Saturday, April 26, 2014


Psalm 8:3-4

“When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?”
What is the most awesome show of God’s power? It may not be what you think.

In Psalm 8:3 4, the psalmist is led to exclaim, “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and stars which you have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him…?” If the night sky is a glory we can only stare at in awe, our telescopes and space probes have shown us that we can see very little of its true glory.

Consider our sun. Less than 0.10 percent of all the sun’s energy falls on the Earth. Yet if just that small fraction of power could be harnessed, we would never have any energy shortage. But we have learned that our sun is only an average sized star in our galaxy of over 1 billion stars! We have no way to even measure that kind of energy! Even more awesome is that our galaxy is only one of more than a million galaxies! What is a billion times immeasurable energy? And God made and energized it all in just one day!

As hard as all of this is to understand, what is even harder for us to comprehend about God’s working is that all of this was created through the power of God’s Word – that same Word that became flesh and dwelt among us! Truly, His love for us is beyond our comprehension!

Father, though I cannot comprehend it, I thank You for Your Love for me which moved You to send Your only Son for my redemption. Help me to better understand such love and make me better able to show it to others. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Photo: Extreme Deep Field photo taken by the Hubble space telescope. Each speck is a galaxy. Courtesy of NASA.

Genesis 1:12

“And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”
How wonderful! Your dog has just had puppies! But do you now have to sort through the litter and make sure there are no baby giraffes or kangaroos?

In God’s account of creation in Genesis 1, we repeatedly read that both plants and animals were created to reproduce “after their kind.” Genesis 1, in speaking about the creation of plants, repeats three times in just two verses that they are to reproduce “after their kind.” We see the same phrase repeated later in the chapter when animals are created. This is not just empty repetition. God is stressing a fundamental principle that all things reproduce “after their kind.” Mother dogs have puppies and mother cats have kittens. You can count on it.

Why does God stress this principle? Even before creation, God knew that humans would eventually sin and then seek to hide their responsibility by trying to explain things without a Creator. God knew that this idea of evolution would capture the faith of millions over the history of the world.

God stresses what our experience shows so that He might be harder for us to hide from. All things do reproduce after their kind. And despite evolutionists’ strong faith in evolution, they cannot offer one established scientific fact to explain how one kind of creature might eventually make a completely different kind!

I thank You, Lord, that You have made it hard for men to deny You. Yet men still deny You, seeking explanations and excuses outside of Your Word. I know that I, too, can do this, for I am both saint and sinner. I ask that You would correct me when I seek outside of Your Word what is so richly provided to me in Your Word. Amen.

Photo: No, not a single giraffe or kangaroo in the litter!

Genesis 1:6

“And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.”
What was the Earth like before the Flood? Bible believing scientists are giving us some surprising answers about the incredibly beautiful Earth God originally created.

In Genesis 1:6 we read that God divided the waters, leaving waters above and below the firmament. The firmament spoken of here is our atmosphere. We can easily understand that the waters below the firmament are the oceans. But what are the waters above the firmament?

One theory offered by Bible believing scientists is that the waters above the firmament may have been a water vapor canopy. A water vapor canopy above most of the atmosphere would have had the same effect as the roof of a greenhouse does today. The Earth would have been a warm, tropical place, with very even temperatures from pole to pole. Under such conditions there would be no storms nor winter as we know it. This theory, say creation scientists, would explain why we find evidences of tropical plants and animals even in the far north and on the Antarctic continent.

Creation scientist who hold to this theory have suggested that Genesis 7:11 may be referring to the collapse of this canopy when it says that the windows of heaven “opened up.” Yes, the Bible offers us a believable history of major events that can be accounted for in only thousands of years instead of millions!

Dear Lord, I thank You that Your Word is trustworthy and true. Let its truth be evident to all so that more may join their voices in glorifying You! Amen.

Bixler, R. Russell. 1986. “Does the Bible speak of a vapor canopy?” Bible Science Newsletter, Nov. p. 1. Photo: The vapor canopy theory was proposed in The Genesis Flood by John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris.

Job 26:7

“He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.”
The Earth floats in space, attached to nothing, surrounded by a thin layer of air. What science has only just learned, the Bible has taught for thousands of years! Yes, while other ancients pictured the world as flat or resting upon giant turtles or some other animal, God told the Jews in Job 26:7 that He “hangs the earth on nothing.”

In Genesis 1:6 we read that God created a firmament. In recent times, some have said that this word proves the Bible is based on ancient myths. New discoveries, however, are challenging these doubts about the Bible.

The word translated “firmament”, from the Hebrew ragia in these verses, comes from a Hebrew root word that refers to the process of making a statue. In making a statue, the ancient artisan would take a soft metal – like gold – and begin to carefully pound thin sheets of it onto a wooden form of the statue until the wood was completely covered by a thin, form fitted layer of gold.

The use of this word puzzled many people until the Earth was first viewed from space. Then we saw it – the Earth suspended on nothing in space, surround by a thin, form fitted layer – our atmosphere! So the Bible tells the truth in all the subjects it mentions. But no matter how long science studies, it cannot learn about God’s love to us in Jesus Christ. This is revealed to us only by the Bible!

Father, there is no place that man can go that You have not already been there; there is no knowledge man can have that You don’t already know. Grant Your Holy Spirit and wisdom to those of us who are called by Your Son’s Name, so that we may not be misled in these confusingly challenging times. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Photo: Earth's atmospheric gases scatter blue light more than other wavelengths, giving the Earth a bluish layer when seen from space. Courtesy of NASA.

Isaiah 45:9

“Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?”
Did you ever try to plan all the details of a simple project? How many plans do you think the Lord had to make when He created living things? A billion? A billion times a billion?

We all know that it takes time to plan the most simple project. Did you ever think about the planning God had to do when He created all the different kinds of living things? Our word “species” today includes many creatures that the Bible counts as being the same “kind” – as when God created the kinds. But God did design the genetic information that allowed the kinds to produce these variations.

Yes, God’s act of creating living things was much more than just wishing. Just think that there are more than 20,000 different species of bees – some with very complex societies – and their own languages! The figures and the beauty of it all makes one wonder at God. Why are there 4,500 different species of sponges? Why are some creatures – never seen by humans until this century – so eerily beautiful? For that matter, why have so many different kinds of beautiful flowers?

The variety in the creation reflects some of the joy of creation that God felt, and shows us the incredible unbridled creativity of our wonderful God. The fact that there is only one species of human – all related – confirms the human history related in the Bible.

Dear heavenly Father, I know that I shall never have Your ability to plan and carry out those plans. I confess that too often I waste the time and energy You give me because I don’t even bother to use the abilities You have given me. Forgive me for Jesus’ sake, and for His sake help me to be more like You in this. Amen.

Diagram: The hierarchy of biological classification’s eight major taxonomic ranks. The biblical “kind” is roughly the same as the “family” classification.

Friday, April 18, 2014


Genesis 1:5

"And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."

Silently, a huge, powerful form slides through the deep, cold, dark depths of the sea. The men aboard the nuclear submarine have seen neither sun nor daylight for months, yet each one knows what day it is. The men know what day and what time it is even without seeing daylight because the sun's movement - like a clock - only measures time; it doesn't create it.

God doesn't need the sun to measure time either. When He tells us in Genesis 1 that He created everything in six days and rested on the seventh, we know these are days like ours, even though the sun was not created until the fourth day. Some people wonder whether the days of Genesis 1 could be figurative days. Well, the best interpreter of Scripture is Scripture itself. What does it say?

The word translated "day" in Genesis 1 is the Hebrew word yom. Whenever that word is used anywhere else in the Old Testament with a number - like 10 yom - it always means a 24 hour day. And whenever yom is used anywhere else in the Old Testament with the phrase "evening and morning," it always means a 24 hour day.

Going back to Genesis 1, we see that the Holy Spirit has made sure that both of these rules are in force to assure us that the Genesis days are like ours!

I thank You, Lord, that Your Word is clear and true. Use it to correct my understanding as well as my life and do not allow my own pride to make me deaf or blind to Your Word. For Jesus' sake. Amen.

Bartz, Paul A. 1988. "Days in Genesis one and the week." Bible Science Newsletter, Aug. p. 10. Photo: The Sun, as seen from low Earth orbit overlooking the International Space Station.

2 Timothy 3:14-15

"But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
Did you know that the Bible never tries to convince the reader that there is a God? As surprising as that sounds, it's absolutely true. The Bible's very first words begin by identifying God - but nowhere does the Bible try to prove there is a God.

The first verse of Genesis reads, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Here we learn that the God of the Bible is our Creator. We also see here, although less clearly until we look at the next two verses, the Prime Actor in creation - the Father.

