority was greatly concerned with distancing itself from the larger, public pagan religious observances, such as sacrifices, games and holidays. This was still true as late as the violent persecutions of the Christians conducted by the Roman emperor Diocletian between 303 and 312 C.E.
This would change only after Constantine converted to Christianity. From the mid-fourth century on, we do find Christians deliberately adapting and Christianizing pagan festivals. A famous proponent of this practice was Pope Gregory the Great, who, in a letter written in 601 C.E. to a Christian missionary in Britain, recommended that local pagan temples not be destroyed but be converted into churches, and that pagan festivals be celebrated as feasts of Christian martyrs. At this late point, Christmas may well have acquired some pagan trappings. But we don't have evidence of Christians adopting pagan festivals in the third century, at which point dates for Christmas were established. Thus, it seems unlikely that the date was simply selected to correspond with pagan solar festivals.
The December 25 feast seems to have existed before 312-before Constantine and his conversion, at least. As we have seen, the Donatist Christians in North Africa seem to have known it from before that time. Furthermore, in the mid- to late fourth century, church leaders in the eastern Empire concerned themselves not with introducing a celebration of Jesus' birthday, but with the addition of the December date to their traditional celebration on January 6.7

Visit the historical Jesus study page in Bible History Daily to read more free articles on Jesus.

There is another way to account for the origins of Christmas on December 25: Strange as it may seem, the key to dating Jesus' birth may lie in the dating of Jesus' death at Passover. This view was first suggested to the modern world by French scholar Louis Duchesne in the early 20th century and fully developed by American Thomas Talley in more recent years.8 But they were certainly not the first to note a connection between the traditional date of Jesus' death and his birth.
The baby Jesus flies down from heaven on the back of a cross, in this detail from Master Bertram's 14th-century Annunciation scene. Jesus' conception carried with it the promise of salvation through his death. It may be no coincidence, then, that the early church celebrated Jesus' conception and death on the same calendar day: March 25, exactly nine months before December 25. Kunsthalle, Hamburg/Bridgeman Art Library, NY
Around 200 C.E. Tertullian of Carthage reported the calculation that the 14th of Nisan (the day of the crucifixion according to the Gospel of John) in the year Jesus diedc was equivalent to March 25 in the Roman (solar) calendar.9 March 25 is, of course, nine months before December 25; it was later recognized as the Feast of the Annunciation-the commemoration of Jesus' conception.10 Thus, Jesus was believed to have been conceived and crucified on the same day of the year. Exactly nine months later, Jesus was born, on December 25.d
This idea appears in an anonymous Christian treatise titled On Solstices and Equinoxes, which appears to come from fourth-century North Africa. The treatise states: "Therefore our Lord was conceived on the eighth of the kalends of April in the month of March [March 25], which is the day of the passion of the Lord and of his conception. For on that day he was conceived on the same he suffered."11 Based on this, the treatise dates Jesus' birth to the winter solstice.
Augustine, too, was familiar with this association. In On the Trinity (c. 399-419) he writes: "For he [Jesus] is believed to have been conceived on the 25th of March, upon which day also he suffered; so the womb of the Virgin, in which he was conceived, where no one of mortals was begotten, corresponds to the new grave in which he was buried, wherein was never man laid, neither before him nor since. But he was born, according to tradition, upon December the 25th."12

Learn about the magi in art and literature in "Witnessing the Divine" by Robin M. Jensen, originally published in Bible Review and now available for free in Bible History Daily.

In the East, too, the dates of Jesus' conception and death were linked. But instead of working from the 14th of Nisan in the Hebrew calendar, the easterners used the 14th of the first spring month (Artemisios) in their local Greek calendar-April 6 to us. April 6 is, of course, exactly nine months before January 6-the eastern date for Christmas. In the East, too, we have evidence that April was associated with Jesus' conception and crucifixion. Bishop Epiphanius of Salamis writes that on April 6, "The lamb was shut up in the spotless womb of the holy virgin, he who took away and takes away in perpetual sacrifice the sins of the world."13 Even today, the Armenian Church celebrates the Annunciation in early April (on the 7th, not the 6th) and Christmas on January 6.e
Thus, we have Christians in two parts of the world calculating Jesus' birth on the basis that his death and conception took place on the same day (March 25 or April 6) and coming up with two close but different results (December 25 and January 6).
Connecting Jesus' conception and death in this way will certainly seem odd to modern readers, but it reflects ancient and medieval understandings of the whole of salvation being bound up together. One of the most poignant expressions of this belief is found in Christian art. In numerous paintings of the angel's Annunciation to Mary-the moment of Jesus' conception-the baby Jesus is shown gliding down from heaven on or with a small cross (see photo above of detail from Master Bertram's Annunciation scene); a visual reminder that the conception brings the promise of salvation through Jesus' death.
The notion that creation and redemption should occur at the same time of year is also reflected in ancient Jewish tradition, recorded in the Talmud. The Babylonian Talmud preserves a dispute between two early-second-century C.E. rabbis who share this view, but disagree on the date: Rabbi Eliezer states: "In Nisan the world was created; in Nisan the Patriarchs were born; on Passover Isaac was born . and in Nisan they [our ancestors] will be redeemed in time to come." (The other rabbi, Joshua, dates these same events to the following month, Tishri.)14 Thus, the dates of Christmas and Epiphany may well have resulted from Christian theological reflection on such chronologies: Jesus would have been conceived on the same date he died, and born nine months later.15
In the end we are left with a question: How did December 25 become Christmas? We cannot be entirely sure. Elements of the festival that developed from the fourth century until modern times may well derive from pagan traditions. Yet the actual date might really derive more from Judaism-from Jesus' death at Passover, and from the rabbinic notion that great things might be expected, again and again, at the same time of the year-than from paganism. Then again, in this notion of cycles and the return of God's redemption, we may perhaps also be touching upon something that the pagan Romans who celebrated Sol Invictus, and many other peoples since, would have understood and claimed for their own, too.16

"How December 25 Became Christmas" by Andrew McGowan originally appeared in Bible Review, December 2002.

