Thursday, October 10, 2024

WORLD AT WAR: 10.12.24 - PART 1

 Remembering The Bloodiest Crime Against Jewish People Since 1945 – By Olivier Melnick - Just one year ago, as I was packing my bags to take a group of believers to Israel, I woke up to the news that Hamas had invaded southwest Israel from the Gaza Strip. It was not long beforethe world was made aware of the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of 1,200 Israelis and that Hamas had taken 240 hostages back to Gaza. The world was in shock…Well, for about a week at least! Eventually, as the IDF started to respond with an incursioninto Gaza to rescue hostages and eliminate Hamas terrorists, the attention quickly turned away from Israel and to the Palestinians. We are now getting ready to remember the victims, the hostages, and their families while Israel is still fighting on up to seven fronts. From a human perspective, things are looking very bleak.Here are a few things to consider as we go to the Lord remembering October 7. • 10/7 was the bloodiest death toll since the Holocaust: I have always resisted comparing any event to the Holocaust for fear of diminishing the impact of the Final Solution in the minds ofpeople. This is especially true in our age of historical revisionism, relativism, and Holocaust denial. 10/7 changed everything! Again, 1200 innocent Israelis were murdered and 240 taken hostage by Hamas, of which over 100 are still in captivity, if stillalive. This makes 10/7 the bloodiest crime against Jewish people since 1945. NEVER AGAIN seems to have become two words without meaning to the global Jewish community. • The world needs to flip the narrative: One would expect the whole world to come to the rescue of Israel as they saw the results of the attack. Hamas asking for a cease-fire, reinforced bymany world governments, including the US, and asking Israel to show restraint is simply ludicrous. There was a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip up to October 6, 2023, with no Israeli control at all. Hamas broke the cease-fire. The accusations of genocide, ethnic cleansing and occupations needto be flipped. Even though Gaza is inhabited by “Palestinians,” it belongs to Israel. Nobody likes to hear this, but the “Palestinians” are the occupiers of Gaza and Judea and Samaria (the West Bank.) Israel keeps warning Gazans and Lebanese people before bombing areas to rid the world of Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists. On the other hand, Hamas and Hezbollah use their civilians as humanshields and private homes as weapons depots. Why has this never been reported in the mainstream media? Incidentally, we need to turn ethnic cleansing on its head. There were 600,000 Arabs in Israel in 1948, and through Zionist ethnic cleansing–do not miss the irony– there are “only 2,000,000” today. Every accusation thrown at Israel needs to be flipped and connected to Hamas and Hezbollah if we want the truth to be told. The perceived victims are the ignored perpetrators. • Israel has the right to defend herself: Any country in the world being attacked would immediately retaliate and nobody would find fault in that. It is the standard, expected response. IfCanada or Mexico were to shoot one missile onto US soil, the response would most likely be immediate, and nobody would ask the US to show restraint. Israel has been blanketed with thousands of rockets and missiles from Hamas, Hezbollah, Yemen, and Iran. Israelis defend themselves from all this by always going the extra mile to minimize collateral damage. They do it with surgical precision, as we witnessed in the case of the concerted beepersattack on Hezbollah terrorists. The 1917 Balfour Declaration, the 1920 SanRemo Resolution and the 1947 UN vote for partition validate Israel’s right to exist AND right to defend herself as a sovereign nation. • Now is the time for Christians to show support: Anybody reading their Bible will notice that Israel and the Jewish people are spoken of on so many of its pages. It is time for Christiansto help pull Israel from the grip of world antisemitism. 2,000 years of hatred against the Jews, too often at the hands of Christians, can be reversed. It cannot and should not be ignored, and now is the time to rebuild bridges. Jewish people worldwideneed to hear from their Jewish friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Israel needs Christian support economically and spiritually. • God is still in control: When God allowed the Holocaust to take place, He didn’t stop being in control, but we could call it the “eclipse of God.” He was always there, even if not noticeable.The prophet Isaiah reminds us that God cares for all souls in Isaiah 63:9, “In all their distress He was distressed, And the angel of His presence saved them; In His love and in His mercy He redeemed them, And He lifted them and carried them all the ancientdays.” Additionally, God Himself is watching over Israel as the psalmist reminds us in Psalm 121:4, “Behold, He who keeps Israel Will not slumber and will not sleep.” Finally, Jeremiah spoke of God’s unconditional relationship with Israel and His promise to NEVER allow for her destruction in Jeremiah 31:35-37. Simply put, if Israel disappeared from theface of the earth, God would have lied and failed, and He wouldn’t be much of a God at all. We do not know the thoughts of God or His decisions on a day-to-day basis, but we know His promises and covenants from His unchangeable and inerrant word. • Israel and the Jewish people need our prayers: Despite all this, the world needs to realize that a new leader is on the map. It is not the United States anymore. Israel has shown leadershiplike no other nation in the last few weeks. Even if the nations refrain from helping, Israel is done asking or waiting. They will most likely soon emerge as the leading nation in the Middle East, so they need our prayers. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6) is a very good start, but please, if you have Jewish people around you, let them know in no uncertain terms that you have their back in caseof need. •Israel is fighting a war on seven fronts. Pray! •Israel’s economy is suffering from almost zero tourism, and additionally, many reservists are called away from their everyday jobs. Pray! •Jewish people around the globe are experiencing antisemitism at levels not seen since the 1930s and 40s. Pray! •Israel and the Jewish people need to recognize that Yeshua is their Messiah and savior, today more than ever. Pray! ----------------------------------------- Is Israel Going to Try To �End� The Current Regime in Iran? - by Michael Snyder- Most people in the western world have no idea how serious the situation in the Middle East has become. I have been using the word �existential� to describe this conflict, because ultimatelythis is a war for all the marbles. Both sides are willing to do whatever it takes to win, and both sides are absolutely determined to utterly crash their enemies. Needless to say, Iran has been promising to wipe Israel off the map for a long time, and nowsome Israeli politicians are openly talking about regime change in Iran. At this moment, Naftali Bennett is the most popular politician in Israel. If an election were held today, he would be the next prime minister. So the fact that he just said that Israel should �topple Iran�s regime ASAP� is very noteworthy� �And I want to be very clear about our goal,� Bennett said. �Our goal is to topple � or should be to topple � Iran�s regime.� �That�s what we need to do. We need to topple Iran�s regime ASAP � certainly before they acquire a nuclear weapon.� Do you realize what it would take to achieve this? I do not believe that Israel would be able to end the current regime in Iran using conventional weapons. Of course once the Iranians are able to produce their own nuclear weapons they won�t hesitate to use them if push comes to shove. There has been a lot of speculation in recent days that the Israelis could strike Iran�s nuclear facilities very soon, and Donald Trump has just endorsed such a move� Criticizing US President Biden�s statements at the G7 conference that Israel should refrain from striking Iran�s nuclear facilities, former President and Republican candidate Donald Trumpsaid Israel should �hit the nuclear first and worry about the rest later.� At a campaign rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, Trump ridiculed Biden�s earlier remarks by saying,� �As long as they don�t hit the nuclear stuff.� That�s the thing you wanna hit, right?I said, �I think he�s got that one wrong. Isn�t that what you�re supposed to hit?�� He added that nuclear weapons are �the biggest threat we have.� Trump said, �His answer should have been �Hit the nuclear first, worry about the rest later.