Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Luciferian Candidate

 The Luciferian Candidate - By Stephen Meehan - After recently watching a remake of the Hollywood film The Manchurian Candidate, I couldn’t help but notice some similarities between the plot of the movie and recent events that have beentranspiring around the globe in the lead-up to the Tribulation period. In the film, a sinister corporation – Manchurian Global – schemes how to get their chosen man into the White House to further their worldwide ambitions for global supremacy. In the present prologue, before the final seven years of human government and world judgments take center stage, it is obvious that Satan is working tirelessly behind the curtain to manipulatehis agents and operations into position to be instantly ready for action once the Church is gone and his plot can unfold for his world dominancy. The premise of the movie is to have the globalist corporation working with the military and geneticists to enable two unknowing army personnel to be chipped and implanted with devices thatallow the conglomerate to control these men to carry out their devious deeds. The men are unaware that they have been programmed to act at a moment’s notice and only go into action after a mysterious phone call triggers their robotic response. In like manner, Satan uses and controls a select few who have been given over to a reprobate mind and who are in positions of power and influence so that the enemy can coerce them into furtheringhis agenda. They have been ‘chipped and implanted’ to carry out his desires. They make themselves candidates for spiritual wickedness by pushing God out of their lives and promoting devilish doctrines. Do they do it knowingly? “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient” (Romans 1:28). A key aspect of the film is the way in which one of the army soldiers is groomed to become a leading political figure to assume control of the White House. The route he takes to get thereis eerily similar to what has been playing out in the run-up to the American national election. Life can imitate art, but the devil wastes no opportunity to achieve his goals. The soldier has no previous political experience, other than his father once being a former senator. His mother – a definite HRC type, America’s own Jezebel – is also deeply entrenched inpolitics and is the one heavily pushing – along with Manchurian Global – to get her son into the White House. The path he takes is like the present-day Democratic Party playbook. Although lacking any prior political expertise, he is nonetheless chosen to replace the current Vice-Presidential running mate to position him in place to maneuver into the top spot on theticket once the election has been won and the newly elected President has been “dealt” with. But that kind of scenario could never play out in real life, could it? When the two win the national election, it is time for the globalist cartel to remove the president and then install their VP as the one running the country. To do this, the president mustbe assassinated. They attempt to do this by using another implanted soldier to fire a high-powered rifle to kill the more competent president. Does that sound familiar? Recent events have followed a similar plot line. Two attempts have already failed in trying to destroy a former president now seeking re-election. Will the Satanic globalist entity make anotherattempt to clear the stage for the rise of their weak, incapable candidate? We read in Scripture that before the antichrist assumes power and takes control of the world’s affairs, 10 kings shall arise and will rule for a very short time before they cede their nation’ssovereignty over to the Beast. “And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but will receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their powerand strength unto the beast.” (Revelation 17:12-13). For that to occur, Lucifer must have his candidates positioned in key nations around the globe and has begun the process of weakening those countries from within so that they will not be animpediment to the antichrist’s agenda once he is revealed. It is obvious that this is what has been occurring globally. Get rid of the strong nationalist leaders and instead put in the devil’s puppets. Luciferian candidates, front and center, please! America has been bushwhacked and weakened under Obama, Biden, and Harris. These three stooges of the Satanic Global cabal have completely sold themselves out and have been ‘chipped and implanted’ to fulfill their master’s program. Everything that they have accomplished during their time in power has been ungodly, unchristian, and un-American. Apology tours; lighting up the White House in the homosexual “pride” rainbow colors; completely sold out to the promotion and funding of the abortion infanticide; sending billions of dollarsto Iran to allow them to go nuclear; opening up our borders to allow in those who hate America; stabbing Israel in the back; weakening our military by the WOKE nonsense; promote the “transgender” mutilation of boys and girls and disregard the protests of non-consentingparents; the failed Afghanistan pull out, leaving behind billions of dollars’ worth of military hardware for the Taliban to use; attempts to defund the police; and a myriad of other insane policies that have only one goal – to destroy the United States ofAmerica from within and carry out their master’s directives. Where else are we seeing signs of the once great nations of the world capitulating to the Luciferian apparatus? It is not a stretch to include the following nations that are already in theprocess of ceding their sovereignty to the soon-coming antichrist: Canada, Australia, Great Britain, and most of Europe. Who can deny that these countries are falling/failing? The globalists, including the pope, are strongly encouraging and demanding that most countries open their borders to allow an influx of Muslim immigrants. This kind of activity can only haveone outcome and desire by those pushing for it: to weaken the host nations, cause internal strife, and create enough chaos to ripen the conditions needed for the Beast to set up his operations. This is treachery and treason of the highest order. It is satanic. Luciferian candidates must be established in each of the key nations of the world to grease the wheels of the devilish steamroller, flattening away every obstacle in its path for Satan toassume control and carry out his globalist conquest. Nothing will be allowed to stop it. One such candidate is being propelled forward presently in America. She is too incompetent to even be allowed to give press conferences. She has no political expertise. She is weaker thanher former boss. The media is covering for her. In debates, they collude with her. She has no business being the Commander in Chief of the richest, strongest, and most influential nation in the world. She is the perfect empty suit for the enemy to controland to hasten the demise of our once great land. She will be robotic to his commands. Will the other candidate then be eliminated before the voting gets underway? Could it happen on election night, as in the film? Or, before stepping back into the Oval Office? It might be inthe script. As close as it appears to be before the Rapture happens and the Tribulation starts, it seems that there is not enough time left for the allowance of a second timeout from the trajectory thatour nation finds itself on. The inevitable will happen. The foretelling of our country’s demise is hinted at in Scripture. Make America Great Again is not Satan’s nor the Democrats’ goal. They prefer to Make America Go Away. Make us weak. Get rid of the deplorables. Shut down conservatism. Burn the Constitution.Control the media. Open the door for the Beast. Bring on world government. Set the stage for the emergence of Satan’s true Luciferian Candidate – the AC. “For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled” (Revelation 17:17).

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