Friday, July 25, 2014



Psalm 9:1

"I will praise Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all Thy marvelous works."
Brine shrimp and water bears are tiny animals that are able to basically freeze dry into a state of suspended animation and then return to active life. Scientists have learned that they do this by replacing the water in their cells with a sugar called trehalose.

The larvae of a fly native to Africa makes its living eating organic material that settles at the bottom of puddles. During periods of drought, the larvae replace the water in their cells with trehalose. The sugar acts just like other sugars, solidifying into a glasslike state. In this state, the sugar acts to stabilize the larvae's tissues. The larvae can remain in this state for up to 17 years and still come back to life when water is again available.

Scientists would like to learn more about this ability. Their hope is to apply such knowledge to preserving blood for transfusion in a dry form. They may also learn how to preserve organs for transplant. As part of their research, they have sent dry larvae to the International Space Station. They want to see if the larvae can be revived after they have been exposed to space outside the space station.

Not only are the wonders that God has created marvelous, but we can learn from them for our own betterment.

Father, I praise You for the wonders that You have made and that we can learn from how You made things. Amen.

Science News, 3/29/08, p. 197, Davide Castelvecchi, "Live Another Day." Photo: Mating pair of brine shrimp. Courtesy of Hans Hillewaert. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

John 7:35b

".will He go unto the dispersed among the Gentiles, and teach the Gentiles?"
What languages did Jesus speak during His ministry on Earth? Of course He spoke Aramaic, since that was the common language of the people He taught. When He read from Isaiah in the synagogue in Nazareth, He would have read it in Hebrew. But did Jesus also speak Greek?

Greek was in common use in Israel in the first century. Greek inscriptions are frequently found in Jewish graves from the period. This is evidence that many Jews knew the Greek language. Some scholars point to some of the terms in Jesus' recorded sayings that have Greek origins; however, their arguments are not universally accepted.

But Jesus did grow up in Nazareth, which is in "Galilee of the Gentiles," where Greek as well as Aramaic would have been spoken. Nazareth was only an hour's walk from Sepphoris, where one would have to speak Greek to do business. As scholars point out, Jesus was educated and as a carpenter, He was a skilled artisan. He would have to speak Greek to deal with customers. At one point His disciples wondered whether He would go to teach the Gentiles, a task that would require Greek.

Language is a gift of God. It is through this gift that God gives us the greater gift of His saving Gospel which assures us of the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ.

Thank You, Father, for the gift of language, for this is how You give us Your Word of salvation in Jesus Christ. Amen.

Biblical Archaeology Review, 9-10/92, pp. 58-63, Joseph A. Fitzmyer, "Did Jesus Speak Greek?" Photo: "Mona Lisa of the Galilee", ancient mosaic in Sepphoris. Courtesy of Tomisti. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Matthew 6:19

"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal."
The metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a moth or butterfly completely restructures the creature internally and externally. Scientists at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. wondered whether that included the caterpillar's brain as well.

To find out, they placed tobacco hornworm caterpillars inside a hollow tube shaped like a Y. Scientists then put a bad-smelling gas in one of the arms of the Y. When a caterpillar went down that arm of the tube it received a mild shock. Since the caterpillars go through several molts, researchers performed the experiment on caterpillars at various stages of their moltings.

They found that caterpillars that underwent the experience before their fifth and final molt did not remember their experience with the gas after metamorphosis. However, 77 percent of those caterpillars that encountered the gas and experienced a shock after their final molt remembered their dislike of the gas after metamorphosis. Scientists point out that caterpillars, moths and butterflies are not social creatures. This means they have more need for memory because there is no division of labor among them.

Just because the Bible associates moths with decay doesn't mean that God didn't provide them with all they need to live successful lives. To God, no creature is unimportant.

Father, I thank You that You are generous with Your gifts. Let me never forget Your goodness. Amen.

