Friday, August 25, 2017



Romans 1:21-22

“For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools.”
Ernst Haeckel is famous for having produced diagrams of embryos, to show their similarity. His idea was that “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny”. In other words, the developmental stages, through which an embryo goes (ontogeny), are a sort of recapitulation of the evolution of that organism (phylogeny). I clearly remember being taught this, as an evidence of evolution, when I was in elementary school. As I remember which teacher taught this, I know that I must have learned this in 1971. Haeckel’s famous drawings were published in 1874, but almost immediately criticized. Haeckel’s theory has been known to be false since at least 1965[1]. His drawings were not just an error. The drawings were deliberately shaped, to support his recapitulation theory, even though the actual shapes of the embryos did not show such similarities. Yet, when I became a schoolteacher in 1983, teaching at a government school in England, I was handed a science curriculum, which included this very concept, 20 years after it had been shown to be false, and twelve years after I had been taught it.

 In my office, I have a copy of a number of high school science textbooks. One of the best known Biology textbooks is that published by Prentice Hall. My edition was published in 2002, nearly 40 years after Haeckel’s ideas were debunked. Yet, this book includes that concept as one of the main evidences for Darwinian evolution[2].

 One is forced to conclude that evolutionists mislead themselves, because they desperately want evidence for their ideas, and the evidence is simply not there.

 [1] Simpson, G.G. and Beck, W. (1965), An Introduction to Biology (New York: Harcourt Brace and World), p241.

 [2] Miller, K. and Levine, J. (2002), Biology, (Needham, Massachusetts: Prentice Hall), p385.

Lord God, You have shown us in Your word that You made everything from nothing, in just six days, and that it was all very good. Thank You that all of creation points to You, and in that creation, Your invisible attributes are clearly seen.

Image: G.J. Romanes (1892), Public Domain (due to age)

Ecclesiastes 1:7

“All streams run to the sea, but the sea is not full; to the place where the streams flow, there they flow again.”

When I was a department head in a high school in Wales, I had to kit out a new science laboratory. My team and I chose laboratory work surfaces, made from a specially designed material. This artificial material was resistant to corrosion by strong acids, and other chemicals and solvents. It was impervious to ink, so that graffiti left by schoolchildren could easily be removed. The material could also be ground down, like wood or stone, so that more severe damage could be rectified. And, of course, the material would not burn. In short, the material did what it was designed to do.

 Many materials in nature give an appearance of design. Consider just a small number of properties of water. It freezes from the top down. We are so used to this, that we forget how unusual it is. All other liquids freeze from the bottom up, but if that happened in ponds and rivers, fish would never be able to survive through winters. Water has a tiny molecular mass, so the molecules can pass through semi-permeable membranes, enabling the movement of water through cell walls, and yet the molecules associate together, held by forces called hydrogen-bonds, so that the melting point and boiling point are much higher than we should expect from the size of the molecules.

 Of course, there are those who think such properties are coincidental. But these properties, and many others, are precisely what we would expect, given that the world was designed and created by God.

Lord God, when we look at the way you designed even the way that molecules interact, we are again and again amazed and in awe of all that You have done, and we praise Your Holy Name. Amen

Image: Adobe Stock photos, licensed to author

Psalms 147:4

"He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names."
Could the stuff of science fiction be a reality in the outer reaches of our Solar System? As a boy, I read two sci-fi novels, which proposed that the planet Venus was covered in ocean: Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus, by atheist writer Isaac Asimov (published in 1954 under the pseudonym Paul French) and Perelandra (1943), by Christian writer C.S. Lewis.

 Now that we know that Venus is actually a super-hot forbidding world, with a runaway Greenhouse of an atmosphere, attention for such worlds is placed farther away. The Cassini spacecraft, launched in 1997, and nearing the end of its life, is studying Enceladus, a moon of Saturn. Studies have suggested the presence of hydrogen, pouring into the floor of an ocean, which is believed to exist below a crust of ice. This is exciting to evolutionary scientists. The Science Daily website enthuses thus:

 Life as we know it requires three primary ingredients: liquid water; a source of energy for metabolism; and the right chemical ingredients, primarily carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur. With this finding, Cassini has shown that Enceladus � a small, icy moon a billion miles farther from the sun than Earth � has nearly all of these ingredients for habitability.