In the second half of verse 2 we read, "And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters." Now it is clear that the Trinity is being presented. Here is the Holy Spirit, moving over the as yet unformed Earth, anticipating the people yet to be made who would serve as His temples.

Verse 3 opens with, "And God said." That simple phrase introduces the very heart of Scripture, the Word of God Himself. This is the very Word of God who would come and take upon Himself our earthly form in order to accomplish our salvation.

So even here in Genesis, we have the beginning of God's revelation of the Person and work of the Son of God - our Savior. Truly all Scripture has been given to make us wise unto salvation.

Dear Heavenly Father, without the revelation of Your love for us in Christ, I would consider myself lost and without hope or I might build my hope on false pride. So Your Word is a blessing to me in more ways than I can count. Thank You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

John 3:12

"If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things."
Scientific principles learned in the Bible have led to countless scientific discoveries and saved millions of lives. It's true. Without the Bible, we would never have the blessings of modern science.

Isaac Newton became one of the greatest scientists in history because he learned from the Bible to look for intelligence and order in the handiwork of the Creator. Louis Pasteur knew from the Bible that life could not come from non-life. After all, he said, the Bible teaches that God is the Creator and author of life. Pasteur's scientific work laid the foundations for modern medicine and new techniques for storing food - both of which have saved millions of lives.

In the 19th century, Matthew Maury, the father of the science of oceanography, read in Psalm 8:8 that there are paths in the sea. Taking God at His word, Maury went on to discover the great sea currents that span the globe and nourish most of the oceans' life. He wrote: "The Bible, they say, was not written for scientific purposes, and therefore is no authority in matters of science. I beg pardon! The Bible is authority for everything it touches. The agents concerned in the physical economy of our planets are ministers of Him who made it and the Bible."

God has given us the Bible to make us wise unto salvation. But to paraphrase Jesus' words to Nicodemus, if the Bible tells us about earthly things and we don't believe it, how shall we be able to believe the Bible when it tells us about heavenly things?

Lord, we believe; help our unbelief. Fill us with a new appreciation for your Word so that we may be instructed by You in all truth. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: Bust of Matthew Maury in the Hall of Fame for Great Americans, New York, NY.

Matthew 10:30

"But the very hairs of your head are all numbered."

In showing how the Creator is intimately involved with His creation, Jesus said that the very hairs of our heads are numbered by Him. No detail is too small to escape His attention; no change misses His careful and loving eye.

The hair that you see is nothing more than dead protein produced by the cells of the hair follicle anchored inside the layers of the skin. The total number of hair follicles in an adult is about 5 million, with only about 100,000 on the scalp. Each hair grows out of one follicle for about three to five years. Then the hair is shed and the follicle rests for about three months before starting to grow hair again.

So, you see, even once you know how many hairs are on your head, it's no easy job to keep track of their changing number. The average scalp hair grows about one inch every two or three months. This means that each day your head is growing the equivalent of one 100 foot long hair - that's nearly seven miles per year!

Yes, it's true; the Creator cares so much about you that He knows from moment to moment how many hairs are on your head. He has not created our world and then left us to drift through space and life all alone. He has even expressed His love and purpose for you in the words of the Bible. Take a look today at what Scripture says about His Son, who loved you so much that He even gave His life for you!

I confess, dear Lord, that I cannot understand how You can keep track of all the details of the creation as Your Word says You do. But You are God and I am only human. Don't let my weakness limit or weaken my faith in your day-to-day involvement in my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Photo: Strand of human hair at 200x magnification.

Psalm 119:160

"Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever."
Some time ago, a news article described how scientists had studied the genetic material of a magnolia leaf that supposedly died 20 million years ago.

It might seem amazing that scientists would be able to duplicate the genetic material of a fossil, but the technique does seem to work. However, we reject the 20 million year date in favor of a biblical history of life on Earth. In fact, what scientists found out about this leaf supports the biblical history.

The genetic information in living things contains the instructions for making that living thing. The color of your hair, eyes, skin, your height and all of your other features are contained in your genetic information. Scientists are not able to read that information in all its detail, but they can tell the difference between one kind of creature and another. They can also compare similarities and differences in great detail. But when they compared this supposedly 20 million year old magnolia leaf to modern magnolia leaves, they discovered that even in its genetic detail it was virtually identical to the modern magnolia. Scientists freely admit their surprise. No evolution had taken place!

As science increases its ability to study the genetics of ancient creatures, it will continue to fail to find evidence of evolution. That's because all creatures were originally created in finished form, according to their kinds, just as the Bible says.

Dear Father, Your Word is true! I ask that its truth would continue to challenge those who seek to explain the world without You. And I ask that its truth would become even more influential among Your people. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Robinson, Jack. 1990. "Ancient leaf DNA copied at UCR lab." The Press Enterprise (Riverside County, CA), Apr. 12. p. 1. Photo: Magnolia leaves. Courtesy of Forest & Kim Starr. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

Friday, April 11, 2014


Psalm 148:7

"Praise the LORD from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps:"

Most of us have heard recordings of whales singing. Scientists have not yet learned to understand the whale's language, but they have identified individual verses in whale song. Now they are more convinced than ever that whale song is a sophisticated language.

Whale song is made up of complex and stylized compositions, many of them longer than the longest of human symphonies. A single whale song can last up to 22 hours! Scientists have learned that humpback whale songs change a lot from year to year. Yet each humpback in an entire ocean will always sing the same song as the others. Scientists wondered how whales could keep the verses straight since the song changes so often.

Researchers have concluded that whales, like human beings, use rhyme to help remember their songs. Biologists studying whale song report that they have identified the same sub-phrases turning up in the same positions in verses that are next to each other. Whales apparently compose their long songs with rhymes, making them possibly the greatest poets on earth!

Evolutionists tell us that language is such an advanced development that even the first human beings could do no more than grunt and growl. And yet the whale not only has a sophisticated language but also creates poetry. Christians can comfortably put evolution aside to realize that the Bible is right when it says that the whole creation praises God. And whales make it very clear that the Creator Himself is the author of language - not some caveman.

Dear Lord, one of Your greatest gifts to us is language because through it we learn of Your love for us in sending Your son, Jesus Christ, to save us from sin, death and the devil. With that in mind, help me to be a good steward of the gift of language in praise and witness to You. Amen.

Science Frontiers, July Aug. 1989. p. 2. Newsweek, Mar. 20. 1989. p. 63.

Job 10:10-11

"Hast thou not poured me out as milk, and curdled me like cheese? Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced me with bones and sinews."
The automatic transmission in a vehicle changes gears in response to changing power demands and driving conditions. Likewise, the muscles in your body change gears in a sense, in response to your changing needs for them.

When you use a muscle group, the muscles begin to need more fuel and more oxygen, both brought to them by your blood. When you use a set of muscles, lots of new blood vessels will actually grow into the tissue to meet the increasing demand. This is one way in which exercise lowers blood pressure - by increasing the "tubing" through which it passes. If you often overuse a group of muscles, additional connective tissue will grow through the muscles, strengthening them.

The "automatic transmission" in your muscles engages when you use the same group of muscles for a continuing task like rowing a boat. Before long, the normal fuel freely available in your blood is used up. At that point, your body mobilizes stored fat, which allows the muscles to continue without exhaustion. Muscles that are often used to this point actually become more efficient at burning fat reserves. In even more strenuous exercise, a third "gear" kicks in, changing the way muscles burn fuel, so there is less waste for the circulatory system to deal with.

As scientists learn more about our incredibly complex and intelligently designed bodies, we find even more reasons to bear witness to our wonderful and wise Creator.

Dear Lord, I thank You that You have so carefully and lovingly designed and built my body. Help me to take good care of it and glorify You with it. Amen.

Bodanis, David. 1985. "What to look for in home fitness machines." Science Digest, Apr. p. 42. Photo: US Marines exercising on the flight deck aboard USS Bataan.

Job 15:8

"Hast thou heard the secret of God? and dost thou restrain wisdom to thyself?"
It looks something like a small hyena, has habits similar to both wolves and the domestic cat, and eats almost nothing but ants. This strange creature is called the aardwolf.

The aardwolf lives on the African continent. It eats a particular type of termite that is about one fourth of an inch long. Although there are other ant eating creatures in the same habitat, like the aardvark, they don't prefer to eat those termites upon which the aardwolf depends. These termites build dome shaped mounds guarded by soldier termites that squirt long threads of nasty-smelling and bad-tasting chemicals at intruders. The aardwolf seems to tolerate their attacks better than any other ant eating creature, although, as one naturalist put it, the aardwolf clearly does not like the taste of the soldier termites. Both the ants and the aardwolf are active at night. In one night, the aardwolf may eat up to 300,000 termites.

