Thursday, April 3, 2014


Proverbs 17:22

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”

Laughing is good for you even if it does begin with the release of adrenaline and other stress hormones.

Whether you are tickled or reacting to a good joke, at least seven different centers in the brain react in various ways. Your response begins with the release of stress hormones. Your normal breathing rhythm gets interrupted, and various neurotransmitters, including dopamine, are released. And, yes, your brain also interprets the tickle so that you cannot tickle yourself since your brain knows when your own fingers are involved. Scientists also believe that as you begin laughing, your saliva glands begin to secrete extra immune compounds. Antibodies and virus-killing T-cells are also released in larger doses. Your heartbeats also increase, and your blood pressure goes up to support the muscle spasms that result from your laugh. Those muscle spasms are actually a good aerobic exercise. In fact, one minute of a good laugh is said to be as good as ten minutes of exercise on a rowing machine!

Besides promoting social bonds, laughing is indeed good for you in many ways. Tickling is a common way that parents bond with their young children. And wholesome humor can cheer the heart and raise the spirits. Moreover, while laughing appears to have no evolutionary advantage, it is easily explained as a gift of God to raise our spirits.

Father, I thank You for the gift of laughter. Help me to use humor and laughing in a wholesome way. Amen.

Discover, 4/03, pp. 62-69, Steve Johnson, “Laughter.” Photo: Courtesy of Galawebdesign. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Job 21:22

“Shall any teach God knowledge? seeing he judgeth those that are high.”

According to modern thinking, intelligence is a product of several factors. Of course, the most important requirement is that the creature must be high on the evolutionary tree. Intelligence is also related to life span, the longer the better, and the fact that they are social creatures.

However, don’t tell this to a group of creatures who are considered very low on the evolutionary tree because they have very short life spans and are usually solitary. Various studies are showing that octopuses, cousin to the lowly clam, are among the most intelligent creatures on earth. Researchers have found that octopuses not only learn how to solve problems like mazes, but remember what they learn. They report that at one marine lab, some octopuses would sneak out of their tanks at night to eat fish in other tanks. But more indicative of intelligence is the fact that octopuses show personality. Different individuals may, for example, react to an unfamiliar item with curiosity, fear or even by attacking it. Another indication of intelligence is play. Octopuses will play with floating objects in their tanks in much the same way as a child will play with floating toys in the tub.

None of the traditional evolutionary explanations for intelligence apply to the octopus. Actually, none of those explanations apply to any creature since all received their intelligence from our Creator.

Father, I thank You for intelligence. Help me to use it wisely to number my days on Earth. Amen.

Discover, 10/03, pp. 46-51, Eric Scigliano, “Through the Eye of an Octopus.” Photo: Common octopus. Courtesy of Albert Kok. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic license.

Psalm 104:14

“He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth....”

The dodder is a very unusual plant and is known as one of the ten worst weeds found in the United States. A newly sprouted dodder seed does not bother to grow roots. Rather, it sprouts a tendril that grows out, looking for other plants. It has, at most, a week to find a plant from which to steal water and nutrients.

The dodder is a parasite and while it does not kill its victims, it will take enough water and nutrition to stunt their growth. The dodder actually costs California tomato growers $4,000,000 a year in losses. Researchers found that the species of dodder that causes most trouble to tomato plants actually “sniffs out” its victims. Scientists knew that plants emit pheromones or scents unique to each species. The researchers gave a sprouting dodder seed a choice of targets to grow toward, including a tomato plant. When the dodder seed sprouted, it immediately sent a tendril out to the tomato. In a more rigorous test, researchers connected possible targets in separate enclosures to the sprouting dodder with curved tubes. The dodder still found the tomato plant.

The dodder has no nervous system, and scientists marvel at what it can do. Rather, they should be marveling at what our Creator can do in providing for the needs of all living things.

Father, I thank You for supplying our daily bread as well as our eternal salvation. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Science News, 9/30/06, p. 214, S. Milius, “Scent Stalking.” Photo: Cuscuta europaea (dodder) in flower. Courtesy of Michael Becker. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Hebrews 6:7

“For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God....”

Many people like to have a nice perfume around the house. They brew a potpourri of mint, citronella, lavender and similar fragrant plants to make home smell more like home. But humans aren’t the only creatures that appreciate a nice smell around their house.

During field studies, scientists have found that a small bird called the Corsican Blue Tit also likes to have a pleasant-smelling nest. This was an unexpected discovery, made quite accidentally when one researcher discovered various sprigs of aromatic plants in dozens of nests. When she starts to lay her eggs, the female bird will begin keeping her nest stocked with fresh, fragrant herbs until all the eggs hatch. The birds prefer yarrow, citronella, mint and lavender. When researchers secretly removed these herbs from the nests that they were observing, the parent birds were quick to replace the fragrant sprigs with others. It also turns out that these herbs also have disinfectant and anti-pest characteristics. They inhibit bacteria and fungi and act as mosquito repellents. Rather than simply beautifying their nests or adding a nice perfume, the birds are also protecting their offspring from diseases and pests. You might wonder, Who taught them to do this?

As the Bible says, herbs are a blessing from God. They are not just a blessing to man, but also to many of God’s creatures.

Lord, I thank You for all of the blessings You have given us. I especially thank You that You sent Your Son to save us. Amen.

Discover, 11/02, p. 13, Josie Glausiusz, “Eau D’Oiseau.” Photo: South Island Takahē, one of a large number of rails, which also includes the Corsican Blue Tit. Courtesy of Glen Fergus. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.

Job 38:2-3

“Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.”

When we read biology textbooks or watch television programs about science and discovery we are led to believe that evolution is not a theory but a scientifically established fact. We are told with great confidence how life first arose on the ancient Earth or when each species first evolved and the precise evolutionary relationships between different creatures. And, of course, the impression is given that all of this is established beyond question.

But is that what scientists themselves are telling each other behind the closed walls of academia? In 2005, the scientific journal Science celebrated its 125th anniversary. As part of their celebration, they listed 125 questions that science has not answered. One of the questions was, “How and where did life on earth arise?” Apparently, scientists have not established the origin of life as a fact. Another question they said that science has not answered was, “What determines species diversity?” If this question has not been answered by science, how can science describe the history of the various species and their evolutionary relationships?

It would seem that the origin and evolution of life are not scientifically established facts despite how these are portrayed in textbooks and on television. These godless and fraudulent claims made for what is still the theory of evolution should not be allowed to deceive us and our children.

Father, I thank You for Your revealed truth in Holy Scripture. Guide us so that none are misled by the world. Amen.

World, 7/23/05, p. 30, “Unanswered Science Questions.” Illustration: Darwin’s finches, said to be evidence for evolution. In reality, it is powerful evidence against evolution because finches remain finches.

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