 There are bacteria, which can manufacture methane from hydrogen and carbon dioxide, but there is no mechanism by which these bacteria could have appeared on Enceladus. Whether or not God has placed such bacteria on Enceladus � and I suspect not � the discovery of this mix of chemicals provides no evidence for the non-existent process of evolution.

Once again, Lord, we look at your heavens, and are reminded of how great You are, and amazed at why You care for us. We praise and magnify Your Holy Name. Amen

Ref: NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "New insights into 'ocean worlds' in our solar system." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 April 2017. <>. Image: NASA, Public Domain.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

�He has made everything beautiful in its time.�
As a child in the 60s, going for a meal at my Godmother�s house was a fascinating experience. In those days, many families would get out the best dinnerware for such occasions, and would probably provide napkins�or serviettes as we called them.. But my Godmother would fold the paper serviettes into swans, rabbits and all manner of beautiful objects. It seemed such a shame to have to unfold them, so it made this child far more careful than normal not to eat messily!

 Origami, the art of paper folding, is a wonder to behold. Those engaged in the activity need to know exactly where to fold the paper. The pattern required is memorized, but it still exists. To teach the subject, one might produce templates, or nets, showing exactly where the folds, and, in some cases, the tears and cuts, need to be made. In later years, I watched a warehouse robot fold packaging in exactly the right way, time after time, to wrap some particularly fragile products.

 An article on the BBC website[1] expresses justifiable awe at the way that nature folds things. The article reports that scientists are copying such natural designs, to produce better robotic algorithms, for packaging purposes.

 We know that the programming to facilitate such folding is in the DNA of the organism. As we often mention in these broadcasts, the information in DNA can only have come from an intelligent source. But that is what we expect, because we know that God created everything, just as He said in Genesis.

 [1] Ball, Phillip (2003), Better Origami Using Nature and Maths, <>, accessed 04/17/2017

When we look at how a bud unfolds into a flower, or into a leaf, once again we stand in awe of Your work, O God. Thank You that You made everything so well, and that You order our lives. Amen.

Ball, Phillip (2003), Better Origami Using Nature and Maths, < >, accessed 04/17/2017
Image: Andreas Bauer. License: Creative Commons Share-Alike 2.5 Generic

Proverbs 9:1

�The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.�
What arrogance to tell someone that he is a fool! How much more arrogant, if that man is a highly educated, highly qualified scientist, with a strong of degrees and doctorates to his name. Such a man might think that he has the right to comment on the existence, or rather the non-existence, of God, and that his intellectual superiority will be sufficient to convince his hearers.

 We know of quite a few such scientists�both men and women�who would fit the description just given. And yet the Bible�s definition of foolishness does not place this negative quality in opposition to intelligence. Instead, foolishness is the opposite of wisdom.

 Wisdom is demonstrably not the same as intelligence. It is possible�and, I would submit, common�for a highly intelligent scientist to be foolish. The Bible tells us, in Romans 1:20, that God�s invisible attributes have been clearly seen since the creation of the world. That verse goes on to state that those who reject God are, therefore, without excuse.

 �The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight�, says the proverb. Notice that the fear of the Lord is not the end of wisdom. There is much still for us to find out, and a wise man will become wiser, as he studies God�s word and finds out more about Him. Notice also that insight is not gained by knowing about the Holy One. Insight and wisdom is gained by knowing God personally. Intelligence is good. Intellectual development is good. But knowing God is of supreme importance.

Lord God, I want to know You more and more. Like Solomon, I pray that You will give me wisdom, to carry out all the work that You have chosen for me to do. Amen.

Ref: Romans 1:20, Proverbs 9:10  Image: Adobe Stock Photos, licensed to author

Saturday, August 19, 2017



Psalm 145:15

The eyes of all look expectantly to You, and You give them their food in due season.
Shore birds like the oystercatcher search for buried mollusks by touch. They poke around in the sand, hoping to find a hard-shelled mollusk. But if you have ever tried to find something that was hiding where you couldn't see it, you know that this method of looking for something is not very efficient. But another shore bird, the red knot, seems to know just where to find its hidden food.