Andrew McGowan, formerly Warden and President of Trinity College at the University of Melbourne, Australia, is now President and Dean of the Berkeley Divinity School. His work on early Christianity includes God in Early Christian Thought (Brill, 2009) and Ascetic Eucharists: Food and Drink in Early Christian Ritual Meals (Oxford, 1999).



a. See Jonathan Klawans, "Was Jesus' Last Supper a Seder?" Bible Review, October 2001.
b. See the following Bible Review articles: David R. Cartlidge, "The Christian Apocrypha: Preserved in Art," Bible Review, June 1997; Ronald F. Hock, "The Favored One," Bible Review, June 2001; and Charles W. Hedrick, "The 34 Gospels," Bible Review, June 2002.
c. For more on dating the year of Jesus' birth, see Leonara Neville, "Fixing the Millennium," Archaeology Odyssey, January/February 2002.
d. The ancients were familiar with the 9-month gestation period based on the observance of women's menstrual cycles, pregnancies and miscarriages.
e. In the West (and eventually everywhere), the Easter celebration was later shifted from the actual day to the following Sunday. The insistence of the eastern Christians in keeping Easter on the actual 14th day caused a major debate within the church, with the easterners sometimes referred to as the Quartodecimans, or "Fourteenthers."
1. Origen, Homily on Leviticus 8.
2. Clement, Stromateis 1.21.145. In addition, Christians in Clement's native Egypt seem to have known a commemoration of Jesus' baptism-sometimes understood as the moment of his divine choice, and hence as an alternate "incarnation" story-on the same date (Stromateis 1.21.146). See further on this point Thomas J. Talley, Origins of the Liturgical Year, 2nd ed. (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1991), pp. 118-120, drawing on Roland H. Bainton, "Basilidian Chronology and New Testament Interpretation," Journal of Biblical Literature 42 (1923), pp. 81-134; and now especially Gabriele Winkler, "The Appearance of the Light at the Baptism of Jesus and the Origins of the Feast of the Epiphany," in Maxwell Johnson, ed., Between Memory and Hope: Readings on the Liturgical Year (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2000), pp. 291-347.
3. The Philocalian Calendar.
4. Scholars of liturgical history in the English-speaking world are particularly skeptical of the "solstice" connection; see Susan K. Roll, "The Origins of Christmas: The State of the Question," in Between Memory and Hope: Readings on the Liturgical Year (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2000), pp. 273-290, especially pp. 289-290.
5. A gloss on a manuscript of Dionysius Bar Salibi, d. 1171; see Talley, Origins, pp. 101-102.
6. Prominent among these was Paul Ernst Jablonski; on the history of scholarship, see especially Roll, "The Origins of Christmas," pp. 277-283.
7. For example, Gregory of Nazianzen, Oratio 38; John Chrysostom, In Diem Natalem.
8. Louis Duchesne, Origines du culte Chrétien, 5th ed. (Paris: Thorin et Fontemoing, 1925), pp. 275-279; and Talley, Origins.
9. Tertullian, Adversus Iudaeos 8.
10. There are other relevant texts for this element of argument, including Hippolytus and the (pseudo-Cyprianic) De pascha computus; see Talley, Origins, pp. 86, 90-91.
11. De solstitia et aequinoctia conceptionis et nativitatis domini nostri iesu christi et iohannis baptistae.
12. Augustine, Sermon 202.
13. Epiphanius is quoted in Talley, Origins, p. 98.
14. b. Rosh Hashanah 10b-11a.
15. Talley, Origins, pp. 81-82.
16. On the two theories as false alternatives, see Roll, "Origins of Christmas."

Friday, December 19, 2014



Genesis 1:14

"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:"
We recently reported on this program that another set of new planets had been discovered circling another star. We pointed out that in each case, most of the planets were too large to support life. In many of the instances, the planets also had egg shaped orbits that would provide them with harsh, highly erratic climates - if they had any atmosphere at all.

In his announcement of the discovery of the 17th planet found to be orbiting another star, Geoffrey W. Marcy of San Francisco State University and the University of California, Berkeley, points out another problem with these solar systems. In pointing out the problem, he wonders if our solar system, where the planets have relatively circular orbits, is an exception to the rule. In every other planetary system so far seen, the planets either have very oval orbits or they lie closer to their star than Mercury is to our sun.

Marcy points out than an additional problem with having a planet with a highly elongated orbit in a solar system is that it would eliminate any planets with circular orbits. It would be only a matter of time before the planet with the elongated orbit would send the planet with a circular orbit into its star or out into deep space. But where Marcy is wrong is that while our solar system may be unique, it is no freak of nature. Rather, our solar system has clearly been specially designed by a loving and all-powerful God to support life.

I thank You, Father, that You have created the solar system as a good place to live and learn of Your love for me through Jesus Christ. In His Name. Amen.

R.C., "Solar system planets: Freaks of nature?", Science News, 1/30/99, v. 155, p. 79. Photo: Geoffrey Marcy. (PD)

Genesis 7:11

"In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened."
Miles deep within the Earth, heat and pressure force water out of certain minerals, changing or metamorphosing the rock. All the textbooks say that it takes millions of years for such metamorphic rock to form. New research shows pretty convincingly that all the textbooks are wrong.

Normally, earthquakes originate in the top 12 kilometers of the Earth's crust. Deeper quakes, especially where there are no known faults, have been mysteries. The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake at 18 kilometers was one such mystery. But a newer discovery by three Yale University geologists may explain these deeper quakes and support the Bible's historical chronology.

The standard model for metamorphic rock formation says that heat and pressure deep underground slowly force water from the crystals that form the rock. This process takes place so deeply in the Earth that the rock itself flows plastically. The Yale geologists who studied the process discovered that under these conditions tiny droplets of water are expelled from the crystals much more rapidly than previously thought. In fact, the water is expelled so rapidly that it builds enough pressure to actually fracture the rock.

The geologists who presented this research say that what was thought to have taken millions of years can happen in mere centuries or even decades. And this would easily allow for the origin of some of today's metamorphic rock to be traced back to the Flood of Noah on the time scale provided by the Bible.

Father, I thank You for Your trustworthy Word in this sin filled world. Amen.