The aardwolf is strongly territorial, tolerating no competitors in its territory. As solitary creatures, the mates will share the same territory, yet completely ignore each other. But when it is time for mating and raising the young, they work and live together perfectly, the male helping the female in every aspect of raising the young. And, like the domestic cat, the aardwolf buries its waste.

Evolutionists admit puzzlement about how the aardwolf is related to other creatures. This makes the aardwolf yet another of those creatures that witness to God's inventive creativity.

Lord, as I look in wonder at all that You have made, I thank You that there is no limit to Your creativity. Help me to remember this wonder when I find myself in a situation where I fail to see how You are working for my good. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Richardson, Philip R.K. 1990. "The lick of the aardwolf." Natural History, Apr. p. 78. Photo: Aardwolf at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden. Courtesy of Greg Hume. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Psalm 119:73

"Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments."
For many people, the fun of the boomerang lies in the fact that it seems to go against common sense. You throw the boomerang away from you, and it returns to you.

Boomerangs of various shapes and sizes - and made of different kinds of materials - are easily available in many places around the world. Boomerangs can be made into many shapes other than the classic "L" shape we usually think of. They have been made into the shape of a windmill with six blades. Boomerangs have also been made into the shapes of twenty letters of the English alphabet. Contrary to the popular myth, boomerangs never were used as weapons by Australian aborigines. They used them as toys just as we do today.

What makes the boomerang return to the thrower? The arms of the boomerang are curved on top and flat on the bottom, like an airplane wing. So as the boomerang moves through the air, its wings create lift just like an airplane's wings. But as it spins, the edge of the boomerang wing that is speeding forward in spin creates more lift than the relatively slower opposite arm. This causes the boomerang to tip. As a result of a principle known as gyroscopic precession, this uneven lift causes a constant turning pressure on the boomerang, eventually returning it to the thrower.

The boomerang uses sophisticated aerodynamic and physical principles. It clearly was not invented by people who were primitive. Rather, it is a testimony to the intelligence that the Creator gave to every human being - from the first to the last.

Dear Lord, I ask that You would help me to make good use of the intelligence You have given me so that I may serve You more effectively and more joyfully. Amen.

Robson, David. 1983. "Many happy returns." Science 83, Mar. p. 100. Photo: Australian Aboriginal boomerangs. Courtesy of Guillaume Blanchard. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 1.0 Generic license.

Hebrews 3:10

"Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do alway err in their heart; and they have not known my ways."
People sometimes wonder why, with all the marvels science can design and build, it cannot build a good replacement for the heart. As medical science learns more about the heart, it becomes clear that replacing this complex mass of muscles is more difficult than might be imagined.

Your heart is about the size of your fist, really surprisingly small for the job it does. The heart is a pump with valves, tubing and an electrical system. Its four chambers are carefully designed to make sure that used blood goes to your lungs for oxygen and that blood from your lungs takes that oxygen to the rest of your body. In order to do this, your heart must pump 2,000 gallons of blood through more than 60,000 miles of soft tubing every day.

But the heart is much more than a pump. Researchers describe it as "an incredibly intelligent organ." The heart is smarter than we are. When you need more circulation, it senses this and speeds its pumping action. It doesn't matter whether the need for more pumping action comes from increased exercise, or something you thought about that might require more heart action, the heart responds. Even when transplanted, the heart is able to respond to its new environment.

Like everything else God has created, the heart is not a simple organ, limited to only one job. The heart is custom designed to do many jobs well. And to this day doctors cannot tell you why one apparently healthy heart stops beating and another does not. Life itself is more than an organ; it is a gift from our Creator to each of us.

Dear Father in heaven, I thank You for the gift of life. Take my life and let it be consecrated to You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Huyghe, Patrick. 1985. "Your heart: a survival guide." Science Digest, Apr. p. 31. Illustration: Anatomy of the Human Heart, made by Ties van Brussel. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
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Friday, April 4, 2014


Genesis 1:11

"And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself."

The voodoo lily is native to Southeast Asia, although it is sometimes sold in the west as a curiosity. When it flowers, the voodoo lily sends up a fleshy, purple spike that can be three feet long. Besides being one of the worst-smelling flowers you'll ever experience, the spike has another amazing ability.

The spike of the voodoo lily generates a number of hormones that, when heated, smell like rotting meat. It does this because the flies that pollinate the lily feed on decaying flesh. The smell draws them in to look for food, and in the process pollinate the lily. The flower stalk is able to generate plenty of heat that creates its awful smell. Temperatures inside the flowers can reach 110 degrees F. In order to generate this much heat, the voodoo lily actually operates at a metabolic rate similar to that of a hummingbird in flight! This frantic rate continues only until the flower is pollinated.

As a matter of interest, while the voodoo lily is the most dramatic of heat-producing plants, several common household plants that are related to the voodoo lily also produce heat when flowering. These include the dieffenbachia and the philodendron.

Scripture offers a very modest account of God's creative activity. Incredibly imaginative and intricate designs are included in the simple statement, "Let the earth bring forth grass..."

Lord Jesus, You are the Instrument through which the creation was made, I thank You for the wonder-inspiring beauty and diversity around us. But most of all, I thank You that You cared so much for Your creation that when we fell into sin, You gave up Your life to save us.  Amen.

Rick Weiss,  "Blazing Blossoms," Science News, Vol.135, June 24, 1989, pp. 392-394. Photo: Voodoo lily (Dracunculus vulgaris). Courtesy of Jörg Hempel. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Germany license.

Psalm 4:8

"I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety."

You might guess that the hummingbird, darting around from flower to flower with wings beating some 60 times a second, must burn a lot of energy to keep going. If a 65-pound boy burned up energy at the same rate, he would eat 100 pounds of chicken every day. The fact is, the hummingbird will die if it goes for more than two hours without eating. You might wonder, if the hummingbird cannot go more than two hours without eating, when does it sleep? The fact is, the hummingbird does sleep a good eight hours every night. How does he do it?

God has given the hummingbird a most remarkable metabolism. During the day, the hummingbird's heart must beat 10 times every second as it keeps its incredibly fast metabolism going. But when it goes to sleep, the hummingbird's heart slows down to less than one beat per second - about the same as ours. And to further slow his metabolism, the hummingbird's normal daytime temperature drops from 100 (F) degrees to the same temperature as the night air - 50 or 60 degrees. This drop in temperature would kill most warm-blooded animals. But all of this enables the hummingbird to go without food for a good eight-hour sleep.

The hummingbird provides more than enough evidence that the Creator really does care for His creatures, even when they are asleep.

Dear Father, I thank You that You care for me even when I am asleep and cannot protect myself. Comfort me with this truth, especially when I am fearful of the night. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Bob Devine, Uncle Bob's Animal Stories (Moody Press, Chicago, IL, 1986), pp. 38-39. Photo: Green Violetear hummingbird. Courtesy of Mdf. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Job 37:8-10

"Then the beasts go into dens, and remain in their places. Out of the south cometh the whirlwind: and cold out of the north. By the breath of God frost is given: and the breadth of the waters is straitened."

Researchers have discovered a species of mammal that can actually survive being frozen for several weeks.

Scientists were amazed to find that the little Arctic ground squirrel can allow its body to drop to 27 degrees F - that's five degrees below the freezing point of water - for up to two weeks at a time during its unusual eight-to ten-month hibernation period. After the two weeks at this very low temperature, the squirrel rouses itself, returns to normal body temperature, takes care of a few bathroom duties, and then returns to a state of nearly frozen hibernation for another two weeks. The squirrel usually comes out of hibernation for its short summer in June. It has only two or three months before the ground freezes again and it returns to hibernation, so the squirrel is very busy eating and mating for two short months. You could say that the Arctic ground squirrel sleeps most of its life away.

Scientists say that the Arctic ground squirrel is the only mammal that is able to allow its body temperature to fall below freezing. If they can find out how the squirrel does it, they believe the same method might be used to preserve transplant organs for longer than a few hours. So once again, scientists expect to learn new medical methods by studying how the Creator does the same thing.

Dear Father, Your understanding and wisdom in designing the creation are so great that even those who do not want to recognize You still expect to learn from You. As they do so, make it ever more difficult for them to deny You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

"Squirrel makes its body subfreezing to hibernate," Minneapolis Star Tribune, Saturday/July1/1989/8A. Photo: Arctic ground squirrel eating a mushroom. Courtesy of Ianaré Sévi. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Job 21:22

"Shall any teach God knowledge? seeing he judgeth those that are on high."
What breathes with its feet, has thousands of jaws but no mouth, has up to fifty arms and an eye on the end of each arm? No, it's not a new creature for the next Star Wars movie. It's the starfish.