�� I have never heard Trump talk like this before. Once Israel strikes Iran�s nuclear facilities, there will be all-out war between Israel and Iran. And that could come a lot sooner than most people think. On Saturday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made it very clear that Iran�s recent missile attack will not go unanswered� Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday repeated his promise to strike back against Iran for its ballistic missile attack earlier in the week, saying Israel has an obligation to retaliateand will do so. Speaking from the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Netanyahu said: �No country in the world would accept such an attack on its cities and citizens, and Israel won�t either. �Israel has the duty and the right to defend itself and respond to these attacks � and it will do so.� According to the Jerusalem Post, the IDF is hoping that the military response that is being formulated will not spark an uncontrollable chain of events� The IDF plans to respond significantly but has not detailed the nature of that response. The IDF noted that the Iranians launched 201 missiles from Iran to Israel, some of which impacted targets. Consequently, there is a broad recommendation within the IDF to respond to the Iranian attack while minimizing risks and maximizing opportunities. I don�t see how this is going to end well. The Iranians have already said that there will be an enormous response to any Israeli attack on Iranian soil. I think that we are getting very close to the final showdown between these two nations. Meanwhile, Hezbollah just continues to pound northern Israel. On Saturday evening, 130 missiles were fired at Israeli targets� Heavy fighting between Israel and the Iran-backed Hezbollah militia in Lebanon characterized the front on Saturday evening, with Hezbollah firing 130 missiles into Israel and Israel continuingto attack targets in Lebanon. In response, the IDF absolutely pummeled Beirut on Sunday� Israeli airstrikes continued to hammer Beirut through the overnight hours and into Sunday, with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) calling them �pinpoint� attacks, but which has left Lebanesecivilians in the capital in a state of panic. Financial Times and others have called it the heaviest night of bombing on the Lebanese capital to date. Large fireballs were observed overnight, and towering smoke plumes in the dawn hours, as the IDF said it also struck multiple weapons depots and Hezbollah infrastructure across the country.The IDF has said it has hit 150 Hezbollah targets in the past 24 hours, including a building near a key road leading to Lebanon�s international airport. Subsequently, Hezbollah launched a volley of rockets at Haifa on Sunday night� At least six people have been injured after Hezbollah fired a barrage of rockets into the city of Haifa in northern Israel late Sunday. The Iran-backed militant group said in a statement that it had launched the rockets at Israel�s Carmel military base, while Israeli authorities reported rockets and shrapnel dropping aroundthe city. Haifa�s Rambam Hospital said it was treating six people who were injured in the barrage. It described one of them as �lightly to moderately injured� and four of them as �lightly injured� dueto shrapnel. Another person was suffering anxiety, it said, adding that all the injured were conscious. A lot of people out there don�t seem to get it. We have been witnessing escalation after escalation, and I am entirely convinced that the biggest escalations of all are right around the corner. This isn�t just another war in the Middle East. As I have been consistently warning, this will eventually become the biggest war in the Middle East. For now, both sides are not showing all their cards. But when the chips are down, neither side is going to be pulling any punches. So let�s watch and see what happens next. If Iran�s nuclear facilities are targeted, or if either side decides to use unconventional weapons, there will be no possible way for us to avoid all-out war in the Middle East. ------------------------------------------ Epic Transformations - By Daymond Duck - On Sept. 25, 2024, RT World News reported that UN Sec. Gen. Antonio Guterres was speaking to the UN General Assembly on Sept. 24, 2024 when he said: •The international community must seek global solutions to the unprecedented challenges that have gripped the world. •Geo-political divisions across the world continue to deepen, temperatures are rising, wars are raging with no end in sight, while nuclear posturing and new weapons are casting a dark shadowover the planet. •We are edging towards the unimaginable � a powder keg that risks engulfing the world. Guterres urged the international community to come together to manage the epic transformations underway and to join forces to steer our world to a more sustainable path. As I read this, some of the words seemed so ominous: unprecedented challenges gripped the world, a dark shadow, the unimaginable, a powder keg, epic transformations, and engulfing the world. If I wanted to tell you that the Tribulation Period is shaping up, I couldn�t think of words that would be more appropriate than the ones that Guterres used in his speech to the UN GeneralAssembly. I see a call for global solutions, a call for the international community to join forces, and it speaks to me of world government and the rise of the Antichrist. The Bible teaches that the Rapture is close and epic transformations are coming to the world. Here are some recent events that seem to confirm that epic transformations are underway, and the end of the age is close: One, concerning the UN�s desire to be a world government and the UN �Pact for the Future:� on Sept.25, 2024, Argentina�s Pres. Javier Milei addressed the UN General Assembly and said: •The U.N. is turning into a dictatorial monster pushing its will or ideology on the world population. •The UN has transformed into a Leviathan (monster) with multiple tentacles. •The UN has moved from an organization that pursued peace to an organization that imposes an ideological agenda on its members. •The UN allows bloody dictatorships such as Venezuela to sit on the Human Rights Council without reproach. •The UN is biased toward the Jewish nation (the only democratic country in the Middle East) while celebrating countries who �punish their women just for showing their skin. Israel�s ambassador to the UN applauded Milei and said, �In this hall where they slandered Israel all day, you expressed courage and supported Israel!� (More: On Sept. 30, 2024,Israel killed the head of the Hamas terrorist organization in Lebanon. On Oct. 1, 2024, the UNRWA confirmed that he was also employed by them as a school principal. Think about that: The head of a terrorist group that is trying to destroy Israel was employedby the UN as a school principal. In addition to that, he was the head of the teacher�s union in Lebanon.) (More: On Oct. 4, 2024,Israel declared UN Sec. Gen. Guterres Persona Non Grata in Israel. This man, who heads an organization that employs Muslim terrorists to brainwash children, can�t seem to open his mouth without condemning Israel, but he can�t seem to find anything wrong withIran or Hamas. He is now no longer welcome in Israel. An epic transformation of the UN is needed, but the epic transformation that Guterres is trying to bring about will be evil.) Two, concerning wars and rumors of wars, and the destruction of Lebanon at the end of the age: onSept. 25, 2024, it was reported: •With Hezbollah in Lebanon suffering great losses from Israel�s constant retaliation attacks, the terrorist organization asked Iran to directly attack Israel. •Iranian officials reportedly told their Hezbollah contacts that the timing is not right. •Iran likely wishes to avoid directly attacking Israel because doing so would give Israel the legitimacy to bomb Iran�s nuclear sites. (More: On Sept. 27, 2024,Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu told Iran if you strike us, we will strike you. There is no place in Iran where the long arm of Israel cannot reach.) (More: On Sept. 27, 2024,Israeli jets struck Hezbollah chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah�s central headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon. Israel used bunker-busting bombs because Nasrallah�s headquarters was under a residential building. Preliminary reports say Israel killed Nasrallah (a directdescendent of Mohammed), plus several Hezbollah leaders, some Muslim religious leaders, and some Iranian generals. If this is true, it will be difficult for Iran to take it and not retaliate.) (More: On Sept. 28, 2024,there were several reports that Nasrallah and several of Hezbollah�s top leaders are dead. Israel killed 4 this week, and that comes to 18 Hezbollah leaders in recent weeks. Their death will not end the war. Lower-level leaders will assume power, and how Hezbollahand Iran respond remains to be seen.). (More: On Sept. 28, 2024,Hezbollah fired a barrage of rockets