S. Simpson, "High-pressure water triggers tremors". Science News, 11/21/98, v. 154, p. 327. Photo: Destruction caused by the Loma Prieta earthquake. (PD)

Exodus 40:13

"And thou shalt put upon Aaron the holy garments, and anoint him, and sanctify him; that he may minister unto me in the priest's office."

According to the biblical chronology, God ordered Aaron to be consecrated as the first priest of Israel about 3,400 years ago. From Aaron, priesthood was passed down from father to son until the official priesthood ended with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. After that, fathers would tell their children that they were descended from the priestly class. Though only these oral histories exist today, modern Judaism still honors Aaron's descendants. Today they are called cohanim, which is the plural of cohen, meaning "priest" in Hebrew.

A modern geneticist wondered if there was any way to prove the oral history. He reasoned that if all cohanim today are descended from Aaron, and if the oral history is true, modern cohanim should share some distinctive sections of DNA on their Y chromosome. The Y-chromosome is always passed down from father to son virtually unchanged. His first study involved two genetic markers of 188 Jewish men from Israel, Canada and the United Kingdom. Of this number, 68 said they were cohanim. The results of this first study showed that the cohanim share Y chromosome material that is quite distinct from other Jews. A second study involving 12 markers on the Y chromosome of 306 Jewish men gave similar results: the cohanim did have a distinctive Y chromosome. This chromosome evidence strongly indicated that the biblical and modern oral history of the Jewish priesthood are completely trustworthy.

Dear Father, I thank You that I have been made Your priest in Christ. Amen.

John Travis, "The Priests' Chromosome?" Science News, 10/3/98, v. 154, p. 218. Photo: Group of cohanim. (PD)

Proverbs 6:6-8

"Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest."
There are more than 200 ant species in the Attine family of ants. All of them farm for a living. And they are as sophisticated about their farming as any modern human farmer. They are found anywhere from the tropics to New Jersey. The specialization shown by these ants makes an evolutionary explanation for them impossible.

One example is the famous leaf cutting ants found in the tropics. Leaf cutters use the leaf pieces they collect to make mulch. Once the mulch is ready, they grow a fungus in it, which they eat. That fungus grew from a bit of fungus that was stored in a special pouch in the mouth of the queen who began that colony; in turn, she brought it from the colony where she grew up. That she has this special pouch for seed material for her children is a witness to God's intelligent design. The ants' digestive system is specialized, too, so that its waste is a ready to use fertilizer for the crop.

The ants also weed their crop. Certain ants inspect the fungus ball searching for invading molds. When one is found, the ant will remove it. To make sure that she does not return any contaminating bit of the mold to her crop, the ant then cleans herself before returning to the crop. This, again, is a powerful witness to divine design. The ants also generate herbicides and antibiotics which they use as needed on the crop, another witness to design. Finally, they also prune their crop in a way that has been shown to improve its productivity. All these special design features and behaviors seem to have been put into one creature as a witness against evolution.

I praise and glorify You, Father, for the evidence of Your great glory. Amen.

Susan Milius, "Old MacDonald Was an Ant", Science News, 11/21/98, v. 154, p. 334. Photo: Mycocepurus smithii, fungus-growing ant. Courtesy of April Nobile. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Proverbs 18:24

"A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."

Have you been on the internet lately? If so, it may be costing you more than you think. That's the suggestion of a study done by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

The study involved 169 people in 73 households who did not have a connection to the internet. They completed questionnaires and were interviewed in their homes at the beginning of the two year study, during the study and at the end. They were given computers and software, e-mail accounts and access to the internet at no cost to them. In return, they allowed researchers to monitor family members' internet use.

At the end of the study, researchers found that those who used the internet and e-mail frequently showed small but important decreases in the time spent with family members. They also had a smaller circle of friends. Frequent internet and e-mail users also showed increased loneliness and signs of mild depression. The greater the computer use, the greater was the loneliness and depression. These results were not affected by race, age, sex or income. However, this effect was greatest for teens. The researchers suggested that when teens feel isolated and lonely they are more likely to escape to the internet.

Perhaps the best suggestion in light of these findings is to limit internet time, just as television time is limited for many young people. The extra time could be used as the book of Proverbs advises: "A man who has friends must himself be friendly." In other words, it is healthy to cultivate friendships.

I thank You, Lord Jesus, for my friends. And I thank You that You have been my best friend in saving me. Amen.

B.B., "Social disconnections on-line", Science News, 9/12/98, v. 154, p. 168. Art: "Loneliness" by Hans Thoma (1839-1924).

Friday, December 12, 2014



Psalm 90:4

"For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night."

The calendar year has not always started on January 1. There was a time in Christian history when the calendar began on March 25. Nevertheless, when we come to the end of one year and begin the next, most people have a time of celebration and reflection.

At a personal level, some will decide that the year just ending was better than most; for others, it was a year they would rather forget. Then at a global level, when we see and hear of unending wars and famines and new diseases spreading worldwide, some will ask, "If there is a God, where is He?" Others will turn the situation around and ask, "What kind of God permits all this to happen?"

The real problem here is that the God of this kind of thinking is far too small. This is the little man-made God who set the universe going millions of years ago and then retired to let it all evolve. No, according to Scripture, the real God is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe and everything on this Earth. He is totally in charge of every detail of history. No war or pestilence happens without His permission. But He is also the God Who loves every one of us, and these are often the methods He uses to urge His people to draw closer to Him.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for all Your blessings to me this past year. I ask that You would help me from now on to be more aware of Your desire for a closer relationship with me through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Photo: A calendar from the Petaluma and Santa Rosa Railroad, California. Courtesy of Visitor7. (CC-SA-3.0)

Romans 8:20-21

"For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God."
Dinosaurs are one of the most popular subjects among grade schoolers these days. These fascinating and awe-inspiring creatures seem distant and unreal to our modern world. Because of this, dinosaurs are often seen as proof of the idea that we live in an evolutionary world.