Scientists observed that the red knot, a type of sandpiper, was seven to eight times more efficient at finding buried food than it would be if it were randomly searching. Red knots, who also search for food by pushing their bills into the sand, did better than those birds who search by touch. The answer didn't come until scientists looked at the red knot's bill under the microscope. On the top of the bill they found tiny pits. Inside the pits they found cells called Herbst corpuscles. Scientists knew that other shorebirds have organs similar to these corpuscles that are used to feel vibrations from wriggling prey. They theorized that the red knot's Herbst corpuscles sense pressure changes in the displaced water under the sand when a mollusk obstructs the water's flow. Next they tested captive birds who were trained to find mollusks in pails of sand. Scientists found that if the sand was dry, the red knots did not do very well. But when the sand was wet, the red knots could indeed find the hidden mollusks.

God's creative nature and divine wisdom has provided His living creatures with a beautiful variety of ways of making their living.

I praise You, dear Father, for the variety You have given us. Amen.

S.M., New hunting trick explains bird luck, Science News, v.154, p.107. Photo: Red knot. Courtesy of Jan van de Kam. (CC BY 2.5)

Genesis 1:20

Then God said, 'Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.'
Aerodynamics, the science of flight, is a highly complex science. This is because many complex forces are acting on anything in flight. These forces include the power available for flight and drag produced by the flying object. Each of these categories include many additional forces that depend on the shape of the flying object, the shape and length of the wings, the speed and the altitude. This is why, for example, high altitude planes have very long wings.

One critical force that has been under recent study is the turbulence that forms at the tips of the wings. The shorter the wing, the more energy consuming turbulence forms at the tip of the wing. Different wing designs have been tried to decrease this turbulence. Engineers have had some success reducing this turbulence with winglets. You may have seen these small vertical wings on the wingtips of some airplanes. Swiss researchers have been studying vultures with the hope of finding a better solution to this problem because vultures have a relatively short wing span that has proven to be surprisingly efficient. They discovered that this is because the feathers at the vultures' wing tips spread out. They then tested a wing with a finger-like cascade of blades at the end. Their new wing was more than four times more efficient than the average wing design in use today! It takes a great deal of faith in evolution to think that natural selection possesses such knowledge of aerodynamics. Clearly the vulture was designed by an intelligent Creator Who understands aerodynamics even better than we do!

I thank You, dear Father, that we can see Your wisdom in the creation. Amen.

Wingfingers, Flying/January 1999, p.108. Photo: Learjet 60 with winglets. Courtesy of Adrian Pingstone. (PD)

Proverbs 17:7

Excellent speech is not becoming to a fool, much less lying lips to a prince.
Several different animals communicate on a limited basis with one another. But human speech is unique, leaving those who believe in evolution perplexed. The very oldest human fossils show the bony structures needed to support speech. Evolutionists will admit, in a candid moment, that they have no idea how speech could have evolved. One modern researcher said they have only "inferences based on hunches."

Some scientists have observed that human beings come with the built-in ability to learn and speak. While this idea is not popular among evolutionists, it is supported by the unique structure of the human vocal tract. No other creature has anything like it. The human larynx is placed low in the throat. That placement creates a sound chamber that allows us to make language expressive. Moreover, the placement prevents us from breathing and eating or drinking at the same time. But we are not born that way. A newborn's larynx is placed higher up in the throat, allowing a baby to breathe and suckle at the same time. By the time a child is six,and has no need to suckle and breathe at the same time, but is learning language, the larynx has moved to its adult position.

This obviously designed arrangement in support of human speech presents only more problems for the evolutionist. But for those who believe in our Creator God, it is one more testimony of His wise handiwork.

Dear Father, I thank and praise You for the gift of speech. Amen.

Roger Lewin, Spreading the word, New Scientist, 5 December 1998, p. 46. Photo: Endoscopic image of an inflamed human larynx. Courtesy of MylesSG. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Genesis 2:24

Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
We have all heard it said that, the family that prays together, stays together. A new survey by the Barna Research Group indicates that this old saying is still true. The phone survey interviewed 1,512 Christians about their marriage history and their church membership.