When God designed the starfish, it almost seems as if He tried to see how differently He could make this creature from all the others. Depending upon the species, the starfish can have from three to fifty arms while there is an eye on the end of each one. The rough skin of the starfish is covered with tiny jaws to keep parasites from attaching themselves to the starfish. Even more amazing is the fact that each of these thousands of jaws works independently of the rest. To get its oxygen, the starfish takes water in through tubes in its feet, each containing a tiny pump and a pipe system linking it to the other feet.

The starfish presents us with the lesson that our Creator did not have to make the creation in any specific way. This is referred to by theologians as "voluntary creation." If God had chosen to, you and I might be breathing through our feet - although I'm glad we don't. But the biblical truth of the voluntary creation was one of the crucial ideas that provided the basis for the modern scientific method.

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom all things were made, I thank You in wonder and awe at Your creativity, and especially that You made me, and purchased and won me from sin, death and the devil. Amen.

Bob Devine, Uncle Bob's Animal Stories (Moody Press, Chicago, IL, 1986), pp. 65-70. Photo: Arm tip of the Leptasterias polaris starfish, showing tube feet and eyespot. Courtesy of André-Philippe D. Picard. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Proverbs 17:17

“A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”

Creation Moments has often talked about the social activities of bees, and we tend to think that all bees live together in large colonies or hives. In fact, not all of them do. Like people, bees can actually be found in a variety of social relationships, including those who live most of their lives alone.

Some female bees of a species that live underground build their homes next to another female. They often connect their separate underground homes with a tunnel so they can visit each other. Sometimes they even lay their eggs near each other and raise their young together. Often one female will babysit both sets of young while the other goes out for groceries.

The almost universal need for companionship among living things should tell us something about the One Who created them. Our need for companionship should tell us that this is something that our Creator values too. In fact, the message throughout the Bible is that He made mankind so He would have someone to love.

Is He your number-one companion in your life? Do you know His love for you through His Son, Jesus Christ? Whether you don’t know Him at all, or whether you would like to know Him better, most Christians can attest to the fact that He really does speak to you through the pages of the Bible.

Dear Father, although You have made me for the purpose of having a loving relationship with You, I confess that at times I have withdrawn my love from You. Forgive me for Jesus’ sake, and help me to make You my number-one companion. Amen.

Joanne E. DeJonge, Bats & Bugs & Snakes & Slugs (Baker Book House), p. 60. Photo: Solitary bee. Courtesy of Alvesgaspar. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Exodus 12:15

“Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel.”

Probably the first thing that comes to your mind when yeast is mentioned is its use in making bread. Even three and a half thousand years ago, when Israel left Egypt, yeast was in common use.

Physicists at AT&T Bell Laboratories have learned that yeast has yet another amazing ability. For years, scientists have tried to make semi-conducting crystals for modern electronics that are as small as individual molecules. But scientists had difficulty making such crystals consistently small enough. Now they know that yeast can do it. When fed cadmium sulfide, yeasts try to detoxify the metal and in the process, produce precisely those tiny electronic crystals scientists have been looking for. Someday you may bake bread made with yeast in a microwave oven that is controlled by a computer containing tiny electronic parts also made by yeast!

Because the Bible is a real-life book that tells about a real-life God – the true God – we should not be surprised to learn that the Creator is interested in man’s real-life everyday activities. We can also explore what He has created, always expecting to learn some new thing that He has placed in His creation to help us. But the most important thing we can learn is how excellent and true is the real life-saving Word of our Creator for us today!

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I thank You that I can clearly see that You are interested in all aspects of my life. Help me to remember Your all-encompassing love and care as I face life and as I help others face life with You. Amen.

F. Flam. “Semiconductor studies get a rise from yeast.” Science News, April 15, 1989, p. 231. Photo: Yeast of the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Job 26:7

“He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.”

The Earth floats in space, attached to nothing, surrounded by a thin layer of air. What science has only just learned, the Bible has taught for thousands of years! While some ancient peoples pictured the world as flat or resting upon giant turtles, God told the Jews, in Job 26:7, that He hangs the Earth on nothing.

In the first chapter of Genesis we are told that God created a “firmament.” The word translated “firmament” in these verses comes from a Hebrew root word that refers to the process of making a statue. When making a statue, the ancient craftsman would first make a wooden form of the statue, then take gold, a very soft and easily worked metal, and begin to pound thin sheets of it onto the wooden form until the wood was completely covered by a thin, form-fitted layer of gold.

Until recent times, when the Earth was first viewed from space, the Hebrew word translated “firmament” puzzled many people. Then it became clear. The Earth, literally hanging on nothing in space, was surrounded by a thin, form-fitted layer – that is, of course, our atmosphere!

The Bible tells the truth in all the subjects it mentions. But no matter how long science studies, it cannot learn about God’s love to us in Jesus Christ. This is revealed to us only by the Bible!

Lord, Your Word is truth. Strengthen us in Your truth so that we may not be misled by the false claims that label Your revelation to us “out of date.” Help my faith to be more than just good intentions, but to be well informed by Your Word of Life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Photo: The Earth as seen from Apollo 17.

Matthew 10:16

“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”

Some animals use quite a bag of tricks to make their living or protect themselves. The puff adder is one example of a “wise serpent.” The puff adder is harmless, and if you try to grab him he will coil himself up so that you will have to reach past his head. Then he puffs his head up just like a cobra. No one wants to grab a cobra! If you try again, he will realize that this plan isn’t working, so he’ll go to plan “B” – he’ll strike at your leg, pretending to bite but won’t bite, but he hopes you’ll run off. If you persist, the puff adder goes to plan “C” – writhing on the ground as if he is in terrible pain. Finally, he turns over on his back, tongue hanging out of his mouth as if he were dead. Even if you pick him up and handle him, he will continue to pretend he is “dead” unless you put him back onto the ground on his stomach. If you do that, he’ll flip over and return to his original “dead” position.

Jesus warned Christians not to be foolish, but rather to be wise like the serpent, yet harmless as doves. He has given the puff adder wisdom, but just think how much more wisdom He wants to give us if only we will allow Him.

Dear Father, You have taught the creatures of Your creation so many things that even we can learn from them. Do not let me be satisfied with this wisdom alone, but rather seek Your deeper wisdom in the pages of Your Word. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Joanne E. DeJonge, Bats & Bugs & Snakes & Slugs (Baker Book House), pp. 66-67. Photo: Courtesy of Dawson. North American eastern hognose snake is also known as a puff adder. This should not be confused with venomous African vipers which are also called puff adders. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.

Genesis 1:31

“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”

Many of us can remember how, in biology class, we had to learn how different animals reproduce. Some give birth to live young while others lay eggs. But the thrip does it both ways! The thrip is a gnat-like bug that lives within decaying leaves and helps to break them down. The thrip has another surprise: it reproduces twice a year. The first time in the season, the female thrip lays eggs and all the thrips that hatch are females. But during a later mating period, the female thrip gives birth to living young who are all males and immediately ready to begin the typical life of a thrip. Researchers continue to study the thrip to find out how this strange birth-pattern can be of benefit.

But see what the researchers are really saying. They assume that this unusual arrangement benefits the thrip because they see no evidence of thrips struggling to survive. It is argued that those not fitted for the unusual birth-pattern died out long ago and only the fittest survived. However, this is really a hollow argument based upon circular reasoning and assumptions. Wouldn’t it be more straightforward to simply admit that the birth-pattern arrangement for the thrip is a good one and shows clear evidence of design? The problem is that to admit this would admit to a Designer and eventually the Creator.

Heavenly Father, I often forget just how creative You are, especially when my problems seem so great and no solution seems possible. Help me to have a strong faith that remembers how creative You have been in making the tiny thrip and to realize how much more You love me. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.

“Researcher finds bug that lays eggs and gives live birth.” Star Tribune, Monday, April 3, 1989. Photo: Thrip shown on a finger for scale. Courtesy of OpenCage. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.

Genesis 1:31a

“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, it was very good.”

When a clothing manufacturer selects a high quality fabric he is usually concerned enough to make sure that good workmanship goes into the final product. In a similar way, the fabric of the creation tells us a lot about its Creator. Mathematics more than anything else reflects the fabric of the creation.

Many scientists today are puzzled by the fact that the material world they study can be accurately described in mathematical equations. The falling of a stone or a feather, even the colors of a rainbow, all correspond to mathematical formulae. Even chaos has a mathematical description. One Nobel physicist was moved to write a paper titled, “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences.”