But are dinosaurs really extinct? Many species of dinosaurs have been discovered and classified over the years. Most of the reptiles we think of as "dinosaurs" belonged to the Archosauria or "ruling reptile" subclass. However, at least 21 species and seven subspecies of Archosauria continue to live to this day, though some of them are endangered species. The largest living group of Archosauria is the crocodiles. Most crocodiles grow to be larger than the average extinct dinosaur, which averaged about the size of a horse. Marine crocodiles found off the northern coast of Australia grow to over thirty feet in length - an accomplishment unmatched by most dinosaurs. Crocodiles help us to learn to see the extinct dinosaurs as part of God's incredible creativity rather than as symbols of an ever-changing, ever-evolving world.

But this doesn't mean that change, especially improvement, is a myth. Our Creator wants far more for us than we can achieve for ourselves. That is why He has given us His Word of salvation in Jesus Christ! In Christ is found true and worthy improvement.

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, my faith and trust is in You and You alone. Grant me Your instruction through Your Word that I may not only have life, but so that I may become more like You. Amen.

Photo: Nile crocodile. Courtesy of Leigh Bedford. The God of History

Genesis 1:11

"And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so."
Plants need oxygen, and those that live on the land breathe through their leaves. Other plants are designed to live and breathe under water. However, when a land plant is submerged in water, it can drown, just like one of us.

Rice is actually a land plant that draws its oxygen from the air; yet, most of the plant must be submerged in water for it to survive. It can grow this way in water as deep as fifteen feet. In flood-prone areas, rice has been known to grow as much as a foot per day in order to keep its topmost leaves out of the water. The reason that rice plants don't drown brings us to another of the Creator's clever designs.

The rice plant draws air in through its leaves, as well as through a sheath of air that surrounds its submerged stalk. Rice gives off one carbon dioxide molecule for every oxygen molecule it consumes. But because carbon dioxide dissolves more quickly in water than does oxygen, a vacuum is created within the plant, pulling in still more air.

It appears that God has created so many different forms of life that there are almost no conditions on Earth where something couldn't live. That itself is a witness that He, and not the forces of evolution, is responsible for creating all living things.

Lord, there is no scientist or anyone else who can even hope to compete with You in skill or knowledge. Help me to be a witness to this fact in a world that desires to deny that You are Creator, and thus remain ignorant of its need for forgiveness through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Photo: Oryza sativa or Asian rice. Courtesy of Jeevan Jose. (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Genesis 1:28

"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."
In the Spring of 1997, a lamb named Dolly was born to become famous as the world's first genetically identical copy of an adult female sheep. In other words, she was a clone. Eventually, Dolly developed lung cancer and was put to death in February 2003.

Cloning is not a human invention. The Creator Himself included this way of reproduction among many plants and insects. Man has been making use of this process for hundreds of years to propagate, say, the most disease-resistant wheat or the best-tasting apples. In other words, each generation of wheat or apples are an identical copy of the good one before it. However, cloned plants are one thing, but Dolly was the first mammal to be artificially cloned, and this has caused concern, not only among Christians but also among many scientists and politicians.

The doctrine of evolution teaches that mankind evolved from the animal kingdom. With the success of Dolly, the concern is that mankind is next in line for cloning experiments. Every set of identical human twins are actually clones, so there is no need to artificially clone for psychological studies; these have already been done. There were actually 276 living but defective embryos produced before the success of Dolly. The ultimate concern is how many living but defective human embryos will have to be destroyed before the experiments are successful?

Heavenly Father, You have created all living things in marvelous ways and human beings in Your own image. Please have mercy on those who would be presumptuous enough to attempt to reproduce human beings in their own image. Amen.

Photo: Dolly, stuffed. Courtesy of Toni Barros. (CC-SA-2.0)

Ecclesiastes 11:3

"If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be."
Axel Heiberg Island in Northern Canada is the closest point of land to the North Pole. The landscape is completely barren today, but long ago a dense forest of large meta-sequoia trees grew there. At that time, the climate must have been like Florida today. The stumps of these "fossil trees" have not mineralized and are still wood - that is, cellulose. They are claimed to be 45 million years old.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University studied the hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of the cellulose. These lightweight isotopes are normally quickly lost by evaporation from dead wood, but to their surprise, the researchers discovered an unusually high content. This means that their rate of evaporation was extremely low. In other words, not only did the trees grow in a humid climate, but this climate continued a long time after the trees were destroyed. Further, cellulose is quickly broken down by bacterial action if exposed to air so that the trees were buried rapidly, deeply and a lot more recently than 45 million years ago.

Creation Moments happened to be present when a sample of this wood was used to calibrate the equipment at a well-known Carbon 14 dating laboratory. Believing the wood to be 45 million years old, it should contain no Carbon 14 but, in fact, it did and dated at only 41 thousand years!

Heavenly Father, You have given us so much evidence for a recent creation and Your sustaining hand upon it. Please open the eyes of those who would willfully ignore these signs. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

New Scientist, May 24, 2003, p. 24. Photo: Satellite photo montage of Axel Heilberg Island. (PD)

Friday, December 5, 2014



Romans 1:18-19

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them."

Evolutionists sometimes challenge those of us who believe in creation with the words, "Just name one scientist who doesn't accept evolution!" Since many Christians are not familiar with the names of notable scientists, the evolutionist then says, "See! You can't name any because there aren't any!"

At one time, most scientists were committed to the understanding that there is a Creator. Then, for a long time, it really did look as though practically all scientists had accepted evolution. However, that trend seems to be reversing. A poll published a number of years ago in the professional magazine, Industrial Chemist, tells us what scientists really believe.

According to this poll of professional scientists, one-fifth, or 20 per cent, completely reject evolution. Half the scientists believe that it would have been impossible for man to have evolved from lower forms without some sort of supernatural intervention. And do scientists think that creation science is hurting science education? According to this poll, 40 per cent said "No."

So evolutionism is not an unchallenged "fact" of science. It seems that scientists are divided over evolution - meaning that evolution has not made its case - even to the professionals! That should help a lot of Christians understand that science does not demand their acceptance of evolution. Christians should also see that the Bible offers an intelligent alternative to evolution.

Dear Lord Jesus, You have known, firsthand, how those who reject You will often lie to themselves and others so that they seem right and You seem wrong. We see that today as well. Give those scientists who know You the wisdom and strength to share their witness with others. Amen.

