Thursday, October 10, 2024

UN Doubles Down on Indoctrinating Children

 At “Summit of the Future,” UN Doubles Down on Indoctrinating Children - Alex Newman- Government leaders representing the UN’s 193 member states adopted a massive “Pact for the Future” that escalates and reinvigorates longtime efforts to indoctrinate children worldwide. Andof course, the entire scheme was justified under the guise of helping “future generations.” Education was central to it all. In fact, the final UN agreement inked on Sunday mentions education and schooling dozens of times, making it one of the preeminent focuses of the global pact.That does not even include the countless references to earlier agreements dealing with education. The UN’s vision on education has been relatively clear since the founding of the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) by humanists, socialists, and eugenicists. Inshort, all children everywhere must learn what the UN believes they need to learn. That theme was everywhere at the UN Summit of the Future. “We stress the importance of investing in, and ensuring equitable access to, essential services for all children and young people, especially … education,” the agreement explains. It alsocommits governments and global organizations to “investing” more taxpayer money in “accessible, safe, inclusive and equitable quality education for all.” “To fulfil their full potential and secure decent, productive work and quality employment, young people must have access to safe, inclusive, equitable and quality education,” the Pact forthe Future continues, adding that all schools everywhere must be connected to the Internet (no doubt so data can be gathered on the children). The language may sound harmless enough on the surface. But a deeper investigation into what the UN and its allies mean with those phrases reveals a nefarious agenda to standardize educationglobally — and to indoctrinate children with extreme political, ideological, and even spiritual views. In recent decades, global agreements have made those calls explicit, with the Jomtien Declaration and the Dakar Framework calling for global efforts to standardize education and reshape children’svalues. Agenda 21, adopted in 1992, explicitly called for infusing “spirituality” into education. Meanwhile, the UN created a “World Core Curriculum” based on the teachings of New Age occultist Alice Bailey, founder of the Lucifer Publishing Company. The program, which UN leaders haverepeatedly touted as something that should be taught to all children in all countries, remains a powerful influence even as Bill Gate partnered with UNESCO to globalize U.S. education with “Common Core.” One of the major points of the Pact for the Future adopted this week at the 79th UN General Assembly was to reinvigorate efforts to impose the UN 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goalson humanity. “We reaffirm that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is our overarching road map,” the Pact stated. Adopted in 2015, the so-called SDGs represent what UN bosses called the “master plan for humanity.” Among the goals by 2030 is everything from abortion and contraception access to nationaland international wealth redistribution and government control of production and consumption, as the text states clearly. But one of the most important items that transcends the entire “master plan for humanity,” Goal 4, deals with exclusively with education. “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality educationand promote lifelong learning opportunities for all,” reads the Goal summary, before getting into specifics. “By 2030,” the scheme reads, governments and the UN must “ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development.” That includes “education” on “human rights,” “gender equality,” “global citizenship,” and “cultural diversity.” In other words, children must be so brainwashed that they will not just submit to the UN’s agenda but will actively “promote” it. And while the ideological items may sound nice at first glance,a closer look reveals a sinister agenda. For instance, “gender equality” is cover for radical feminism, while “global citizenship” programming is just globalist indoctrination. One of the few displays at UN Headquarters throughout the Summit of the Future was UNESCO’s booth on Sustainable Development Goal 4. It featured slogans and images touting the UN’s increasinglybrazen efforts to centralize control over education around the world, as called for in numerous UN agreements. An executive for a major textbook publisher boasted in an interview with this writer that children across the United States are already learning about the SDGs and that Goal 4 is already beingfulfilled in America. “When it comes to getting education across, this is something we already do,” said the executive after her panel discussion. “Our company already goes into [U.S.] schools and educates children on the SDGs.” In talks at the SDG “media zone,” an endless parade of speakers — UN officials, corporate executives, PR hacks — moaned about how “misinformation” and “disinformation” were eroding trust inthe UN and its narratives. One of the major “solutions”: Brainwash children with “media literacy” programs. Separately, there were a half-dozen refences to the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the Pact for the Future. According to that instrument, education “shall be compulsory.” Perhapseven more troubling, what the UN refers to as education “shall further the activities of the United Nations,” reads Article 26. That provision alone should concern everyone. In essence, it means that any child whose education is not furthering the UN agenda is having his or her (or “their”) “human rights” violated.That would certainly include most homeschoolers and millions of children in private schools around the world. Unlike the God-given rights recognized by America’s founding documents, the UN declaration enshrines revokable privileges that can be limited or abolished on virtually any pretext. And asthe document states in Article 29, those pseudo-“human rights” can never be used “contrary to the purposes and principles” of the UN. The UN and its member governments are blatantly working to usurp remaining control over education from parents and families. And as they make clear in their documents, one of the big reasonsfor this is so children can be indoctrinated to believe in UN-backed ideologies that are incompatible with Americanism and Christianity. The Pact for the Future is an effort to “turbocharge” that process on education and across every other sphere of human life. But the push for globalism is only possible if enough young peoplecan be brainwashed to support it. As such, it is one of the most important fronts in the battle to preserve liberty, family, sovereignty, and Christian civilization.

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