Because mathematics so precisely describes reality, we can send a space probe billions of miles, on perfect target. Mathematics allows us to receive the pictures it returns to Earth using a transmitter no more powerful than a five-watt light bulb. As one science writer put it, scientists use mathematics as a wonderful gift, but they have no idea why it works so well.

Of course, creation-scientists don’t wonder why math works. They know that the creation is the work of an orderly and wise Creator Who was pleased with His final product. The precision of mathematics reflects the excellent quality of His fine workmanship.

Dear Father, I praise You because You have truly done all things well. Help me to be a better witness of Your excellent workmanship to those around me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Photo: Double Alaskan rainbow. Courtesy of Eric Rolph. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.

Luke 14:28-30

“For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.”

Can ants count? It seems so! When a scout ant finds an item of food too big to carry, but especially good, the scout will return to the nest to get help. Scientists have discovered that ants apparently size up the task ahead so that they can return with just sufficient help.

One scientist cut a dead grasshopper into three pieces. The second piece was twice as big as the first, and the third was twice as big the second. He then left the pieces in different locations where ants could find them. He watched as each was discovered by a scout, inspected, and each scout returned to the nest for help. When the scout returned with help, the scientist counted the number of ants working at each piece of grasshopper. The smallest piece had 28 ants and the piece that was twice its size had 44 ants working on it, almost twice as many as the smallest piece. And how many ants do you think were working on the piece that was twice the size of the second? If you doubled that 44 to 88 you would be within one of being right – yes, there were 89 ants working to return the biggest piece to the nest!

The ants were carrying out the biblical principal to “count the cost of the project before you begin it.”

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, You spared nothing for my salvation, even though it cost You terrible suffering and death. As Yours, give me wisdom to plan well in the things of the world, but no desire to withhold anything from You because of the cost. Amen.

Photo: Weaver ant in fighting position. Courtesy of PHGCOM. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.

Psalm 26:6-7

“I will wash mine hands in innocency: so will I compass thine altar, 0 LORD: That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.”

One might expect that the ape would turn out to be the best animal communicator. But evolution’s expectations about language, and a link between man and apes, proves to be wrong.

The bee has the most complex and detailed functional language among the animals. Let’s say that a bee has located a particularly good source of nectar and returns to the hive to tell its friends where it is. Our bee dances a figure eight, with the cross points at the center of the eight giving the direction of the nectar in relation to the sun. As the bee dances on the wall of the honeycomb, the position of the sun is always down. If the bee moves up the comb wall at 17 degrees to the left of vertical, it means the honey is 17 degrees to the left of the sun. This communication even works on cloudy days, since bees can see the ultraviolet light that penetrates the clouds. Distance is communicated by the speed of the dance.

Neither man’s languages, nor the bees’ language evolved – they were given by God. Why else would the bee indicate direction relative to the sun in the same way that human beings do? That the bee is the best communicator in the animal world, and not the apes, helps to show that language cannot be explained by evolution.

Dear Father in heaven, I am filled with wonder and rejoicing when I hear about all of the wonderful things You have created and how You have provided for all Your creatures. But never let me forget to rejoice in Your salvation. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Photo: Honeybee landing on milkthistle. Courtesy of Fir0002. Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2.

Psalm 19: 9, l0b

“The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogethe...sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.”

Scientists have long recognized that bees are intelligent creatures. At the same time, they believe that this intelligence is the product of millions of years of natural selection. The extremely fast learning ability of the bee either puts in doubt the millions of years or shows the hand of the Creator.

Researchers at Princeton University decided to find out whether bees were smart enough to find their food source if it was moved. The researchers moved the prime food source 50 meters farther away from the hive. They found that it took the bees less than one minute to locate the moved source. Being precise scientists, they then moved the food source another 50 meters away. The bees still took less than a minute to find the food source. Two more moves, each a precise 50 meters, produced the same results.

However, the bees had also been studying the researchers. Before the researchers could finish moving the food source yet another 50 meters, they found that the bees had discovered the pattern and were already waiting at the new location!

God is our Creator, and He has cleverly left the evidence of His handiwork – His fingerprints, if you will – in the creation itself. For those who have eyes to see, this fills us with wonder and, yes, with love for the Creator God who first loved us.

Dear Father in heaven, help me to have eyes which not only see Your creation so clearly that I can discern Your fingerprints, but so that I can also clearly see what You are teaching me in Your Holy Word. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

OMNI, Vol. 6-9, June 84, p. 47. Photo: Courtesy of Sajjad Fazel. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.


Jeremiah 2:26-27

“As the thief is ashamed when he is found, so is the house of Israel ashamed; they, their kings, their princes, and their priests and their prophets, saying to a stock, Thou art my father; and to a stone, Thou hast brought me forth…but in the time of their trouble they will say, Arise, and save us.”

Rocks, especially on high mountains, seem so solid and permanent by human standards that it is easy to believe that they have been there for millions of years. We can also be deceived into believing those evolutionary claims that rock formations represent millions or billions of years of Earth history.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of visitors to natural caves are told by the guides that the stalactites and stalagmites growing within the cave represent thousands to even millions of years of natural growth. Like many other evolutionary claims, this one is easy to disprove. Stalactites are said by evolutionists to require a century to grow one inch. Yet, foot-long stalactites have been found in coal mines in the lime-rich area of Newcastle, Australia. The mines in which these are found are less than 40 years old. Similar examples can be found even in some of the older subway tunnels right under our city streets!

Our Creator God warns us many times about looking to nature as our source of knowledge and truth. Unfortunately, when we think that nature itself is able to correct His Word, we are guilty of the same idolatry that atheistic evolutionists commit. Yet, our gracious Creator continually reminds us He is there, waiting to forgive us, for the sake of His Son, Jesus Christ, on our behalf.

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, You were the Instrument of our creation and You are the Word made flesh. Cleanse our hearts of all thinking which would replace You with what You have made, and grant us Your Spirit to make a strong witness for Your Word. Amen.

John Mackay. “Fossil Bolts and Fossil Hats.” Creation Ex Nihilo, Vol. 8. Nov., p. 10. Photo: Witch’s Finger stalagmite in Carlsbad Caverns.

Genesis 2:6

“But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.”

It was the largest bird that ever lived. It stood 10-12 feet tall and could easily outrun a horse. Being a meat-eater, this fossil bird, which has been nicknamed “terror bird,” possibly did chase horses and bring them down with its sharp talons. The only thing that limited this creature’s terrible abilities was its inability to fly.

“Terror bird,” existed in a world that also included other large birds – one had a wingspread of 17 feet! In the warm climate of long ago, ferns towered 150 feet tall, huge alligators, marsupials and a strange mix of other creatures hid within the forest of fig and sequoia. Where would one find such a place? Of all places, Antarctica! Yes, it was a long time ago, although not as long ago as evolutionists claim. The location of these fossil creatures indicate that the Earth was once much warmer. Similar fossil remains have also been found in Siberia, Alaska and the Arctic.

It sounds as if a tropical forest is being described when Genesis talks about mist rising from the ground, watering the plants. If the Earth really is warming up, maybe it’s just now returning to normal. This is certainly not something that the ancients in the Near East would have made up – offering further evidence of God’s authorship of Scripture!

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Word made Flesh for my salvation, for which I thank You. Draw me closer to Yourself through Your Word of Scripture so that I may be even closer to You. Amen.

Walter Sullivan. “Fossil ‘Terror Bird’ Offers Clues to Evolution.” New York Times, Jan. 31, 1989, p. C11. Photo: Skeleton of the terror bird Titanis walleri at the Florida Museum of Natural History. Courtesy of Amanda (Flickr). Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

1 Samuel 26:20b

“...for the king of Israel is come out to seek a flea, as when one doth hunt a partridge in the mountains.”

When King Saul pursued David to kill him, David compared himself to a flea by asking whether the king had come out with soldiers to kill a flea. But just because a flea is small, it doesn’t mean that God treated it as unimportant when He designed it.

The flea, has an ability to jump many times its own length and is a miniature marvel of engineering. If you see a flea jump – and that’s not easy to do – you will wonder whether the flea is actually powered by springs! The amazing truth is that the flea is powered by tiny springs. When it jumps, the flea actually releases more than five-and-a-half times as much energy as the most perfect muscle tissue can generate! The flea is able to do this using normal muscle output because he has small pads of natural protein rubber called resilin in his legs. As he slowly depresses the pads, he stores the energy which will be released in his next leap in one-seventh of the time he took to store it!

To our Creator, nothing and no one is unimportant. This is because He is, by nature, a loving and caring Creator. Do you know His love? Do you know that He seeks a personal relationship with you through what Jesus Christ did for you on the cross?