Science News, 3/22/08, p. 189, Rachel Ehrenberg, "Moths' Memories." Photo: Tobacco hornworm caterpillar. Courtesy of Daniel Schwen. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Judges 9:53

"And a certain woman cast a piece of a millstone upon Abimelech's head, and all to brake his skull."
In the book of Judges we read of how "a certain woman" gave the Philistine leader Abimelech a skull fracture when she threw a millstone on him from a tower. Some biblical scholars concluded that no woman could lift a millstone to throw it. Besides, what would a millstone be doing at the top of a tower?

However, archaeologists easily answered these questions. First, the large round stones, often powered by a donkey, weren't invented until a thousand years later. The type of millstone in use at the time of this incident was a round, loaf-shaped stone that weighed between four and seven pounds. Archaeologists have found many of them in the Holy Land. It was used to grind flour in a stone base at a time when every household ground their own flour every day. This job was often done on a roof, in the cool breeze, under an awning.

To test the story, archaeologists in Israel assembled the type of stones that would have been used and a watermelon. They used a magic marker to give the melon a face and named it Abimelech. Then, with the help of several women volunteers, they tossed their stones from an ancient two-story tower. Abimelech did not survive.

Whether the Bible is talking about salvation or history, we know we can trust it as God's Word.

Lord, I thank You for Your love to me in Jesus Christ and Your love in giving us Your Word, faithfully preserved. Amen.

Biblical Archaeology Review, 1-2/02, pp. 34-37, 62, Denise Dick Herr and Mary Petrina Boyd, "A Watermelon Named Abimelech." Illustration: Gustave Doré, The Death of Abimelech.

Genesis 11:8

"So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city."
Mitochondria generate energy inside each of your cells. They have their own DNA, which is passed directly from mother to child. This fact and the known rate at which mitochondrial DNA mutates has led to some conclusions which would be expected by those who accept the biblical history of mankind.

Both creationists and evolutionists who study mitochondrial DNA are agreed on several conclusions. They agree that at some time in the past there was a single dispersal of humankind. They also agree that there are three mitochondrial DNA lines represented in all of mankind. (Evolutionists, however, would not connect these three lines to Noah's three sons' wives.)

Both are also agreed that the dispersal of the human population happened fairly recently in the Middle East. The pattern indicates that this dispersal from a common place led to small, related groups or clans moving into new territory. Creationist researchers, seeing a parallel between the agreed-upon scientific conclusions and biblical history, have explored the evidence further.

Human mitochondrial DNA mutates at a known rate. Based on this known rate, the human genome is very young - much younger than evolutionary theory says it should be. It is only thousands of years old.

Father, I thank You that You have loved us so much that You have saved us and given us the Gospel in Your Word. Amen.

Acts/Facts, 5/08, p. 6, Larry Vardiman, "Mitochondrial DNA and a Recent Human Origin." Photo: Electron microscopy of mitochondrial DNA. Courtesy of Francisco J Iborra1, Hiroshi Kimura2 and Peter R Cook. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
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Friday, July 18, 2014



Genesis 1:16

"And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also."
According to the inflated evolutionary time-scale, the Earth's moon is 4.5 billion years old. A rocky body the size of the moon would be expected to be geologically active for about 1.5 billion years. This means that for the last 3 billion years the moon has been geologically settled or dead. If it is indeed that old.

In the first half of the 20th century there were reports of color changes, bright spots, hazes and other unexplained things being seen on the moon. These sightings were dismissed since it was accepted that the moon was far too old to be geologically active. But the sightings increased to such a level that in 1968 NASA published a report on the sightings titled the Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events.

But this shouldn't be so surprising. Back in 1787 the famous astronomer William Herschel recorded a volcanic eruption on the moon. He reported that he had identified three volcanoes on the darkened limb of the moon. One, he observed, erupted, ejecting luminous material for at least two days. Interestingly, they were in the Aristarchus region of the moon where more than 300 sightings of apparent volcanic activity have been reported.