and at least two missiles at large portions of Israel.) (More: On Sept. 28, 2024,Israeli jets struck several weapons depots and manufacturing sites in Lebanon.) (More: On Sept. 28, 2024,in Iran, it is now being reported that Iran�s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has gone into hiding. From his hiding place, he called upon other Muslims to help Hezbollah with its struggle against Israel.) (My opinion: At some point,God will draw Russia, Turkey, and several Muslim groups onto the mountains of Israel to help Iran, and they will be killed, too.) (My opinion: Hamas, Hezbollah,and the Ayatollah can hide in underground tunnels and bunkers, but it is impossible for them to hide from God. World leaders would be wise to leave God�s battleaxe � the Jews � alone.) (My opinion: As of now,the destruction in Lebanon, Syria, and Iran is far from being as bad as prophesied. There is more to come, and it is likely to come soon.) (More: On Sept. 29, 2024,it was reported that Nasrallah�s cousin has been appointed to replace Nasrallah as the head of Hezbollah�s executive council.) Three, concerning wars and rumors of wars and Hezbollah having troops on Israel�s border with Lebanon:in 2006 (18 years ago), the UN Security Council passed resolution 1701 that called for Hezbollah to keep its troops north of the Litany River (about 20 miles away from Israel�s border so rockets couldn�t reach Israel). On Sept. 30, 2024, the Lebanese government said it is now ready to fully implement that resolution. Lebanon and Hezbollah have been violating UN Security Council resolution 1701 for 18 years, and the UN has done nothing about it (and they want to head up the coming world government). Four, concerning God causing the Jews to return to the Promised Land at the end of the age: basedon Israeli government statistics, the population of Israel will top 10 million people (close to 8 million Jews) by the end of this year (at 6 pm on Oct. 2, 2024, on the Hebrew calendar, I think). Five, concerning a controversy over the return of the Jews, the division of Israel, and a rebuiltTemple at the end of the age: on Sept. 26, 2024, Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, told the UN General Assembly the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the exclusive property of Muslims and Israel is a terrorist state that does not deserve membershipin the UN. He said Israel is using the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel as an excuse to launch a genocide attack in the Gaza Strip and a war of genocide in Lebanon. He called Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir a terrorist for urging Israel to build a Third Temple on the Temple Mount. (My opinion: The Templewill be rebuilt regardless of what Abbas says. The significant thing here is that there is controversy over Israel, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount, and they are signs that the Tribulation Period is approaching.) Six, concerning the Days of Noah and wickedness at the end of the age: on Sept. 26, 2024, Israelispecial police and forensic teams released data (from thousands of video clips, testimonies, examination of bodies, etc.) showing that Hamas shot and burned alive 27 Jewish children between the ages of 0-17 on Oct. 7, 2023. Seven, concerning the Days of Lot and immorality in America: on Sept. 26, 2024, it was reportedthat Kamala Harris supports all aspects of the LGBT agenda, including gender transitions for children, indoctrination of children in schools, and tax-payer-funded sex changes for illegal immigrants and prisoners in the U.S. Eight, concerning the two assassination attempts on former Pres. Trump: on Sept. 25, 2024, Pres.Biden�s Sec. of Commerce went on MSNBC and called for Trump to be extinguished for good. Concerning former Pres. Trump: Biden�s Sec. of Commerce, Gina Raimondo, said, Like, how did we get here? Let�s extinguish him for good. We have an answer. We have a remarkably talented candidate who is sincere, who�s pragmatic, who�s open. Let�s just get it done. (My question: Is it legalto go on TV and call for the former Pres. of the U.S. to be extinguished?) Nine, concerning the destruction of Damascus, Syria, in one night: on Sept. 26, 2024, it was reportedthat about 40,000 fighters from Iraq, Yemen, and Syria have assembled in the Golan Heights and are preparing to fight against Israel. According to the report, Israel intends to send a message to Syrian Pres. Bashar al-Assad that these forces are unacceptable. On Sept. 27, 2024, it was reported that 5 Syrian soldiers were killed by an Israeli strike on a military site in the Damascus countryside. On Sept. 29, 2024, the U.S. struck 2 targets in Syria and killed 37 terrorists. Ten, concerning a borderless world and the decline of America: on Sept. 27, 2024, it was reportedthat the U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE) has sent a letter to U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales of Texas that says: •650,000 illegal alien criminals are in the U.S. •450,000 have been convicted of crimes. •227,000 are suspected of committing crimes. •More than 13,000 have murdered someone. •More than 25,000 have committed sex crimes. •More than 50,000 were using drugs. •More than 2500 have kidnapped someone. •More than 14,000 have been convicted of burglary. •More than 15,000 have been convicted of fraud. The list does not include illegal aliens that cross our border without getting caught. (FYI: America�s borderczar is Kamala Harris.) (BTW: Kamala is being criticizedfor wearing a $62,000 gold necklace from Tiffany and Co. during her recent high-profile visit to the border.) (More: On Sept. 29, 2024,Worthy News said, �After 158 U.S. House Democrats voted against deporting sex offenders, including child rapists, and one U.S. Senate Democrat blocked a bill to strengthen protections for unaccompanied minors, a Texas group is again calling on state leadersto act.) (My Question: What is wrongwith deporting sex offenders and child rapists? Are they deliberately trying to bring down America?) Eleven, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on Sept. 29, 2024, Israel retaliated for three Houthimissile attacks on Israel this month, including one on the previous day. Israeli jets struck a Houthi port that receives weapons, military supplies, and oil from Iran. They also struck power plants (10 explosions were heard, 4 people were killed, and 29 were wounded.). Twelve, concerning an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters at the end ofthe age: Hurricane Helene is being called apocalyptic. Some of the grim early statistics include on Sept. 30, 2024: •Ashville, North Carolina, only accessible by air (all roads in and out are blocked by mudslides, washed away, have damaged bridges, etc.). •Some North Carolina residents got more than 2 ft of rain in 24 hours. •The death toll in North Carolina alone is 133, and hundreds are missing. •The death toll is 30 is South Carolina, 25 in Ga., 11 in Fl. with numbers expected to rise. •Millions of people Fl, Ga., South Carolina, North Carolina, Va., W. V., Ky., and Ohio are without electricity (Many without food, gas, and water). •Wind gusts in Fl. up to 140 mph. •Billions of dollars in damage (now estimated to be $160 billion) and economic loss. •Multitudes are heartbroken and struggling to cope. Thirteen, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on Oct. 1, 2024, Iran launched about 180 missilestoward Israel, and Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets at Israel. Israel said Iran will pay a steep price for attacking Israel, and it will happen in the place and time of Israel�s choosing. The U.S. said it will dispatch a few thousand more troops and several more fighter jet squadrons to the Middle East to defend Israel. Here is my daily update on the Israel-Hamas war: Fourteen, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: on Oct. 1, 2024, Russia demanded that Israel withdrawits troops from Lebanon. Russia occupied Crimea (part of Ukraine) more than 10 years ago and invaded the rest of Ukraine two years ago, but they think Israel should get out of Lebanon. Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 (Day 355): The three hundredth day of the resumed war. Day 133 of the attack on Rafah. •Israel called up to brigades of reserves to fight in Lebanon. •Israeli jets assassinated Hezbollah�s drone chief. Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024 (Day 356) The three hundred and first day of the resumed war. Day 134 of the attack on Rafah. •Israel�s Prime Min. Netanyahu said reports that Israel is close to a ceasefire with Hezbollah in Lebanon are false. We are continuing to strike Hezbollah with full force. And we will notstop until we achieve all our goals, chief among them the return of the residents of the north securely to their homes. Friday, Sept. 27, 2024 (Day 357) The three hundred and second day of the resumed war. Day 135 of the attack on Rafah. •Israel shot down a missile fired by the Houthis in Yemen. •More than 30,000 citizens of Lebanon have fled to Syria in the last few days. Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024 (Day 358) The three hundred and third day of the resumed war. Day 136 of the attack on Rafah. •Israel started small-scale invasions of Lebanon to eliminate Hezbollah positions near Lebanon�s border with Israel. •The U.S. urged all Americans and ordered some of its embassy employees and their families to leave Lebanon. •Hezbollah said it launched missiles from Lebanon toward Jerusalem. Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024 (Day 359) The three hundred and fourth day of the resumed war. Day 137 of the attack on Rafah. •Israel said it had attacked hundreds of Hezbollah targets all over Lebanon in the past 24 hours. •Members of Israel�s opposition party are pushing for a ground invasion of Lebanon to push Hezbollah back across the Litani River so Israeli citizens in northern Israel can return to theirhomes. Monday, Sept. 30, 2024 (Day 360) The three hundred and fifth day of the resumed war. Day 138 of the attack on Rafah. •An Israeli airstrike on the home of the leader of Hamas in Lebanon, killed him, his wife, son, and daughter. •Israel confirmed that it has started a limited localized invasion of Lebanon to push Hezbollah away from its border. •Israel warned residents of Beirut suburbs to vacate their homes. •The Lebanese army has started withdrawing from several positions in southern Lebanon. •Israeli troops have started entering Hezbollah tunnels in southern Lebanon. •Israel shot down an explosive drone headed toward an offshore gas rig. •An Iranian cleric accused Israel of having access to demons and genies to win wars since Davidic times (Note: Jehovah supernaturally helps Israel). •Russia condemned Israel�s assassination of Nasrallah. Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024 (Day 361) The three hundred and sixth day of the resumed war. Day 139 of the attack on Rafah. •Terrorists killed 6 and wounded 9 Jews (4 critical) in Israel. FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go toHell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to Heaven (and He is the only way to get there; John 14:6). Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus isthe virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. --------------------------------- Raise The Alarm! - By Daymond Duck - On Sept. 18, 2024, posted an article by Sarah Holliday (reporter at The Washington Stand) that notes the opinion of several members of the US House of Rep. and severalwell-known individuals who were trying to �raise the alarm� about the UN Pact for the Future (discussed at the UN on Sept. 22-23, 2024). Here is what some of them said: Rep. Bob Good (R-Va): •In effect, supporting these efforts at the UN and the World Health Organization (WHO) is a vote to forfeit America�s sovereignty over its own affairs, experts say. •The current (Biden-Harris) administration is aligned with the international globalists that hate America, that hate the Constitution, that hate our Founders, and our founding Judeo-Christianprinciples. Rep. Ralph Norman (R-N.C.): •It involves the risk of ceding America�s authority, America�s sovereignty, to � China. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.): •We can�t allow this administration to �turn over our health care apparatus to folks from [an] institution that has no concern for us. Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX): •As a physician who has followed the WHO for many years now � I can tell you that the WHO, in particular, and the UN, in general, do not represent what�s best for this country. In fact, theydo everything they can to undermine us and defeat us. The Heritage Foundation: •In short, the Pact for the Future is an overt effort by the (UN) secretary-general to affirm that the United Nations should be the primary venue for addressing international development,international peace and security (peace and safety), and emerging technologies and innovations under its global governance. Frank Gaffney (Sovereignty Coalition): •Make no mistake about it: the surrender of our sovereignty to global government is the agenda of the UN Summit of the Future. Tony Perkins (Pres. of Family Research Council): •The Pact for the Future is a �global power grab. In America, we cherish the First Amendment, we cherish our freedom, and we cherish our families. Both are endangered under this pandemic accord.� It is important to understand that the Bible teaches that a Satanic world government will be established after the Rapture. Every nation, including the US, will be subject to that world government,and Jesus said, except those days be shortened, no flesh will be saved. Here is a link to the article: (HERE) Here are some recent events that seem to indicate that the end of the age is near: One, on Sept. 21, 2024, it was reported that the UN is meeting today to seek approval of the creationof a New World Order (world government) through a document called the �Pact for the Future.� In essence, the meeting is about revising the UN Charter to create a new, more powerful UN to rule the world. Two, concerning world government: on Sept. 22, 2024, the UN General Assembly approved a �Pact forthe Future� to unite the world (control earth�s population of more than 8 billion people). UN Sec. Gen. Guterres opened the �Summit of the Future� with these words: •We are here to bring multilateralism [as I understand it, rule by leaders over groups of nations, and I am speculating it will be ten leaders] back from the brink. •Now it is our common destiny to walk through it. •That demands not just agreement but action. Guterres urged the General Assembly to approve more than 50 actions, and here are just a few: •Prioritize dialogue and negotiations. End �wars tearing our world apart� from the Middle East to Ukraine and Sudan. •Reform the powerful UN Security Council. •Accelerate reforms of the international financial system. •Ramp up a transition from fossil fuels. •Listen to young people and include them in decision-making. There was some opposition, but the �Pact for the Future� was approved by the UN General Assembly. (My opinion: I don�t knowfor sure at this time, but I am wondering if the UN Security Council will have to approve the UN General Assembly�s vote.) Three, concerning the entire world being against Israel during the Tribulation Period, the divisionof Israel, scattering the Jews, and dividing the land of Israel: on Sept. 18, 2024, the UN General Assembly passed a Palestinian resolution: •That calls for Israel to completely withdraw its military from Judea and Samaria, eastern Jerusalem, and Gaza within 12 months. •That bans the sale of arms and equipment to the Israeli military. •That calls for a boycott of all products produced by Jews in those areas. The resolution was sponsored by 40 nations, and it passed by a 124-14 margin with 43 abstentions. It ignores any mention of Israeli security concerns, Israel�s historic ties to the Promised Land, or the Hamas terror attack in Israel on Oct. 7. (My opinion: Muslims andmany others are probably gloating over the passage of this resolution against Israel, but it is impossible to destroy Israel. Those that try to destroy Israel will cause God to intervene, and He will cut them into pieces; Zech. 12:1-14.) (My opinion: The resolutionis non-binding, and there is not a chance that the Jews will comply. For whatever it is worth, Israel will rebuild the Temple on the Temple Mount in East Jerusalem, and there will be Jews in Judea when the Antichrist defiles it at the middle of the TribulationPeriod; Matt. 24:15-16.) (My opinion: At the sametime the UN is trying to assume control over Israel, the UN is also seeking to assume control over the sovereignty of all nations. The Antichrist will rise to power, be given power over all nations, and except those days be shortened, no flesh will be saved;Matt. 24:22.) (My opinion: The deadlinefor Israel to completely withdraw in 12 months may indicate that the fulfillment of several prophecies is very close.) (More: On Sept. 19, 2024,Saudi Arabia reiterated that it will not recognize the existence of Israel without the creation of a Palestinian State. Dividing Israel will violate God�s covenant with Abraham � Gen. 17:7-8 � and trigger the Battle of Armageddon; Joel 3:2.). Four, concerning the accuracy of the Bible: it teaches that God raised up Moses to lead the Jewsout of Egypt and back to the Promised Land (Ex. 3). It says Moses and Aaron told the Pharaoh in charge of Egypt at that time, �Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Let my people go� (Ex. 5:1). Many scholars say the Pharaoh at that time was the one named Ramses II, and he took the throne in about 1279 BC (more than 3,200 years ago). At that