Saturday, February 25, 2017



Galatians 1:8

"But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed."
One of the best strategies for overcoming an opponent is to fool the opponent into thinking you do not exist. Then you infiltrate your opponent and make him think that you are on his side.

This is the tactic used by the microorganism responsible for the potentially fatal tropical disease, leishmaniasis. The disease is spread by a number of species of tropical blood-sucking sand flies. When they attack, they inject some of the microorganisms into the bloodstream. Infection can cause painful skin sores. If the protozoans migrate to internal organs, they can fatally injure the liver or the spleen. The result, then, is a fatal disease called the black sickness.

Normally, the organism that causes the disease would be consumed and destroyed by the white blood cells as part of the normal working of the immune system. However, the bugs actually live within the white blood cells that have consumed them and subvert the cells themselves. They take over a cell's chemical machinery and prompt it to make a growth factor called TGF-beta. This chemical neutralizes the chemical that white cells use to kill the microorganisms. It's normally made by the white cells only after an infection has been stopped. In other words, the proteins fool the immune system into giving the all-clear.

We are most spiritually vulnerable when we think that we have lived such good lives that we are in no need of having our sins forgiven. That lie subverts our dependence on Jesus Christ, our only Savior from sin, in Whom we find forgiveness.

Forgive me, Father in heaven, for those times when I have congratulated myself on my goodness rather than relying on the only One who is perfect – my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In His Name. Amen.

Acts 17:2-3

"Then Paul, as his custom was, went in to them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and saying, 'This Jesus whom I preach to you is the Christ.'"
A debate has broken out over the image of the Messiah that's presented in one of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Two American scholars have claimed that one of the scrolls talks about the leader of the religious community being put to death.

Since the scrolls date from about 200 B.C. to 50 A.D., some scholars say that this means the idea of an executed leader is not unique to Christianity. Modern biblical critics view Christianity as a result of human social evolution rather than revelation. Therefore they try to find the evolutionary steps in the development of Christianity. According to their translation, the scroll in question reads: "and they put to death the leader of the community, the Branch of David, with wounds (also 'stripes' or 'piercings')."

However, Hebrew scholars convened a special seminar that brought together 20 scholars from around the world to study the question. They unanimously concluded that the original translation, offered by an Oxford scholar, is accurate. The correct translation says that the Branch of David will kill Israel's enemies, not be killed by them. They base this conclusion not only on the Hebrew, but on several other texts that speak of the Messiah as a leader who shall free Israel from her political oppressors. This was, in fact, the common expectation at the time of Christ.

It is impossible to understand Christianity when one rejects divine revelation. Christianity is not the product of man's mind, but of God's love.

Lord, I thank You for the revelation of Your Word in the Bible. I pray that You would make Your people wise and more knowledgeable so that they would not be easily fooled by those who do not accept Your Word. Amen.

James 1:22

"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves."
Can your ear talk to you? New research seems to show that your ear actually generates sound that echoes whatever you hear.

Startled scientists are making new discoveries that appear to show that we have hearing aids built into our ears. Yes, our ears do produce sounds. When sound hits the eardrums, the vibrations move bones within the ear, causing a bone called the stapes to vibrate. These vibrations are translated to pneumatic pressure within the cochlea. The oscillating pressure is picked up by tiny inner hairs in the cochlea that vibrate with the sound. These vibrations generate an electrical signal that is sent to the brain.

Researchers have learned that outer hair cells within the cochlea respond to the incoming signals by generating audible sounds that can be picked up by tiny microphones. The sounds are generated as the hairs dance up and down in time with the incoming sound, just like the cone of a loudspeaker. The effect is that the ear echoes the incoming sound a few thousandths of a second after it enters the ear. The echo generated within the cochlea is not necessary for hearing. However, scientists suspect that this feedback system helps people smoothly hear sounds that range from soft to loud. Some scientists have voiced their skepticism about these astonishing findings.

Our ability to hear sound is much more elegant in design than scientists ever expected. The technically precise details of the ear's design discredit all claims that the ear could have evolved.

Lord, let my voice praise You for all the great things You have done. Let me always be glad to hear Your Word and, assured of Your forgiving grace, put it into practice in my life. Amen.

Genesis 1:21

"So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good."
Whales can maneuver precisely through the world's oceans and ice floes and among each other. Herman Melville noted this when he wrote in Moby Dick that whales seem to be guided by a "secret intelligence from the Deity."

Much about that "secret intelligence" remains a secret to this day. It is known that sperm whales can echolocate in the same way that bats do. They send out a series of clicks from a special organ in their head. However, other species of whales lack that organ. Scientists think that other whales may use a less precise method of echolocation based on their low pitched calls.

Whales also use sounds to communicate with each other. Scientists have catalogued at least 23 different sperm whale click arrangements. Some of the patterns always follow other patterns, indicating that the clicks are a form of language. Some whales are believed to carry out conversations over thousands of miles. Scientists believe that some of the frequencies used by the whales allow them to communicate with other whales halfway around the world. The haunting melodies of the hump back whale are mating songs. The songs can last as long as 30 minutes. A humpback song will be the same within a single population of whales and sometimes within an entire ocean basin!

Whales are beautiful creatures. While they are intelligent, they are not as intelligent as once thought. However, they still glorify their Creator.

Dear heavenly Father, I thank You for making whales and showing forth Your glory and Godhead by giving them such wonderful abilities. Help me to use the abilities You have given me to glorify You, too. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Carpenter, Betsy, with Karen F. Schmidt. 1992. Whales. U.S. News & World Report, July 13. p. 58.

Job 12:9-10

"Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this, in whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind?"
Does a sea lion make a good scientist? Human scientists say that sea lions show a good understanding of complex relationships between variables.

At the Long Marine Lab at the University of California at Santa Cruz, sea lions are indeed in training for scientific careers. The sea lions will not only be doing research on themselves, but also on other sea creatures. One of their most interesting tasks is videotaping gray whales in the ocean depths. In fact, they are being trained in tanks to learn how to take good videos. Scientists feel that since the whales are used to seeing sea lions, they will behave more naturally than they do when human beings are taping them. In addition, sea lions can dive to depths that would be difficult for human divers to reach. The sea lions will also wear monitors that record their own body functions.

Trainers describe sea lions as more intelligent than dogs. Sea lions prefer interaction with humans, especially games, to food as a reward. One researcher noted that the sea lions now undergoing training will select a Wiffle ball rather than fish, when given a choice. Scientists say that the sea lions in training will follow a broad range of instructions if they are kept entertained. They will dive to specific depths and remain there until instructed to surface.

God has given His creatures intelligence based on their needs, not on their resemblance to man. This simple principle explains why the claims that man arose from the animal world are wrong.

Thank You, Lord, for the wonderful creatures You have made, especially those that interact with us. Help those who work with the creatures You have made to clearly see how these creatures glorify You and proclaim Your work of creation. Amen.

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