These reports offer good evidence that the moon is more likely thousands of years old rather than billions, thus fitting in nicely with the biblical chronology.

I thank You, Father, for the beauty of the night sky which shows forth your glory. Amen.

Answers Magazine, 1-3/08, pp. 32-33, Ron Samec, "The Moon Is Still Alive..." Illustration: Internal structure of the moon. Courtesy of Kelvinsong. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.




Genesis 1:12

"And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself after his kind."
Charles Darwin knew nothing about genetics. In his day the cell was thought to be filled with nothing more than a watery jell. Darwin also thought that characteristics picked up during life could be passed on to the next generation.

After over a century of genetic studies, including the discovery and growing understanding of DNA, evolution looks more impossible than ever. For example, cystic fibrosis is caused by a random mutation at three small points in one protein. This means that one random change in one ten-millionth of the entire human genome is fatal. There are 4,000 known mutations in the human genome, and none of them are beneficial. One so-called good mutation that has been cited is sickle cell anemia since it gives some protection against malaria. However, without medical intervention, even this mutation is fatal.

After studying mutation rates among humans, scientists have concluded that if an unlikely good mutation were to happen, there would be 10,000 fatal mutations before another good mutation would happen. By this math, if life began over 3 billion evolutionary years ago, it would have all died off by now from bad mutations. Random mutations are not the way to turn paramecia into people!

That there is nothing about life or its preservation that is random shows God's love in preserving life.

I thank You, Father, for creating life with order so that it is protected and provided for. Amen.

Acts and Facts, 9/07, pp. 10-13, Barney Maddox, "Mutations: The Raw Material for Evolution?" Photo: The orange moss rose, according to Wikipedia, is probably the mutant. But, we would add, it is still a moss rose. Courtesy of JerryFriedman. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.



1 Kings 6:22

"And the whole house he overlaid with gold, until he had finished all the house."
Scripture tells us that Solomon's temple was overlaid with gold inside - the walls, the ceiling and even the floor! Solomon even decorated the Temple with gold, including over two U.S. tons of golden shields. Given the dimensions of the rooms, this would take a huge amount of gold.

For this reason, many modern scholars have expressed doubt about what the Bible reports. Scripture does report that Solomon's annual income was 25 tons of gold. We know that other world rulers in the ancient world held huge amounts of gold. We have all seen the golden treasures that were found in King Tut's tomb. Reliable Greek sources report that Alexander the Great discovered a hoard of 1,180 tons of gold in Susa. So there was obviously a great deal of gold in the ancient world. But what happened to all of Solomon's gold? The Bible records that after Solomon's death Shishak, king of Egypt, invaded Jerusalem and hauled away the Temple treasure. After his death a year later, his son Osorkon I became king. Three years later, Osorkon made an offering to the gods of Egypt of 383 tons of gold. Was some of that from Solomon's Temple?

There is no reason to doubt the Bible's lavish descriptions of Solomon's Temple. There was more than enough gold in the ancient world to do the job.

Lord, You are the generous giver of all good gifts. Help me always to hold Your Word as the greatest treasure. Amen.

Biblical Archaeology Review, 5-6/89, pp. 20-34, Alan R. Mallard, "Does the Bible Exaggerate King Solomon's Golden Wealth?" Photo: Tuthankamen's famous burial mask, on display in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Courtesy of Bjørn Christian Tørrissen. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.



Matthew 6:26a

"Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them."
A cat crouching at a mouse hole is already hunting. Until now, no animal has ever been observed actually planning for the future.

Recent studies of western scrub jays have now shown undeniable planning behavior by the jays. To see if the jays engaged in true planning, individual jays were moved into a special cage in the lab. It had a main room with two side rooms. A jay would be moved into one or the other of the side rooms every morning. One side room never offered food for the first two hours the bird was in it, while the other consistently offered food. After each bird learned this pattern, they were allowed into the main room in the evening to eat their fill. All of the eight test subjects also provided the no-breakfast side cage with generous caches of extra food, clearly in anticipation of the morning. In a second test, different food supplies were available in each side cage. When they were allowed to freely cache, they cached supplies of the missing food in each side room, again clearly anticipating the next morning.