Dear Father in heaven, it was Your Son, my Savior Jesus Christ, Who taught me to call You “Father.” Help Me not to take Your love for granted, but always to thank You for Your love for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Photo: Scanning electron microscope (SEM) depiction of a flea.

Proverbs 1:8-9

“My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother: For they [shall be] an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck.”

Isn’t it true that when we are very young we think our parents know everything? Then, when we become teenagers, we decide that our parents know virtually nothing. Finally, when we become parents ourselves, we discover how wise our parents really were! Learning and wisdom are supposed to be products of human evolution and for this reason textbooks usually speak of instinct when referring to animals. But do animal parents teach their children, and do they learn?

Biologist Robert R. Warner of the University of California showed that even adult fish teach their offspring the facts of life. Warner’s study involved moving fish called wrasses around to various reefs where they prefer to mate. He discovered that if there were no other wrasses at the reef, the young wrasses would establish their own mating sites. But if there were already adult wrasses at the reef, the young wrasses would share the mating sites that were taught to them by the established adults. In other words, the adults taught their traditional mating sites to the next generation!

The Creation teaches us that the intelligence of a creature has nothing to do with its supposed place in the evolutionary ladder. Even fish teach their young. This teaches us that it is a natural part of God’s plan that we learn from the experience of those who are older than ourselves.

Heavenly Father, I have so much to learn, not only from those around me, but also from You. Help me to desire what You have to teach me in Your Word and to be an eager student. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Photo: Wrasse. Courtesy of National Marine Sanctuaries. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Job 35:10-11

“But none saith, Where [is] God my maker, who giveth songs in the night; who teacheth us more than the beasts of the earth, and maketh us wiser than the fowls of heaven?”

It has long been known that an African bird known as the honeyguide leads badgers to bees’ nests, where the badger tears the nest apart to eat the honey. The badger always leaves more than enough for the honeyguide.

Now it has been learned that the honeyguide has a similar relationship with the Boran people of Kenya. When the bird has found a bees’ nest, it will alert the Boran, bidding them to follow it to the honey site. On the other hand, if the Boran want to know where honey is, they know how to whistle and call for a honeyguide.

The honeyguide also calls to the people so that they know which way to go. When the Boran reach the honey, they always make sure that they leave some for the honeyguide. Researchers also reported that they saw honeyguides scouting out bees’ nests at night so that they had good sites to lead the Boran to the next day.

While the honeyguide does get its reward of honey in return for its help, the intelligence of the honeyguide in establishing these relationships with human beings is impressive. But while the honeyguide can help teach us that the creation is the work of an intelligent Creator, it cannot teach us how to have a relationship with Him. For that we must go to the Bible.

Dear Lord, all things were made through You, and for that we give thanks to You. Open the eyes of those who do not know You so that they might see Your hand in creation, and so be led to find Your love in Scripture. Amen.

“Honey Hunters Follow Bird to Reach Bees.” Science News, vol. 135, p. 172. Photo: Lesser honeyguide in Mapungubwe.. Courtesy of Derek Keats. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.


Job 38:28-29

“Hath the rain a father? or who hath begotten the drops of dew? Out of whose womb came the ice? and the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendered it?”

Reptiles are cold-blooded and like to live in warm places. However, there are exceptions to every rule. Turtles are reptiles but live in places like the northern United States where temperatures drop far below freezing.

Some creatures hibernate while others burrow deeply into the ground to survive the cold winters, but research has shown that at least some turtles actually freeze during the winter. Studies on the painted turtle, common in the northern United States, show that this species can survive being frozen. The turtles can actually be in water that freezes solid. As long as less than about 54 percent of the water in their bodies freezes solid, they can thaw out and survive quite nicely. How does the turtle get away with this?

First of all, blood sugar levels in the turtles nearly triple when they are frozen, and there is a sharp increase in certain amino acids which act as antifreeze. In addition, glycerol, another antifreeze, triples. Researchers point out that while these changes supply some answers, they don’t completely explain the turtle’s survival.

Scientists are trying to find out just how painted turtles live through being frozen. They hope to learn how to preserve human organs longer for later transplantation. In effect, they are trying to find out how God enables the painted turtle to survive freezing so they can copy His method.

Heavenly Father, I stand in amazement at the way in which You have created such a variety of creatures and provided for them. Help me to understand that You care for me even more than them. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

“These Turtles Freeze, But that’s Okay.” Science News, vol. 134, p. 382.

Job 38:3b

“…for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.”

Modern medicine has increasingly returned to study how nature accomplishes medical miracles to bring the benefits of what they learn to mankind. Man has dreamed for thousands of years of being able to restore a severed spinal cord. Once the nerves running inside our backbones are severed, we permanently lose the use of our limbs below the point of damage.

Medical researchers have learned that the black ghost knifefish, native to South America, is actually able to re-grow its backbone if it is severed. The black ghost knifefish can even re-grow the spinal cord within the backbone and the supporting muscle structure!

What’s more, scientists have identified the layer of cells responsible for this re-growth. And the best news is that human beings also have the same layer of cells. Unfortunately, the layer becomes dormant by the time we reach adulthood. Researchers are currently trying to learn how that layer of cells, with its wonderful abilities, might be stimulated back into action if needed to repair a severed spinal cord.

This shows us that when we Christians talk about the clear evidence of God’s intelligence in the universe, we are not engaging in wishful thinking. Even our best medical researchers recognize the intelligence with which the creation is made and desire to learn from that intelligence!

Heavenly Father, I thank You that we can learn and benefit from studying how You designed things to work. But help me to never forget that Your most important work was my salvation through Jesus Christ. In His Name. Amen.

Regrowth of Spinal Cord Studied. Feb. 19, 1989. Photo: Black ghost knifefish. Courtesy of Derek Ramsey. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.

Psalm 40:5a

“Many, O LORD my God, [are] thy wonderful works [which] thou hast done...”

Most people are aware that it is only the female mosquito that feeds on blood. The male feeds on plant juices. It is also easy to see the difference between males and females in most species. The male has a distinctive pair of antennae. While the female mosquito’s antennae are difficult to see, the male’s looks like a pair of branched feathers coming out of its head. And if it weren’t for a very special feature, these large, feathery antennae would make it difficult for him to fly.

Each antenna is planted in a socket, next to which there is a pad made out of special protein. This pad is actually a water-powered engine. When flying, the mosquito’s antennae are flattened against its head. But when he lands, he raises the antennae so that he can hear. To raise the antennae, a small amount of water from his system is pumped into the pad which increases its size by 25 percent and causes the pad to unfold, raising the antennae.

Nature is full of so many wonders that it would be easy for us to get lost in them. But every one of these wonders is designed by God to lead us to desire to learn more about Him – especially to learn from His Word that He wants a relationship with you through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, fill me with wonder and thanksgiving for all Your marvelous works, and especially for Your forgiveness for me through Jesus Christ. In His Name. Amen.

Steven Vogel. “Life’s Devices: The Physical World of Animals and Plants.” Princeton University Press, 1988, p. 255. Photo: Female mosquito. Courtesy of Alvesgaspar. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Romans 12:2

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

The human brain is the most complex arrangement of matter in the universe, and modern brain research is adding to this wonder.

But medical researchers are learning that if the part of the brain that controls your left hand, for example, is damaged beyond repair, other parts of the brain will take over for the injured part. This doesn’t always happen automatically, however. It takes effort on your part. If you don’t use the hand, the brain won’t work very hard to reassign its function to another part of the brain. It also works the other way. Even if the brain isn’t damaged, failure to use your left arm will result in a shrinkage of the brain area that controls it. So pianists, for example, will have a growth in the area of the brain controlling their skills, if they practice.

These discoveries fill us with more wonder over the incredible abilities of the brain. But they also tell us something about ourselves. We are not, as many think, locked into certain bad habits or sins. We are learning that the transformation of our minds by God’s power is not only something that happens spiritually – physical changes take place in our brains as a result of our behavior. Is your mind being transformed by the power of God, or is it being conformed to the world?

Heavenly Father, I thank You for the wonderful gifts You have given me. Transform me by the power of Your Word so that I may be more like my Savior, Jesus Christ. In His name. Amen.

“How Plastic is the Brain?” Science Digest, May 1983, p. 85. Was jazz pianist Thelonious Monk’s brain larger in the area that controlled his musical skills? Most likely!

Isaiah 34:4

“And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling [fig] from the fig tree.”

Everything in the world is running down – nothing will last forever. It would be quite depressing if we didn’t know the reason for it and what God has done about it.