The respondents were divided into three groups. Couples who belonged to different denominations made up 17 percent of the sample. Couples from different denominations who decided to become active in the same denomination after marriage made up another 14 percent of the sample. The rest of the married couples, 65 percent, belonged to the same denomination when they were engaged. The lowest divorce rate was among those of different denominations before marriage and who decided to become active in the same denomination after marriage. This group's divorce rate was only 6 percent. The divorce rate for those who were raised in and remained active in the same denomination was 14 percent. The divorce rate for those who remained in different denominations was 20 percent, which is still less than half the divorce rate for the general population.

Researchers stressed that shared beliefs were not the primary reason for the success of these marriages. Rather, interviews showed that the most important factor in the successful marriages was shared religious activities. This is yet another study that reveals practical benefits for the lives of active church members compared with atheists or inactive church members.

I thank You, Lord, for the gift of marriage. Help me always to honor it. Amen

Study: Divorce Rate Higher for Inter-Church Couples, The Christian News, July 26, 1999, p.17.  Photo: Courtesy of US Environmental Protection Agency. (PD)

Friday, August 11, 2017



Psalm 104:24

O LORD, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possessions...
Deep inside an ant colony, perhaps in a decaying log in northern Idaho or even the north woods of Minnesota, there are ants who only think they are taking care of their pupae. In addition to attending to their young, however, they are providing a dangerous ant predator with food and protection as it matures. The predator, called Microdon, matures into a fly like creature that lives only long enough to mate and lay eggs.

How does Microdon get welcomed into the ant's nest? It folds itself in half and ends up looking just like an ant larva. When researchers exposed some of the fly larvae in an ant nest, the ants quickly rescued the folded-over Microdon as if they were ant larvae. During its first of three larval stages, Microdon enters an ant cocoon and eats the contents. During its two later stages, Microdon moves unchallenged about the nest, eating more ant larvae. This fact at first puzzled researchers, since ants communicate and identify each other through specialized chemical signals. Further research revealed that Microdon are actually able to perfectly mimic this chemical communication! But perhaps the most fascinating feature of Microdon are the odd structures found on the outside of its third stage. These vary from individual to individual and may look like toadstools or flowers. Scientists are unsure of their purpose. But they do marvel over the rich variety of the shapes, which seem unnecessary. While such variety may be unnecessary, they and the other features of Microdon testify to the rich creativity of our Creator God.

Thank You, dear Father, for the rich variety found in Your Creation. Amen.

Gregory Paulson and Roger D. Akre, A Fly in Ant's Clothing, Natural History, 1/94, p.56. Photo: Microdon mutabilis. Courtesy of PaulT. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Psalm 139:13

For You have formed my inward parts; You have covered me in my mother's womb.
When someone receives a donated organ they must take powerful drugs to prevent rejection. That's because the body's immune system identifies the implanted organ as "not me." It then assumes that the invader is dangerous and must be destroyed. That brings us to a puzzling mystery that scientists have been trying to solve: Why doesn't a mother's body recognize her unborn baby as being foreign to her body? After all, carrying genetic information from the mother and father, the unborn baby is genetically unique.

Some scientists theorize that the placenta is a physical barrier between the baby and the mother's immune system. Others believe that the unborn baby somehow hides from the mother's immune system. A third theory is that the mother's immune system is somehow forced to tolerate the unborn child. New research from scientists at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, Georgia, supports this third alternative. Researchers have shown that the placenta produces an enzyme (IDO) that works to suppress immune cells. In effect, the unborn child puts together just the right enzyme to keep mom's immune system from attacking it. Scientists say that this discovery may lead to new drugs to treat autoimmune diseases and organ rejection.

This system or a similar system had to be fully operational in the first creature for successful pregnancies and births. It could not gradually evolve. This fact and the wisdom of this system provides more evidence of an all-wise, all powerful Creator of every form of life and all that exists.

I thank You, Father, that You protected me in my mother's womb. Amen.

J.T., Don't reject me, fetus tells Mom, Science News, v.154, p.152, September 5, 1998. Photo: Human placenta with umbilical cord a few moments after birth. (PD)

Psalm 50:11

I know all the birds of the mountains, and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.
Have you ever tried to get a bottle in a baby's mouth in a dark room? It would be handy if the baby had a glowing target on its mouth. God has given the Gouldian finch, a native of Australia, a unique solution to this problem.