time, Israel had been off the Promised Land for about 430 years (Ex. 12:40-41). Anyway, on Sept. 23, 2024, it was reported that archaeologists excavating an ancient fort in Egypt found weapons, hunting tools, personal adornments, religious items, Ivory kohl applicators,carnelian and faience beads, protective amulets, and a bronze sword with the name Pharaoh Ramses II on it. Israel is not occupying Muslim holy land. Israel is on land that God gave to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob thousands of years ago. Five, concerning wars and rumors of wars and an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah: •On Sept. 17, 2024, Israel caused thousands of pagers in Lebanon and Syria to explode. •On Sept. 18, 2024, Israel caused thousands of wireless communication devices (radios, walkie-talkies, cell phones, fingerprint devices, devices powered by solar energy, and others) to explode. •On Sept. 18, 2024, it was reported that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, IDF chief Herzi Halevi, and other officials all issued statements that appeared tosuggest a full-on war with Hezbollah was brewing, hours after a wave of explosions of walkie-talkies and other communications devices used by Hezbollah members across Lebanon caused widespread casualties. •On Sept. 19, 2024, Israel said we still have many capabilities that we have not yet activated. •On Sept. 19, 2024, the US Sec. of Defense said he fears that Israel could soon launch an all-out war with Hezbollah in Lebanon. (More: On Sept. 19, 2024,Hezbollah�s leader called the explosions a declaration of war and vowed that Hezbollah would recover and keep attacking Israel.) (More: On Sept. 19, 2024,Israel intensified its strikes on Hezbollah in Lebanon.) (More: On Sept. 20, 2024,at an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, Israel�s ambassador Danny Danon told Lebanon�s foreign minister, �You allowed a terrorist organization to build a state within a state and wreak havoc on your people. Instead of blaming your peace-lovingneighbor, the time has come to take action and curb Hezbollah, which is the only way to prevent further escalation. If you continue to ignore Hezbollah�s aggression, the pain and suffering of the Lebanese people will be on your shoulders.�) (More: On Sept. 20, 2024,Israel�s Defense Min. said he believes Israel has entered a new stage in Israel�s war with Iran and her proxies.) (More: On Sept. 21, 2024,an Israeli official said Israel�s explosion of Hezbollah�s communication devices sent a message: the gloves are off.) (More: On Sept. 21, 2024,a massive wave of Israeli jets struck about 400 Hezbollah targets in Lebanon.) (More: On Sept. 22, 2024,Hezbollah fired an unspecified number of rockets at northern Israel. Israel seized control of Hezbollah�s radio system in Lebanon and urged Lebanese citizens to leave southern Lebanon immediately. Israeli jets struck more than 800 Hezbollah targets in southernLebanon. Israeli attacks killed about 274 people and injured more than 1,000.) (More: On Sept. 23, 2024,the US announced that it is deploying more troops to the Middle East.) (More: On Sept. 23, 3034,Israeli jets struck more than 1,300 targets in southern Lebanon, killed at least 492 people, and wounded more than 1,600.) (More: On Sept. 24, 2024,Israel�s ambassador told the UN General Assembly that Israel�s conflict with Hezbollah will end when Hezbollah no longer threatens Israel�s residents in the north.) (More: On Sept. 25, 2024,Israel said it is preparing for a ground operation in southern Lebanon.) Six, concerning the decline of America and the creation of a borderless world government: on Sept.19, 2024, a committee report in the US House of Rep. called the border crisis a �crisis by design.� According to the report, the millions of immigrants that have deliberately been allowed into the US have damaged the US for years to come. (More: On Sept. 18, 2024,Elon Musk said the Democrat promise to provide illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship involves enough people to possibly ensure one-party rule in the US. This is a real threat to democracy.) Seven, concerning deceit and a lack of trust in the FBI and Secret Service: on Sept. 19, 2024, FloridaGov. Ron DeSantis said the FBI is refusing to cooperate with Florida�s investigation of the second attempt to assassinate former Pres. Trump. According to DeSantis, Ryan Routh broke several Florida state laws while trying to commit murder in Florida, and the FBI is refusing to share information with Florida investigators. (More: On Sept. 19, 2024,America First Legal (AFL), a prominent conservative watchdog group, sued the Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for illegally withholding records related to the assassination attempt on former Pres. Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania.Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut, expressed his frustration, calling the DHS�s response �tantamount to stonewalling.�) (More: On Sept 20, 2024,the US House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill (405-0) that enhances Secret Service protection for presidential candidates.) Eight, concerning the US turning against Israel at the end of the age: on Sept. 22, 2024, it wasreported that the US is backing a UN effort to shield UNRWA employees suspected of being active members of Hamas from prosecution in US courts. (My opinion: If the UNwasn�t a corrupt organization, it would act against employees that are known terrorists and not shield them. And if the US isn�t turning against Israel, it would not support the UN effort to shield known terrorists. The US is paying part of the salaries ofthose terrorists.) Nine, concerning an effort to bless Israel: in Jan. 2024, Franklin Graham (son of Billy Graham andfounder of Samaritan�s Purse) donated 14 armored ambulances to Magen David Adom (MDA; an Israeli medical group similar to the Red Cross) in Israel for use near the Gaza border. On Sept. 23, 2024, Graham�s organization delivered 2 of the armored ambulances to MDA, and he committed to provide 28 more (a total of 44 ambulances). Graham�s organization also donated 1,000 trauma kits with medical supplies, and he promised to build 3 MDA stations to improve medical services near the war zone. Here is my daily update on the Israel-Hamas war: Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024 (Day 347) The two-hundred ninety-second day of the resumed war. Day 134 of the attack on Rafah. •Hezbollah terrorists carry pagers that have lithium batteries that can smoke, melt, and catch fire if overheated. Today, 11 people were killed, and about 2,750 were injured (400 in criticalcondition; about 500 lost their eyesight) when pagers all over Lebanon suddenly exploded. Hezbollah blamed Israel and said they will retaliate. In Syria, 19 Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp members were killed, and about 150 were injured. Russia and Jordancondemned the attack. •US Sec. of State Blinken is back in Egypt to try to draft another ceasefire proposal and get all the hostages released. Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024 (Day 348) The two-hundred ninety-third day of the resumed war. Day 135 of the attack on Rafah. •There was a second wave of wireless communication devices (radios, walkie-talkies, cell phones, fingerprint devices, devices powered by solar energy and others) blowing up across Lebanonand especially in Beirut. At least 3 people were killed, and hundreds were injured. •Hamas threatened to increase the attacks on Israel in Gaza. •About 10-20,000 paratroopers were transferred from Israel�s southern command in Gaza to Israel�s northern command near Israel�s border with Lebanon. •Israelis received fake emergency text message alerts on their phones that are believed to have been sent by Iran to create panic among the citizens. Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024 (Day 349) The two-hundred ninety-fourth day of the resumed war. Day 136 of the attack on Rafah. •Hezbollah vowed to punish Israel for exploding Hezbollah�s pagers. •Israeli jets destroyed more than 1,000 ready-to-launch rockets in Lebanon. Friday, Sept. 20, 2024 (Day 350) The two-hundred ninety-fifth day of the resumed war. Day 137 of the attack on Rafah. •The US still has at least a dozen warships and 4 squadrons of jets in the Middle East in case the war spreads. •Hezbollah fired about 150 rockets into northern Israel in one hour. •The death toll from the exploding pagers is up to 32 with more than 2,400 injured (1,300 severely or moderately injured). •Israeli jets killed a top Hezbollah commander and 14 major leaders that were meeting in a basement in a Lebanese civilian neighborhood. Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024 (Day 351) The two-hundred ninety-sixth day of the resumed war. Day 138 of the attack on Rafah. •Israel started using bigger bombs against Hezbollah in Lebanon. Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024 (Day 352) The two-hundred ninety-seventh day of the resumed war. Day 130 of the attack on Rafah. •2 cruise missiles and 2 drones were fired at Israel from Iraq. •Egypt, a Psa. 83 nation, blamed Israel for the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon. •Netanyahu blamed Iran, a Gog and Magog nation, for using proxies (Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollah, etc.) to attack Israel. •In a video message to the international community, Netanyahu said no country can accept the rocketing of its cities. Monday, Sept. 23, 2024 (Day 353) The two-hundred ninety-eighth day of the resumed war. Day 131 of the attack on Rafah. •Israel warned Lebanese citizens near Lebanon�s border with Israel to immediately get away from places where Hezbollah uses or stores weapons. •Israel warned Lebanese citizens in the Beqaa Valley that they had 2 hours to leave before Israel started attacking Hezbollah targets there. Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024 (Day 354) The two-hundred ninety-ninth day of the resumed war. Day 132 of the attack on Rafah. •Netanyahu warned Lebanese civilians a second time to evacuate crucial areas and to leave their homes if they are hiding weapons because Israel�s military will not hesitate to strike if ammunition,military supplies, or terrorists are embedded in civilian homes. Netanyahu said, �I told you yesterday to evacuate the homes where Hezbollah has placed a missile in your living room and a rocket in your garage. Whoever has a missile in their living room anda rocket in their garage will not have a home.� •Israel killed Hezbollah�s #3 terrorist commander and 5 others in Beirut. •Tens of thousands of Lebanese have left southern Lebanon. FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go toHell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to Heaven (and Jesus is the only way to get there; John 14:6). Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus isthe virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. ---------------------------------- Israel Is Not Starting A �Wider Reginal War�� It�s Ending One � By Hal Lindsey - Israel�s attack on Hezbollah shocked the world. Why? Both the US State Department and the United Nations seemed appalled that Israel would attack an enemy that has fired close to 10,000 missilesat its citizens since October 7th of last year. What�s surprising about that? Do they think Jews should gently acquiesce when led from ghettos to gas chambers? Should the world�s only Jewish state be the one nation not allowed to defend itself? Such thinkingis distorted, bizarre, and bigoted. It is antisemitic to the core. Much of the world considers Hezbollah a terrorist organization. It has carried out attacks on Israel since it was founded by Iran in 1992. Those attacks increased over the last year, mostlyas an aid to Hamas and its terror war on Israel. Every time Israel does anything to slow down the ongoing attacks against itself, news reports include something like this. �Experts fear this could lead to a wider war in the Middle East.� But the view fromIsrael is that it is already in the bullseye of a regional war. The Hamas war on Israel has been ongoing for decades. According to its own charter, Hamas was formed for the purpose of destroying Israel. Until recently, it controlled Gaza. Because billionaireHamas leaders regularly diverted global aid into their own pockets, Gaza remained one of the poorest regions on earth. The poverty Hamas leaders caused led to more aid for Gaza � and more graft for Hamas leaders. Gaza borders Israel, the Mediterranean Sea, and Egypt. By sea and from Egypt, Hamas was able to bring terror supplies into Gaza with which to attack Israel. Until recently, it had a vast tunnelsystem for moving terror supplies into the area and into Israel. They put all this into motion on October 7th of last year. From the south, Houthis continue to fire sophisticated, long-range Iranian ballistic missiles � at Israel and at American Navy ships. The Houthis are a Shiite Muslim terror group working inYemen which sits at the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula. From the immediate east, Israel contends daily with the Palestinian Authority which governs Judea and Samaria (an area often known as the West Bank). This organization teaches terrorism asa way of life to their young, and they reward terrorists and the families of �martyrs� with handsome lifetime financial rewards. From further east, Iraq�s Shia militias continue to aid Iran�s regional war on Israel. To Israel�s northeast, we find Syria�s illegitimate government � a place of Iranian arms manufacturingand a platform for direct attacks on Israel. And then we come to Hezbollah in Lebanon. It and its thousands of missiles stand directly north of Israel. Each of these groups is funded and directed by the nation of Iran. Together, they encompass much of the region around Israel � east, west, north, and south. From Israel�s point of view, awider war started long ago and has become intolerable over the last year. They are fighting back. They would be wrong not to. Like all people everywhere, they have a right to their land and homes. And they have an obligation to protect their young. We call them Jews. In Joel 3:2, Jeremiah 50:6, and elsewhere, God calls them �My people.� He is not finished with them. The Bible tells us they have an amazing future. Today, may all who arecalled by His name, stand together with those He still calls His own. ------------------------------------------------ Nasrallah Was a Direct Descendant of Muhammad! Most People Have NO IDEA How Serious Things Have Become- by Michael Snyder - A lot of big names have been killed in the Middle East during the past 12 months, but the death of Hassan Nasrallah is something completely different. As you will see below, he was believedto be a direct descendant of Muhammed. In Shia Islam, this is a really, really big deal. An attack on Nasrallah is literally considered to be an attack on the family of Muhammad himself, and this is why we are witnessing so much rage in Islamic nations allover the world right now. I don�t know why hardly anyone in the western world is talking about this. For Shia radicals, there must be vengeance for the death of Nasrallah. There simply is no other option. A lot of people in the western world seem to think that Nasrallah is just another terrorist that died and that he will soon be forgotten. That isn�t how it works in Shia Islam. As the Jerusalem Post has accurately observed, the death of Nasrallah is �nothing short of a seismic event in the Middle East�� The strike on the bunker of Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah is nothing short of a seismic event in the Middle East. With Israel having shifted the rules of the game, what comesnext? The risk of a broader conflict has risen, but there are also opportunities for a comprehensive settlement�everything now hinges on Hezbollah�s response. The central headquarters for Hezbollah was way underground, and so the IDF had to use more than 80 one-ton bombs to destroy it� According to Israeli media, over 80 one-ton bombs were used to �dig� deep into the ground and reached Hezbollah�s high command bunker, located under six apartment buildings that were completelyflattened. If you are convinced that Hezbollah will back down after this, you don�t understand how they think. Nasrallah was greatly loved by his people because they believed that he was a direct descendant of Muhammad. The following comes from Wikipedia� Nasrallah was often referred to as �al-Sayyid Hassan� (السيد �­سن), the honorific �Sayyid� denoting a claim of descent from the Islamic prophet Muhammad through his grandson Husayn ibn Ali. To those that believe in Shia Islam, Nasrallah was a living, breathing link to the founder of their faith. Nasrallah had three sons, and he actually named two of them after his very famous ancestor� Nasrallah is survived by his wife, Fatima Yassin. He also has three sons Jawad, Mohammed-Mahdi and Mohammed Ali, and a daughter Zeinab, as well as several grandchildren. In Shia Islam, there is a widespread belief that an apocalyptic figure known as �the Mahdi� will appear in our day and time. It is also believed that the name of �the Mahdi� will be �Muhammed�, and so that is why so many Islamic parents give that name to their male children. Following the death of Nasrallah, Joe Biden used the term �justice� to describe what just happened� The White House has finally put out a statement by early Saturday afternoon. President Biden has called Nasrallah�s death �justice� for the hundreds of Americans who perished over what theUS called a �four-decade reign of terror�. �Hassan Nasrallah and the terrorist group he led, Hezbollah, were responsible for killing hundreds of Americans over a four-decade reign of terror. His