If glass were perfect, it would be much stronger than steel. But glass is not perfect; its surface is full of tiny cracks, too small for the human eye to see. These cracks slowly creep along the glass. This is why a glass can be dropped several times and not break. Then one day it will shatter into a million pieces. Glass “remembers” every stress it receives. If you jar the glass, the cracks can grow quickly – as fast as 60 miles per hour!

Most amazing is that this behavior is so strange, considering that glass is not really a solid. Glass never truly solidifies from a thick liquid state. Sometimes you can even see the sag caused by the flowing glass on windowpanes that are over a century old.

We encounter the natural degeneration of the world every day. As St. Paul writes, the entire creation groans under the consequences of sin. But thank God that He refused to leave us subject to decay and death – for He sent His only Son to save us from every consequence of sin. In Christ there is no more death and decay!

Dear Father in heaven, I thank You that we have not been left to be victims of the degeneration in the world because of sin. I pray that for the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, You would help me to always remember this. In His Name. Amen.

F. Flam. “Window on the Chemistry of Cracking Glass.” Science News, March 18, 1989, p. 167. Photo: A glass vase being created at the Reijmyre glassworks, Sweden. Courtesy of Jake73. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Romans 1:20

“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.”

Christians have often been accused of being naïve when they claim to see the evidence of intelligent design in nature. But sometimes even those who believe in evolution concede that we can learn a lot by studying nature.

Dr. Thomas Eisner, of Cornell University, pointed out during an interview that “every single new idea in chemistry has come not from the minds of chemists, but from nature.” In other words, even our greatest chemists go to the creation to learn their science.

Take the female assassin bug’s use of chemistry, for example. The female assassin bug will rub the resin of the camphor plant on her belly until she has a good store of it on her. Then, when she lays her eggs, she carefully coats them with the resin. It took chemists some time to learn that the resin acts in the same way as do mothballs against moths – it keeps ants from eating her eggs. So the female assassin bug has shown chemists a new ant repellent!

The reason that God’s hand is so evident in the creation is because He wants all people everywhere to know that He exists as a personal, intelligent Being. Once that is established in people’s minds, He seeks to draw them to a personal relationship with Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, I give thanks to You that You have sought me through the gospel and worked saving faith in Jesus Christ within my heart and mind. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Jane E. Brody. “Bug Lover Explores Nature’s Subtle Chemistry.” The New York Times, Jan. 10, 1989, p. C1. Photo: Orange assassin bug in Australia feeding on a beetle. Courtesy of JJ Harrison. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Proverbs 17:22

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”

Laughing is good for you even if it does begin with the release of adrenaline and other stress hormones.

Whether you are tickled or reacting to a good joke, at least seven different centers in the brain react in various ways. Your response begins with the release of stress hormones. Your normal breathing rhythm gets interrupted, and various neurotransmitters, including dopamine, are released. And, yes, your brain also interprets the tickle so that you cannot tickle yourself since your brain knows when your own fingers are involved. Scientists also believe that as you begin laughing, your saliva glands begin to secrete extra immune compounds. Antibodies and virus-killing T-cells are also released in larger doses. Your heartbeats also increase, and your blood pressure goes up to support the muscle spasms that result from your laugh. Those muscle spasms are actually a good aerobic exercise. In fact, one minute of a good laugh is said to be as good as ten minutes of exercise on a rowing machine!

Besides promoting social bonds, laughing is indeed good for you in many ways. Tickling is a common way that parents bond with their young children. And wholesome humor can cheer the heart and raise the spirits. Moreover, while laughing appears to have no evolutionary advantage, it is easily explained as a gift of God to raise our spirits.

Father, I thank You for the gift of laughter. Help me to use humor and laughing in a wholesome way. Amen.

Discover, 4/03, pp. 62-69, Steve Johnson, “Laughter.” Photo: Courtesy of Galawebdesign. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Job 21:22

“Shall any teach God knowledge? seeing he judgeth those that are high.”

According to modern thinking, intelligence is a product of several factors. Of course, the most important requirement is that the creature must be high on the evolutionary tree. Intelligence is also related to life span, the longer the better, and the fact that they are social creatures.

However, don’t tell this to a group of creatures who are considered very low on the evolutionary tree because they have very short life spans and are usually solitary. Various studies are showing that octopuses, cousin to the lowly clam, are among the most intelligent creatures on earth. Researchers have found that octopuses not only learn how to solve problems like mazes, but remember what they learn. They report that at one marine lab, some octopuses would sneak out of their tanks at night to eat fish in other tanks. But more indicative of intelligence is the fact that octopuses show personality. Different individuals may, for example, react to an unfamiliar item with curiosity, fear or even by attacking it. Another indication of intelligence is play. Octopuses will play with floating objects in their tanks in much the same way as a child will play with floating toys in the tub.

None of the traditional evolutionary explanations for intelligence apply to the octopus. Actually, none of those explanations apply to any creature since all received their intelligence from our Creator.

Father, I thank You for intelligence. Help me to use it wisely to number my days on Earth. Amen.

Discover, 10/03, pp. 46-51, Eric Scigliano, “Through the Eye of an Octopus.” Photo: Common octopus. Courtesy of Albert Kok. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic license.

Psalm 104:14

“He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth....”

The dodder is a very unusual plant and is known as one of the ten worst weeds found in the United States. A newly sprouted dodder seed does not bother to grow roots. Rather, it sprouts a tendril that grows out, looking for other plants. It has, at most, a week to find a plant from which to steal water and nutrients.

The dodder is a parasite and while it does not kill its victims, it will take enough water and nutrition to stunt their growth. The dodder actually costs California tomato growers $4,000,000 a year in losses. Researchers found that the species of dodder that causes most trouble to tomato plants actually “sniffs out” its victims. Scientists knew that plants emit pheromones or scents unique to each species. The researchers gave a sprouting dodder seed a choice of targets to grow toward, including a tomato plant. When the dodder seed sprouted, it immediately sent a tendril out to the tomato. In a more rigorous test, researchers connected possible targets in separate enclosures to the sprouting dodder with curved tubes. The dodder still found the tomato plant.

The dodder has no nervous system, and scientists marvel at what it can do. Rather, they should be marveling at what our Creator can do in providing for the needs of all living things.

Father, I thank You for supplying our daily bread as well as our eternal salvation. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Science News, 9/30/06, p. 214, S. Milius, “Scent Stalking.” Photo: Cuscuta europaea (dodder) in flower. Courtesy of Michael Becker. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Hebrews 6:7

“For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God....”

Many people like to have a nice perfume around the house. They brew a potpourri of mint, citronella, lavender and similar fragrant plants to make home smell more like home. But humans aren’t the only creatures that appreciate a nice smell around their house.

During field studies, scientists have found that a small bird called the Corsican Blue Tit also likes to have a pleasant-smelling nest. This was an unexpected discovery, made quite accidentally when one researcher discovered various sprigs of aromatic plants in dozens of nests. When she starts to lay her eggs, the female bird will begin keeping her nest stocked with fresh, fragrant herbs until all the eggs hatch. The birds prefer yarrow, citronella, mint and lavender. When researchers secretly removed these herbs from the nests that they were observing, the parent birds were quick to replace the fragrant sprigs with others. It also turns out that these herbs also have disinfectant and anti-pest characteristics. They inhibit bacteria and fungi and act as mosquito repellents. Rather than simply beautifying their nests or adding a nice perfume, the birds are also protecting their offspring from diseases and pests. You might wonder, Who taught them to do this?

As the Bible says, herbs are a blessing from God. They are not just a blessing to man, but also to many of God’s creatures.

Lord, I thank You for all of the blessings You have given us. I especially thank You that You sent Your Son to save us. Amen.

Discover, 11/02, p. 13, Josie Glausiusz, “Eau D’Oiseau.” Photo: South Island Takahē, one of a large number of rails, which also includes the Corsican Blue Tit. Courtesy of Glen Fergus. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.

Job 38:2-3

“Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.”

When we read biology textbooks or watch television programs about science and discovery we are led to believe that evolution is not a theory but a scientifically established fact. We are told with great confidence how life first arose on the ancient Earth or when each species first evolved and the precise evolutionary relationships between different creatures. And, of course, the impression is given that all of this is established beyond question.

But is that what scientists themselves are telling each other behind the closed walls of academia? In 2005, the scientific journal Science celebrated its 125th anniversary. As part of their celebration, they listed 125 questions that science has not answered. One of the questions was, “How and where did life on earth arise?” Apparently, scientists have not established the origin of life as a fact. Another question they said that science has not answered was, “What determines species diversity?” If this question has not been answered by science, how can science describe the history of the various species and their evolutionary relationships?

