Thursday, April 3, 2014


Hebrews 3:4

“For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God.”

An adult’s liver is about the size of a football and weighs about three pounds, making it the body’s largest internal organ. Tucked neatly beneath the ribs, your liver performs more than 500 different tasks. It is a vital link between your heart, lungs and digestive system.

Inside the liver is a bewildering array of microscopic veins in which each drop of blood is processed. Here, blood conditions are constantly monitored to make sure everything is up to standard. If more of certain substances are needed in the blood, they are supplied. Useless chemicals are broken down into useful chemicals. Proteins are made in the liver, blood-clotting factors are corrected, hormone balances are maintained, and poisons are neutralized. If substances are needed to fight an infection, they are produced and added to the blood.

The liver also stores vitamins and minerals and prepares itself to provide your body with quick energy when you need it. In addition, the liver makes bile, which is essential for digestion.

Structures like the liver have caused many evolutionists to abandon the idea that life is a result of millions of years of accidents. The liver is just too well designed and integrated into the body to have been produced by purposelessness and mindlessness. Surely it makes more sense to acknowledge a supremely wise Creator Who loves His Creation, including you and me.

I thank You, Lord, for the wonderful way in which You have made me and for the way in which You keep my life going. Help me to dedicate my life to You, not only in word, but also in deed. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

“The Liver: The Body’s Refinery” Discover, April 1984, p. 80. Photo: MDCT image, showing the liver in pink. Courtesy of Dr. I-Chen Tsai. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Proverbs 30:28

“The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in king’s palaces.”

About 10 percent of the 35,000 known species of spiders spin the familiar orb-shaped web. These amazing sticky silk constructions may be a few inches or even a yard across.

The first step in building an orb web is to cast out the highest horizontal silk line in the planned construction. Once both ends are anchored, the spider then pulls another strand below the anchor line into a “y” shape, then drops down while creating another silk strand to complete the leg of the “y”. Other anchor lines may be attached from the center of the “y” to solid objects before the familiar spiral of the orb-web is started. Despite all of this work, most spiders take their webs down, eating the silk as they go, every day before the sun comes up. One question that nearly everyone asks, and scientists cannot even answer, is why don’t spiders get caught in their own sticky webs?

Scientists who believe in evolution have come to the conclusion that since so many different kinds of spiders build orb webs, the knowledge and ability to do so must have evolved many times. But we think it would be absolutely amazing if it even evolved only once!

Proverbs 30:28 refers to the spider’s wisdom and skill, despite its small size. But we have to ask: Who taught the spider in the first place?

Dear heavenly Father, even the amazing spider shows forth Your wisdom and skill. Give me better sight so that I may more often see and appreciate Your wonderful works. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Photo: Courtesy of Rustedstrings. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Proverbs 8:12a, 22, 30-31a

“I wisdom dwell with prudence…The Lord possessed me in the beginning of His way, before his works of old…Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him; rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth…”

The amazing structure of the honeycomb has fascinated scientists for thousands of years. In the third century, the astronomer and geometer, Pappus of Alexandria, became the first to offer an explanation for why the honeycomb has a hexagonal shape.

Pappus explained that only three shapes could serve as candidates for a honeycomb cell – the triangle, the square and the hexagon. Any other shape would leave wasteful open spaces between each cell. Pappus noted that the hexagon holds more honey in the same space than either a square or a triangle. It also takes less wax to build, and the shared sides of the hexagonal cells cut wax usage even further.

But it was not until the development of modern calculus that scientists could fully appreciate the shape of the caps at the end of the honeycomb cells. Each cell is capped with a pyramid composed of three rhombuses. Complex mathematics shows that this shape, too, requires the least amount of wax for construction and that it allows honeycomb cells to be butted up against each other without wasting space.

Modern scientists who accept evolution talk about the design of the honeycomb as a great accomplishment by bees. But the more sensible conclusion is obvious. The twelve-sided prism, that is, six sides plus two ends of the honeycomb, is magnificent testimony to the mathematical wisdom of the Creator Himself!

Lord Jesus, I give thanks that I know You, the greatest of all wisdom, to be my Lord and Savior. Teach me and use me so that those who are wise in the things of this world may be directed to true wisdom in Your saving work. Amen.

Photo: Honeycomb with eggs and larvae. Courtesy of Waugsberg. Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2.

Genesis 1:28

“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth on the earth.”

In Genesis 1:28 God tells man to subdue the Earth. That command implies that God has placed, within the creation, many tools that man can learn to use for his benefit. After sin entered the world and sickness and death became a reality, God’s remarkable foreknowledge then became evident. One of the first antibiotics ever discovered by man has been in use for thousands of years. Modern researchers are just beginning to appreciate the wonder of this natural antibiotic that kills some 650 different strains of disease organisms, and is virtually non-toxic. Best of all, disease organisms don’t become resistant to it.

What is this miracle antibiotic? The metal silver. The ancient Greeks and Romans used silver containers to keep liquids fresh. American settlers often placed a silver dollar in milk to delay souring. Most of the world’s airlines today use silver filters on board to prevent dysentery. After testing 23 different methods for purifying water, NASA selected silver water filters for use on board the Space Shuttle. Japanese researchers have found that silver is even able to detoxify some poisons.

Isn’t it striking that even the inanimate world is filled with things that are so carefully designed to fit into the overall picture of reality painted by Scripture? And who says the Bible isn’t a book of science?!

Dear Father, we have only begun to scratch the surface in learning how to use all the wonderful things You placed into the creation for our benefit. We pray that You would guide us so that constructive discovery for the benefit of man may be done, and scientists would abandon destructive scientific work. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Photo: Electrolytically refined silver. Courtesy of Alchemist-hp. Licensed under the Creative Commons ‘Attribution-NonCommercial-NonDerivative 3.0 (US) License.

Proverbs 6:6

“Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise…”

Picture this: The setting was the scientist’s weekend cottage. The scientist had placed a saucer of chocolate on a wooden stool inside a bowl partially filled with water because ants hate water. And to further hinder the ants, the scientist painted the outside of the bowl with a coat of very slow drying glue. He was sure that when he returned to his cottage the next weekend, the chocolate would be untouched.

When he returned six days later, ants were swarming all over the chocolate. How did they do it? Well, the ants had crossed the glue because of the sacrifices of some of their heroes. It seems that a few ants had given their lives to form a single-file bridge of their bodies across the glue. Then they used pieces of grass and tiny pieces of wood to build a floating bridge to a leg of the stool, where it was an easy climb to the chocolate. The scientist also noticed that other daredevil ants were crossing the ceiling, stopping over the saucer of chocolate, and then dropping right into their prize!

Proverbs 6:6 and 30:25 mention ants as examples of wisdom, suggesting that those who are wise will learn from them. Wisdom is a gift of our Creator. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom while Jesus Christ is the depth of His wisdom!

Dear Father in heaven, the fact that all wisdom comes from You is a wonderful comfort in our world of foolishness and shallowness. Grant me true wisdom and understanding through Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.

Photo: Army ants forming a bridge. Courtesy of Geoff Gallice. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

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