death from an Israeli airstrike is ameasure of justice for his many victims, including thousands of Americans, Israelis, and Lebanese civilians,� Biden said. The White House says the Pentagon has been ordered to enhance America�s defense posture and readiness in the Middle East. There are thousands of Shia Muslims in the swing states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that will never vote for Kamala Harris after reading that. Joe Biden doesn�t seem to understand that this wasn�t just the death of yet another terrorist leader. The death of Nasrallah changes everything. Hezbollah isn�t going to back down after this. Instead, they are going to go completely nuts. On Saturday, Hezbollah caused �the broadest rocket alerts Israel has seen during the war so far�� Large parts of the nation were targeted by Hezbollah rocket fire on Saturday, causing the broadest rocket alerts Israel has seen during the war so far, following the Israeli strike that killedHezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut, Lebanon on Friday evening. Starting hours after the strike on Nasrallah Hezbollah began firing small rocket barrages at northern Israel. On Saturday morning, they sharply intensified their attacks by launching two ballisticmissiles and multiple rocket salvos. Of course it isn�t just Hezbollah that is steaming mad. On Sunday, thousands of Iraqi protesters tried to storm the U.S. embassy in Baghdad� Thousands of Iraqi protesters attempted to storm the US Embassy in Baghdad�s highly secure Green Zone on Saturday, soon after Hezbollah confirmed the death of its leader Hassan Nasrallah inFriday�s major Israeli airstrike in Beirut. Iraq�s Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani called strike on Nasrallah �a crime that shows the Zionist entity has crossed all the red lines.� In Pakistan�s largest city, police were desperately trying to keep a mob of crazed rioters from overrunning the U.S. consulate located there� Clashes took place Sunday evening in Pakistan�s largest city of Karachi as local police tried to disperse protesters who marched towards the city�s US Consulate to mourn the death of Hezbollahchief Hassan Nasrallah. Video on social media showed police firing tear gas and warning shots, with protesters throwing stones and trying to cross barriers blocking access to the US Consulate. The protests were led by the Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen, a Pakistani Shi�a Islamic political organization which told CNN that their nationwide protests were �peaceful.� And the Iranian government is vowing that there will be revenge� Iran�s supreme leader has said the death of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah �will not go unavenged�, a day after he was killed in an Israeli air strike in Lebanon. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei announced five days of mourning in Iran in response to what he called the �martyrdom of the great Nasrallah�, describing him as �a path and a school of thought� thatwould continue. Iranian media reported that a Iranian Revolutionary Guards general was also killed in the Israeli strikes in Beirut on Friday. Of course Israel is not going to back down either. In fact, the IDF took out yet another �high-ranking Hezbollah official� on Sunday� The Israeli military said Sunday it has killed another high-ranking Hezbollah official in an airstrike as the Lebanese militant group was reeling from a string of devastating blows and thekilling of its overall leader, Hassan Nasrallah. The military said Nabil Kaouk, the deputy head of Hezbollah�s Central Council, was killed on Saturday. Hezbollah confirmed his death, making him the seventh senior Hezbollah leader slain inIsraeli strikes in a little over a week. They include founding members who had evaded death or detention for decades. And the Israelis also just hit the Houthis really, really hard� Israel said it bombed Houthi targets in Yemen on Sunday, expanding its confrontation with Iran�s allies in the region two days after killing the Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah inan escalating conflict in Lebanon. The airstrikes on Yemen�s port of Hodeidah were in response to Houthi missile attacks on Israel in recent days, Israel said, amid fears that Middle East fighting could spin out of controland draw in Iran and Israel�s main ally the United States. There is no turning back now. All-out war is on the doorstep, and the U.S. State Department has just issued a very ominous order� The US State Department on Saturday ordered the families of embassy personnel in Beirut to leave the country and authorized the departure of some staff, as the Israel-Hezbollah conflict escalates. The department ordered the departure �due to the increased volatility following airstrikes within Beirut and the volatile and unpredictable security situation throughout Lebanon,� it said.All US citizens were urged to leave �while commercial options still remain available.� They know what is coming. This is the big Middle East war that I have been warning about, and only one side will be left standing when it is all over. When there are two opponents that are willing to do whatever it takes to win no matter the cost, that creates a situation where events can spiral out of control very, very easily. We should all be deeply saddened by what is about to happen, because very large numbers of people are about to die. ---------------------------------------------- Miracle Nation � Terry James - The plagues of Egypt�Genesis 7:14�12:29�30 The parting of the Red Sea�Exodus 14:21�31 The parting of the Jordan River�Joshua 3:14�17 The falling of the walls of Jericho�Joshua 6:6�20 The sun and moon standing still�Joshua 10:12�14 The angel slaying thousands�Judges 13:19�20 The miracles performed on behalf of God�s chosen nation are prolific. These astonishing movements of God to bring forth, establish, and perpetuate His chosen people as promised are the miracles we know the most about because they�re so profound in their impact.Whereas secular writers and pundits have most often relegated these miracles of God to legend and lore, evidence steadily emerges to validate the historical facts the Bible has chronicled. Archeological evidence of the total destruction of Sodom and Gomorrahis recent proof of the truth of God�s Holy Word. Certainly the monumental ways God has dealt with Israel and its enemies are important to consider when thinking on prophecy yet to unfold. The Lord has mightily intervened with Israel�s pathforward in the past, and He is prophetically scheduled to deal just as mightily in the Tribulation era. As a matter of fact, the primary goal of the Tribulation era�Daniel�s seventieth week�is to purge Israel and bring forth a remnant of God�s people who willbe part of the Millennial Kingdom of Christ. But, to the believing observer of these days and all that is transpiring on an hourly basis, it is undeniable that God is dealing at this very moment with His chosen people and their enemiesas surely as He has dealt with them in the past and is scheduled to do in the future. I refer specifically to the if not supernatural way, almost certainly the heavenly influential way Israel has again pulled off an intervention against their enemies� plans to inflict theirsatanic evil. We saw this heavenly influence years ago when the Jewish state, with the malicious computer virus Stuxnet, reportedly ruined almost one-fifth of Iran�s nuclear centrifuges. Targeting industrialcontrol systems, the worm infected over two hundred thousand computers. Iran�s fast-track program to produce a nuclear weapon came to an abrupt end�for the moment, at least. Now we witness, I absolutely believe, God�s intervention�His influence�that was used to protect against something big in the way of Israel�s enemies� plans to again attack Israel. The followingreports the matter, with which by now most are familiar. [Around 2,800 Hezbollah operatives were wounded across Lebanon as communication devices exploded.] [Most of them were] Hezbollah operatives [who] were wounded across Lebanon on Tuesday afternoon when their communication devices mysteriously exploded at around the same time, according toReuters and local reports. Several hours after the incident, Hezbollah said in an official statement: �At 15:30, a large number of pagers exploded, many people were injured. A Lebanese girl and two Hezbollah memberswere killed in the incident, along with a large number of injured.� �An extensive security investigation is being conducted to find out the reasons for the explosions. We pray for the speedy recovery of the wounded and call to be careful of spreading rumorsthat help the enemy. The resistance is in the highest readiness to defend Lebanon and its people,� the statement read. A Hezbollah source told the Qatari Al Araby Al-Jadeed: �Israel remotely hacked into Hezbollah�s unique communication devices and blew them up.