The Gouldian finch sports bright, parrot-like colors. A single bird may carry feathers in up to six brilliant colors, including sky blue, dark blue, yellow, green, purple and black. The finch's face may be red, orange or black. Found mostly in the grasslands of northern Australia, the finches usually build their nests of loosely woven dried grass. These nests are usually built in a tree hollow, a termite mound or in the grass itself. Consequently, finches often find themselves having to feed their young in low-light conditions. But God, knowing the behavior He built into these birds, has provided a solution for this problem. You might put a night light in the baby's room so you can find her mouth at night. God has done about the same for the Gouldian finch. Their young have two pairs of iridescent nodules marking the margin of their beaks. These nodules don't generate light. Instead, they are highly efficient reflectors that glow purplish-blue in all but total darkness. Lest anyone question whether these nodules were specially designed to help the parents feed their young, we note that the nodules disappear as the young birds mature into adulthood.

God can claim ownership over all living things because He made them. Because He made you and me He has not only claimed ownership over us, but even though we ruined His perfect creation with our sin, He sent His Son to save us.

Father, I praise You for Your love and salvation in Your Son. Amen.

Carl Wieland, Purple Pearls of Creative Wisdom, Creation, 21(3) June-August. Photo: Male adult Gouldian finch. Courtesy of Martin Pot. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Leviticus 3:5

Then Aaron's sons shall burn it on the altar on top of the burnt offering, which is on the wood on the fire; it is a food offering with a pleasing aroma to the LORD.
What determines the sort of smells that we like and dislike? Is it nature or nurture? Do we like the smells of the environment, in which we were brought up, or are our likes and dislikes inherited from previous generations?

 Scientists at the University of Campinas in Brazil have done some interesting work on the subject. The olfactory sense is by far the most complex of our senses. Our eyes basically work with three kinds of sensors, arranged around the three primary colors. Taste involves 49 different receptors, but can be approximated by five primary tastes. However, the number of different olfactory sensors numbers into the thousands, with at least ten primary scents�though there could be more.

 Brazilian scientists showed, as expected, that the construction of the olfactory sensors in the noses of laboratory mice was mostly determined by genetics. However, they placed genetically different mice in similar olfactory environments, and genetically similar mice in differently smelling environments, to see if environmental characteristics had any influence on these receptors. They did. The genetic factor was the most important, but there was a significant difference between receptors in genetically similar mice placed in different environments.

 It is interesting that, in the Bible prayer is likened to an aroma ascending to the Lord. This is the reason for much of the symbolism of aromatic sacrifices, both from the smell of cooking, and from the scent produced by skilled perfumers. God desires an environment of sweet-smelling prayer for us, and this is clearly the best environment for us to be in.

Father, may our lives be as a living sacrifice to You. May our prayers be a sweet savor in Your nostrils, as we praise You Holy Name. Amen.

Ref: Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. (2017, April 25). Genetics, environment combine to give everyone a unique sense of smell: Genetically identical mice develop different smell receptors in response to their environments. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 25, 2017 from     Image: Laboratory Mouse, author: Rama, license: Creative Commons Share-alike 2.0 French.

1 Corinthians 3:16

Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
Could pizza be good for you? Research into tomatoes has shown that tomatoes, especially cooked, have powerful health benefits. That's because tomatoes have a powerful antioxidant called lycopene, in addition to beta carotene, other B vitamins, vitamin C and other important minerals. A four-ounce tomato can provide you with one-third the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.

A European study of 1,300 men suggested that those who consumed the most lycopene in their food cut their heart attack rate in half, compared to those who had less lycopene in their diet. Another study that lasted five years followed the eating habits of 48,000 men. Those who ate 10 servings a week of cooked tomatoes, in whatever form, had one-third the rate of prostate cancer of those who ate less than two servings a week. Cooking tomatoes, as you would for pizza and pasta sauce, makes five times more lycopene available to you than eating the same amount of raw tomatoes. That's because cooking breaks down the cell walls of the tomato, making the lycopene more available for digestion. Watermelons and pink grapefruit also have lycopene, but only as much or less as cooked tomatoes.

Our bodies are called temples of the Holy Spirit by Scripture. God has richly provided us with healthy foods to keep our temples healthy. Even pasta sauce and pizza offer us health benefits in addition to tasty dining.

I thank You, heavenly Father, that You have given me the means to take care of my temple. Help me to use them. Amen.

