Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Danger of the Collective

 The Danger of the Collective - By Sean Gooding - Genesis 11:1-6 “Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. 3 Then theysaid to one another, ‘Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.’ They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. 4 And they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves,lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.’ 5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. 6 And the Lord said, ‘Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they beginto do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.'” As we get closer and closer to the US elections, there is a lot of talk from the left about the collective; they have an agenda that destroys families, that will eradicate ownership, individualism,and even true Christianity, and make way only for the collective agreed-upon thinking. There is a saying that it ‘takes a village’ to raise a child, but the left has now taken that even further; now the child belongs to the village, and the parents have nopower or authority over their kids. When we read the passage in the text, it does not seem that there is evil in the actions of the people. They have not too long ago come through the flood, and it would seem prudent to stayclose together and work together. But this was in direct defiance of God’s command. In Genesis 9:1, God commands the sons of Noah to ‘be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth.’ These folks in Genesis 11 did the fruitful and multiply part, but they did notfill the whole earth. In defiance of God, they stayed close together and agreed to build the tower at Babel. One of the hardest things to learn and to teach is that partial obedience is still rebellion. These folks understood the wrath of God. They knew God. It is possible that they were still ableto see and visit the remains of the Ark. They understood that God was not a god who tolerated rebellion for long, and yet they did just that: rebelled. We know what God did here; He confused their languages and forced them to split all around the world. Butfor the past 4,500 years, the spiritual powers behind these types of rebellions have been working to bring the world back together. We are almost there. The EU parliament is built to picture an unfinished building like the Tower of Babel. Since we do not have actual pictures of the Tower, we do not know what it looked like. The unfinishedlook of the building is being observed here. In the foyer, there used to be a painting by Pieter Brueghel that depicted the Tower of Babel, and the motto is Europe: “Many tongues one voice,” is in defiance of the Lord’s confusion of the languages. Due to many protests, the painting has been removed. These folks know what they are doing; there is no ignorance here. The same spirits are working in the US and, yes, here in Canada, too.The blatant defiance of God is no longer hidden under wraps. Sadly, there is such an ignorance of the Bible and such a coordinated attack on the veracity of the Scriptures that many do not know the story of the Tower of Babel, and those that do dismiss itas mere myth. Those of us who take the Bible as the Word of God understand that there is a rebellion amongst us that is active and powerful. The people in leadership positions are not ignorant of who Godis. They are just as sold out to evil as we who trust in Jesus should be sold out for good. In Genesis 6:5, God says this: “Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” These modern-day folks pushing the collective all suffer from the same thinking problems; all of their thoughts are evil. From the attacks on the family unit that weaken the place of fathers,to the attacks on our education system to remove all positive mention of God or His word, to the promotion of sexuality in and amongst the youth making our girls and boys have to face the demands of sex way too early, and the attacks on the women, trying toconvince them that they are just like men and vice-versa, thus smudging the very clear differences that God created and all for the purpose of creating the mindset for a collective that will defy God and all that is good. They have succeeded in creating an army of uneducated, rebellious, and carnal people who have no room for God and truthfully don’t want anything to do with God, even if they did know Him.In the meantime, the people promoting the people pushing the narrative actually believe in God. The Pharisees knew who Jesus was; they simply did not want to submit to Him. They killed the Messiah, and they knew exactly what they were doing. The leaders oftoday are no different; they defy God out of knowledge of who He is, and there is no claim of ignorance on their part. How many politicians who support abortion rights also claim some kind of religious affiliation? How many professing ‘Christians’ also vote for leaders that promote abortion, promote the demiseof the family, promote the transgender agenda, and openly hate Israel? Why would someone who did not know who God was hate Israel? The only reason they hate Israel is because God loves her. This collective mindset is worldwide; look at what happened in COVID; people from all over the world, of all creeds and all languages, and from various backgrounds were manipulated and ledto believe that all not following the collective were evil and deserved punishments. We are told that in the last days, a man’s enemies will be the people in his own home (Matthew 10:36). I stress again, back to our text, while we do not know how long after the flood thiswas, it is certain that many of these folk knew the flood story; maybe the elders had seen the ark, and maybe some of them knew Noah. There was no ignorance here of what God wanted them to do. God wanted the people to have kids and spread throughout the earth.God knew what was coming if they stayed in one place, and He commanded them to spread out. This is the same kind of defiance that we are witnessing here. The people who built the EU Parliament knew and believed the story of Babel; there is no other explanation for their actions.There are no coincidences in these things. At the end of the Millennial Kingdom, after the successful, peaceful, and very productive earthly reign of Jesus, Satan will still be able to raise an army to attack Jerusalem (Genesis 20:1-10). There is no claimof ignorance here, just abject rebellion. None of us know the time of the end, but we are told to observe the signs of the times. Surely, the end of the age is near. God’s dealing with Noah’s time, His destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah,and His punishment of Israel under the Assyrians, the Babylonians, and Rome for their open rebellion against Him, His laws, and his loving offer of redemption reminds us that God’s patience, though long, sadly, does have an end. Lord, please help us! Forgive us for being quiet for so long, for looking the other way and being indifferent for so long that evil has taken root, and no one can come and deal with it butYOU. The collective is about to run headlong into the power of the Living God, and they have been convinced by the evil one that they can win. The people of Babel thought they could defy God andwin; they are wrong, and so are these deceived persons today. May the Lord have mercy on their souls, and by His grace, some will see the light, repent, and miss God’s judgment. God bless you, Dr. Sean Gooding Pastor of Mississauga Missionary Baptist Church Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church How to Connect with Us Online: Email:

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