� In the evening, Lebanon�s Health Minister said there were at least eight dead and over 2750 wounded, including around 200 in serious condition. The son of Ali Ammar, a Lebanese parliament member for Hezbollah, died as a result of a pager explosion, two security sources tell Reuters. Among those wounded in the explosions is the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amani, according to Iranian state-owned Mehr News. In addition, the Saudi outlet al-Hadath said senior commandersof Hezbollah were wounded. (�Mysterious Explosions Come as Israeli Leaders Hold �Dramatic� Discussion about Northern Front,� All Israel News Staff, September 17, 2024, Updated: September 18, 2024) Since the explosions of the pagers, hundreds of other devices used to communicate between terrorists have exploded, killing or wounding many who held them. Lest one is tempted to think these were innocents, with the exception, sadly, of the young girl being killed by the exploding devices, these terrorists had been told to use the pagers in orderto not be tracked through their cell phones by the Israeli IDF. Thus, their nefarious plans to attack the hated Israel were foiled. This warning to the terrorists to use the pagers were given through recorded orders by a high-ranking terrorist leader, so theproof of the pagers� use to do Israel harm exists in a digital paper trail; Israel�s actions were both brilliant and warranted. I recently heard one American senator or US representative state he wasn�t the least bit worried about Israel�s destruction by its millions of enemies that surround the Jewish state. He statedthat God�s Word assures their perpetual existence. I say �Amen� to that sentiment. Israel is the miracle nation among all the nations of earth. That truth continues to be played out through hourly news cycles. Undoubtedly we will see muchmore of that truth on display until the Rapture of the Church�at which time we will �watch from the balconies of Heaven,� as my great late friend Chuck Missler was fond of saying. --------------------------------------------------- Israeli Forces Enter Lebanon - This Is The Moment - Hezbollah �Ready For War� - Iran Asks Other Islamic Nations To Fight - by Michael Snyder - The next stage of the Big Middle East War has begun. On Monday, IDF troops crossed the border and entered southern Lebanon. Over and over again, Hezbollah has stated that there will be �all-outwar� if this happens. So now we will watch and see what happens in the coming hours. Will Hezbollah decide to launch thousands upon thousands of missiles toward Israeli cities? Will other parties join the fight? This stage of the war is going to look completelydifferent from Israel�s war against Hamas. Hezbollah is a formidable enemy, and it has very powerful friends. Earlier on Monday, the Washington Post was reporting that Israel was �planning a limited ground operation in Lebanon�� Israel is planning a limited ground operation in Lebanon that could start imminently, Israel has told Washington, a U.S. official said � an account corroborated by an Israeli familiar withmilitary deliberations. Israel�s planned campaign would be smaller than its last war against Hezbollah in 2006 and would focus on clearing out militant infrastructure along the border to remove the threat to Israeli border communities, the U.S. official said,speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss private talks between the two governments. Of course using the word �limited� is not going to make Hezbollah feel better about things one bit. For Hezbollah, this is the big showdown that they have been preparing for all these years. As Monday progressed, it became clear that something big was about to happen. We were being told that �hundreds of Israeli tanks� were lined up on the border, and that usually only means onething� Hundreds of Israeli tanks have lined up along the Lebanon border as fears grow over an anticipated ground invasion that could plunge the Middle East into an all-out war. It came as Israel also launched a fresh wave of airstrikes against Houthi ­targets in Yemen on Sunday amid fears that the raging conflict could spill out across the region. The Israel-Hamas war has escalated in recent days after the IDF said it had wiped out Hezbollah�s top brass in the airstrike on southern Beirut that killed the group�s leader, Hassan Nasrallah. The Biden administration was hoping for peace until the very last moment, but everyone could see that their efforts weren�t going to make a difference. Just a little while ago, the Jerusalem Post reported that �IDF soldiers entered southern Lebanon�� IDF soldiers entered southern Lebanon as part of a ground assault on Monday night as the conflict with Hezbollah continues to escalate, AFP reported. This is the first IDF ground operation in Lebanon since the Second Lebanon War in 2006. This follows earlier reports that Israel notified the US that it intends to launch a limited ground operation into Lebanon that could begin within hours, a US official confirmed to CBS onMonday. Other news sources have reported that an Israeli incursion could come within the coming days. There is no going back now. I know that I have been saying that a lot lately, but it is true. When asked about what was happening, one retired Israeli general told CNN that this �is the moment�� �This is the moment,� Retired Israeli Brig. Gen. Aviv Amiri has told CNN. The southern areas were reportedly subject to carpet bombing raids within the hours prior to the border breach. �We cannot create terms for Israelis to return to their homes without pushing Hezbollah out of South Lebanon, certainly at minimum eight miles, which would be anti-tank missile range,� Amirihas said. Even if the Israelis are able to push Hezbollah all the way back to the Litani River, do they actually believe that this will be the end of it? No way. As long as there is a single IDF soldier on Lebanese soil, Hezbollah will be fighting with everything that they have got. On Monday, Hezbollah�s acting leader insisted that his organization is ready for war� Despite the body blows dealt by Israel, Hezbollah�s deputy leader claimed Monday that the group�s �military capabilities are solid,� that it �will continue along the same path� it has beenon for months � and that it is ready for a war with Israel. When Israel went into Gaza, Hamas really didn�t have anyone else that it could depend upon. But Hezbollah is a completely different story. For months, fighters from all over the Middle East have been pouring into southern Lebanon. And the rest of Hezbollah�s alliance is not just going to sit there and watch Hezbollah get defeated. In fact, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian is already calling for other Islamic nations to join the fight� In a pre-recorded interview that aired Sunday on CNN�s �Fareed Zakaria GPS,� President Masoud Pezeshkian placed the blame for the ongoing violence in that region squarely on Israel, as opposedto his own country or Hezbollah, the belligerent group it has sponsored for decades. �Hezbollah by herself cannot stand against a country that is armed to the teeth,� he told Zakaria, �and has access to weapons systems that are far superior to anything else.� Speaking to Zakaria through an interpreter, Pezeshkian added: �Islamic countries must convene meeting in order to formulate a reaction to what is occurring. Now, if we�re speaking of Hezbollahalone, what can Hezbollah do alone? The regional countries, Islamic countries must sit together.� I have a feeling that this thing is going to escalate quite rapidly. And as I discussed the other day, this is all happening as �the Comet of the Century� is flying through the sky above our heads and a �ring of fire� solar eclipse is about to appear on RoshHashanah. Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine just continues to escalate as well. In fact, the Russians just established a new monthly record for drone barrages of Ukrainian cities� Russia fired missiles and drones at 11 regions of Ukraine, the Ukrainian air force said Monday, in a 33rd consecutive night of aerial attacks behind the front line and set a new monthly recordof drone barrages. In Kyiv, multiple explosions and machine gun fire could be heard throughout the night as the Ukrainian capital�s air defenses fought off a drone attack for five hours. We really are living at a time of �wars and rumors of wars�, and it appears that global events are about to spiral completely out of control. I realize that Israel is hoping for a �limited� war in Lebanon, but the truth is that there isn�t going to be anything �limited� about what is coming. Both sides are willing to do whatever it takes to win, and the horrifying devastation that we will soon see in the Middle East will shock the entire planet. -------------------------------------

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