Thursday, October 10, 2024

Vengeance Belongs to God Almighty

 Vengeance Belongs to God Almighty - By Rick Segoine - “‘Repay no evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves,but rather give place to God’s wrath, for it is written, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord.” (Romans 12:17-19). The Holy Spirit brings this particular scripture verse into mind in large bold print whenever I find my thoughts drifting into fantasy land and visualizing punishments that might match thecrimes of extremely evil people. Referring here to demonically possessed evil persons in positions of tremendous power, who are doing horribly evil things to cause great harm to multitudes of decent folks who have done nothing to deserve such malevolent treatment. Evil people doing evil things such as mandating vaccinations with now proven to be unsafe, ineffective, highly poisonous mRNA jabs and clot shots complete with crippling side effects includingdeath, and then threatening and, in many cases, imposing the loss of livelihood for non-compliance. To this day, they are still using insidious deceit to convince naïve people that the vaccines are safe and effective. There are recent television commercialswith catchy songs and happy dancing people joyfully informing us that Pfizer is our best friend and has our backs. Or, child sex trafficking, where the traffickers are getting exceedingly rich, and the pedophiles get to continue to indulge in the sickest of behaviors at the expense of untold thousandsof innocent children. The evil mentioned above, in fact, goes hand in hand with the imposing of open borders here in America and in many European nations as well. Our streets and formerly safe neighborhoods are being filled with criminals and illegal immigrants of every sort, including rapists, fentanyl distributors, home invaders, sex traffickers,thieves, ruthless gangs, and heartless murderers. Not to mention terrorists, mostly of the Islamic jihadist sort, and thousands of military-aged single men from China. This is all by design and being carried out at the behest of the evil globalists and their bought-and-paid-for traitors and betrayers of nations, aka politicians. Politicians of both the Donkeykind and the Rino kind. Yes, the super-wealthy evil globalist elitists and their godless cohorts at the WEF and the UN, with their plans to bring all of humanity to their knees both economically and medically, andto depopulate the world with bio-weapons called vaccines, and induced warfare of all kinds, including civil wars. They are aiming for a more manageable one-half billion people, which they believe will more easily allow them to exert full control over everyone who is left to serve them, according to theirAgenda 2030. Or any number of other evil things that godless, evil, power-hungry people dream up, such as Transhumanism. Transhumanism and the mergence with artificial intelligence, whereas God createdhuman DNA becomes defiled and altered in ways that cause humans to no longer resemble the beings that God created in His own image. Instead, with Transhumanism, humans would become distorted “Frankenstein”-type monsters born out of the sick imagination of Lucifer and his Mengele-idolizing minions. Possibly the topper of them all, as to the evil things imagined by the deceived followers of Lucifer, is attempting to actually replace the wonderful, beautiful Creator of Life itself witha most hideous cadre of imposters. Themselves, soon to be led by the antichrist and his false prophet. These are just some of the evil things that are being done by evil people. Evil things inspire the dreaming up of ways to make them stop and to make them pay for their evil crimes againstGod Himself and against humanity, which God has created in His own image. However, vengeance is not mine, and it is not yours, and it belongs to nobody except God Almighty. Sometimes, because of my extreme dislike for wickedness and how much I seem to despise God-hating evil people for the merciless cruelty that they inflict on others, I am sometimes guilty ofdaydreaming about punishments that fit these vile crimes. When this happens, my Lord and Savior always leads my wayward yet highly creative mind back to a hill called Calvary and a cross with my Lord and Savior nailed to it (Matthew 27). As my Lord and Savior hung on that cross, He accomplished things that changed the world forever. Mainly, He took upon Himself the punishment for all of the sins of fallen mankind past, present, and future. That is all sins, including yours and mine. He did this when He first came to savethe world. He came not to condemn the world but to save it (John 3:17). He also set the bar for extending mercy. He set it very high that day upon the cross. He set the bar as high as it could go. Just as Jesus said in John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” As He was doing this very thing, He also demonstrated that no greater mercy has anyone than to forgive the ones who just tortured you and then murdered you. As for the men who beat Him nearly to death and nailed Him to that cross, and to all of those jealous religious hypocrites who instigated His crucifixion with phony charges of blasphemy, Hisonly thoughts were to forgive them. His thoughts were not about ways to punish them but rather thoughts of how to bless them with mercy. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). 