God has provided for His creatures' needs by giving them the abilities they need to make their living. That includes giving seemingly advanced abilities to creatures that are supposedly far less evolved than we are.

I thank You, Father, that Your provision for all Your creatures is evident in Your creation, just as Your Word says. Amen.

Science News, 2/24/07, p. 117, S. Milius, "Bird Plans." Photo: Western scrub jay. Courtesy of GreyStork. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.



Psalm 118:8

"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man."
Radioactive carbon, carbon-14, accumulates in all living things when alive. Once they die, half of any given amount of carbon-14 in a once-living thing decays to non-radioactive carbon in 5,730 years. Thus, by measuring the amount of carbon-14 left in a once-living thing, scientists can get a rough idea of when it died. It can be used to date things that are only thousands of years old, not millions.

In Colorado there is a formation caused by volcanic activity in the distant past out of which much gold has been mined. Evolutionists date the last volcanic activity at this formation at 27 million inflated years ago. When the eruption took place, it apparently engulfed a forest. As a result, many pieces of carbonized wood are found sealed in the hard rock. Working from deep within a mine, researchers drilled down even further, looking for an uncontaminated piece of carbonized wood. They hit their target over 3,000 feet from the actual surface. They found several fragments which were decontaminated as a precaution. After four separate carbon datings and corrections were worked out, they turned out to be about 4,300 years old.

Clearly the wood can not be millions of years younger than the lava around it. Evolutionary claims of great age for the creation have scientific problems as well as contradicting the Bible.

Lord, I believe Your Word. Help me to overcome my unbelief, and help me to better know Your truth. Amen.

Acts & Facts, 1/08, pp. 10-13, Andrew A. Snelling, "Radiocarbon in 'Ancient' Fossil Wood." Photo: Creation scientist Andrew Snelling performing geological research. Fair Use: Publicity photo by the Institute for Creation Research.




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Friday, July 11, 2014



Psalm 118:12a

"They compassed me about like bees...."
We all know that when bees swarm they are in defensive mode. However, not all species of bees have stinging in mind when they swarm.

We did a program about an Asian honeybee species that engulfs an invading wasp and cooks it to death. That's what scientists thought Cyprian honeybees were doing when they engulf an invading hornet. However, further study showed that the bees could not kill the attacking hornet with heat. They simply didn't generate enough heat to kill it in the hour they were observed killing a hornet.

Further observation showed that the bees favored encasing the hornet's abdomen. It appeared that they knew that the hornets have an unusual breathing arrangement for insects. The hornet in question actually breathes through holes in its abdomen by contracting the abdomen. The bees appeared to be suffocating the hornet. So researchers placed tiny plastic blocks under a hornet's abdominal plates. This propped the hornet's breathing pores open when the bees tried to smother it. Sure enough, the next time the bees attacked, the hornet survived twice as long.

In His love for His creation, God knew that when sin entered His creation, His creatures would need to know how to defend themselves. So He gave the Cyprian honeybee the knowledge to protect itself against its worst foe.

I thank You, Father, that You love your creation and have especially loved me through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Science News, 9/29/07, p. 205, "Honeybee Mobs Smother Big Hornets." Photo found at website. Courtesy of Emmanouil Filippou.

1 Chronicles 9:30

"And some of the sons of the priests made the ointment of the spices."
Many ancient peoples made various ointments from spices, including ancient Israel. In India, they have been using a spice called turmeric for medicinal purposes for 3,000 years.