Image: Studio portrait of Louis Pasteur, just one of many illustrious scientists who didn't accept evolution. (PD)

Acts 13:6-7

"And when they had gone through the isle unto Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Barjesus: which was with the deputy of the country, Sergius Paulus, a prudent man; who called for Barnabas and Saul, and desired to hear the word of God."

A few decades ago, when computers first began to become available to the general public, some writers, particularly for popular science magazines predicted that computers would soon have an intelligence similar to human beings. Do you ever wonder what happened to such optimistic expectations?

What happened was that scientists began to work on the problem of creating artificial intelligence. At a very early stage, they learned that intelligence is not as simple as they thought it was. It's true that computers can read and speak, but they cannot understand what they are reading or speaking. Computers can direct machines to build cars, and they can build cars, but they cannot decide to drive to the library and increase their learning.

At the current level of development, researchers can build a computer that will play a good game of chess and even beat an expert. Or a computer that will guide a missile fired from a submarine or drone with pinpoint accuracy. But all this depends upon feedback devices obeying rules pre-programmed into the device by human intelligence. No computer yet is capable of original thought.

When and if scientists ever create a computer that actually has intelligence, they will only confirm what the Bible says about the creation. And that is that intelligence can only be the result of carefully planned and designed effort by another intelligence.

Dear Father in heaven, I thank You for my intelligence. Fill my intelligence with Your Word so that I may be Your instrument in helping others understand that You are the Author of all intelligence, and Your Son is the Author of our salvation. In His Name. Amen.

Photo: Kismet, a robot with rudimentary social skills. Courtesy of Polimerek. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Exodus 4:11

"And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD?"

What has five eyes and is the fastest-running insect on Earth? The little fellow is called the Cataglyphis, or desert ant.

The desert ant can run at a speed of up to a yard per second, or about two miles per hour. It will wander far from home - often more than 600 feet from its nest (and that's a long way in ant miles). Now, there are few landmarks in the desert, but the desert ant never seems to get lost, and scientists have wondered how he does it.

Studies have shown that the desert ant has three eyes in addition to the usual two. These three extra eyes are in its forehead and allow the ant to see and recognize the varying patterns of polarized light in the desert. In other words, the desert ant navigates in the featureless desert by being able to see features in light that are invisible to our eyes. One scientist observed that without its speed and the special abilities of its extra three eyes, the desert ant would never be able to survive in the desert.

It seems as if there is no end to the creative inventions and special abilities we find in the living world. That is just what we would expect, living in the creation of an unlimited, wise, and all-knowing Creator!

Dear Father, even man's cleverest technology is poor and unimaginative when compared to the least of Your works. I thank You that You would be my perfect Father and helper through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Photo: Cataglyphis or desert ant. Courtesy of April Nobile. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Ephesians 2:10

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."

Imagine lying around not just for days on end, but for months! And while lounging the months away, you get leaner and more muscular. The bear's lifestyle sounds like a couch potato's dream.

Such a lifestyle would cause our bones to become weak and smaller, and make the calcium level of our blood high enough to kill us. Apart from losing bone, we would also lose muscle and gain fat, lying around all day. We all know what happens to couch potatoes. But bears, they are different, and scientists have been puzzled to learn that bears don't suffer bone loss and don't lose muscle during their winter rests. They don't really sleep all winter, but they do rest a lot. Moreover, they don't eat, drink, or use the bathroom all winter - a routine that would kill most creatures in less than a week.

Researchers believe that they have found the chemical in a bear's blood that prevents bone loss during long inactivity. The chemical is under study for possible use in treating human osteoporosis. Bears avoid bathroom visits by chemically changing their own waste back into proteins. The fact that scientists study how things in the creation work to improve how we do things is a tribute to the workmanship of the Creator, even if scientists refuse to admit His existence and activity.

Dear Father, give strength and wisdom to those who study how You have made the creation to improve how we do things, not only for our earthly benefit, but also that, seeing Your Hand, they would come to You through Jesus Christ. In His Name. Amen.

Photo: Brown bear in Norway. Courtesy of Taral Jansen. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

John 1:14

"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."

For several years now, Creation Moments has brought to listeners each day evidences for design in nature. That design is often wonderful, usually ingenious and certainly places in question any possibility of it all having come about by chance.

We have pointed out that where there is design there must have been a Designer and Creator. Those who believe that the Bible is the Creator's plan will also know that God, our Creator, loves His creation, from the stars to the smallest insect. But He has a special love for us who, we are told, were made in His image.

As wonderful as the Creation is, it is quite staggering to realize that He Who created the billions of stars and energized them, chose to come down and be part of the human race. He experienced every part of human life from birth as a helpless babe to death on a cross in the prime of life. His name while on Earth was Jesus, and He who knew all things came to show us the way and offer eternal life to those who would accept it.

And why? Very simply - He was the Instrument Who made us, and we are eternally lost without His help. Who better, then, to rescue us from our evil nature? We can only stand in deep reverence at such love.

Dear Lord Jesus, of all that I have ever learned, the most amazing facts are Your birth, life, death and resurrection for my salvation. Before You I know nothing and have no power; my strength and powers can only be supplied by You. Amen.

Photo: Ian Taylor, host of the Creation Moments radio program.

Friday, November 28, 2014



Romans 8:28

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

No matter where you live, it is likely that a wondrous creature is, right now, at work in or near your lawn. This creature has more ability to sense the things going on around him than a sophisticated space probe. It can even hear earthworms chewing beneath the ground.

This wondrous and misunderstood creature is the mole. But let's start by dismissing the myth that the mole is blind or that he is crippled. Although his eyes are tiny, he is not blind, and his front feet have specialized claws for digging; this causes him to walk on his knuckles.

The mole's nose and tail have vibration sensors that are more head sensitive than any that man's science has been able to make. These sensors are composed of thousands of parts and allow the mole to hear and locate the grubs chewing on the roots of your lawn - even through several feet of soil! In one year's time, a mole can eat almost 60 pounds of grubs - more than enough grubs to kill a fair-sized lawn.

Every one of God's creatures has a purpose, whether we understand it or not. Although you might not like the little trails that moles leave in your lawn, the trails are quite harmless. The thing to remember is that there is a mole on patrol in your yard.

