Thursday, April 3, 2014


Job 38:3b

“…for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.”

Modern medicine has increasingly returned to study how nature accomplishes medical miracles to bring the benefits of what they learn to mankind. Man has dreamed for thousands of years of being able to restore a severed spinal cord. Once the nerves running inside our backbones are severed, we permanently lose the use of our limbs below the point of damage.

Medical researchers have learned that the black ghost knifefish, native to South America, is actually able to re-grow its backbone if it is severed. The black ghost knifefish can even re-grow the spinal cord within the backbone and the supporting muscle structure!

What’s more, scientists have identified the layer of cells responsible for this re-growth. And the best news is that human beings also have the same layer of cells. Unfortunately, the layer becomes dormant by the time we reach adulthood. Researchers are currently trying to learn how that layer of cells, with its wonderful abilities, might be stimulated back into action if needed to repair a severed spinal cord.

This shows us that when we Christians talk about the clear evidence of God’s intelligence in the universe, we are not engaging in wishful thinking. Even our best medical researchers recognize the intelligence with which the creation is made and desire to learn from that intelligence!

Heavenly Father, I thank You that we can learn and benefit from studying how You designed things to work. But help me to never forget that Your most important work was my salvation through Jesus Christ. In His Name. Amen.

Regrowth of Spinal Cord Studied. Feb. 19, 1989. Photo: Black ghost knifefish. Courtesy of Derek Ramsey. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.

Psalm 40:5a

“Many, O LORD my God, [are] thy wonderful works [which] thou hast done...”

Most people are aware that it is only the female mosquito that feeds on blood. The male feeds on plant juices. It is also easy to see the difference between males and females in most species. The male has a distinctive pair of antennae. While the female mosquito’s antennae are difficult to see, the male’s looks like a pair of branched feathers coming out of its head. And if it weren’t for a very special feature, these large, feathery antennae would make it difficult for him to fly.

Each antenna is planted in a socket, next to which there is a pad made out of special protein. This pad is actually a water-powered engine. When flying, the mosquito’s antennae are flattened against its head. But when he lands, he raises the antennae so that he can hear. To raise the antennae, a small amount of water from his system is pumped into the pad which increases its size by 25 percent and causes the pad to unfold, raising the antennae.

Nature is full of so many wonders that it would be easy for us to get lost in them. But every one of these wonders is designed by God to lead us to desire to learn more about Him – especially to learn from His Word that He wants a relationship with you through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, fill me with wonder and thanksgiving for all Your marvelous works, and especially for Your forgiveness for me through Jesus Christ. In His Name. Amen.

Steven Vogel. “Life’s Devices: The Physical World of Animals and Plants.” Princeton University Press, 1988, p. 255. Photo: Female mosquito. Courtesy of Alvesgaspar. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Romans 12:2

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

The human brain is the most complex arrangement of matter in the universe, and modern brain research is adding to this wonder.

But medical researchers are learning that if the part of the brain that controls your left hand, for example, is damaged beyond repair, other parts of the brain will take over for the injured part. This doesn’t always happen automatically, however. It takes effort on your part. If you don’t use the hand, the brain won’t work very hard to reassign its function to another part of the brain. It also works the other way. Even if the brain isn’t damaged, failure to use your left arm will result in a shrinkage of the brain area that controls it. So pianists, for example, will have a growth in the area of the brain controlling their skills, if they practice.

These discoveries fill us with more wonder over the incredible abilities of the brain. But they also tell us something about ourselves. We are not, as many think, locked into certain bad habits or sins. We are learning that the transformation of our minds by God’s power is not only something that happens spiritually – physical changes take place in our brains as a result of our behavior. Is your mind being transformed by the power of God, or is it being conformed to the world?

Heavenly Father, I thank You for the wonderful gifts You have given me. Transform me by the power of Your Word so that I may be more like my Savior, Jesus Christ. In His name. Amen.

“How Plastic is the Brain?” Science Digest, May 1983, p. 85. Was jazz pianist Thelonious Monk’s brain larger in the area that controlled his musical skills? Most likely!

Isaiah 34:4

“And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling [fig] from the fig tree.”

Everything in the world is running down – nothing will last forever. It would be quite depressing if we didn’t know the reason for it and what God has done about it.

If glass were perfect, it would be much stronger than steel. But glass is not perfect; its surface is full of tiny cracks, too small for the human eye to see. These cracks slowly creep along the glass. This is why a glass can be dropped several times and not break. Then one day it will shatter into a million pieces. Glass “remembers” every stress it receives. If you jar the glass, the cracks can grow quickly – as fast as 60 miles per hour!

Most amazing is that this behavior is so strange, considering that glass is not really a solid. Glass never truly solidifies from a thick liquid state. Sometimes you can even see the sag caused by the flowing glass on windowpanes that are over a century old.

We encounter the natural degeneration of the world every day. As St. Paul writes, the entire creation groans under the consequences of sin. But thank God that He refused to leave us subject to decay and death – for He sent His only Son to save us from every consequence of sin. In Christ there is no more death and decay!

Dear Father in heaven, I thank You that we have not been left to be victims of the degeneration in the world because of sin. I pray that for the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, You would help me to always remember this. In His Name. Amen.

F. Flam. “Window on the Chemistry of Cracking Glass.” Science News, March 18, 1989, p. 167. Photo: A glass vase being created at the Reijmyre glassworks, Sweden. Courtesy of Jake73. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Romans 1:20

“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.”

Christians have often been accused of being naïve when they claim to see the evidence of intelligent design in nature. But sometimes even those who believe in evolution concede that we can learn a lot by studying nature.

Dr. Thomas Eisner, of Cornell University, pointed out during an interview that “every single new idea in chemistry has come not from the minds of chemists, but from nature.” In other words, even our greatest chemists go to the creation to learn their science.

Take the female assassin bug’s use of chemistry, for example. The female assassin bug will rub the resin of the camphor plant on her belly until she has a good store of it on her. Then, when she lays her eggs, she carefully coats them with the resin. It took chemists some time to learn that the resin acts in the same way as do mothballs against moths – it keeps ants from eating her eggs. So the female assassin bug has shown chemists a new ant repellent!

The reason that God’s hand is so evident in the creation is because He wants all people everywhere to know that He exists as a personal, intelligent Being. Once that is established in people’s minds, He seeks to draw them to a personal relationship with Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, I give thanks to You that You have sought me through the gospel and worked saving faith in Jesus Christ within my heart and mind. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Jane E. Brody. “Bug Lover Explores Nature’s Subtle Chemistry.” The New York Times, Jan. 10, 1989, p. C1. Photo: Orange assassin bug in Australia feeding on a beetle. Courtesy of JJ Harrison. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

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