Turmeric is made from the roots of a broad-leafed plant that grows well in the warm, moist climate of southern Asia. Ancient healers in India used turmeric to treat skin wounds, jaundice, indigestion and several other ailments. Turmeric is found in most curry dishes. Modern medical science has now begun to study the spice. Preliminary research shows that turmeric lowers total blood cholesterol by 11 percent and increases good cholesterol by 29 percent. But the most hopeful and dramatic medical use of the spice may be in treating, even reversing, Alzheimer's disease. The active ingredient in the spice is curcumin. In lab tests, curcumin has been shown to aid the body in ridding itself of the amyloid-beta plaques that result in Alzheimer's. These results are supported by a population study done in India. A study of people over 65 in that country who ate turmeric showed an incidence of Alzheimer's that was a quarter what it is in the West.

In His foreknowledge, God knew that man would sin and bring death and disease on himself. In His mercy, He stocked the creation with natural medicines to help us.

Thank You, Father, for providing for our needs in this life. Prosper all useful science. Amen.

Science News, 9/15/07, pp. 167-168, Patrick Barry, "Curry Power." Photo: Turmeric field in an Indian village.

1 Kings 3:1a

"And Solomon made affinity with pharaoh king of Egypt, and took pharaoh's daughter, and brought her to the city of David...."
Scripture notes several times that King Solomon married a pharaoh's daughter in the tenth century B.C. His dowry for this marriage was the city of Gezer, which he received from the pharaoh.

Many Egyptologists and biblical critics have claimed that this was simply impossible. They base their argument on a 14th century B.C. Egyptian inscription. The inscription shows a pharaoh speaking with his daughter with the caption, "From of old no [Egyptian] king's daughter has been given to anyone." However, in 1 Kings 11:19-20 we read of a pharaoh giving his sister-in-law in marriage to an Edomite prince. This took place just a few years before Solomon's reign. Extra-biblical sources tell of another pharaoh who gave his daughter to a Libyan noble later in Solomon's reign. We would have to conclude that the Egyptian royal traditions in the 14th century B.C. had changed by the tenth century B.C. After all, that is 400 years later.

While many scholars doubt that the Bible presents history accurately, believers know that the Bible presents us with the story of our salvation. That salvation is based on real people and real events in history. So we thank God that He has given us an accurate account of how our salvation came about, beginning in Genesis.

Father, I thank You that Your Word is true and that it reveals Your forgiving love for me in Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Biblical Archaeology Review, 9-10/01. pp. 32-37, Kenneth A. Kitchen, "How We Know When Solomon Ruled." Photo: Gezer stone steles, known as the Gezer Platform. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

2 Samuel 2:4a

"And the men of Judah came, and there they anointed David king over the house of Judah."
There are two major schools of thought among biblical archaeologists. Many archaeologists go about their work with the goal of providing background to biblical accounts with their finds. But another school, called "minimalists", refuse to accept anything the Bible says unless they find solid evidence for it.

For example, minimalists argued for years that David never existed except as a mythical figure. They even went so far as to argue that Jerusalem wasn't even a city at the time David was supposed to have lived. However, in 1993, archaeologists made a huge contribution to this debate. While cleaning up an excavation at the biblical Dan, one of the team members noticed an inscription on a stone that was sticking out of the ground. It turned out to be part of a victory monument erected by an Aramean ruler celebrating a victory over Israel and possibly Judah. It is written in the type of Hebrew letters used before the destruction of the first temple in 586 BC. It boasts of the victory over a king, whose name is missing, but mentions the "House of David/King of Israel."

Believers don't need such evidence to know that the Bible is trustworthy, even when it talks about historical events. However, now there can be no question that David was a real person.

I thank You, Lord, that the history reported in Your Word is accurate, for it also records the history that saves me. Amen.

Biblical Archaeology Review, March-April 1994, pp. 26-39, Herschel Shanks, "'David' Found at Dan." Photo: The Tel Dan inscription in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Courtesy of Yoav Dothan. Licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2.