Dear Lord, I understand so little, but You know and understand all things. Help me to learn more about Your wisdom and purposes in the creation and to be strengthened when life brings things that seem to have no purpose. Amen.

Photo: Eastern mole. Courtesy of Kenneth Catania, Vanderbilt University. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Psalm 111:10

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever."

In many of our Creation Moments programs, we have shown that animal intelligence is not a result of evolution but God's gift to His creatures. While animals are limited to a much smaller area of specialty, some can perform feats of intelligence that even man cannot accomplish.

For example, at the Japanese Deer Park in California, pigeons have been trained to sort electrical parts. They can do this with greater efficiency and accuracy than humans. People usually get quickly bored with such work and lose their concentration.

But then there is the mystery of migration. The Golden Plover migrates between Alaska and Hawaii. Yet, the parents never teach their youngsters the route. When migration time comes, the young are usually old enough to fend for themselves, but too young to fly the thousands of miles, non-stop, required by the route. So the parents leave them in Alaska and head for Hawaii. A little later when they are stronger, the young plovers follow the same route without error, even though they have no guide.

Intelligence is not the result of mindless natural forces, for how could mindlessness produce intelligence or even genius? Christians should not be surprised, as are evolutionists, to find many examples of intelligence in the animal world because intelligence is the gift of God, the Creator, to His creatures.

Dear Lord, I thank You for the gift of intelligence. Help me to be a good steward of the intelligence You have given me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Genesis 1:16

"And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also."

Space probes have now reached the farthest points of our solar system, and we have learned more about the outer planets in 24 hours than astronomers learned in the past century.

For example, we have learned that all four of the outer planets are surrounded by rings. Apart from being quite beautiful, planetary rings are truly a wonder. The rings are only inches thick and comprised of dust and ice in neat bands; it is a very unlikely and unstable structure. Every astronomer knows that the forces of the solar wind, of gravity, and the unavoidable laws of physics should have destroyed a planetary ring in less than a million years. But at the same time astronomers believe that the solar system is billions of years old. How can this be?

To save the situation, astronomers have theorized that there must be small "shepherding satellites" which help hold the rings together for long periods of time. They have found satellites around Saturn and believe they may be the shepherding satellites. But now an exhaustive study of Voyager 2's data from Uranus has shown perfect rings without any "shepherding satellites." This is held to be a real mystery.

Yet, there is no mystery if the Bible is an accurate history of the entire creation, starting at the beginning, not billions but only thousands of years ago.

Dear Father, in Your wisdom You have left man no place in the creation where he call look and not see Your work. But man needs more than this; he needs Your grace which only comes through faith in Jesus Christ. Help me to use Your Word to help the world know of Your Love to us in Christ. In His Name. Amen.

Photo: Hubble Space Telescope near-infrared image of Uranus showing cloud bands, rings, and moons. (PD)

Matthew 6:26

"Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?"
All toads are not fat and ugly. The golden toad, which lives only in a few square miles of the cloud forest of Costa Rica, is a trim and slim toad with garishly bright orange coloring.

The golden toad offers even more surprises. After the first heavy rain of the year, as many as 20 to 30 males congregate around a pool of water. They sit motionless, waiting for the first female to arrive. Before long, the females begin to arrive, and a week or so later the entire population of golden toads, now numbering in the thousands, disappears back into the jungle to remain almost invisible for another year.

This breeding strategy shows a great deal of wisdom and understanding and ensures that there are plenty of golden toads in the next generation. Toads have many enemies in the jungle, but by all getting together at the same time, they can produce far more young than their predators can victimize in a single week.

You don't have to be a college graduate to know that toads are incapable of the kind of planning and ability to change their physical natures necessary to carry out this strategy. Evolutionists would say that no one thought of this strategy. But the clear answer is that there is a Creator, and He cares about all of His creatures.

Dear Father, not a sparrow drops from the sky without Your knowledge and purpose. Not even toads lack Your care. Help me to remember Your care when I am anxious about the cares of living. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: Male golden toad. (PD)

Mark 2:17

"When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
God has given your body incredible powers of healing and repair, and you could almost say that we carry our very own doctor and pharmacy inside us.

When testing new medicines, one group of patients gets the medicine and another group gets a placebo. The placebo does nothing, but no one knows who gets it. However, doctors have known for years that a "placebo effect" sometimes takes place. For example, if the body thinks it is getting aspirin for a headache but is actually getting a placebo, the body expects the medicine to work, and the headache will often disappear. Studies over recent years have shown that the body does produce its own painkillers. It has been found that one of these pain-killing chemicals made by the body can reduce pain as effectively as 8 milligrams of morphine or 80 milligrams of Demerol!

Studies on the body's built-in pharmacy have, so far, confirmed that the body is also able to treat coughs, anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, asthma, colds, arthritis, ulcers, high cholesterol, and even warts. Often, the medicines we take simply give the body "permission" to do its own healing by giving us the belief we are going to get better.

Medicine is often the study of how the body solves problems - in other words, a study of the work of the Great Physician Himself!

Dear Lord Jesus, You made us and You are the great Healer of both body and soul. I thank You for the wonderful abilities You have given my body to take care of itself. But without You, my soul has no healing. I trust in Your atonement for my sin. Amen.

Photo: Some of these "cures" work because of the placebo effect. (PD)


Friday, November 21, 2014



Matthew 7:7

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:"

Many animals love to eat frog tadpoles. If that situation was not difficult enough for the frog, some frogs live in areas where their pond is dry most of the time, preventing them from ever laying eggs.

The African foam-nesting frog has been given a unique solution to these obstacles by the Creator. During the mating season, a group of female frogs will climb to a branch that overhangs their pond. They then secrete a mucus on the branch. As many as forty of them will join in kicking madly until they have worked the gooey stuff into a foam that sticks to the branch. Once the foam nest is complete, the frogs lay their eggs in it and return to their pond. The nest not only hides the developing young, but as it hardens on the outside, it seals moisture in with them.

These young frogs hatch quickly and after only three or four days the young frogs are already wiggling their way through the shell of the nest and drop into the pond below.