It would seem that the origin and evolution of life are not scientifically established facts despite how these are portrayed in textbooks and on television. These godless and fraudulent claims made for what is still the theory of evolution should not be allowed to deceive us and our children.

Father, I thank You for Your revealed truth in Holy Scripture. Guide us so that none are misled by the world. Amen.

World, 7/23/05, p. 30, “Unanswered Science Questions.” Illustration: Darwin’s finches, said to be evidence for evolution. In reality, it is powerful evidence against evolution because finches remain finches.
God's Unlimited Generosity

Psalm 35:18
"I will give thee thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much people."

There is nothing our Creator God does that is not intended to bring us closer to Him. Why? Because His purpose in making humans was to make someone to love. We exist because He wanted to love us and be loved by us.

There is nothing visible or invisible that is not meant to be of service to us. Consider the invisible angels who protect us. They rejoice when even one person turns to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Consider the heavens above our heads. There, God placed billions of stars – some much larger than our sun. There are giant pinwheel galaxies with millions of huge stars.

Countless billions of stars churn out more energy every second than we can ever hope to measure. What a lavish and beautiful timepiece to tell us when it is time to plant and time to harvest! God has given us more than the necessities of life. He has also hidden medicines within the bark of trees and the sweet-scented flower. He has filled that creation with splendor and beauty.

However, I cannot neglect to mention His greatest and most generous gift. When we sought our will instead of His, we withdrew our love from Him. His response was to send His only Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer our punishment for sin on the cross. And He rose from the dead on the third day so that we could have new life with our Creator again. Oh, that our thanksgiving to God could be as unlimited as His generosity!

Prayer: How can I offer You, dear God, a gift that is suitable to show my thanksgiving to You for Your generosity to me? Even my life is a pittance compared to Your gifts. Yet, that is all You ask. Fill me with joy in giving You my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Psalm 4:1b

“Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.”

Insects offer some novel designs. For example, they can have ears on their stomachs, wings or legs. Now, scientists at the University of Zurich in Switzerland have discovered an even more novel arrangement in the fruit fly.

Scientists have been aware for many years that fruit flies can respond to sound. Sound plays an important part in their mating rituals. However, scientists were unsure just how the fruit fly’s hearing worked. They also knew that their antennae, known singularly as arista, had something to do with the way the fruit fly can hear sound. Because an arista is so small, only 300 microns long, scientists have until recently lacked the ability to take the fine measurements necessary to find out what is really going on. Now, all that has been overcome, and we learn that the base of the arista, which also senses smells, actually turns each arista toward the incoming sound. In short, the fruit fly actually rotates its nose so that it can hear better. Researchers have since found a similar arrangement in related flies. They suspect that such an arrangement will be found in several related species.

As amazing as this arrangement is, God’s greatest wisdom is seen in His plan of salvation. Through His Son, Jesus Christ, He has gained the victory over sin, death and Satan for mankind.

I praise You, heavenly Father, as I see Your wisdom all around me, especially in Your plan of salvation for me. Amen.

Science News, 6/23/01, p. 391, S. Milius, “Fruit Flies Hear by Spinning Their Noses.” Photo: Male fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster). Courtesy of André Karwath. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.

Jeremiah 32:22

“And hast given them this land, which thou didst swear to their fathers to give them, a land flowing with milk and honey....”

While many people recognize the virtues of feeding their infants human breast milk, science is still learning its amazing secrets. Although cow’s milk contains many substances found in human milk, it does not contain certain very specific substances necessary to protect the infant.

Human milk not only helps protect the infant’s digestive system by discouraging bad bacteria, it also introduces and encourages good bacteria. In fact, some of the good bacteria that protect the infant are found in no other place on Earth. Oligosaccharides in milk kill bad bacteria in a way in which the bad bacteria can never develop immunity. Lactoferrin in human milk can suppress inflammation. It also boosts the immune system and kills viruses, bad bacteria and fungi. Not only does the mother’s milk pass mom’s immunities on to the infant, the milk’s oligosaccharides give infants immunity to germs the mother has never even encountered. The protein alphalactalbumin in an acid environment such as the digestive tract can even reduce warts and kill cancer cells. So far, alphalactalbumin has been shown to effectively kill forty different kinds of cancer cells. Use of this protein in preliminary clinical trials to treat bladder cancer has been promising.

While God has given us so many good things, we are still only discovering them. But the greatest of His gifts is salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Dear Father, thank You for all Your good gifts, especially the forgiveness of sins, eternal life and salvation. Amen.

Science News, 12/9/06, pp. 376-378, Julie J. Rehmeyer, “Milk Therapy.” Photo: Molecular structure of alphalactalbumin. Courtesy of Emw. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.


Job 38:41

“Who provideth for the raven his food? when his young ones cry unto God, they wander for lack of meat.”

A parasitic worm that matures on land but must breed under the water has some remarkable abilities to make this difficult trick possible.

The worm grows to maturity on dry land but must return to a body of water to find a mate and breed. It grows inside insects like crickets. The insects it infests are typically not aquatic, making this problem number one. When breeding time comes, the worm causes the insect to move in such an uncontrolled manner that it eventually ends up in the water. Once in the water, it takes the worm about 10 minutes to escape from the insect. However, an insect struggling on the surface of the water is very attractive to a hungry fish. This is problem number two. But if the worm can’t wriggle free of the insect before it is eaten, the worm has more abilities to put into play. The worm inside an eaten insect continues to wriggle until it finally escapes through the fish’s mouth or gills. Scientists studying the worm reported observing six escapes each from frogs and perch and more than 20 escapes from trout.

God has marvelously provided for this little worm. But then, this is easy for Him, considering He has provided us with escape from sin, death and Satan through the innocent death of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Thank You for providing for all Your creatures, Father, and especially for providing me salvation in Jesus Christ. Amen.

Science News, 4/22/06, p. 252, “Worm Can Crawl Out of Predator.” Photo: Horsehair worms, also known as Gordian worms because they often tie themselves in knots. Courtesy of Bildspende von D. Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Psalm 40:3

“And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.”

Birds do it. Whales do it. Now, it appears that male mice do it. They all sing!

Scientists have long known that mice produce ultrasound. Their pitch is about two octaves above what we can hear. For example, when mouse pups lose track of mom, they begin to cry so that mom can find them. Researchers carried out investigations to see whether there is any structure to the sounds that adult mice make. They did this by recording the vocalizations of 45 male mice. Then they slowed down the recordings to study them. The researchers found distinct syllables at about ten syllables per second. In addition, their “voices” also rise and fall in pitch at varying rates. The researchers then found that certain syllables were repeated, creating phrasing sequences that sound very much like music. The researchers compare the mouse vocalizations to the songs sung by whales and birds. While other scientists recognize that the mouse sounds are not random, they question whether they should be called “song”.

We know that music is a gift from God. It appears that God has been generous with His gift of music and just possibly has even extended this to the animal kingdom. However, only we humans have the privilege of praising Him with words and music for His gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.

I praise You, Father, for the gift and beauty of music and for sharing it with so much of Your creation. Amen.

Science News, 11/5/05, p. 293, B. Harder “Beyond Falsetto.” Photo: One day old mouse pups.

1 Corinthians 8:2

“And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.”

According to evolutionists, the early family of mammals called Diatomyidae has been extinct for eleven million years. Of course, as creationists, we do not accept this dating. This Diatomyidae family included rat-like creatures with long skulls, a furry tail and rounded ears.

Then, in 1996, a wildlife-survey team bought some strange looking animals in a meat market in Laos. This led to the discovery of living Laotian rock rats. These animals were placed into a family that includes porcupines and guinea pigs. Others argued that it belonged to a new family. The debate sparked a more detailed look at its DNA and bone structure by researchers in five countries. The results ruled out any possibility that the rats were related to guinea pigs. But the rock rat’s characteristic long skull, furred tail and round ears seemed to settle the matter. The Diatomyidae are not extinct, and the Laotian rock rat is indeed a member of this family. This discovery of thought-to-be extinct families happens frequently enough that such families are called Lazarus taxon or, more popularly, “living fossils.”

So, when evolutionists proclaim that this or that creature or family has been extinct for millions of years, it takes only one living specimen to disprove it. Furthermore, many creatures do not appear in the recent fossil record, and this puts the entire interpretation into question.

Lord, I yield all my wisdom to Your greater wisdom and ask for Your Holy Spirit to grant me heavenly wisdom. Amen.

Science News, 4/28/07, p. 260, S. Milius, “Living Fossil.” Photo: Guinea pigs. The Laotian rock rat is considered to be in the same family. Courtesy of Mike Russell. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.