Ecclesiastes 12:4b

"... and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of musick shall be brought low..."
Precision in communication is highly important. This is especially true of the type of communication called music, whether you are talking about Mozart or magpie-larks.

Only about three percent of bird species are known to sing duets. In a duet, one mate begins singing, and the other mate begins a half second later. Among Australian magpie-larks, pairs that are newly mated usually lack that precision. However, in pairs that have been together for two years, the lag time of the duet usually varies by only a few hundredths of a second.

Researchers also discovered that this precision serves a purpose. Male magpie-larks respond to perceived threats by increasing their singing. When they played the less-precise duets to 12 pairs of other magpie-larks, the males only responded in this way seven times in five minutes. However, the more-precise duets resulted in nine responses in five minutes. In short, other magpie-larks are more intimidated by pairs that sing with precision than by those who do not. This is important in preserving an established couple's territory from invasion by new couples.

Communication with precision is yet another fingerprint of God on the creation. In Scripture, the ultimate in precise communication, God even points us to the birds as He urges us to recognize His involvement in the creation.

Thank You, Father, for taking care of all Your creation and especially for sending Your Son to save me. Amen.

Science News, 6/9/07, p. 357, S. Milius, "Scary Singing." Photo: Female magpie-lark. Courtesy of J.J. Harrison. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
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Saturday, July 5, 2014



Genesis 1:3

"And God said, 'Let there be light;' and there was light."
Though tiny, the scales of the swallowtail butterfly's wing are similar in design to light-emitting diodes. We say similar because the design is closer to a specialized light-emitting diode that puts out six times as much light as a standard LED.

The blue-green wing of the swallowtail is covered with millions of tiny scales. Each microscopic scale has three layers. The top layer is made up of thousands of hollow cylinders shaped in a honeycomb pattern. There is fluorescent pigment within the sides of those cells. The second layer adds the blue-green color to entering light, and the bottom layer reflects it back out. As the light enters, the top layer focuses and reflects all the blue-green light that enters it. The second layer turns any other color entering light - including ultraviolet light - blue-green, and the bottom layer reflects it back out.

The efficiency of the delicate structure has been compared to LEDs that have two-dimensional photonic crystals that put out six times as much light as a regular LED. As one scientist put it, they had no idea that the design would be so "precise" and "refined."

Of course it's precise and refined, showing an understanding of light! It was designed by the same Creator Who created light in the first place.

Thank You, Father, for creating light with its beauty and especially for the beauty of the light of the Gospel. Amen.

Science News, 11/19/05. p. 324, A. Cunningham, "Way to Glow." Photo: Swallowtail butterfly. Courtesy of????. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Genesis 1:21

"So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female created He them."
We have all seen those illustrations supposedly showing the stages of human evolution from some ape-like creature. Progressing from the earliest ape-like creature to modern man, you see Homo habilis and, closer to modern man, Homo erectus.

Although this illustration continues to adorn textbooks, paleontologists have known for some time that it is an inaccurate depiction of even their own theory. While digging in Africa in 2000, a paleontological team headed by the Leakeys found bones of both erectus and habilis. Not only were they within walking distance of each other, they were in the same level and, thus. have the same dates. The evolutionary dating of the jaw from the habilis as well as the erectus skull were dated at 1.44 million evolutionary years. This was long after habilis was supposed to have evolved into erectus.

Evolutionists also once thought that modern humans evolved from Neandertals. But then they found clear evidence that modern humans existed at the same time as Neandertals. Commenting on the finding, one evolutionary scientist cautioned that this finding should not be considered a weakness in evolutionary theory. However, real science is all about evidence. And there is no evidence that modern humans evolved from some early ape-like creature.

While evolution views man as just another animal, God made us in His image to be His children.