The intelligent strategy of this arrangement shows us how the Creator cares for the needs of His creatures. To explain this amazing survival behavior by evolution really takes a huge leap of faith. What frog would be clever enough to think of such an ingenious plan?

Dear Lord, help me to have a more clear understanding of my need to depend on You and trust that You will supply my needs. Remind me that Your wisdom and plans are immeasurably greater than my wisdom and power. Amen.

Photo: Engystomops, commonly known as the foam frog for the nests it builds. Courtesy of DuSantos. (CC-BY-SA 2.0)

John 1:3

"All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made."

The idea of fish with lungs sounds about as strange as elephants with wings. The difference is there really are fish with lungs.

In fact, there are many varieties of lungfish found in Australia, Africa, and South America. In Australia, they live in quiet pools of water that become stagnant in the summer. Because there isn't much oxygen dissolved in the water, these fish need lungs in order to breathe air just as we do. Lungfish in the South American swamps spend their time resting in burrows when the swamps dry up in the summer. In a similar way, the lungfish in Africa spend the dry season burrowed in the mud with a breathing tube to the surface.

Evolutionists have suggested that the lungfish is left over from the time when sea creatures were adapting to life on land. But their theory doesn't hold water, so to speak. Lungfish show little interest in moving to land. Besides, they lack important biological features that would make that move possible. What's more, the lungfish we find in the fossil record are exactly the same as those living today. There is absolutely no evidence of evolution here.

While the lungfish is an unusual creature, it is a testimony to the creativity and wisdom of the Creator and offers no support at all for evolutionary speculations.

Dear Lord, I thank You that as the Instrument of creation, You make the excellence and wisdom of God evident to man, just as You have made God's desire for a relationship with me evident through Your incarnation. Amen.

Photo: Marbled lungfish. Courtesy of Opencage. (CC-BY-2.5)

Acts 17:26-27

"And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; that they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:"

Tsi-zun-hau-kau was a nineteenth-century Winnebago chief. A portrait painted over a hundred years ago shows him posing proudly with a stick in his hand. That stick is now at Michigan's Cranbrook Institute of Science where its carved markings have been under study.

The carvings on the four-and-a-half-foot stick are now known to be a record of the waxing and waning of the moon over a two-year period. Scientists have learned that Winnebago astronomers knew that the number of days in a lunar year turned out to be eleven days shorter than a solar year - and they knew this even before they ever saw the white man's calendar. To correct their lunar calendar so that it would match the solar calendar, the Winnebagos added an extra month every three years. As sophisticated as this calendar is, its structure shows that it is related to prehistoric calendars of the Mayas, Incas, and some of the ancient Siberian cultures.

Man's need to measure time, which predates other written records, shows that man is very different from the animals. The accurate and sophisticated calendars of the ancients deliver a fatal blow to those who picture ancient man as a simple, unintelligent brute who was halfway between animal and modern man. And this higher view of man fits perfectly with what the Bible tells us about man.

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I ask that Your people would become more skillful in showing the clear evidences that You created man above the animals. Help us to do this in such a way that will help more people seek a relationship with You. Amen.

Photo: Members of the Winnebago Indian Tribes dance team, perform authentic Native American ceremonial dances. (PD)

Exodus 8:19

"Then the magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God: and Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said."
The relationship between the beaded lacewing larvae and the California termite poses a real problem for those who believe there is no Creator.

The lacewing larvae enter termite nests in order to finish their growth cycle. Later, they leave as adults. The problem is, termites are often still at home when the larvae enter the nest. The termites, 30 times the size of the larvae, pose a serious threat to the larvae. But if you watch the larvae enter the nest, they wave their abdomen to an approaching termite, and the targeted termite immediately falls over. Upon further study, scientists have learned that the tiny larva releases a chemical that totally paralyzes the termite. Studies have also shown that the chemical works only on this particular species of termite.

The evolutionary explanation is that for millions of years lacewing larvae crawled up to every sort of insect, madly waving their abdomens at them - and were promptly eaten! One wonders how the larvae survived at all and why it was that their chemical protection just happened to work on those termites that made nice safe tunnels for them to grow in.

To believe that the lacewing's defense developed just by chance is nothing more than blind faith. It's not science. And it is a very opposite kind of faith from those who believe in a Creator!

Dear Father, Your fingerprints can be seen everywhere in the creation. Give me keener sight so that I may see more of Your workmanship, and so be led to praise You more. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: Common green lacewing. Courtesy of Charlesjsharp. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Genesis 7:20

"Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered."
If there was a great worldwide Flood, as described in Genesis, such a catastrophe certainly should have left obvious evidence of itself all over the world. Scientists who believe in creation say that we are surrounded by these evidences. Many of them also believe that some of the features associated with glaciers can be better explained by a catastrophic flood. While evolutionary scientists scoff at the biblical account of the Flood, they continue to run across evidences of what they take to be huge floods. Now further evidence has been reported of a continental flood.

The September 1989, issue of Geology, a scientific professional journal, carried an article about drumlins in northern Saskatchewan. Drumlins are hills that are traditionally associated with glacial activity. When viewed from the air, they resemble eggs lying on their sides, all pointing in the same direction.

Over the last few years, some scientists have proposed that drumlins were formed by large quantities of water running in the same direction. The article in Geology offers yet more evidence for large quantities of water moving over the continental land surfaces. One of the scientists remarked that, "There's nothing in recorded history that matches the size of these floods."

If we consider Genesis to be recorded history, rather than ancient and ignorant myth, there certainly is an historical record of a huge Flood!

Dear Lord, in our age of unbelief, so many don't even feel they need to apologize for rejecting Your Word as ancient myths. Help me, along with all of Your people, to be bright, shining lights for Your truth in this dark world. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: Drumlin at Withrow Moraine and Jameson Lake Drumlin Field National Natural Landmark, Washington state. The glacier flowed from left to right. (PD)

Friday, November 14, 2014



Job 5:13

"He taketh the wise in their own craftiness: and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong."

Why do giraffes have long necks or kangaroos have pouches? Evolutionists answer that natural selection has favored the development of certain characteristics while discouraging and eliminating other features. But if this is what happened, we who believe in creation have a few questions.