Mayo Clinic Health Letter, September 1998. Photo: Courtesy of Pixabay. (PD)

Friday, August 4, 2017



Matthew 6:28-29

And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
What color is the scarlet gilia? Well, that depends on where and when it’s blooming. Despite its name, the scarlet gilia can be red, pink, and even white.

 Near sea level, the flowers remain red all season. This is because the flower is pollinated throughout the summer by hummingbirds who are drawn to the red flowers. At higher elevations, the hummingbirds leave as summer moves into August. As they leave, the plants change their red flowers to pink and, later, white flowers.

 The higher-elevation plants change over to white flowers because they have a new pollinator. As the hummingbird population decreases, hawkmoths take over. During this transition, the flower produces pink blossoms as it invites both of its pollinators. Once the hummingbirds are gone, the hawkmoth takes over. The hawkmoths pollinate at night, so they prefer white flowers, which are easier to see in the dark. Scientists were amazed by the fact that the color changes take place exactly when pollination shifts from hummingbird to moth. As one startled scientist put it, these plants cannot be considered passive in their environment.

 Who taught the scarlet gilia when and how to change the color of its flowers? Who taught it that hummingbirds will be attracted to red flowers? Or that hawkmoths will be attracted to white flowers? The scarlet gilia may be clever, but only our all-wise Creator could have given this knowledge and ability to the plant.

Dear Father, I thank You that the wisdom with which You designed the creation is there for all to see. As I strive against the world’s denial of Your intimate involvement in Your creation, help me to see more clearly that the creation is Yours and that it glorifies You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Bennett, D. D. Scarlet gilia: Flowering Chameleon. Science News, Feb. 1985, p. 69. Photo: Scarlet gilia. Courtesy of Walter Siegmund. (CC BY-SA 3.0)



2 Chronicles 26:15

And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal. And his name spread far abroad; for he was marvellously helped, till he was strong.
Xerography is the process used in most copying machines today. The page you want copied is exposed to the bright light in the machine. That light enables the machine to make an image of your original, using electrostatic charges to record the light and dark spots on your original. The toner – that fine black powder – is then drawn to those spots on the copier paper in exactly the same spots that were dark on your original. After the powder is fixed in place, your copy – perfect in every detail – pops out.

 Most of us consider xerography to be a modern work-saving wonder. However, xerography may not be such a modern invention. Researchers at Stanford Research Institute now believe that xerography was invented and first used almost 150 years ago!

 That’s when Louis Daguerre introduced the photographic process named after him. The earliest photographs we have are daguerreotypes. These sharp, crisp pictures used silver and iodine vapor to fix an image on a plate. The process used the xerographic principle of setting up electrostatic charges on a plate wherever light struck it. It was the sharpness in the detail of the daguerreotypes that convinced researchers that Daguerre’s process was xerographic.

 Unfortunately, his process was cumbersome and dangerous. Nor did Daguerre understand how the process worked. If he had, Abraham Lincoln might have had a copier in the White House!

 That humans are ever inventive and creative arises from the fact that they are the creation of an unlimited and wonderful Creator.

I thank You, Lord, for the gift of inventiveness that You have given to man. I ask that we may always be guided to use our creativity and inventiveness to Your glory. Amen.

Bower, Bruce. 1985. Picturing an electric look. Science News, v. 127, Feb. 2, p. 74. Photo: Portrait of Louis Daguerre (1787-1851). (PD)



Matthew 5:13

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
There are many different kinds of salts that occur naturally in our environment. Yet, only one of those salts stirs our taste buds. That salt � sodium chloride � is the tastiest of all the salts and the one that all living things need. The amazing chemistry behind this mystery shows that this is no accident.

 The sodium in common table salt is crucially important in keeping the body�s water in balance. That makes common table salt irreplaceable for most land animals and humans. We cannot taste anything unless its molecules are able to get into the dense network of filaments that coat our taste buds. Most salts, such as aluminum or magnesium salts, offer no appealing flavor. This is because the molecules that make up these salts are too large to get through the filaments around our taste buds.

 So sodium chloride, common table salt, is a carefully designed molecule. We need the sodium, but can�t really taste it. The chloride, however, is small enough to get into our taste buds and provide that salty taste. Linked together, each part of the molecule serves a crucial purpose in giving salt its flavor.