Father, I thank You that You have made me and redeemed me through the suffering and death of Your Son. Amen.,3566,292572.00.html. Photo: Homo habilis reconstruction. Courtesy of Lillyundfreya. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

2 Peter 3:5

"For this they are willingly ignorant of, that by the Word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:"
Most people find the subject of radiometric dating too technical to understand. Until recent years, scientists who believe in creation haven't had the necessary resources to explore radiometric dating in detail.

Now that has changed, and some important discoveries are being made. When granite rock hardens, it freezes radioactive elements in place. The most common radioactive element in granite is Uranium-238. This element is locked in tiny zircons within the granite. As part of the decay process, helium is produced. While it stays within the zircon for a period of time, being a very small atom, helium escapes the zircon within a few thousand years.

When creation scientists studied granite samples, they made interesting discoveries. The samples were from a mile below the earth, which, according to inflated evolutionary years, were 1.5 billion years old. The helium still locked in the samples was studied as well as the rate at which the helium diffused from the rock. They concluded that the helium in the rock was 100,000 times more plentiful than it should have been if the rocks were really 1.5 billion years old. They concluded that their findings are consistent with an Earth that is about 6,000 years old.

As our knowledge continues to grow, what we know continues to be in agreement with Scripture.

I thank You, Father, for those things in the creation that bear witness to You. Help me to be a faithful witness, too. Amen.

Answers, 7-9/06, pp. 22-24, Don DeYoung, "Raising the Bar on Creation Research." Photo: A 10 gram sample of U-238. Courtesy of Forwardbias. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Psalm 25:5

"Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day."
Researchers in England have, for the first time, identified an example of true human-like teaching in the animal world.

Their definition of teaching goes beyond simple "monkey-see, monkey-do." First, the teacher must show the student how to do something, doing it less efficiently than they normally would. Next, the student must learn the task faster than it would without the teacher. Finally, to be true teaching, there must be student-teacher feedback.

They found that a small ant on England's southern coast meets these criteria. In their experiments, they placed a sugar solution about six inches from the ants' nest. They videotaped what happened next. After an ant discovered the sugary treat, it returned to the nest to get a friend. The teacher ant would then lead its student to the sugar, going four times more slowly than it normally would. During the lesson, the student would periodically stop and turn around, as if to get its bearings. Feedback between student and teacher took place when the student would tap the teacher with her antennae to keep her moving.

God is, of course, the ultimate Teacher Who gives both the ability to teach and to learn wherever it is needed. The greatest truth He teaches is the truth of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, His Son.

Father, thank You for teaching me the truth that Jesus Christ died for my sins so that You could truly be my Father. Amen.

Science News, 1/14/06, pp. 20-21, S. Milius, "Little Professor." Photo: These fire ants can also teach you a painful lesson if you disturb them.

Exodus 20:11

"For in six days the Lord made the heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."
While evolutionists can't explain how life originated, they have proposed theories of how inorganic matter became biological molecules. Each of these theories requires the assumption that the Earth had no oxygen in its atmosphere when life first began. Oxygen would destroy the chemistry they propose.

However, Neil Phillips, an Australian geologist, has discovered iron oxide in South Africa. The iron oxide was discovered in rock layers that are dated to a time long before the first appearance of life, according to evolutionary theory. The form of iron oxide he found, pisoliths, are only known to form in the presence of oxygen. Based on his study, Phillips has concluded that the Earth has had enough oxygen in its atmosphere to react with geological features since the beginning of geological history. That's enough oxygen to destroy any of the products of the chemistry evolutionists have proposed for the origin of life.

Part of the scientific power of any model of origins is its ability to predict what kind of evidence to look for. The creation model says that there was air-breathing life within the first week that Earth's geology existed. The discovery of iron oxide in the most ancient rocks is no surprise to those who accept creation.

Father, help me to worship You in spirit and in truth by also making a faithful witness to Your work of creation. Amen.

Discover, 4/02, p. 11, Lauren Gravitz. "Early Breath of Fresh Air." Also, "Iron Oxide Cemented Nodules in the Critical Zone: Pisoliths to Concretions."
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