Giraffes have long necks, say evolutionists, because conditions favored the development of long-necked creatures that could feed on higher parts of the tree. But then many other grazing animals live side by side with giraffes and manage to get by. The horse, according to evolutionary explanations, has crowned teeth in order to survive in its environment. And yet the cow, with its uncrowned teeth, survives quite well in the same environment.

Some evolutionists say that plants developed berries so that their seeds, inside the berries, would be carried far and wide by hungry birds, thus ensuring the plants' survival. Why then did some plants develop poisonous berries? And if the maternal instinct evolved to preserve the next generation, why do creatures like the stickleback fish, seahorse, and midwife toad, to name a few, leave total care of the young to the male?

The truth is that natural selection does not offer a clear and consistent explanation for the living world. The diversity of the created world does not bear witness to evolutionary principles, but to the artistry of our Creator God.

Dear Father, You confound those who are wise in their own hearts and give wisdom and clear vision to those Whom You have made pure through the blood of Christ. Let the wisdom and vision I seek be that which You provide. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: Giraffe skeleton on exhibit at The Museum of Osteology, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. (PD)

John 1:1

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
The French philosopher René Descartes argued that anything that cannot be investigated by human reason must be assumed not to exist. He applied this to animals, calling them "automata" and, while he was careful not to say so, the argument also applies to the human soul and the existence of God.

Over three centuries later, science makes no bones about dismissing the human soul. We are told that human beings come into the world as a blank slate upon which experience writes. This thinking has led to the idea that language, for example, is no more than simply sounds without inherent value. On the other hand, Scripture teaches that language is a God-given universal to man. New research is supporting the biblical view.

Researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle studied the response of six-month-old infants to certain sounds. The infants were trained to look for a reward when they heard vowel or consonant sounds that are part of human speech. The researchers discovered that infants do recognize and categorize basic human vowel and consonant sounds, as well as their variations, right from the start.

These findings have no evolutionary explanation but do support the Bible's claim that we have a soul passed on to us by our parents, while the original soul in Adam was created by God who is referred to as the "Word."

Dear Lord, You are the Word through Whom I and everything else was created, and through Whom I am saved from my sin. Let the written Word, the Holy Bible, be my guide and instructor, that I may know You better and love You more. Amen.


1 Corinthians 15:54

"So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory."
Should we ever find ourselves in his environment, the great white shark is the most dangerous man-eating creature on earth.

The Australians call the great white shark the "white death." Its favorite food is not necessarily man, but any mammal it finds in the water. It has been recorded up to 21 feet in length and weighs over 7,000 pounds.

The great white shark's mode of attack is different from other sharks. Instead of swimming around its prey and poking it, the great white shark spots its prey and darts straight toward it. As it reaches its prey, it rolls its eyes backward, opens its mouth, and takes a bite. The attack can last less than a second. Then it moves away and waits for its victim to bleed to death. This last habit has saved more than one diver who was rescued by companions while a great white shark was waiting for him to die.

God has given all of us a will to live and a sense that death is our enemy. But Christians also know that even death has been conquered by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He rose victorious over death so that all who would come to Him may have that victory too. In Christ, we have been saved from the jaws of death for a new life!

Dear Lord, I thank You that You endured the consequences of my sin and the pain of death in my place. Because of what You have done for me, make me more willing to tell others about it so that they, too, may be snatched from the jaws of eternal death. Amen.

Photo: Great white shark scavenging on whale carcass. Courtesy of Fallows C, Gallagher AJ, Hammerschlag N. (CC-BY-SA 2.5 GENERIC)

Genesis 8:4

"And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat."

As they rose toward the 15,000-foot plateau on the west side of Mount Ararat, they spotted a familiar looking dark form. It looked almost like the drawing of Noah's Ark developed from the descriptions provided by others who had seen what they thought was the Ark in this area. The year was 1989.

Chuck Aaron and Bob Garbe, both seasoned creationists, estimated that the visible portion of the dark object was about 60 feet wide, 30 feet high, with about 225 feet of it extending out of the ice and snow. The next morning they returned to the site and shot more video and photographs. With a storm moving in, working time was limited.

The following year, other researchers returned to the site in a helicopter. While they could not land, they were able to get much closer to the site to get better pictures. From their vantage point, they concluded that the object was simply an unusual rock formation - a typical story in the search for Noah's Ark.

It's a good thing that our faith in the truth of God's Word does not depend on physical evidence. Many creationists feel that even if the Ark were discovered and moved to Times Square in New York, unbelievers would eventually concoct their own explanation to discredit the story of God's judgment in the Flood.

Dear Heavenly Father, You sent the Flood as a judgment upon a willfully disobedient generation. Our generation, too, wishes to deny their moral accountability by denying that You acted as Judge of the whole world in the Flood. Help me to take comfort in the fact that, like Noah, I shall be saved by grace through faith. Amen.

Photo: Little Ararat (left) and Mt. Ararat (right). (PD)

Luke 16:31

"And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."

In our previous program we heard how two creationists had scaled Mount Ararat and had filmed an object projecting from the ice near the summit. That object looked very much like Noah's Ark. The year was 1989 and other creationists at the time could have reported with great fanfare that Noah's Ark had indeed been discovered.

But that's not how science works. Confirmation of the discovery was necessary, and the following year, other creationists, using a helicopter, found that the object was simply a rock formation. Some Christians think that confirmation of Noah's Ark will cause millions to come to Christ. However, this is unlikely to be the case. We are reminded of the rich man in hell who asked that Lazarus be sent back from the grave to warn his brothers about the judgment. Jesus said, "Even though the dead be raised, still they will not believe!"

There is something else: Confirmation of the Ark, resting too high on the mountain to be explained by a local flood, would instantly make thousands of liberal theology books good for nothing more than heating fuel. Even liberal scholars would be forced to accept what they now consider to be ignorant myths of a pre-scientific age. They would be forced to deal with our message that the Word of God is true in every subject that it mentions!

Dear Father, Your Word is true and can be trusted. Help that fact move me to spend more time with You in Your Word, reading it, studying it, and inwardly digesting it. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: View of Mt. Ararat from Turkey. Courtesy of Henri Nissen. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)