2 Timothy 3:16 reveals that: “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 reveals that there is “a time to every purpose under heaven.” A time for God Almighty to bestow the greatest of mercies and also a time when He delivers the vengeance that evildoers so richly deserve and even seem to beg for. The vengeance that belongsto Him (Romans 12 17:19). In Psalm 139, verses 19 through 24, David says these words: “Surely, thou will slay the wicked oh God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men. For they speak against thee wickedly, and thineenemies take thy name in vain. Do not I hate them, oh Lord, that hate thee? And am I not grieved with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them as my enemies. Search me, oh God, and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts:And see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” David said those words many centuries before Jesus set the bar of mercy so very high as He hung upon the cross. And yet still, even with all of that being said, Jesus is able to transform our hearts into hearts capable of experiencing His remarkable mercy and truly understanding the will of God, asHe desires for none to perish while at the very same time despising evil. Although it is not God’s will that any should perish, God has revealed through the prophets and to John directly in the Book of Revelation His plans to eliminate evil and Christ-rejectingevil people from the face of the earth entirely and forever, but all in His own time and in His own way. In past history, God sometimes allowed an army or individuals to exact judgment upon something or someone evil. David was a mighty warrior who slew the giant blaspheming Philistine bully known as Goliath with one smooth stone. David also wrote, along with prophetic psalms, some of the most tender psalms and songs and love letters to God and to his fellow earthly sojourners that the world has ever known. Jesus, who set the bar of mercy and forgiveness so very high in His last moments upon that cross, was and still is also not only a mighty warrior but, to be sure, the mightiest of all warriors.The mightiest by far, with no one else even a close second. Yet Jesus had and still has the most love and the most mercy of anyone who ever walked upon the face of the earth. In His first advent, Jesus, as the Lamb of God, took upon Himself all of our sins and taught us how to love one another as well. When He returns, it will be as the Lion of the tribe of Judah.The mightiest of all warriors with supernatural powers that cannot even be challenged. Jesus gave the world a glimpse of the warrior part of His nature in His first advent when He overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple in Jerusalem. Like a whirlwind, He drove everyone out who had been buying and selling there and flipped over all of the tables and the merchandise that was on those tables. He said to them, “My house willbe called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of thieves” (Matthew 21:12-13). The anger Jesus showed that day in the temple in Jerusalem was a righteous anger and revealed just a little bit of what God’s wrath is like when He decides to take vengeance. When God takesvengeance, His anger is always righteous, and no one can stop it or even fight against it. Jesus, being God as the second person of the triune Godhead, and upon returning as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, shall be wielding the sword of God’s righteous wrath with the full powerof God Almighty upon the unrepentant evil doers on planet Earth during and at the end of the seven-year Tribulation, “the time of Jacob’s Trouble,” “the 70th week of Daniel.” The vengeance that belongs to God Almighty is outlined in great detail and forecast in advance in the Book of Revelation in regard to what is about to befall Lucifer and his entire networkof evil here on planet Earth, as the Tribulation races toward us. What Jesus did in righteous anger to the money-changers in the temple two thousand years ago in Jerusalem will soon be manifested on a world scale when all who have embraced evil will be crushedby the power of His Word. His Word, which is likened to a two-edged sword that comes forth out of His mouth (Revelation 19:15). Even some of the very same evil ones, perhaps the very same super wealthy abusers and misusers of free will, the very individuals all of us watchers are observing right now on Earth who arebringing so much misery and torment to so many here in these last days. The last of days in the age of grace and God’s unfathomable mercy. No names are being mentioned in this article because it would take up too much space, as there are at least several hundred bad actors playing major roles in the nightmare horror show thatthey, under the direction of their vile master, are inflicting on the inhabitants of planet Earth. Anyone paying attention knows who most of them are. These sinister, delusional, power-hungry lovers of evil and purveyors of wickedness are not going to get away with it much longer. The signs are everywhere (Luke 21:28-33). I have to honestly admit that although my first prayer really is for a miracle that all should repent and that none should perish, at the same time, I am longing for the day when AlmightyGod cleanses the world and eventually all of creation of those who have rejected salvation in favor of embracing the cruelty of wickedness. I just need to trust Him to justly decide when and which punishments fit the various crimes. To pray for both of these seemingly opposite concepts in the same breath is a mystery that is made understandable by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. There is a time to every purpose under heaven, and He who created and sustains the universe, in His great wisdom, great mercy, and with perfect justice, will have the final say. Thy Kingdom Come; Thy Will Be Done.

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