 There are many beliefs among humans and many types of behavior. However, there is no other way to come to our Creator and God than through the forgiveness of sins that�s found in Jesus Christ. Nor is there any other way for us to be truly God�s salt in the world than by making His forgiveness, Word and will part of our very beings.

I thank You, Lord, that even the molecular designs in Your creation serve to make life possible. I pray that my life may be so thoroughly informed by Your Word that I cannot help but be true salt in witness to Your salvation. Amen.

Ezzell, Carol. 1991. �Salt�s technique for tickling the taste buds.� Science News, Vol. 140, p. 276. Photo: Salt crystals. Courtesy of W.J.Pilsak.



1 Peter 5:6-7

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care on him; for he careth for you.
Most mice are nocturnal. The African four-striped grass mouse, however, operates in the fierce equatorial sun.

 The African four-striped grass mouse goes out in the hottest sun to eat roots, green grass and seeds. It may do its shopping on the ground or climb a low branch to select food from a low shrub. The chipmunk-like mouse is found throughout eastern and southern Africa, where the sun is the strongest. Near the equator, the powerful sunlight also includes powerful doses of ultraviolet radiation.

 The African four-striped grass mouse is more equipped to handle this harsh environment than most other creatures. Beneath its fur, the mouse has melanin-pigmented skin. Melanin is the pigment that turns our skin brown when it�s exposed to the sun. Melanin protects the skin from sun damage, including ultraviolet radiation. The grass mouse also has an additional melanin-pigmented layer between its skull and its outer skin. This layer provides additional protection for the mouse�s brain. Only three other African rodents have this special protective helmet. White tent-making bats of South America have similar protection. While these bats sleep during the day, they sleep in a curled position that exposes their heads to the South American sun.

 This special protection was obviously designed keeping in mind the danger of over-exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Humans have only recently learned about these dangers. We can safely guess that the animal world doesn�t know about it at all. But our all-wise Creator does.

Lord, I thank You that You have commanded us to pray and assured us that the Father hears us and knows our need, even before we ask. I thank You that I am not the product of a mindless, uncaring universe. I thank You for Your love. Amen.

Carter, Laura S. 1992. �Ban the Soleil.� Natural History, June, p. 76. Photo: Four-striped Grass Mouse. Courtesy of C.R.Selvakumar. (CC BY-SA 3.0)




Psalm 10:14

Thou hast seen it; for thou beholdest mischief and spite, to requite it with thy hand: the poor committeth himself unto thee; thou art the helper of the fatherless.
Hummingbirds are among the most exquisite jewels in God�s creation. Many of their activities and habits seem almost unreal.

 I know of no one who has ever tired of watching a hummingbird hover or fly backward. Our sense of wonder is not decreased because we understand how the bird can do these tricks. Perhaps an even greater wonder is how these tiny, fragile creatures can make their way in a large and often hostile world.

 Consider the broad-tailed hummingbird, for instance. This tiny hummingbird migrates 1,200 miles between Mexico and the Colorado Rockies each year. Its nesting site in the Rockies is filled with predators. In this setting, the mother searches for a protected branch where she will build her fragile nest. It�s best if there is another branch right above the nesting branch to provide shelter from the elements as well as visual cover from hawks and blue jays. She weaves her nest, about the size of half a golf ball, from spider webs and down from plants. It will take two and one-half weeks for her two pea-sized eggs to hatch. In the meantime, the tiny mother, who weighs less than one-eighth of an ounce, must keep herself and her eggs warm in temperatures that can drop below freezing.

 God has equipped the delicate hummingbird with intelligence and excellent flying ability, so that even though it is tiny and weak, it can make its living. The continued existence of this fragile creature glorifies its Creator, not the principle of survival of the fittest!

I am filled with wonder, Father, at how You have designed and cared for the hummingbird. When I am tempted to act by my own strength instead of Yours, remind me of Your care for the fragile hummingbird. In Jesus� Name. Amen.

Calder, William A. 1992. �Ten years on an aspen branch.� Natural History, July, p. 4. Photo: Broad-tailed hummingbird. Courtesy of Michelle Lynn Reynolds. (CC BY-SA 3.0)